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Ballzworth said:
I'm sure in India you'll find plenty of worthy substitutes. Probably find a lot of cool new stuff as well. Gonna smuggle some seeds back?

No need to smuggle now. I am going with Import licence which I got last month. said:
Try a raw food vegan restaurant. Even harsher lol. Hippies making "lasagna" from pine nuts, sprouts, and some other weird stuff I don't remember. No pasta, no cooked sauce, no meat.... lasagna? lol

That is weird! Did you try it?

I have several really nice meatless recipes that I enjoy. I think there isn't anything wrong with meatless meals, as long as the food tasts good.
Pepperfreak said:
That is weird! Did you try it?

I have several really nice meatless recipes that I enjoy. I think there isn't anything wrong with meatless meals, as long as the food tasts good.

Me too....

It's called cheese & crackers.

or the alternative.....a spoon of peanut butter.
I am a huge fan of raw vegan ice cream. It's made from cashews and coconut and is unbelievable! I used to eat it before I became a vegan, and I still eat it now that I'm not a vegan anymore.......
gasificada said:
I am a huge fan of raw vegan ice cream. It's made from cashews and coconut and is unbelievable! I used to eat it before I became a vegan, and I still eat it now that I'm not a vegan anymore.......

Exactly what does a reformed vegan eat?
paulky_2000 said:
Exactly what does a reformed vegan eat?

The same as what a non-vegan eats! :P

I eat meat once or twice a week and the rest of the time I try to stick to a vegetarian diet. Lately I have found my meat intake creeping up a bit though.......... (you guys and all your hot fu fu porn!)

I honestly never thought I would be able to do it for as long as I did (just over a year) but felt great (healthier) once I got going, so kept running with it.
gasificada said:
The same as what a non-vegan eats! :P

I eat meat once or twice a week and the rest of the time I try to stick to a vegetarian diet. Lately I have found my meat intake creeping up a bit though.......... (you guys and all your hot fu fu porn!)

I honestly never thought I would be able to do it for as long as I did (just over a year) but felt great (healthier) once I got going, so kept running with it.

:shocked: there is a quote in there :rofl:
My comfort food would have been mostly vegetarian, if not completely. Comfort food is cheap, and meat isnt.

I have found my Indian cookbook and I am over joyed at the number of wheat free recipes in it- I have not completely appreciated besan flour, obviously. Cant wait to try Pakoras- just have to find a good thing to deep fry in. I think there are some mini deep fryers at the retail place I work at. Not much into deep ried foods- except for hush puppies and pakoras.

ahh, now, here is where Mr NJA and I draw the vegetarian line in a different place. I am fine with eggs, but there will be no milk products of any kind in anything I eat.(I know how to leave out the eggs, though). When I was vegatarian and never learned to cook tofu any way I would like to eat it, though I have often enjoyed it in asian restaurants.

at the risk of Crossing the ban on political/religious discussion, I would like to clarify for the pork/beef eating community- a little history.

Vegetarianism, of varying kinds, is widespread in the world. Many cultures have taboos on eating some kind of animal (or many), and most of these social taboos ("taboo" originally meant sacred) have crystalized in a religious injunction, which is just fine, and ought to be respected. (when you consider that most of these rules were made before refrigeration or any tye of safe long-term food storage, you can see that those rules were health related). It bothers me that anyone would hound Omri or NJA for respecting their own culture. These traditions are thousands of years old.

Veganism was invented in the 20th century. It is part of a political movement. It was invented by extremely left wing animal rights activists. I know these vegans. I have sat through lectures. Their agenda teaches that human beings ought not to interfere with other living things-do anything that would "exploit" animals. These includes using manure as fertilizer. The propaganda seems very anti-human, IMO- as though we are aliens in the environment, and all we do is damage. This is a political point of view, with all of the evangelical zeal of Amway Salesman. (having been raised evangelical and Amway, I know whereof I speak). Veganism is not the same thing as vegetarian. They are not the same groups of people. They some times eat at the same dinner table. They often end up out of sorts with one another. I've eaten at lots of those dinner tables.

Should anyone like to discuss this on my visitor page, come on over-I think this would be allowed as long as everyone remains respectful. THP thought I was vegan cause I post veggie dishes (becuase I know how to cook those, and havent learned to cook meat properly, yet) but ya'll who know how cook meat can educate me without taunting NJA who is a fine and passionate lover of chili.

NOw, vegatables are yummy, and many of ya'll serve them up next to meat. I'm sure that all you fine cooks can come up with something (wasnt it Paul that made firecracker corn?) Lets get Omri in here, I'll bet he knows some good recipes, too! :)
:PMan, this vegetarian stuff gets people all shook up!

Celeste, comfort food is cheap- especially when it is not made w/ two sides lol!
Ballzworth said:
excellent post Celeste.

+10 to that!

Here's a little something... I was actually rebuked of being a vegan by another vegan because I still ate eggs (yes, I did occasionally eat eggs) during my stint as a vegan. While I'm not going to get too much into it, I was apparently a very, very cruel and unworthy human being simply because I still ate eggs (eggs from very well looked-after backyard chickens BTW). Who cares that I went from being an almost complete carnivore to the only animal product I ate was eggs (and not many at that)? But anyway, that's where it all started to crumble... too many confrontations like this and also other non-vegans thinking they would get the same (or even worse) serving from me (LOL @ them - wasn't gonna happen!). Eventually I just knew I wasn't vegan nor would I ever really be one - I guess I just wasn't self-righteous enough nor anti-human (and YES Celeste, my opinion too!). I still enjoy the health benefits of a majority vegetarian diet and would be happy to call myself one if I didn't eat meat, but there's no way I would ever call myself a vegan again (ex-vegan is fine :D).

Oh, and here's the best part... I know for a fact that the girl who rebuked me actually used cosmetics that weren't animal-friendly for a very long time after she became 'vegan' :shocked: funny that, isn't it? And she had the audacity to pull me up on my actions......
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