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well... here goes..

I hate to say it but your black pearl doesn't look like one. Might be a black prince.

Thanks chilli lover, but i'm sure it is a black pearl. however It may be a black pearl hybrid , its seeds came from my other black pearl mother plant, and was not isolated.
Thanks Maligator :)

Potted up today, and due to space under lights i had to cut back the number of plants. down to about 45ish potted up. finding it very hard to say good bye to the ones left behind.... but they will go to good homes.

on a good note, have got both light fittings going now, so the strong will get stronger
It's a shame you had to cut back on u're numbers mate! But at least you should get some strong new growth with both lights going now! Good luck mate and post some more pics soon!



First of all i'd just like to say a big thank you to Neil at www.thehippyseedcompany.com i had a few problems with some seeds, and he really helped me out. Neil you are a top bloke, and i hope you have many many orders coming your way!
Here ya go, a couple updated pics.

here's the survivors... there's still a coulple more seedlings to be added but you get the picture

and the little ones are loving the extra light, and i'm giving them a watered down drink of worm tea with each watering
Well... i went away hunting last weekend (with no luck) and came back to some very sick looking plants. I think the worm tea that i fed them with was bad, it did smell a bit sulphur-ish. But i didn't think to do the smell test until after i had watered/fed, and had no time to flush them. I flushed them out on Tuesday on my return, and they have started to recover now, but still look pretty bad.







Sorry about the hunting luck Grimus, maybe next time.

Ack!! Those don't look good at all. Looks like they were doing real well too. They'll recover for you just going to take some time. I would flush 'em out a couple of times with regular old H2O for a bit then maybe fertilize them at half strength with a balanced fert. Good luck to you Grimus, I'm rooting for you bro.
Cheers guys, that's exactly what i'll do.

it's funny that the ones that i left on the windowsill and just plain ignore are now looking the best out of the whole lot, just bloody typical really. I think the only problem my chillies ever have is human intervention lol :)
After a few set backs, namely slugs eating some labels, my mates kid water blasting most leaves off a couple plants, and my poor care for the poor buggers ( cause of the terrible leaves and growth was over strength neem oil use... found out after the second lot of applications) here is a belated update.

Everything is going pretty damn good now that the weather has picked up. pretty much all growth has been in the last 3-4 weeks. Got so worried that there was going to be a crop failure that i had to get some back up seeds to start just in case, thanks JolokiaJas.

This is my purple flash, its been great from the get go, did not suffer the abuse like the others because it is "pretty" enough to stay in the house on the windowsill. Have to agree with Mrs Grimus though, when the sun is shining through the bright purple patches, it looks awesome.


This is an attempt at a jalapeno bonchi.


An over wintered yellow rocoto


The pepper patch



The plants have branched out and become quite bushy, still only about a foot or so tall most of them, but plenty of time left.
You are most welcome! I've been waiting for you're updates. They all look awesome Grimus. Those things look as though they'll be good producers if they keep going the way they are! Good luck man and stay off that Neem ;)
Have a few pods setting around the patch, these are a few Fatalii. Grow my pretties


An odd double/siamese flower.. hope it becomes a double pod.
