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overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

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I'm sure I posted something in the last two days but it and my memory have gone now :(

Hope you find a solution Candice. Bleach the #%^ out of everything and get those seeds in. :)

I couldn't help myself and just ordered a few more seeds that I really have no room for. :oops: They will be a late start but we have a long season so what the hell.

By any chance would Hydrogen Peroxide be any help? It solved my fungus gnat problem and they use it in hydro setups as I'm sure you know.
I went to a rural supply shop today looking for some cheap H2O2 in bulk and got blank stares, `we're all out`, `don't know when we will have more` and promises of a call back when the other guy got back which never came. Idiots. So I then stopped by a Hydro store and found that the same company that makes chilli focus sells a bottle of 50% H2O2 way cheaper than the supermarket.

edit: One variety of the seeds I ordered were Hot Cherry. ;) I'm not giving up on this one yet.
yeah hydrogen peroxide is similar to bleach. that is what im using for seed treatment now. Could also use it for disinfecting but only comes in smallish bottles from chemist which is 10%. The GT brand i have also which is 50%. When i was a nursery hand we bleached everything in a mix of pool chlorine. might get some of that.

HAHA! lol thats funny! hope you feel better Nova.

Candice, I think its great that your honest! Its the only way we can solve these kinds of issues in the horticulture scene. You sound like you have a decent business growing and you have at least half a head on your shoulders when it comes to plant biology :) I will contribute this tidbit of info to chew on...I have NEVER had ANY plant that was 100% free of sign of disease. Whether it is early on or later down the season. Im sure you are aware of this but, I'll say it anyway..."Bacterial/fungal spores are EVERYWHERE NATURALLY". It is the conditions in which the plants are subject to, that inhibits or prohibits the colonization of those diseases. I don't believe in the "seed causing problems" theory, persay, however I DO believe that with ANY seed there are probably a MILLION spores laying dormant and waiting for the right conditions to wreak havoc on your greenhouse, germ chamber, etc etc...In my 18 years growing all types of plants, I have found that it is all dependent on conditions. If I were you, I would use a heavy sulphur based spray prob 4-6 oz of a 10% solution per gallon of fresh clean water, put it in a pump sprayer and spray EVERYTHING in your bat cave! :) I mean really douse it down, let it get into the soil, undersides of leaves, all branches, outside of pots, floor...everything. The great thing about sulhpur is that it is organic. It will bring the surface ph of everything to a value that will not only kill any disease currently present, but will also inhibit the future colonization of disease. It will not smell great for a day or two in there but, I PROMISE you will be disease free. Some years, I have fungal/bacterial issues that seem very stubborn. I get nearly 100% leaf drop when it hits, and it is VERY frustrating, so I feel your pain. Sulphur has never once let me down and I swear by it. You will never get your old foliage back, but after applications I always gain 100% recovery and things start branching out and going crazy again. Also, I like to add a little pyrethrins into the mix for pests. Aphids carry disease and affect plant health big time, as Im sure you are aware of, so this will help out a lot. If you don't feel like making your own spray, Bonnide makes a GREAT solution if your in a jam for time. Its called "fruit nut and orchard spray"...its about 20bucks at your home depot and will last all year at least. Humor me and try this out. Give it a week or two and let me know your results please! :) Good luck! :)

edit: while copper has been used with success, sulphur works 100% better for me. A combo would be ideal, less copper though... :)
Thanks for your kind comments.
I'm not sure if i agree though with the first bit about bacterial spores on all seeds or that the seed was not at fault. I still think it was seed borne as i've never experienced it before (fungal yes, but that is easy to control/cure compared to bacterial) and it was only 1 batch of seed grown in sterile, soil less conditions. Having no soil eliminates a bunch of problems already and there are absolutely no pests as they are in an enclosed environment in a shed. Bacterial leaf spot is a seed borne disease and then can be spread by splashing water, humid conditions etc.

Thank you for your input. Im interested in this sulphur spray. Will it kill seedlings though? Im not sure if they are strong enough as they only have 1-2 sets of true leaves. Would you take the hydro system apart and soak everything or would you add some to the tank to go through? I will definately look into this option, thank you so much for your reply.
yeah hydrogen peroxide is similar to bleach. that is what im using for seed treatment now. Could also use it for disinfecting but only comes in smallish bottles from chemist which is 10%. The GT brand i have also which is 50%. When i was a nursery hand we bleached everything in a mix of pool chlorine. might get some of that.

Thanks for your kind comments.
I'm not sure if i agree though with the first bit about bacterial spores on all seeds or that the seed was not at fault. I still think it was seed borne as i've never experienced it before (fungal yes, but that is easy to control/chttp://www.thehotpepper.com/index.php?app=forums&module=post&section=post&do=reply_post&f=100&t=21897&qpid=488848ure compared to bacterial) and it was only 1 batch of seed grown in sterile, soil less conditions. Having no soil eliminates a bunch of problems already and there are absolutely no pests as they are in an enclosed environment in a shed. Bacterial leaf spot is a seed borne disease and then can be spread by splashing water, humid conditions etc.

Thank you for your input. Im interested in this sulphur spray. Will it kill seedlings though? Im not sure if they are strong enough as they only have 1-2 sets of true leaves. Would you take the hydro system apart and soak everything or would you add some to the tank to go through? I will definately look into this option, thank you so much for your reply.
Like I said, seed borne or not, its EVERYWHERE so the key is to prevent and treat if they rear their ugly heads. Oh, the enclosed shed doesn't make a bit of difference to aphids. They will find you, there is no hiding unfortunately. Sulphur is completely safe for plants at ANY stage...so don't be afraid to go nuts with it. Hope you try it out and report back once things pick up! Also, as an organic preventative foliar spray, you should look into some aact teas. Not only are they great for direct uptake via stomata on the leaves, they suppress disease VERY well! Think of it as antibiotics for your plants!
Hey Candice what a bummer with the setbacks.
Sometimes things really do test us and we wonder why we do it! It is a passion though and for some reason we carry on and push through. Seems to be all worthwhile when it finally comes right and we see the fruits of our labour.

I’ll have a few extras this season, so if your interested in growing some of the more rare ones I’ll pass them on to you :cool:

With our late season we seem to be getting it isn’t too late to start again. I’ll be planting over half of my planned grow in early Sept seeing I don’t have the room or time to do them now.

I caused the blackout whilst digging Juliar's grave. Have to dig it a bit shallow though so she could still get a hand out.
Like I said, seed borne or not, its EVERYWHERE so the key is to prevent and treat if they rear their ugly heads. Oh, the enclosed shed doesn't make a bit of difference to aphids. They will find you, there is no hiding unfortunately. Sulphur is completely safe for plants at ANY stage...so don't be afraid to go nuts with it. Hope you try it out and report back once things pick up! Also, as an organic preventative foliar spray, you should look into some aact teas. Not only are they great for direct uptake via stomata on the leaves, they suppress disease VERY well! Think of it as antibiotics for your plants!
I do appreciate your advice.
But I believe if it wasn't already in the seed it wouldn't have appeared as conditions aren't favourable to it in my setup and I use a drip system so no water splashes on leaves. Anyway I have turned the lights off as leaves have started dropping. I think I would really rather just starting again, so that there is no risk of it appearing again. I may however use that spray as a preventitive on my other seedlings that don't seem affected atm. It's just I cant afford to waste anymore time. That's true with the aphids as a couple of years ago i got an infestation in there when they were flowering. What is aact teas and where would I find it? Sounds good!

Hey Candice what a bummer with the setbacks.
Sometimes things really do test us and we wonder why we do it! It is a passion though and for some reason we carry on and push through. Seems to be all worthwhile when it finally comes right and we see the fruits of our labour.

I’ll have a few extras this season, so if your interested in growing some of the more rare ones I’ll pass them on to you :cool:

With our late season we seem to be getting it isn’t too late to start again. I’ll be planting over half of my planned grow in early Sept seeing I don’t have the room or time to do them now.

Your right Micca and thanks. I won't say no to extras. Hey I still have those seeds you were interested in - think it was the Cajamarca? If you want I can drop them around next time I'm at Zack's daycare.
I started soaking last night. Just over 300 seeds, 15 varieties. Probably wont do as many as originally planned, but at least I have a start on it.
Your right Micca and thanks. I won't say no to extras. Hey I still have those seeds you were interested in - think it was the Cajamarca? If you want I can drop them around next time I'm at Zack's daycare.
I started soaking last night. Just over 300 seeds, 15 varieties. Probably wont do as many as originally planned, but at least I have a start on it.

No probs.
If you can hold onto the Cajamarca seeds i'll get them off you sometime. I don't think i'll get around to growing them this season.

Woohoo four more hooks this afternoon. Super chilli, Kaliedascope, Naganero and Negro de Arbol ( are they the same as pimenta de neyde?) I know they are the same as something else.

Edit: I'm an idiot :D
How much do people generally pay for Perlite? I was looking at bunnings and there is no way I am paying 13 bucks for whatever pathetic amount they have in those bags.

It seems it is easily cheapest to buy a 100 litre bag off ebay for $44 delivered. Don't think I really need 100 litres of the stuff though is all.

What does it normally cost at a hydro centre for say 50 litres?
My bunnings also had 25L bags for ~$23 with the hydroponics stuff.
edit: I did check some hydroponics stores, and that's about the going rate, 25L around $20, and 100L around $50
I paid about 14 bux for FIVE LITRES at friggin bunnings rip off mongrels. Stock and feed place dont carry it either. Do you have a linky for the ebay listing?
Thankyou sir! I was getting perlite/vermiculite mixed up, i bought vermiculite from bunning not perlite. Found vermiculite on ebay for about $50 per 100 litres.

Me thinks that they made a little mistake with their temps!

Stage Light Lighting Time Dark Time Hanging Height Best Temperature
First 2-4wks (Recovery Stage) MH 18hrs 6hrs Infinity to 18in. 72-76 degree Celsius
Last 8-9wks HPS 12hrs 12hrs 18in. 72-76 degree Celsius