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food What was the last spicy meal you cooked?

We've seen those feet in jars on the counter at the gas station, or apparently at the bar ... pickled and pink =) ...
Reminds me a great scene from The Ladies Man ...
Last nights spicy (smoked ghost pepper sauce) seared steak.
Very nice steak above here!

sicman said:
Pig feet and beans? My grandfather woud have loved you. Me? Not so much.
Probably >87% of people here would say the same! :D Of course my dad is fanatical about that. I think it's an ok dish...
The oven's on the fritz, so I've been using the CI or slow cooker quite a bit these past few days. First up is a pork that the grocer had labeled as a porterhouse chop. I know they like to call pork "the other white meat", but I don't think I've ever had pork quite as close to white as this was. Very moist and tender though. That was a few days ago so I don't really remember what seasonings I used, though I know they included sea salt, garlic, some kind of hot pepper powder, and ginger. Something green, too, I think cilantro, maybe a touch of marjoram or something - I know there were two greens, just don't remember what in addition to cilantro. 


Next up was tonight's dinner - some super well-marbled ribeye, also in the CI, simply seasoned with sea salt, garlic powder and chipotle powder. These were rather large and crowded in the CI, so the back edge didn't quite hit the metal, but it was still quite good.

That Porterhouse looks awesome! By the way that's a fancy name for "bone-in loin pork chop." Gotta keep up with these marking names, it's like neighborhoods in NYC, once white people move there it gets a fancy name. (White meat pun not intended)
The steak looks great on the inside! I don't like the "pan fried" look of a steak, but it's deceiving because inside it's perfect! Looks delicious.
Both were excellent. I laughed when I read the "Porterhouse" on the pork label - it's obviously a friggin' loin chop! Ok, much, much thicker than the store usually sells, so they can call it what they want. It is making me re-think loin chops, though. I've never really cared for them, as they're usually too dry and chewy for my taste, but I don't know that I've had one this thick before. I definitely have never had one this juicy and tender. 
Yup, looks so good if I had to pick 1 of those 2, I'd go pork chop. Thick, juicy, and nice seasoned sear!
The Hot Pepper said:
That Porterhouse looks awesome! By the way that's a fancy name for "bone-in loin pork chop." Gotta keep up with these marking names, it's like neighborhoods in NYC, once white people move there it gets a fancy name. (White meat pun not intended)
The steak looks great on the inside! I don't like the "pan fried" look of a steak, but it's deceiving because inside it's perfect! Looks delicious.
I think the USDA had a movement to make beef cuts and pork cuts named the same as to not confuse customers. I know there was going to be a year plus for stores to get on board...I know many have complied where I live...