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favorite Wild Varieties-What is your favorite

Finally got to try my first wild that wasn't a tepin today. CAP 215, seeds from pepperlover. This particular pod is the first ripe pod I've got off my plants, but is less than half the size of the other immature pods. Great flavour, unlike any other pepper I've tried yet. Heat hit the lips and tongue quickly, but was a lot lower than I was expecting. Hoping the larger pods on the plants are a little hotter. Seriously thinking of knocking some other varieties off my grow list for next year to try more wilds.
Thanks Nigel   
Yeah the green dots showing through on the corolla is different,  the stamens are a bit on the long side as you said, you can't hardly see the pistil as they are hiding it.  I wish I could get Fleckr to let me in my account as its not recognizing my yahoo password so I'm locked out and I can't change my password as my Yahoo won't except where I was born, so half of my photos are tied up there so I'll have to get another photo carrier so I can post pics again as all my wilds are in bloom, and I want to show them off.
I'm definitely thinking of adding another 1 or 2 wild varieties to my list for next year to go with my tepin and CAP 215. What would be 2 varieties that would be considered must grow wild peppers, but are relatively easy for newer growers to germinate and grow?
MeatHead1313 said:
I'm definitely thinking of adding another 1 or 2 wild varieties to my list for next year to go with my tepin and CAP 215. What would be 2 varieties that would be considered must grow wild peppers, but are relatively easy for newer growers to germinate and grow?
Any of the wilds I have posted pics of on this thread have been relatively easy to germinate and grow... To start you off Blue Mystery is a cool plant to try...
Portuge said:
Any of the wilds I have posted pics of on this thread have been relatively easy to germinate and grow... To start you off Blue Mystery is a cool plant to try...
Thanks for the info! Definitely going to look into the blue mystery, I've read a lot of good things about it.
Yah Blue Mystery is a good choice for a easy to grow wild one also some wild baccatums and wild C. frutescens spp. oh yes some of the other Praets and some Eximiums are easy, check out what Judy has, she will have the lowdown about how hard to grow they might be.
The wild I've had the best luck with is C. Praeternissum. PI1441654 - Heavy Praeternissum. Judy over at pepper lover used to sell it. It tollerated floridas winter outside well, and survived for a couple years. I saved some seeds - and am planning to graft a bunch of other peppers onto it (or try to). 

C. Galapagoense is one I still have a hard time with. Tovarii is another that I've consistently had bad luck with. I did pick up some impact chili seeds (f1) which are supposed to be bhut x c. galapa.
Well I got a lot of flowers indoors on CAP 1141, and none of them set so I jumped the gun and took it and gave it new shoes and put it outside on the end of my staircase and seems to love it so far.

Also debating on taking my galapagoense out... I'm guessing it would like to go outside. My temps are low to high 90's and not over 100...

The Tepin x 7 pot Barrackpore is opening more flowers and looks like one set and I used pollen from CAP 1141 since the flowers are full of pollen LOL. Probably another surprise next year. :party:

Great pics John, looks like your galapagoense is doing well for you I picked my first ripe pod on mine yesterday it had a nice bite to it and tasted better than my chiltepin for such a little pod, I can't wait for some of my eximiums to ripen along with Judy's Blue Mystery' your Flexuosum and lanceolatum look great, I really like the Lanceolatum's flowers so much color in them and the teeth on the calyx are sure different.
The Rhomboideum is really different, the yellow flowers and woody stems make it really odd for a pepper species, nice plant none the less.  I was just a little uneasy the first time I tried eating one of the ripe pods, but since I'm still here to talk about it, I guess it wasn't poisonous.  If I remember right even the leaves smell funny when rubbed between your fingers.

oh yes while I'm thinking about it Judy's Blue mystery has one of the darkest colored flowers for a praetermissum that I have seen very pretty.
Thanks Portuge and your Blue Mystery is very nice!  I got free Blue Mystery seeds from PepperLover a few summers ago and had a nice dark-green seedling, but it died over the winter.  Maybe I’ll try growing it again.  I lucked out on the galapagoense, and it’s grown quickly (sprouted April 30 or May 1st) but it doesn’t compare to Prodigal Son’s, that plant is loaded with pods!
Cumari pollux, further along:

Wild chinense (2nd year):

Chiltepin Sonoran Orange (2nd year):

Bradley’s Bahamian (2nd year) on left, bhut jolokia x Bradley's on right:

Nice wild peppers everyone!
- Tick
Found time to get under the hood of Judy's Blue Mystery. Kind of disappointing that there are no clues to work out the mystery though. I will be trying these in the ground next year,I can see them getting 3m or more. My plant is currently in a 1 gallon container and is over my head.




