contest Where's The Beef? Throwdown

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Yooper, geeeme, WTF? Throwdown!!!!!!!!!!!!!
edit to other thread.
I am hereby entering this throw down! I stayed out of all the smack talk, I was not going to taint my entry with all the newb vs old goats smackin' that was going on. I proclaim total swiss like neutrality, and thusly I post my entry.

I went for a complete mad scientist gastronomic culinary experiment. I call this result:

The Whole Hog Turned Inside Out Burger!

ingredient list:
Beer Bratwurst (all pork ingredients)
Thin sliced ham
American cheese slice
Pepper jack Cheese slice
Pickled Jalapeños
Onion Bun
and a couple condements like mayo, mustard

From the garden:
purple Jalapeño
Hungarian Hot Wax
Flashlight lettuce

The teaser pic (with proof of life):

I took bacon, chopped hot wax, and Purple Jalapeño peppers and fried them up.

Placed the bacon and peppers on a slice of American cheese with a slice of thin sliced ham underneath

Covered the bacon with a slice of pepper jack cheese, another slice of ham, then enveloped the entire thing with Beer Bratwurst sausage that was removed from the casing, forming a patty

Took a onion bun and put fresh flashlight lettuce, onion and pickled jalapeños (flashlight lettuce is lettuce picked at night with the aid a flashlight, forgot I needed it....LOL)

And the money shot! Good lord this was good! It was a beer brat on a hamburger!

Grilled bacon fried corn bread

Pork sausage mix with habenero, hickory dry rub, and bread crumbs.

Dry rubbed pulled pork with Carolina style BBQ sauce.

Maple syrup fried smoked bacon.

Cheddar cheese.

Some more grilled corn bread.

On the side, slaw with baconnaise, bacon fried corn and a Black Barrel bourbon and cola.

Bit messy but dang good!


Hot damn, RS67 and DTS! :drooling:

Give me a choice between them two and I'm gonna go crazy from having to choose!

I already know this is gonna be another hard TD to vote for!
some awesome entries guys! Well done!! voting is going to be hard this month :) DTS.. you're burger looks to die for! a heart attack on a plate, but awesome none the less ;)
RS and DTS - them's some fine-lookin' vittles!

RS - NO NEUTERED ENTRIES - either you a vet, or you a newb! Pick your side!
OK, first off, im really sad that someone else is doing kangaroo, but they only have the teaser up and im putting my dish in straight after my teaser :D ok, here it is.
OK, i really messed this up, i forgot to take a pic of it with the top on! but still, this is all i can give you, if i get dqed then thats that.
Habaroo Burger

Spring Onion
Kangaroo Mince
Jalapeno Pepper
Red pepper
Habanero Sauce
Black Garlic
Duck Fat
Bread Roll
Salt n Pepper

Cooking Method:
Mix Mince in with onion and black garlic. form into patties and cook in a pan. fry the chilli and onion in a pan for a bit, then fry the bacon. assemble and put habanero sauce on top of the meat. cover potatoes in duck fat and bake.

didn't know if i had to put the cooking of the side in, so i did anyway.

Final (Without top on. :mad: )
you're entry looks good Perk.. but i dont know if i'd be a fan of the roo burger :) i'd be more likely to go for a less exotic type of meat if i were to enter this one i reckon :)
you're entry looks good Perk.. but i dont know if i'd be a fan of the roo burger :) i'd be more likely to go for a less exotic type of meat if i were to enter this one i reckon :)

OMG serious ;) Roo makes the best burger flavours I have ever had it's AMAZING. Well done Perk I would gladly enjoy every morsel.
Great job guys!!!

RS67, bonus points for the Corelle!!

DTS, great plating and photography AS USUAL!

Perko, Those grilled onions and peppers are the perfect topper for that burger!

***Yeah....this is gonna be a tough one!!
Sorry Joey :) i'm used to roo meat being dog food - and the smell when i cook that up is awful! I'm sure it tastes ok when you use the right cut etc :)
Here's a teaser for Potawie's double bacon chile cheeseburger

Sept 5 004 by potawie, on Flickr


Peameal backbacon(Cubed and frozen)
Maple bacon(reg. belly bacon cubed and frozen)
Red chiles(Numex types)
Mozzarella cheese. I may use some cheddar too
Smokey jalapenos(not in pic, still on the smoker)
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