I'm a patcheye broke legged beer can lickin' fool!
Tonight we made a filling for either enchiladas or burritos or something similar. To
begin, a whole chicken was disjointed and placed in water along with one chopped
red onion, two stalks of celery and carrots, an entire head of garlic, multiple spices
and 10 dried Japones chilies.
I've actually never cooked with Japones before but decided to purchase a bag after
reading the article about them in the recent Chile Pepper Magazine. They have a
good flavor and a nice little amount of heat.
The water was brought to a boil and then the heat was lowered and the pot was
lidded and allowed to simmer for two hours. The meat was shredded and added
to a frying pan along with freshly sliced red onion and poblano peppers, additional
garlic and chopped Japones. Oh yeah, and Ring Of Fire Hot Sauce.
After a good stir some beer was added and allowed to simmer.
Not being quite spicy enough, four more Japones were added.
Now it just needs some flour tortillas, cheese and whatever else I can find!
Of course, the initial cooking liquid is being saved for stock.