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Trinidad "Douglah" 7 Pot

Think Jon Bulushi .......Douglah douglah douglah douglah

I love animal house.
I want some seeds
I want Neil to eat the........ DOUGLAH...... DOUGLAH...... DOUGLAH

be sure the first one out - i'm eating it, seeds & all :onfire:.

next comes full pods to:

my sponsor {who sent me the single seed}

the rest goes to seed & depending on how it tastes, i'll either put in a big crop & make a sauce or give them away.

It did grow bigger, faster & stronger here than the Orange Hab or asian birdseye...which is a little frightening :shocked:
lol - yeah i'm sure they will taste good & i'll be giving away piles of seed & i'll make a sauce .....

with all the chilliheads going eep eep eep {lol IGG}
was there a Knights that go neep refrence there I just detected and I think I am vaguely getting an acerbic in joke or maybe I'm just drunk lol. Gotta love Python.

Uh-oh. the first flower opened & then fell of 2 days later.

i'm not going to freak out
i'm not going to freak out
i'm not going to freak out
i'm not going to freak out
2nd flower is open & a 3rd close behind. Fingers & toes crossed. Prays to the great pepper god Scovilla :pray:

holding my breath until a pod forms :silenced:
That's really unlucky having the first flower falling off. The one flower I can almost guarentee not falling off is the first one, then it's usually down hill from there.
rainbowberry said:
That's really unlucky having the first flower falling off. The one flower I can almost guarentee not falling off is the first one, then it's usually down hill from there.

You're just trying to cheer me up RB lol ...or is it downhill when the first one doesn't drop?

I have faith in the great Scovilla ;)
teh purple penguins said:
bent, if you don't get one hanging on it was not meant to live by the great darwin. plus when the plant is bigger better pods :D

theres something all wrong about praying to the great Darwin lol
bentalphanerd my first flower on my poinsetta chilli fell of i was devasted..until a few days later the buds started to shoot up and now has 40+ flowers and the SUN IS OUT..YAYAYAYAAAYYAYAAYAYAYAYA:party:

ill sure be fine my friend.
bentalphanerd said:
i'm not going to freak out
i'm not going to freak out
i'm not going to freak out
i'm not going to freak out

i'll be fine as soon as a pod forms. Theres about 20 or 30 flower nodes in various stages of growth.

not worried yet....much