favorite Wild Varieties-What is your favorite

Hey Everyone its been awhile since i did an update to how my Wilds are doing so lets get the pics rolling... Starting off i have a C. Praetermissum...
C. Praetermissum

Next inline is PI 260567

Cap 1141

Last here are my 2 C. Galapagoense
Got a surprise today after work in the germination box... Kinda gave up on the mini solo cups that i originally sown seeds in.. Popped open the box and checking for sprouts of any that i had sown... so here is one that I received from Prodigal-son, Thanks John
Sown 1-1-2014
Cumari Verdadeira C. Praetermissum

theghostpepperstore said:
Thanks, I attempted the CGN20497 twice without any success. I have 3 seeds left if you want to give them a shot.
Did you try treating the seeds with Gibberellic acid, Brian? I have some if you want to try it. 
I'm definitely having fun with the wilds! Some are tough to grow like the lanceolatum and others are tough to germinate like the praetermissums, but I love them!

My CGN 19198 is pumping out buds like crazy. I found a node with 4 buds! Here's a few pics.

The one I just love the way it looks is cumari pollux. The leaf shape and size, fuzziness is a bonus.

CAP 501, looking sexy. I like the leaf shape of all chacoense. They look more unique than other capsicums.

Little CAP 1530.

Another very special delivery in the mailbox today. Over 50 accessions directly from CGN. Not many "true" wilds this go around, but a ton of semi-wild, or very rare/hard to find varieties. Like C. Annuum v Longum, C. Annuum v Grossum, baccatum var pendulum, C. Annuum v Cerisforme, C. Annuum v Fasciculatum....etc etc

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Vincent, it looks like someone is clearing out the storage cabinet.    If the dates on the packets are correct, you can have some fun trying to germinate really old seeds.