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Who can grow the biggest or best Peter pepper

AlabamaJack said:
I agree with Potawie on the PPs...I tasted them and they have a "dirt" taste to them with heat in the range of a cayenne...MO...I am saving seeds from the one I have posted pepper pics...these will be available to anyone who wants them when this coming seed trading season starts...probably will put a few in the seed trading parcel too..I am going to either trash or move the straight one to another location hopefully far enough from the curly one they won't mix genes....
Didn't someone say they taste better than Jalapenos? he must really hate Jalapenos then.
the taste depends on the subject I suppose...not trying to be argumentative here...just what they taste like to me...have you tasted the wild tepin?...I think they call it an "earthy" taste...well in my case earthy describes dirt....

surely they taste different to different people?.....
The peters that I had were realy good, I ate a whole jar in one sitting. But i have to agree with AJ different people taste different things differently. like I think mushrooms taste like poop and others like them, just comes down to the eater.
Ha Ha Ha

those are the funniest peppers i have ever seen !

i want some seeds please... i'll trade if you like... only pure as i will only give out pure as well...thanks
Good shape Potawie...mine are trying to reset fruit unsuccessfully right now...
rainbowberry said:
I'm growing AJ's, it will be flowering soon.

so that means you and I are going to have children.... whoop whoop.... :lol:
Yeah I guess so AJ (and thank you so much for the seeds), I bet the Peter Peppers will be a funny shape like the one I saw you had though ;)
Here's my stubby one on 10/29/06:
rainbowberry said:
Yeah I guess so AJ (and thank you so much for the seeds), I bet the Peter Peppers will be a funny shape like the one I saw you had though ;)

Not necessarily RB...I have two plants, one has the funky shape and the other one is almost straight and looks like a fat cayenne...I hope yours isn't like the normal pepper one I have...and you are so welcome....
I found another little stubby and its got some corking of the c@ck and its a bit of an uppie too:lol:

eek, that looks dangerous Potawie

:shocked: its an unusaual shape Potawie :lol: