food What was the last spicy meal you cooked?

Picked my first ripe Thai pods last night and made a quick meat sauce....

The Hot Pepper said:
Hate you? That's how I always finish pasta! Usually pecorino or parmigiano-reggiano. It's really not finished w/o it. Italian food can often be hearty but bland until you hit it wit da cheese... it's the Italian salt shaker!
That is exactly how I salt my pasta dishes...cheese! I was so hungry after 4 days of festival that I plating picture could never happen! I almost ate it out of the pan hahahhha
The Hot Pepper said:
Hate you? That's how I always finish pasta! Usually pecorino or parmigiano-reggiano. It's really not finished w/o it. Italian food can often be hearty but bland until you hit it wit da cheese... it's the Italian salt shaker!
Good work Chirs, looks so gooooood! :)
The Hot Pepper said:
Hate you? That's how I always finish pasta! Usually pecorino or parmigiano-reggiano. It's really not finished w/o it. Italian food can often be hearty but bland until you hit it wit da cheese... it's the Italian salt shaker!
While some pasta begs for grated cheese (and i'm an heavy user in that cases), like pesto alla genovese, carbonara, ragù and many other, i prefer some others without, especially tomato based (not all, boiied tomato puree with butter is good with cheese, or matriciana) or fish/seafood. Spaghetti allo scoglio are one of the best, most awesome, holy grail, ecc, grated cheese above is blasphemy (i know only 1 person that cheese it: my dad, but he's maybe the craziest cheese eater i know).
Btw just from now, i opened last hot jar of my homemade olives:

While they're a bit more tender than some months ago now they're definetly some of the most flavourful olives i've ever eaten and really you can't tell that once that were bitter (as hell). Only downside is that sometimes i've eaten some olives with a better garlic flavour (not stronger, just better, btw it's still not bad). Quite hot too.
So a random pasta dish, i've sautéed just a min olives with evo, then roasted some breadcrumbs, at last built with some more evo and parsley:

No cheese here, but breadcrumbs that from a mechanical pov are similar (evo absorption).
Nice, olives were in the right quantity (yeah, even with breadcrumbs they were enough flavourful). I even put a glass of water while cooking pasta to lower salt concentration (olives compensated that).
Joyners, those jerk chicken thighs are calling my name.  
  I have had a craving for jerk pork for a while now.
I normally use walkerswood paste, but not having any, I made  my own  and grilled up some jerk chops and shrimp tonight.  served with a mixed greens & avocado salad.   

A semi OT since i didn't cook that but it's worth sharing... At least i did cook the hot part, the sauce.
I went to "sagra della tagliata". Tagliata is beef cut, i don't know wich part. Is done in many ways.
I always look with suspect these festival, but those guys really know their stuff.

I started with gnocchi all'anitra. It is a duck ragù that is in another (and better) league than normal ragù. Usually is used to top bigoli (think about spaghetti but thicker and egg made), legendary stuff. This one was really good and light, sometimes someone make it too heavy. However bigoli are better than gnocchi at this. That gnocchi maybe could look crappy, but topping is awesome.

Some mushrooms. Don't know if from a can, but good.

So in ketchup stead i used my apricot/honey/tomato/garlic/lemon/onion/cherry peppers/7pods sauce with chips. Good!

Some raboso or rabosello (i think that was rabosello). Cold and refreshing. Considering it was from a festival it was excellent.

Main dish! Tagliata with polenta!
Really, these guys know their stuff. One of the best i ate, better than some taglaita i found in some wedding parties that maybe are better looking, but not as good as. Really, soft, strong taste and extremely good!

Some leftover polenta with my sauce...

At last frittella.
Spicy grilled chicken soup with all fresh peppers,tomatoes(green) and spices/herbs from the garden. Wasn't sure if it belonged here or in the crappy thread lol............ I used jalapeno, serrano and green habanero's.


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I wouldn't trust it Fitty.
Look, the label is written in French.
Foo foo for sure.
And they even put it in a fabulous looking jar.
Real Liberace sheeit right there.
Try it and test it out.
On the day after if you haven't grown a third nipple that's squirting hot milk you're safe.
Infused coconut oil with a mix of annuums and an orange hab and a red Jamaican mushroom pepper.. then made spicy couscous for my gf and spicy popcorn for me. Definitely doing the popcorn again with spicier peppers
Slizarus said:
Infused coconut oil with a mix of annuums and an orange hab and a red Jamaican mushroom pepper.. then made spicy couscous for my gf and spicy popcorn for me. Definitely doing the popcorn again with spicier peppers
Sounds good, photos next time! :D
My dinner:

Quickly sauteed ferenc tender pepper stripes, minced meat cooked with wine and sauteed onions, a decent melt above all and my 7pod/apricots sauce.
Too lazy to make a burger, that would have been killer.