Winners posted!! :)

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Guess I need to retake my statistics class. The odds of not even one noobie winning is incredible. After observing this anomaly maybe I should buy a lotto ticket and hope for the same incredble anomaly here.

Wish me luck on the lotto drawing.....

"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." - Mark Twain
So this might be a dumb question, but no one's contacted me for an address or anything...should I be emailing my address to someone?

Please let me know Baker's!

Um, no. But BP did say it would be a couple weeks before they got sent out.
I will be sure and post pics fo sho!
Nope, and no one contacted me for an address either… So I'm not sure how they can you get them to me. But they said they're going vacation so I assumed that they get in touch when they got back. So I'm just patiently waiting.
Interesting - I didn't look in the vendors section. I would have thought he'd email the winners to get addresses and stuff.

hmm...don't really see what our winning something has to do with his fulfilling orders for his paying customers.

Regardless, I was just asking.
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