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Trinidad "Douglah" 7 Pot

Just had to update that my 7 pot's from Trini look healthier than any plants I have ever seen. The leaves are HUGE!!!

No blooms yet though, so cheer up Bent, it could be worse!;)
Douglah has been in the shroud for a week. I've been taking a peek in the top each night to make sure all is well. Tonight I removed it for a full inspection.
The thing is doing better than ever - check out all the flower nodes, and thats just a little of 2 of the branches!

Theres even a baby gecko running around (bit hard to see) He must have gotten himself in through the top at night when I bring it inside.
This solves the mystery of where those lady beetles went that I've been catching & dropping inside.

Anyone want to make a guess at how many pods are going to come from this.


Next flower in line has the petals out but not fully opened yet...theres about 50 or 60 coming along behind it.

my douglah pods start to look good (they are at the golden stage) but my plant is near death....But i'll get a lot of seed so this is way better than nothing !!!

I dont know if it's the a picture problem or maybe the sun,but my pod look more brown than red (the pods of trinihottie seem more redish than brown look :
got to say it..thats one beautiful plant must get some tips of you guys after the weekend as i scorched some of mine in the sun :(

and to make it worse they where all my habs to,looking pretty distressed..leafs fell of et and some look like they wont recover..its a learning game as they say..all the best with your douglah it looks great and nice weekend to all seeyas sunday :)
sorry QuebecFire about your plant hope it recovers for you and you can harvest the seed and still have a plant..all the best:)
Bent, I am curious as to what you made the shroud for the douglah of? It doesn't look like tulle unless it's several layers thick. Thanks for your help. Jackie
pepperfever said:
Bent, I am curious as to what you made the shroud for the douglah of? It doesn't look like tulle unless it's several layers thick. Thanks for your help. Jackie

Hmm, it looks like the polyester stuff on the backs of couches and the like. Non-woven polyester.

Here's a gander at similar..though large scale. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/cv201
I had a look on google for a real name for it but no luck. All it says on the wrapper is:

Plant Protection Cloth
PP Non Woven Fleece 17 gsm

....gives protection against insects, birds, animals, frosts, heat, hail, heavy rain and wind damage.

I got a 20 x 1 M roll of it at a big box store for around $10.