I went over my rare wild species list and noticed that besides C. lanceolatum, C. buforum, C. flexuosum, C. parvifolium there is others like C. luteum, C.coccineum, C. villosun, C. schottianum which are listed but have very little info about them and may well be extict. I left out several that are wild and little known about like C. galapagoense, C. praetermissum, C. tovarii, C. eximium and C. cardenasii I know I left out one or two others as I can't think of their names and are not on my list. I think C. ciliatum is one of them I know it was removed from the list and renamed and then put back on the list again with a new name.
It would be interesting to see if any that I named like C. villosum and C. luteum are in fact still around and availible