favorite Wild Varieties-What is your favorite

C.tovarii setting 5-6 flowers per node and hasn't dropped a single one...crazy. I was expecting something quite different.

Yesterday my first chacoense has sprouted. So happy to see the hook. It's my first experience with a wild one and it took only 10 days to germinate. :-)
edit: there's also hook no. 2 now :D
millworkman said:
Thats awesome dude!!!
Grateful for Chris and the other folks who beat their heads against the wall for years to find a solid line for these.This plant stopped veg and put out buds,maybe 25-30,now it is starting to grow again. Kind of confused with this plant because it isn't growing like I think it should but it is showing no signs of deficiencies. The leaves are super dark green,almost iridescent. Might be lacking phosphate?

mememe said:
Yesterday my first chacoense has sprouted. So happy to see the hook. It's my first experience with a wild one and it took only 10 days to germinate. :-)
Congrats! Chaco's are beautiful plants.
The leaves are super dark green,almost iridescent. Might be lacking phosphate?
Possible. Part of the native region for chacoense falls in the area of South America that is subject to rain high in phosphate due to dust carried into the upper atmosphere from dust storms in Africa. Maybe you could try mixing a little Sahara sand into your watering can. 
About 24" right now and it`s stem has only split twice. Each of those 4 branches is flowering, so I figured I`just leave it alone. I`m pinching out flowers from all my other plants, so if these set pods they should be true.
I'm growing out several Cumari seeds right now.
Cumari seems to be like Aji, a name that covers several pepper varieties or whatever.
Covers a lot of ground...
I don't think Charapita is the same as Cumari as far as the plants I've grown so far.
My opinion might change after the seeds I sprouted are podding up though.

I like the yellow Charapita a lot.
Not that hot but has a GREAT chinense taste that lasts way after the burn is a distant memory.

The wild Brazil wasn't like the Charapita I grew.
Both come in red or yellow versions.
My wild Brazil were red I think,that I grew-been a few years...
I think I grew the yellow too before the red version of wild brazil.

If I remember right I grew a wild Bolivian when I grew the red wild Brazil.
Both were very similar in looks but not in taste.I think the bolivian was more like a Pequin-if I remember right...don't remember if the wild brazil red was a chinense or not,been a few years...
I think I have dry pods for all 3 somewhere...would have to check.

The yellow Charapita was different than the red.
I think both were Chinense.I'd have to check my records...
The yellow is the best I think for my taste.

Trying to grow Cumari Vermelha,Cumari X , Cumari Du(DO) para,Do Para wild,Cumari Pollux (2 versions I think,one is supposed to be wild),Cumari?,Cumari Do-DU-O-Ou passarinho(whitches tit) ,Cumari Flibu , Cumari Parana,Cumari Verediera.
Some are C.Chinense,others are C.Praetermissum.

If i get them all to grow I'll see the differences between them,if any other than color or whatever.
Wow awesome list of cumaris smokemaster. I am growing cumari pollux (c. Praetermissum) and I tried a dried pod of this one and it is currently my favorite pepper. Your growout of these will be really cool
I'm trying to get my small collection built back up again, when I was in the hospital  my EX thought she would help me out and do some cleaning and tossed a box of junk I kept in the frig. which turned out to be most of my wilds, this season I'm pretty sure I'm growing some C. praetermissums and some C. cardenasii I lost all my C. eximium seed, but I thought that I had overwintered one, but is flower is white and the flat fused petal's have me wondering just what it is. So I will need to get some seeds of C. eximium to replace it.
I have a large C.chacoense that reminds me of the Goats weed pepper as it wants to grow so tall,  so maybe it cross as I grew some goat's weed two years back the same time I first grew a C.chacoense which grew into a small shrubby plant a foot and a half tall and about two feet wide. I would love to get my hands on some fresh  C. tovarii, bufforum and galapagoense seeds, years back I saw a wild pepper species that was 4 inches tall but the side shoots were more like a vine as it spread out over two feet and the limbs had a distinct zig zag to them with very small leaves.
 It wasn't flowering at the time so I couldn't tell what it was but it was loaded with deep green round BB size pods that were red and soft and quite hot for such a small pod, I wish at the time that I had bought it rather than the yellow bird eye baccatum. I really like the wild bird eye types, but trying to pick them is definitely a hassle, I'm just glad they are not thorny.
If anyone has a few seed to share or trade, I have some seeds from a nice size Naga morich and some seeds from a 7 pod that I would trade in return, I may even Have a few white 7 pod seeds and some red brain strain seeds that will be ready this fall all the rest I have right now. Come fall I will have some others that I will be giving out. The more seeds of a wanted species I can get the more I give out 10 seeds will get you 20 of what ever you want. I would like to try growing C. lanceolatum at some point but for now I'm happy for what I have. 
I guess I should posted this info at the buy, sell, trade area. 