favorite Wild Varieties-What is your favorite

Ok so as long as were talking about those three, awhile back John you did some lance clones. Did they root very easily the first try or did it take multiple attempts...

I made a few clones of the lanceolatum, I have a few still. They probably root faster than weeds LOL.

I cut up one of my Lanceolatum because it was getting lanky and I gave it a haircut I said to myself, " Why not root them?" so I did and at 2 days I saw roots.

When Lanceolatum get that big and bushy it's just too hard to kill and very resilient. From my experience tho, so Idk what other Lance growers would say.





Wild collected praetermissum. Very pale flower and fragile growth habit.






Wild collected praetermissum. Very pale flower and fragile growth habit.



Nice Lance!! I'll take a pic of mine shortly.

From what region is that Praetermissum? Has a very interesting color. I had my CAP 1141 have super dark flowers indoors and when I took it outside the flowers opened pale.

Pr0digal_son said:
I don't have any info on it Vegas.

PI 639682
Dude look at the structure of this plant... Kinda reminds me of how my Galapa is growing right now but mines alot smaller. Very nice, there's no lack in pods on this plant... Ha just did a search and this is a Galapa right John?
Portuge said:
Ok so as long as were talking about those three, awhile back John you did some lance clones. Did they root very easily the first try or did it take multiple attempts...
I didn't take any cuttings. Only plants that will come inside this year are a couple flexuosum.
Portuge said:
Dude look at the structure of this plant... Kinda reminds me of how my Galapa is growing right now but mines alot smaller. Very nice, there's no lack in pods on this plant... Ha just did a search and this is a Galapa right John?
It is a galapagoense. I have some in pots and one in the ground. The potted plants are smaller with more fruit. They do fine in small(2-3 gallon) pots. The inground plant is getting large, 4 foot tall and about the same width.
Pr0digal_son said:
I didn't take any cuttings. Only plants that will come inside this year are a couple flexuosum.
It is a galapagoense. I have some in pots and one in the ground. The potted plants are smaller with more fruit. They do fine in small(2-3 gallon) pots. The inground plant is getting large, 4 foot tall and about the same width.
I have one in a 1-gallon plant that did pretty well too...

Finally got to paste a photo of my C. galapagoense that I took earlier this summer I planted two plants in each container. they are twice that size now and full of pods.

I'm still having problems getting my photos to paste which is mostly my fault, I can't seem to remember what I did to get it moved.
wildseed57 said:

Finally got to paste a photo of my C. galapagoense that I took earlier this summer I planted two plants in each container. they are twice that size now and full of pods.

I'm still having problems getting my photos to paste which is mostly my fault, I can't seem to remember what I did to get it moved.
Changing _s to _c helps in the image tag URL helped.
Thanks Harry, I'm on some pain meds that really mess with my brain, I can do something like paste a photo and promply forget how I did it.

Nice photos Portuge, I had most of mine in a slightly shaded spot facing south and although we had 90+ days they bloomed all summer. Now that we are having cool wet days again they have gone into over drive, I just hope we don't get a freek frost before the end of Oct.
Yeah this Cumari is partially shaded by a crape myrtle and receives afternoon sun. Sits along the southeast wall of my backyard, if i get any pods from it they will go to replenish the seed stock and shared among several members here...
Not near as a Wild as the others I'm growing but at once it probably was Wild..
C. Annuum Piquin
Same variety I had entered into the Fair last year.. That reminds me its two weeks away..

I know its not the best image, but this here is the Sonoran Tepin x 7 pod Barrackpore cross by Spicegeist...

Far left is a c. Baccatum var. Praetermissum then the Cap 501 x Bhut F2's are on the right
Yeah this Cumari is partially shaded by a crape myrtle and receives afternoon sun. Sits along the southeast wall of my backyard, if i get any pods from it they will go to replenish the seed stock and shared among several members here...

Not near as a Wild as the others I'm growing but at once it probably was Wild..
C. Annuum Piquin
Same variety I had entered into the Fair last year.. That reminds me its two weeks away..

I know its not the best image, but this here is the Sonoran Tepin x 7 pod Barrackpore cross by Spicegeist...

Far left is a c. Baccatum var. Praetermissum then the Cap 501 x Bhut F2's are on the right

Wow, those CAP 501 x Bhut are smaller than I thought. How's the flavor?

A friend sent me some bhut x Donne sali and I have it laid down to germinate. Too excited about these.

Honestly haven't tried one Walt, have set em a side to send to you.... I know you asked me last time how they taste... Not sure if its the heat that we've been having but I've only pulled around 10 pods off of the plant... As for the sonoran tepin x 7pod yall are welcome to come pick em... It seems that i cant keep em under control, same goes for the piquin. I get out there one day and harvest em for about an hour and the next day there is a handful more to pick... Between the piquin and the PI 260567 its an everyday chore to keep under control...