plant-care Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

Who will win?

  • A muppet

    Votes: 20 34.5%
  • A muppet

    Votes: 15 25.9%
  • A muppet

    Votes: 23 39.7%

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JungleRain said:
Hey Trippa,
started first week of June
I have 1100 seedlings for far with............... 472 varieties!!!!!!!!
Great to hear Grant!! Wow that's a whole lot of different plants ... have you planted any varieties in bulk this year for particular products? Best of luck!!
Hi Guys,
Recently got the urge to get back into growing chillies! Been growing them on and off for 20+ years.
Project build was a heated propagator for the chillies plus tomatoes and curcubits.

Will be interested to see how this year pans out. Currently thinking about building some wicking beds to defeat the tree roots from next door!
Nova said:
Alright lets get this party started again!
Anyone seen Gassy around? He is MIA!
. He has been around a bit ... not seen him in the past month though ... hopefully he'll be back around soon ... I need someone to bitch about broad mites with :D
Cheers tripped, I wanna see if I can flog some seeds off of gas gas something something rocoto types Lmao Git urr butt here gassy!
Hmm…. yeah, about a month since I've seen him, too. Let's call him:

Oh, and Trippa - if you need someone to moan about mites with, I'm all ears. We usually have a ton of little red mites running all over the place, but for some reason didn't hardly see any this year. The little red dudes usually keep the broad mites in check for us, but with them MIA, the broad mites had a field day with some of my plants. I suspect the ladybugs I got for the aphids also wiped out the mites, as things got better after that, but still, I want the little red dudes back. It's puzzling how we had so many then BAM, nothing. 
JR my man! Awfully kind of you to offer as always!

Now, this could be a long shot however if you don't ask you don't know. Are there any white rocoto types? I'm on a mission to find out :D

Apart from that I shall have a look at your rather insanely extensive list and grab half a dozen or so varieties if that ok :) I will pm you shortly. :flamethrower:

Nova said:
Now, this could be a long shot however if you don't ask you don't know. Are there any white rocoto types? I'm on a mission to find out :D

I seem to recall harry talking about white rocotos in chat at some point. Could be he was talking about someone else growing, but I think he said he did.  And….
geeme said:
I seem to recall harry talking about white rocotos in chat at some point. Could be he was talking about someone else growing, but I think he said he did.  And….
Yes it was Harry that informed of the White Rocoto's. As far as i can remember (i'm sure he will chime in here) some ding bats had the cultivar and then let it vanish into thin bloody air! It went something like eat the last pods (seeds included) and then let the mother plant die. Surely a horrible turn of events that in some countries would be punishible by public flogging!
Just where are these countries that punish idiocy by public flogging? Here we just make them president!  ;)
And you'll note that was a non-partisan statement…..
Ok…. well…. They probably don't taste any good. And they probably attract more mites and aphids than other types. And they probably have a shorter life span than others. And they probably always produce fewer pods. And….  :mope:
Le sigh!
geeme said:
"Moo", of course!  :party:
You talking to me? :cool:
Weather is starting to warm up nicely :)   I've not planted anything but I've pruned back all my big plants that overwintered themselves.  Got about 50 plants, many with thick stems and bunches of new growth.  I've also pulled out a crap ton of weeds and have some mushroom compost ready to dump on them.  So this weekend hopefully I'll get some mulch and finish the hardest gardening job of the year.  No time for seeds and seedlings this season, but will probably have a problem with an overflow of pods!