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Trinidad Scorpion Skin Porn 07-03-09

AlabamaJack said:
...check this out...the pic of your unripe scorpion and the ripe scorpion from Potawies archives "cooouuuuuullllllddddd" be the same pod...shaped almost identically...well, within reason... :lol:

Yea very similar. Although, his has that nice wrinkly skin look.
Doing a bit of whistling while he ripens.

There's some interesting variations with the TS, but they all look extremely HOT. Fantastic photo's Pepperheads!

Here's a piccy of a crop from a couple of years ago. It's the Trinidad Scorpion-BT strain.

Happy Chilli Growing,
T. Scorpion from Trini....the burn of these peppers just plain hurts...


Here are 10 different scorpion pods that are on one plant...this plant seems to be somewhat different than the others...I wish all my scorpion plants had pods on them like this one does....and this plant is the only one I have out of 10....

Forbidden fruit. Looks so nice; you just want to pop it in your mouth; you know it's gonna be not fun though.

Morphology aside, how does the flavor compare between the different varieties?
pretty scorpion cl....

there is no taste difference between the scorpions as far as I can tell...they just plain hurt me...

It seems the ones in the sunshine are lighter color than the ones in the shade...it may just be the light...
I think the Scorpion is hotter than the Bhut Jolakia, or, anything else in the garden this year(and I have ALOT).
Absolute killer burn all the way around....

My 2 cents..............
WACOFlyer said:
I think the Scorpion is hotter than the Bhut Jolakia, or, anything else in the garden this year(and I have ALOT).
Absolute killer burn all the way around....

My 2 cents..............

I think that nagas and scorpions taste the same. Anyone else think so?
chillilover said:
I think that nagas and scorpions taste the same. Anyone else think so?

I like the taste of the nagas but I don't care for the taste of the scorpions. The scorpions are more bitter and not as fruity. They have a strong generic chinense smell where nagas have a smell and taste that I think is more unique to nagas.

I like the taste of nagas a lot. I wish they weren't so goddamned hot. Where's the Assam Seasoning Naga type pepper... don't they have any lowlands peppers of the sweet variety there? :-)