Trinidad Scorpion Appreciation Grow Event 2010

is it too late to join in? .................. i only set four yellow T Scorps on the 14th March.......... and three of them were fully out of the soil by the 22nd and the fourth one is a hook today......
grow log up date w/ pepper porn

8 weeks in,




the little guys seem to be doin fine, I'm about 6 weeks from plant out.
I'm not as experienced as most of you. My approach will be rather feeble by comparison as well, just a bit of compost in the soil, perhaps some follier feeding fish emulsion and guano tea. But that will be about it aside from the california sun.

I put my seeds in peat pellets last week and have 5 hooks of yellow scorpion cardi comin in. I'm so psyched man. Since I only have hooks going I'll wait to post pics till I have something even remotely close to what you guys have going. I'm a bit behind but I should still get some pods. I started seeds mid april last year and did well enough for me anyhow. Cheers and good luck to all.
I would love to join in with AJ's thread, but I have no idea if one of my superhot-looking babies is, in fact, a scorpion.

If there are any characteristics that would determine variety, let me know...! ;-)
i guess you'll have to wait until you see some pods!

first hook after 7 days....those first 7 days seem so long and boring....I know soon I'll be up to my neck in gardening, will post pics when I get camera back:onfire: