food What was the last spicy meal you cooked?

JayT said:
I was up at 6. Joys of having a four year old.

I hear ya!

My twins are in the teen stage and would sleep till noon provided I let them. But I still remember the days of;! WHAT!!???

Can I have breakfast now?


The sammich looks fantastic.....and that soup.....just.....WOW.
later all...time to go strum the strings...

I must say that since I'm just crawling out of bed, thanks to my 4 year old (she was up all night with an ear ache and then crawled in bed with me around 9am and fell back to sleep) I am seriously behind the 8 ball with all of this glorious food.

Jay, that chicken, legs and wings, soup and sandwich are.....well.......make me so jealous that IO live too far from you that I can't just pick up a case of your favorite beer and ring your door bell!

I really need to get cooking! For I have some wonderful creations up my sleeve for this weekend.
Just had waffers with Dead Mouth MACH7 sauce (I am running low on Mach II ).

I am already smoking thro my ears and feeling High with enough cap running thro my veins.

Simply love the sensation on a cold evening.
Henceforth must use MACH 7 for tid bits.



(Had 2 helpings of sauce)
I had 2 Fatalis just begging to be eaten and here's what I ended up with:



I'm definitely becoming a fan of the Fatali, which is a good thing because I'll be knee deep in them shortly.
Looks great, but what is that meat? I love Fatalii too. Can't wait until I have some fresh ones. Should be....oh....only about six or seven more months. :rolleyes:
Just now had my brekky of bread slices+Chees sheet +couple of spoons of my hot salsa and Mach 7 sauce.
I am still fuming at my ears, my throat,upper mouth, lips and gullet feel very warm and a pleasant headiness due to a lot of endorpines has put me on a high.
I am loving it.

I want to get cooking today's concoction Spicy Beef and Broccoli with Pork Fried Rice, but I may have to go to the ER first for some stitches. I tried to pick up what I thought was a piece of dried fruit in my pantry, turns out it was a piece of broken glass from a bottle I dropped a few months ago. It was stuck to the floor and ripped into my index finger pretty good. I have it wrapped up pretty good now, so we'll see if it stops bleeding. Funny how much you use that finger in typing and don't realize it until you can't.
JayT said:
I want to get cooking today's concoction Spicy Beef and Broccoli with Pork Fried Rice, but I may have to go to the ER first for some stitches. I tried to pick up what I thought was a piece of dried fruit in my pantry, turns out it was a piece of broken glass from a bottle I dropped a few months ago. It was stuck to the floor and ripped into my index finger pretty good. I have it wrapped up pretty good now, so we'll see if it stops bleeding. Funny how much you use that finger in typing and don't realize it until you can't.


I hope you're okay! Have you had a tetanus shot lately?
Hot Blue and Drunkbynoon. Gotta get me some tomato juice. Best get drinking. Don't know if I am going to get planting done today or not now. Kinda hard to pick up seeds without an index finger...:mope:
JayT said:
Hot Blue and Drunkbynoon. Gotta get me some tomato juice. Best get drinking. Don't know if I am going to get planting done today or not now. Kinda hard to pick up seeds without an index finger...:pouting:

That just sucks....I hate when I do something like that. Is the bleeding under control?
Seems to have stopped. I wrapped it with three band-aids. That was about 45 minutes ago. The show must go on so I went to the store and now I am back and ready for action. But first, a beverage.


The Fatalii Vodka Bloody Mary. Bet AJ could use one of these about now...