review Trinidad Scorpion Review

No video yet.

You're a macho mo-fo diver. Good luck getting your sense of taste back and the video up and running.
chilliman said:
I too have sound and no picture !

Just woke up. Last night was hell.
This pepper must have carried a curse. First it kicked my ass irl, now it's mocking me on the internet.

Uploading again.
I hate youtube so much right now.
After listening to the video I'm thinking I don't want to watch it. Hearing the amount of pain diver goes through you'd have to be a sick puppy to want to watch it.

Best of luck to you dude, hope the damn thing didn't hurt as much leaving as it did entering.
I have compiled a transcript, from the moment of ingestion.

"Trinidad scorpion... here we go!
Nice fruity taste. Little bit sweet at the start.
Starting to heat up already...
*indistinct* not a whole lot...
That's like.. a bomb just went off in my face.
That's hot.
*cough cough cough*
The heat is unbelie-AHH-unbelievable.
And it just keeps getting worse.. ohh..
It's a lot in the back of the throat. Ohh. Ahem.
Very hot.
Oh good grief.
This was a mistake.
I can't even really talk right now.
It's a lot in the back of the throat.
Drooling.. sweating..
*heavy breathing*
This one hurts, guys.
It's like my whole body is ringing.
The flavour was good, what i could tell, but this is just... unbelievable.
The back of my throat is just in 'meltdown mode'.
This was definitely too big of a step from orange habanero straight to trinidad scorpion.
The pain you get from a bee-sting... that's me.. my mouth, my throat, my ears.
This was such a mistake.
It's going up my jaw, into my ear.
It seems to have hit a peak.
Not good.
It's really a strange feeling. My whole body is tingling. Sweating profusely, not even gonna put on the glasses i know they'll just fog up instantly.
It's a singular kind of pain."
You out there skydiver? You want to stop by and let us know you're still among the living? A quick hi? Smoke signals?
QuadShotz said:
legal drugs FTW!!

Good on ye mate... ;)

Hell with toilet roll in da fridge...better get one of these soon:


but does that toilet splash?

Frozen Q-Tips work so much better :P
I just sat & listened to your experience... A shame about the video. i hope ya figure it out :)

WOW... Sounds brutal, more so than anything you have tried... lol, better you than me ;)
If you can't get it working on you-tube let me know. I can host it from my web hosting company in whatever format you want. Seems like it would be a great video to watch.
Starting to be a bit concerned about our chilihead bro, he hasn't been on since the morning after he did this.

Yooooooo hooooooo Skydiverrrrrrrrrrrr!