food What was the last spicy meal you cooked?

Oh, yeah!! Bark baby :)

JayT said:
Wow that is sexy!
Si senor.
But I woulda' liked to seen it on a sammich or on a tore tillah fajita style.
Then again I love pinto beans too.
Pinto's with that 'que all up in they 'thang could bring about a come to Jesus moment.
Make it so RM.
The TB eats his tortillas with tortillas on them. Sometimes you just want the meat! Remember that stuff we made that never made it past the cutting board?
Cream cheese, chive, garlic and TS moruga stuffed chicken breasts wrapped in bacon. I got the idea from HeatAddicts on Youtube. I'm surprised it didn't melt my glass baking dish! It was lethal, but oh man, was it ever good!

had some leftover pork loin I needed to cook, along with some onions, poblanos, a few habs, and some green chile sea salt. Let it get happy for awhile and hit it with some chicken stock, beer, and tomato paste. 
Stuck it in the fridge to cool and will heat it back up after work today. Still not sure what exactly I'm going to do with it. I basically just threw it all together over lunch time today because I needed to use everything in the pot...Wife is out of town and I've got a bottle of Bulleit waiting on me at home...maybe this turns into a Drunken chef Post later tonight.
baked Country style pork ribs
no measureing again of course but the sause consisted of
texas petes Sriracha and my homemade FIDAGA ROXA hab sauce and red pepper flake
3 large chopped garlic cloves
let to marinate in fridge for 24 hours and then baked it for around an hour
WOW that was good but you really had to like garlic like i did, my wife could not stand the smell of me for about a day after i ate it but it was well worth it
my digestive system protested a bit too LOL it was preaty hot
sorry im into eating my food not photographing it LOL
thanks your friend Joe
thanks your friend Joe
Took what I posted above, shredded the pork and added it back to the liquid. Wasn't quite spicy enough for me so I added a can of chipotles in adobo and some hab powder. Scorched some tortillas to have on the side and topped with some Panela. 

Panko chicken night. Son begged for it. Wife joined the dredge line to help. Wife talked me into adding some of Smileyguy's Infinity powder to the three for me. I powdered the chick after egg and we also powdered the remaining panko. I went last. It went a little airborn. I sneezed twice, she sneezed once and said, " damn it I got it in my nasal passages, oww". All turned out OK. Awsome taste and good burn!
nice jacobp
rymerpt  with the thumb ring.  looks like you are in the thumb gang
it starts out with a posty post of some food. next thing you know youre shooting anyone not down with 18th street and riding dirty.
sicman said:
nice jacobp
rymerpt  with the thumb ring.  looks like you are in the thumb gang
it starts out with a posty post of some food. next thing you know youre shooting anyone not down with 18th street and riding dirty.

Just followin rules boss. No pic= no happen. No bite picks without thumb ring. I was so hungry that you guys are lucky that it was not all crumbs.(Wife made me put on ring for pic,.......its one of those stretchy bands with a flippin butterfly on it. Big as a half dollar. WTF, just don't get it.) Anyway, bite pic must have thumb ring. Thems the rules. TB and the Bunny Commander dun say so.