food What was the last spicy meal you cooked?

Ah! It's the leerdrammer that looks like a fontina-soft swiss.

Another cheese I have to try.
Not a big fan of it (nor as Emmental or Maasdam, those in particular share a similar flavour that i don't like a lot), but mixed is fine for me.
Essegi said:
Sounds good, photos next time! :D
Ask and you shall receive :)
Came back Sunday from the Farmers Market and brought home these:
The Unmarked are the Orange Fogo and Red Churvena Chujski

I made lunch :)

Added an Orange Hab and a Red Jamaican Mushroom, all of this was sauteed in coconut oil

Then I took the Oil and made Couscous for my GF and Popcorn for me! :D
Spicy popcorn, is so delicious. Popcorn was airpopped, I used white Kernels.
Nothing special but i had my first Reaper:

Some stew, rice and bell peppers... And a small Carolina Reaper.
I want to taste it more to judge its real flavour. I didn't feel much bitter (i find it less bitter than a 7pod) and that is good. My problem is that i am not good to discern flavours on peppers....
Probably hottest pod i've had until now. Seems more stingy than other supers i had.
That's a dish we call pepper steak over here. A lot of people grew up on that, lol. Yours looks tasty. It was always a very bland dish, the reapers must kick it up!
To tell the truth is quite a random dish. The stew here is called spezzatino. I'm not the biggest fan of it (unless is made from donkey, then is a fabuolus dish imho) although that was good as rice on it and i put peppers just because i had it handy.:p And of course u'r right about the reaper!
Nice plating pic there, essi! 
Part of what I love about this site is having interaction with members from all over the globe and learning about local customs and cuisines. Like has anybody in the US for, oh, maybe the last 100 years or so, considered eating donkey? Ever gone to your local butcher and seen it even available? How about monkey? Granted, monkeys aren't exactly native here, but people in other parts of the world do eat them. Kind of makes me want to go globe-trotting just to try all the things we don't have here. Kind of. Things like grubs aren't exactly high on my bucket list.  ;)
The last spicy thing I cooked was last night (tacos). My girlfriend is allergic to a lot of things, especially dyes and preservatives. One of the things we both adore is a good taco dinner. Well, years back, I created a recipe for my own taco meat seasoning to avoid her being ill from the things in the packets from the store. We typically make our own tortillas fresh from masa harina and deep fry them in peanut oil as well. I add habaneros to the meat and cook it in, and usually top my tacos with additional habaneros or serranos (habs last night), as well as shredded cabbage and diced avocado. I don't add any taco sauce as it doesn't need it. We both love the heat and it just meshes so well with the seasonings it is impossible to stop eating! Put it together with refried beans, yellow saffron rice and black beans with bacon and it is heaven :)
VirgilCane, souds good! Photos next time! :D
geeme said:
Nice plating pic there, essi! 
Part of what I love about this site is having interaction with members from all over the globe and learning about local customs and cuisines. Like has anybody in the US for, oh, maybe the last 100 years or so, considered eating donkey? Ever gone to your local butcher and seen it even available? How about monkey? Granted, monkeys aren't exactly native here, but people in other parts of the world do eat them. Kind of makes me want to go globe-trotting just to try all the things we don't have here. Kind of. Things like grubs aren't exactly high on my bucket list.  ;)
To tell the truth i don't know if here you find donkey at butchers. I've found it sometimes, rarely, on festivals (or maybe just at exactly 1), once at an uncle of mine.
Surely is an old semi forgotten dish here too.
Oh, just some legends from my city:
Probabiy in the past during emergencies it wasn't so unlikely to eat cats (not just where i live). Luckily i have never seen anyone trying that and i know no one that has tried, if someone has tried recently.
Will do Essegi! I usually take pictures of our meals but it was just too irresistible to not gobble it down!
One thing I do love to add to our tacos is diced up jicama. geeme, it is fun to try new things all the time. Never have had donkey, though! Also, couldn't pay me to eat balut haha.
The sammich looks absolutely smashing, but I'm trying to wrap my head around the candied jalapeno part. Pickled with cheese and meatloaf I get. But candied?  :think:  You'll have to describe that mix for me - did you like it? 
texas blues said:
Sic what is this "buddy's taco sauce" you keep talkin' 'bout?
That meatloaf sammich looks dadgum goodern' sheeit!
buddy   makes it and its awesome :dance:
geeme said:
The sammich looks absolutely smashing, but I'm trying to wrap my head around the candied jalapeno part. Pickled with cheese and meatloaf I get. But candied?  :think:  You'll have to describe that mix for me - did you like it? 
hell ya i liked it they go on anything. that sammie was one of the best things ive ate in the last couple weeks.
I had some spare piri piri and 2 not fully ripe moruga so i made a small sauce.
Add a fig, half of a lemon juice,2 big cloves of garlic, a shallot

And some marzanini tomatoes...

Except lemon all homegrown.
Deseed peppers and tomatoes.
Cut finely and pan fry shallot with evo.

Slowly for about 10 minutes.
Before that 10 minutes add cut garlic, cilantro, salt and white pepper:

then add peppers:

after a while the fig, tomatoes and lemon juice

Cook for other 10 minutes a bit faster:

Then blend adding evo.
I used on a zoccolletto bruschetta with prosciutto:

Surprisingly prosciutto wasn't overwhelmed and good together.

My first time with cilantro, it seems very good!
Maybe apricot is better than fig with pepper, but that was good. I like better a fruit instead sugar or honey in sauces.