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seeds What seeds are you starting first this year, and when?

Is anyone planning on starting any seeds really early, or when do you start your first seeds?
I start most of my seeds between Jan and March but I always have 1 or 2 plants that I start earlier for fun. I'm thinking of starting a few early Douglah plants soon, and I've also got a couple of dwarfed/bonsaid plants trimmed back and ready to go back into growth. I can already tell its going to be a long winter but it sure is nice having a few peppers and other houseplants around. I just have to really watch for aphids and try to keep that under control this winter!
Next year will be the first real chili growing year for me. I started in 2008 before I found you guys and made every mistake I could possibly make. 2009 we will move so I will have a south garden, south balcony and south wintergarden. Perfect! But we will move in March, so I will have to start in January at the old place. So if I have to move them anyway I think about starting a few in November. Maybe one orange hab and a jalapeno.

I want to grow and have seeds for:

Bhut jolokia
Bird chili from Thailand
Chinense (a few not precisely defined ones)
Dutch yellow
Habanero orange, red and chocolate
Jalapeno and Jalapeno El Jefe
Lemon Drop
Nepali orange
Pimento de Padron
Pineapple Chilis (Aji Pineapple?)
Rocoto red and canario
7 Pot
Thai chili

It's about 20 to 30 varieties. If I try to germinate two or three of each variety just in case and all really geminate by accident... I'm in trouble! I'll run out of space in no time.

Maybe I will select my four or five favorite plants for overwintering... but: cut back to just make'em survive or with artificial light to harvest in winter? I'm not sure by now.
I start mostly wild variety in my Aero Flow 20 & bubbler because those seeds take long time to garminate & grow & those are:C.Cardenasii,C.Flexuosum,Cap 500 Eximium,C.Cardenasii 90475136,Cap593 Eximium,Cap 1530 Eximium,Cap 501 C.Chacoense,CGN 19198 #2 C.Sp,Cap 1478 C.Praetermissum,Cap 499 C.Chacoense,Back Malaqualand,Cheiro Luna,Cumari do para,Pingo de ooro,Villa de Pombrie,Pimento Morango,Puta Pario,Bode Roxa,Orange Thai x Small Mexican- J.O,Bode Laranja,Cap 501 C.Chacoense,Spectral,Pimenta Nayde,Eximium wilds-C.P,CGN 19198 C.PS,Chili Congo & mine crosses C.Galapagoense x Cap 1546 & Island Hellfire x Bhut Jolokia("Gumbunga").
In and of January will start Super hotties & all rest of it.
I started a dozen or so Bhut Jolokia for my winter project, won't start anything else till late January. Winter has not come yet but were already thinking about spring time. I will get bored sometime this winter and start some ornamentals. Potawie I'd like to know what and where you replenish your soil for next years crop. I'd like to reuse my pro-mix bx.
I won't start any for keeping purposes until probably late January/early February. However, I have 15 plants that are/will be overwintered; a Bhut,Limon and Trini Scorpion in a hydro unit and a tobasco, Chinese 5-Color one other one growing from a grow test that got aborted when the power went out for a week. Three different types of cukes (Holland Hothouse and Diva are two of them), a dozen red delicious toms, and three Green Sausage toms and six various types are also taking up room under my lights, along with some basil, lettuce and broccoli.

Pepper Ridge Farm said:
I started a dozen or so Bhut Jolokia for my winter project, won't start anything else till late January. Winter has not come yet but were already thinking about spring time. I will get bored sometime this winter and start some ornamentals. Potawie I'd like to know what and where you replenish your soil for next years crop. I'd like to reuse my pro-mix bx.

I usually just put my old container soil in my large compost bin and mix in with leaves and other yard trimmings as well as kitchen compost and manure. It seems to work fine however I don't use this soil with younger plants.
I will start everything the first of the year except one fatalii that I am going to start on thanksgiving in the house and another with the others just for shitsngiggles.
I started orange habs a month ago. I figured why wait. I'll be bringing in the pequins and they'll go under the lights where I'll try and get another harvest if possible. I rather like the idea of my own chili's all year.

Cheers, TB.
Most of my peppers will be started early-mid Feb....I have about 20 varieties I hope to grow...last year I started too early (mid-Jan.) and I nearly ran out of room. :party:
Oddly enough the first things I'm gonna try and get going are my thai dragons. It'll be nice to have some lil' beauties early, but I tore all the shrubbery out from the front of my house and I want to put some peppers there, and thais are so pretty with all the bright red pepper standing on their heads.
Looking at maybe early Jan to start them, I'd like to have them be fairly robust by the time they can manage on their own outdoors.
Southern Hemisphere growing season is just taking off.

Got about 20 plants now some coming into their second set of leaves.
Last year I had two major germinations...end of January and end of February...both germinations were all 5 domestic species...

This year, the chinense and pubescens in January and the others the end of February...that is the plan right now...I may get a portable greenhouse that is 12' X 24' and put that up in January...if so, I can start about a month earlier...
Many of the super hots were still putting out their first peppers by first frost so they will be the ones I start earliest, most likely right after Christmas to give them the time they need. I've learned that it's better to start seeds earlier than what is commonly recommended on seed packages.

7 pot
bhut jolakia
naga morich
dorset naga
habaneros..several varieties
anything that even hints at longer than 90 days to mature
ABurningMouth said:
Yes I agree. It's nice to see more girls here.;)

Wow you got some really exotic varieties.

Thanks!!!!Try to grow some wild one next year also super hots.