contest Where's The Beef? Throwdown

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TB, I'd dive face-first into that killer burger!!!

Man TB that's some tasty looking treat, But one question, the chorizo says no pork byproducts, what the hell is chorizo without lips and salivary glands. This is going to be a tough vote. Too bad I can't cook from the bar :beer: at the airport, nice enterainment waiting to change planes. This would have been a fun one. With all the Aussies in this one I thought for sure there be some kicked up Vegemite in there some where. :woohoo:
WOW WOW WOW all amazing entries, I am having a few technical issue but will have my pics up soon.

Did I really see manatee fat? what's that like?
Allright, just a gentle tease here. Gator is not in season, otherwise I'd go catch one with my bare hands and rip it's tail off. Had to go with store bought.
Sometimes gator can be a little tough, so I have some fresh manatee fat to use as a binding agent if needed. Waiting for the bread to rise. Stay tuned.
Mmm - haven't had yucca since I moved from Tejas - interested to see it all come together!
... you do know I won't be castin' my vote for anyone who bought store-made bread right? ;)

Well, geeme, I guess that's where your newbi-ness shows. I made my own pasta for the Pasta TD, didn't get me a win, think I got 1 vote for homemade fresh pasta. .....but Go For It anyway....good'll need it! :lol:
frydad4 and geeme, it better be chile bread, no sense making fresh bread and not adding chiles. I will be watching. It could make all the difference.
Your post hit the server at 3:37pm, which is CST Sunday. Contest runs on EST, so that's 4:37pm EST. Ends tomorrow at 6:30pm EST, so you've still got a bit over 24 hours to go.
Wrong! EDT not EST. We are still in daylight savings, don't mess them up by an hour. :)
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