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overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

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  • A muppet

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"Someone changed something," literally or figuratively? Mine always seem to do much better for some reason when I'm not around.... I really get the feeling they don't like being watched. :lol: (No kidding!)

Nonetheless, looking good!

Basically it looked like someone had gone and replanted a different plant on top lol. The new growth has smaller leaves and they look a different shape and colour.

Seems alot of my potted plants are now root bound, and are starting to grow roots into the ground. Is it worth repotting now? I'm thinking with how hot the weather is going to get, along with the fact I will probably lose all my fruit that it is best to leave it to later. My habanero's are in 30cm and my Zimbabwe's are in 22cm pots. Thinking about getting 45cm pots so something, maybe get some buckets from bunnings. With any hope I can find the same 20 litre buckets Trippa is talking about getting. The reject shop has some 53cm pots in stock, but not sure if I want them as their so large.
Get the large ones, you can always fill the bottom with styrofoam or bricks to keep the medium cost down. Then you have large pots for whenever you want them. :)
Basically it looked like someone had gone and replanted a different plant on top lol. The new growth has smaller leaves and they look a different shape and colour. Seems alot of my potted plants are now root bound, and are starting to grow roots into the ground. Is it worth repotting now? I'm thinking with how hot the weather is going to get, along with the fact I will probably lose all my fruit that it is best to leave it to later. My habanero's are in 30cm and my Zimbabwe's are in 22cm pots. Thinking about getting 45cm pots so something, maybe get some buckets from bunnings. With any hope I can find the same 20 litre buckets Trippa is talking about getting. The reject shop has some 53cm pots in stock, but not sure if I want them as their so large.

How's your ground there? Nice and fertile? You could always just find a nice permanent spot and just let 'em root into the ground. Save some dosh on both new pots and potting mix. ;)

I've let my plants do it a few times and they always seem to do better! Funny thing, my ground isn't all that either (fairly hard) but must be something magic in there...
Our soil is sandy, has good drainage. I want to keep them in pots so I can move them about.

Get the large ones, you can always fill the bottom with styrofoam or bricks to keep the medium cost down. Then you have large pots for whenever you want them. :)

Good idea Nova, was just thinking about how the hell I was going to get enough potting mix to do this.

Woohoo i have learnt how to post pics with ma droid!
White flower Pube. :) (After Harries comment i hope i haven't got my pics mixed up!)
Our soil is sandy, has good drainage. I want to keep them in pots so I can move them about.

Good idea Nova, was just thinking about how the hell I was going to get enough potting mix to do this.

And if you need styrofoam let me know. I have 6 bag full of them. We just got new furniture and these came with lot of styrofoam packaging.
From memory (a very bad one) yes it is rather hairless. I will take another pic of it this afternoon after work.

Hey Harry here is another pic i just found on my phone. Not sure if i have the right pic up above now! This was taken on November 18th.

Well my season is looking to be a write off! I went away for a weekend and didn't water the outside plants, so typically it was hot and dry and now they look terrible. They were sick to begin with, but now even the good ones have started dropping all their leaves. There is a definite trend where I grow nice green healthy plants indoors under lights.... but when they are moved outside, despite the potting mix and ferts they get sick. I'm thinking its mites or another bug, or fungal infection, or just plain exposure. The yard is extremely hot and dry and windy. On the other side of the fence there is flat ground and nothing to provide shade or a wind break. I see pictures of other peoples successful growing areas and there are usually trees or structues.

I gave my uncle one poblano and one butch t seedling and he just told me they are big, green and loaded with pods. The seedlings had been outside here for at least a week in the little greenhouse but obviously hadn't become affected by whatever is going on.

There is no real point battling the problem here because I have to move out of this house in March and it makes a lot more sense to not bring any infection with me. So all the stunted and under performing plants (all of them!) are going to be trashed and the soil left here. I'll bleach all the pots before moving them too.

The only chilli plants I'll bring are the ones I have on a shelf inside.

There are
5 hot cherry
2 trinidad perfume
3 siling labuyo
2 habanero big sun
1 antillais caribbean
2 vietato
3 numex twilight
These were just supposed to be supplemental to my already massive plant kngdom. I didn't expect these to be the only survivors.

I was going to take some pictures of the sick ones but its not a pretty sight cos I've stopped watering them. :P
What a Biatch there Mega!
I went away for 5 days at X-Mas and came home to some very poor looking Chilli's. I did find they bounced back but really set them back alot and lost a couple.
Hope they pull through.

Yes you will! :D

Well seeing you asked nicely :D
Here ya go-

Outdoor Hydro experiment Bato Pots

The little babies were grown to this size under flouro then transferred into here 17.12.2011

Now how they look today

And this is the big boy in there - TS Morouga Blend

It's really amazing how they grow in these conditions compared to soil in pots.

Happy Chilli Growing,
No it is not. I am pretty sure i have screwed up with the first pic..

Here is a bud forming but prolly has two days until open. Not very hairy for a pube!

Sorry should have said flower forming!
Cheers Mate.
Outdoor Hydro is definately the way to go. Had some monsters last season in a Channel I built, but after costing too much to buy the bits and pieces decided to experiment with Bato pots.

Nice pube by the way!

Well my season is looking to be a write off! I went away for a weekend and didn't water the outside plants, so typically it was hot and dry and now they look terrible. They were sick to begin with, but now even the good ones have started dropping all their leaves. There is a definite trend where I grow nice green healthy plants indoors under lights.... but when they are moved outside, despite the potting mix and ferts they get sick. I'm thinking its mites or another bug, or fungal infection, or just plain exposure. The yard is extremely hot and dry and windy. On the other side of the fence there is flat ground and nothing to provide shade or a wind break. I see pictures of other peoples successful growing areas and there are usually trees or structues.

I gave my uncle one poblano and one butch t seedling and he just told me they are big, green and loaded with pods. The seedlings had been outside here for at least a week in the little greenhouse but obviously hadn't become affected by whatever is going on.

There is no real point battling the problem here because I have to move out of this house in March and it makes a lot more sense to not bring any infection with me. So all the stunted and under performing plants (all of them!) are going to be trashed and the soil left here. I'll bleach all the pots before moving them too.

The only chilli plants I'll bring are the ones I have on a shelf inside.

There are
5 hot cherry
2 trinidad perfume
3 siling labuyo
2 habanero big sun
1 antillais caribbean
2 vietato
3 numex twilight
These were just supposed to be supplemental to my already massive plant kngdom. I didn't expect these to be the only survivors.

I was going to take some pictures of the sick ones but its not a pretty sight cos I've stopped watering them. :P
Dude that sucks.
Do you want a Bonda Ma Jacques? I've got one spare about 40cm tall in a bucket. I would offer more, but I haven't had the best first season either, and that's the only plant I have more than one off.
You know where I live, and you could grab that kmart brand a/c as well...
I had the opposite problem to you. My seedlings suck, and only do well when potted up.
Here's the BMJ if you're interested, my only problems have been aphids as you can see on some leaves.
Well my season is looking to be a write off! I went away for a weekend and didn't water the outside plants, so typically it was hot and dry and now they look terrible. They were sick to begin with, but now even the good ones have started dropping all their leaves. There is a definite trend where I grow nice green healthy plants indoors under lights.... but when they are moved outside, despite the potting mix and ferts they get sick. I'm thinking its mites or another bug, or fungal infection, or just plain exposure. The yard is extremely hot and dry and windy. On the other side of the fence there is flat ground and nothing to provide shade or a wind break. I see pictures of other peoples successful growing areas and there are usually trees or structues.

I gave my uncle one poblano and one butch t seedling and he just told me they are big, green and loaded with pods. The seedlings had been outside here for at least a week in the little greenhouse but obviously hadn't become affected by whatever is going on.

There is no real point battling the problem here because I have to move out of this house in March and it makes a lot more sense to not bring any infection with me. So all the stunted and under performing plants (all of them!) are going to be trashed and the soil left here. I'll bleach all the pots before moving them too.

The only chilli plants I'll bring are the ones I have on a shelf inside.

There are
5 hot cherry
2 trinidad perfume
3 siling labuyo
2 habanero big sun
1 antillais caribbean
2 vietato
3 numex twilight
These were just supposed to be supplemental to my already massive plant kngdom. I didn't expect these to be the only survivors.

I was going to take some pictures of the sick ones but its not a pretty sight cos I've stopped watering them. :P

I haven't really been reading much cos I'm super busy so sorry if this has been suggested but I wonder if you have been hardening off your plants since they seem good inside and then when you put them out they go to crap? Seedlings go really "soft" under artificial light and without any of the weather conditions like wind etc it can be a bit of a shock. (have you got a fan in with your indoor setup?)

Micca I like your Bato system. Did you ask them to set it up lengthwise rather than square? Mine are going awesome after almost loosing them once but all better now. Only thing is the choc scorpion pods seem a bit long rather than round so have a feeling they may not be true which p****s me off since they are at another locationw hich I have to keep visiting each week and setup a special isolation tent etc for it :doh:

All my plants in the garden seem to be going great also. Ones in pots are slow but the garden beds have really taken off. Just wish I had more space!