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Who can grow the biggest or best Peter pepper

its a bit of an uppie too:lol:

The whole thing isn't though, bless, you're using your hand to hold it up. Mine have just started growing and they are all different shapes, the biggest is this one.

funny looking pepper Potawie...mine are dying...they can't get it up....(the it is water they can't get up...fungus got their plumbing stopped up) :)
Honestly A.J Theres no need to bring the nature of this thread down to toilet humor..We should be happy that a chili can put the a smile on millions without the need for Viagra..yes it red yes its erect and yes it may even save relationships ..who said gardening,wasn't an interesting pastime..long may your peter peppers point towards the sun with pride ;)
I guess everybody had the viagra idea, but YOU just had to mention it, huh? ...and blame AJ for his humour at the same time. Talk about lowering the tone... :)
i want some peter peppers for next season please... all i have to trade are some Red Savina / Bhuts....

let me know if anyone is interested, thanks
If you really want some, I'll save you some seeds. I know I won't ever be growing them again
BTW seeds are not isolated.
Hotpeppa, you had to go way back for that one...
well i like to catch up on the interesting chat now and again AJ....lol

and it doesnt matter if they are not isolated Potawie, ill take em..i'll just grown them at my other house with other non-pure seeds and see what happens...

you have my addy... would you like anything in return my friend ?
O god not more Phallic Heat..Go put them in the shower :lol:


And Theres no way im mentioning the corking on them..no way
Here are my longest ones so far and bless them trying to point skyward, the others look more like balls. Every pod is a completely different shape, great fun to grow(thank you AJ).

YW RB...they are weird looking peppers huh...not gonna go where you are trying to lead me...nope, not gonna do it...nope...nope...

wheres sickmont when I need him?