food Viva la plancha!

grantmichaels said:

TB -

Stop being a pussy and commandeer the grill or pan at granny's place and get your f**king entry in without all of the weak-ass excuses, man.

I'm feelin' all EMO n' sheeit all of a sudden.
I'ma go and poke myself with something that might leave a red mark on my arm.
But nothing that'll actually break the skin and I don't wanna' be all hurty and painful like.
Because like I said.
I'm feelin' all EMO n' sheeit.
Just like the gal at work today.
Normally she's just a drama queen but today she was firing on an extra cylinder.
She apparently wanted me to be her emotional tampon for 8 hours.
When the whining got to be too much I told her...
"Take your right hand and reach down into your pants and grab your balls and man the f**k up!"
She did.
And it worked.
She mellowed down easy.
I reckon she's handcuffed and cuckold'd her old man and slapping his face like waving a Chinese fan right now.
As far as cat food and THP are related and concerned....
Sure its canned and looks like cat food.
But I make it the bestest cat food ever!
I ain't lyin'.
And good for you too.
That's one reason I'm walkin' around at 158 pounds right now.
I flirt with women all day long.
Shorerider said:
Si senor, you have a way with the ladies. :rofl: 
: spoken like Elvis :
'Thats right little lady."
"I'll take you upstairs to my bedroom and treat you just like my sister."
"Only differnt'."
"Oh and here...take some of these pills."
"They're just like aspirin...only better!
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Salmon patty killah' dillah's.
Pink salmon, garlic, yellow onion, sriracha, chile lime powder, rolled oats, and eggs.

Gotta' have stuff to go with it dontcha' know. 
The squeeze bottle splooge is mayo, yeller' mustard, horseradish, and sriracha.

Pic speaks for itself.

Flour tore tillah's, muenster, green onion, and the plancha's toms.

Triple layer'd and all melty schmelty.

Killah' dillah'.

Coming up next: More adventures in cat food!
grantmichaels said:
I like the sriracha mayo + muenster switch-up, there ...
The splooge is a riff on Crabby Bill's sauce in Clearwater, FL, which is awesome by itself but even better with sriracha.
The muenster idea came from SoFlo at Sum's suggestion a while back.
Superior for scheezey ooze factor.
texas blues said:
The splooge is a riff on Crabby Bill's sauce in Clearwater, FL, which is awesome by itself but even better with sriracha.
The muenster idea came from SoFlo at Sum's suggestion a while back.
Superior for scheezey ooze factor.
when not exploring cheese, muenster's my primary ...
I love muenster with roast beef.  Never used it in a quesadilla.  Might have to explore that.  Nice work TB.
Texas shrimps with chile lime powder and a little olive oil on la plancha.

Tasty shrimps!

Slap it on some tore' 'tillah's n' fixin's.

Got dang guud!

The guac sauce really made it.
Avo, sour cream, hatch green chile verde, cilantro, fresh squeezed lime, and salt.
It was outstanding.
Have mercy.
JayT said:
I hate you.  Really I do.  Man I wish I had that right now.
I always thought you were a Chesapeake crab/fish enthusiast and not at all a shrimp freak like me.
And you're a "wrap" guy.
Not a tortilla guy.
Your post I hold in high regard as a compliment.
texas blues said:
Texas shrimps with chile lime powder and a little olive oil on la plancha.
Tasty shrimps!
Slap it on some tore' 'tillah's n' fixin's.
Got dang guud!
The guac sauce really made it.
Avo, sour cream, hatch green chile verde, cilantro, fresh squeezed lime, and salt.
It was outstanding.
Have mercy.
Sounds killer ... no peas in that guac? ;) ...
texas blues said:
I always thought you were a Chesapeake crab/fish enthusiast and not at all a shrimp freak like me.
And you're a "wrap" guy.
Not a tortilla guy.
Your post I hold in high regard as a compliment.
Dude loves oven shrimp.