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off-topic You know what really grinds my gears?!?

My own clumsiness grinds my gears. Like last night when I carefully opened the box of hot sauce Johnny at Heartbreaking Dawns sent me all the way from New Jersey. Great packing and all arrived intact. When I picked up the inner box to take it downstairs to the hot sauce shelf, I dropped the damn box and broke two bottles. <sniff>
Oh, and being an attorney and getting hit up for free legal advice - especially on stuff I know nothing about. And that Bumgarner dude . . . 
Grass Snake said:
And if your gonna try to blend in with your surroundings at least buy the right color camo guys.
That reminds me of when I was working at a school a few months ago. It was a couple weeks before school started, and one day the school was swarmed with cops, police dogs, and even an armored vehicle out front. I was working on the outside of the school, and they were running drills and such on the inside. The funny part was they looked exactly like military, not police. They were all wearing DESERT CAMO inside a school in MINNESOTA. Sand colored combat boots, desert camo pants, desert camo hats and helmets, with tactical vests that said "POLICE" on them. Other than the waste of tax money, it didn't really grind my gears, but I thought it was pretty funny... 
Scoville DeVille said:
I'll tell you something that "sort-of" grinds my gears.
When it's hunting season, all these coasties (people from Seattle) come over shopping at the local grocery store, dressed in their $500 Cabella's camo boots, $500 LLBean camo pants, $500 North Face camo shirt, $500 REI camo coat, $150 Eddie Bauer camo hat and they top it all off with a $15 orange vest from Walmart. They look so goddamm funny. What the hell is the point of all that camo???  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
And out in the parking lot they have camo 4 wheelers, camo guns, a bigass 5th wheel trailer (that I know they wish to god was camo).
I don't know much about hunting in WA, but here in MN you are not required to wear orange while hunting migratory birds, wild turkey, bow hunting for deer, and so on. Pretty much the only time you are required to wear orange is during the deer firearm season, which is only 1 or 2 weeks per year (depending on which part of the state you are in). Most of the guys I deer hunt with wear mostly camo with a cheap orange vest and an orange hat (minimum requirement by law), because they wear much of the same clothing (minus the orange) for bow hunting deer, turkey hunting, duck hunting, etc.
I think I know the type of guys you are describing though. They are probably the same white collar guys who have obviously never gotten their hands dirty in their life, yet try their best to dress up like dirt bags on the weekends when they go for a motorcycle ride. I find that friggen hilarious. :rofl:
Army English.. When I was ~20 I actually believed that beaner and spic were acceptable namings for hispanic privates. After insulting 4 privates I finally learned that those were racist slurs..

Luckily, my outlandish is much better than my English...

So I'll just enjoy my cup of NJ now..
Scoville DeVille said:
I'll tell you something that "sort-of" grinds my gears.
When it's hunting season, all these coasties (people from Seattle) come over shopping at the local grocery store, dressed in their $500 Cabella's camo boots, $500 LLBean camo pants, $500 North Face camo shirt, $500 REI camo coat, $150 Eddie Bauer camo hat and they top it all off with a $15 orange vest from Walmart. They look so goddamm funny. What the hell is the point of all that camo???  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
And out in the parking lot they have camo 4 wheelers, camo guns, a bigass 5th wheel trailer (that I know they wish to god was camo).
Bitter people like to get ground between my gears.
Did I do this right?
Pfeffer said:
Army English.. When I was ~20 I actually believed that beaner and spic were acceptable namings for hispanic privates. After insulting 4 privates I finally learned that those were racist slurs..

Luckily, my outlandish is much better than my English...

So I'll just enjoy my cup of NJ now..
my father served during WW2 and had a name for just about every race there was. Lots of nasty names that I'm glad to say aren't used much anymore but I still have to chuckle when I think about him going on about those "eye-talians" who live in a boot and how you gotta "keep em away from yer broads". My childhood imagination went wild with that one for years.
Pfeffer... i love the play on words: "outlandish" -- "auslandische" (foreign)... beautiful!!

As to what really grinds my gears: Bigots. No, really....

Also, the word "antisesquipedalianistic"... i looked it up.

Know what it means? "Opposed to fancy, many-syllable words." But they had to use fancy words to tell me this. My quoted definition is MY translation, on account of i had to look up THEIR words to understand the definition of a word i had to look up in the first place.


...yeah, that's what really grinds my gears... smart-aleck dictionaries.
Ya know what really grinds my gears?

Stupid trendy restaurants that name themselves after one ingredient or one dish on their menu.

A Mediterranean restaurant called "hummus" that I just saw, for example. A Mexican place called "cilantro ", or an Italian place called "oregano".

SeriouslyFuck you. Think of a goddamn name for your restaurant you trendy assholes. This just makes you sound lazy, not fashionable.

And while I'm at it, enough with the coffee pun names. "Common grounds", "the daily grind", "flick your bean" - ok, that last one isn't real, but you get the point. Again - it's just grating at this point. No one loves puns. Never have, never will.

And that really grinds my gears.
I'm sure this is something that grinds everyone's gears, but how about unsolicited advice.
It's one thing if someone asks a question for something or wants to know, that's totally fine, since that person obviously wants advice/help on that topic, but simply giving someone advice when they didn't ask for it just makes me want to choke that person out. I've gotten it so often, especially from family members.
And dovetailing on this one... People who assume they know what I want better than I do. Especially really pushy salespeople. I was at GNC about six weeks ago, I had gotten the bottle of CoQ-10 I wanted, and got to the counter. The guy at the cashier looked at me with this indignant face and told me to come with him. He tried to push a bottle of CoQ10 that was three times more expensive than the one I had, and I had to tell him "No" 4 times before he got the hint that maybe I had gotten what I wanted and just wanted to check out. That was (and will be) the last time I ever willingly set foot in a GNC.
What grinds my gears is when AT&T sends you a phone software update and you follow it only to have your phone not work afterwards even with trying a factory reset sequence. :banghead:
SadisticPeppers said:
I'm sure this is something that grinds everyone's gears, but how about unsolicited advice.
And dovetailing on this one... People who assume they know what I want better than I do. Especially really pushy salespeople. I was at GNC about six weeks ago, I had gotten the bottle of CoQ-10 I wanted, and got to the counter. The guy at the cashier looked at me with this indignant face and told me to come with him. He tried to push a bottle of CoQ10 that was three times more expensive than the one I had, and I had to tell him "No" 4 times before he got the hint that maybe I had gotten what I wanted and just wanted to check out. That was (and will be) the last time I ever willingly set foot in a GNC.
I usually have no problem with sales people when shopping for something specific.  It sometimes happens when shopping locally (we live in a very remote area, no big malls, etc) so I cannot say anything about pushy GNC salespersons. 
We went to the "local" (40 miles from our home) privately owned shoe/clothes store recently specifically to buy shoes for the kid, work hi-tops for me, and some Teva-esque sandals for me.  I tried on 3 pairs of high tops and chose the Columbia's that were on sale.  Not because they were on sale, because they fit the best.  The gal kept asking if I wanted to try the OtherBrand at 2x the price.....Nope- those fit just fine, I'll take those.  Same with the Teva water sandals.  I know the strap design I like, I found it, one pair, done deal.
I'd of been in and out of the store in 20 minutes if not for the 'Kid.... :rolleyes:
I've never been a shopping "browser" which to me is a Looky-Lou!.  Are they wandering around the mall just seeing what's out there for sale hanging out with friends for the fun of it?  OK, That's all good and all...or are they looking for a pair of black suede open-toed pumps with 2" heels?  I'm the purchaser, thank you for your input regarding (water resistance of the shoes, rate of metabolism for a vitamin, manufacturer's warranty...)whatever I might ask the sales person.  But when I say "I'll Take That One" that's it.  Sometimes I think it surprises the sales staff.  :lol:
salsalady said:
I usually have no problem with sales people when shopping for something specific.  It sometimes happens when shopping locally (we live in a very remote area, no big malls, etc) so I cannot say anything about pushy GNC salespersons. 
We went to the "local" (40 miles from our home) privately owned shoe/clothes store recently specifically to buy shoes for the kid, work hi-tops for me, and some Teva-esque sandals for me.  I tried on 3 pairs of high tops and chose the Columbia's that were on sale.  Not because they were on sale, because they fit the best.  The gal kept asking if I wanted to try the OtherBrand at 2x the price.....Nope- those fit just fine, I'll take those.  Same with the Teva water sandals.  I know the strap design I like, I found it, one pair, done deal.
I'd of been in and out of the store in 20 minutes if not for the 'Kid.... :rolleyes:
I've never been a shopping "browser" which to me is a Looky-Lou!.  Are they wandering around the mall just seeing what's out there for sale hanging out with friends for the fun of it?  OK, That's all good and all...or are they looking for a pair of black suede open-toed pumps with 2" heels?  I'm the purchaser, thank you for your input regarding (water resistance of the shoes, rate of metabolism for a vitamin, manufacturer's warranty...)whatever I might ask the sales person.  But when I say "I'll Take That One" that's it.  Sometimes I think it surprises the sales staff.  :lol:
I'm the type who always does my research and I know exactly what I want beforehand, and I only on very rare occasions buy something spur of the moment, especially when it comes to technology. 
Salemen who don't respect you really grind my gears.

Had a sales call with Yelp last night. Why I agreed to it I have no idea, but a 30 min call turned into a 50 min call.'

The guy kept trying to sell me on allllll the benefits of using yelp and I asked, "so what's the bottom line here man? Tell me the time, don't build me a clock. What does it cost?"

"Oh well before I get to that, i just want to talk about blah blah blah blah features blah blah stats, blah blah sales pitch"

I said, "while I respect your dedication to the pitch, and appreciate that this is your style, I am a former project manager. I'm the type of person who looks at a map before I start the car so I can decide if the journey is worth my time. I'd like to know the cost of this so that neither of us are wasting our time here."

He says, oh, ok - so if you just want to know the price then I have to send you an email with some specifics to go over so I can explain what's in each of the price tiers."

He sends an email with no pricing.

He tells me to click a link - it's to a youtube video that rehashes the features that he just explained.

I said, "you're never going to tell me the price, are you?"

He has the balls to say, "no, I'm in the driver's seat here."

I was taken aback - that may have been the rudest a salesman has ever been to me.

He finally sent me pricing when I said "ok, then I guess this concludes our call since I've asked you for pricing 3 times and you're not answering".

He then went in for the hard sell. I told him that I'm not the kind of person who makes a large purchasing decision on impulse, or on the word of a salesperson. I'd need to sleep on it & do some analysis to see if it made sense for my budget

He says (clearly agitated) "oh, so it sounds like you're trying to find a polite way of saying no" - very dismissive & insulting.

I am sickened by the approach of this person - the arrogance and presumptions stacked up to make a giant shit sandwich that he kept feeding me despite my repeated attempts to get him to cut to the chase.

And that realy grinds my gears.
Shorerider said:
People whose favorite topic of discussion is themselves.......
Especially when they can't help but tell you in excruciating detail how much their life sucks, to the point it almost gives YOU clinical depression...
Here's another thing that grinds my gears... People (especially women) who think I have an agenda or ulterior motives.
I can't tell you how many times women take things I say and do, or perform a nice gesture and completely twist it around into some mythical thing that wasn't even in the same galaxy as its intention (in this case, just trying to be nice to them). I pride myself on being a nice person, and try to show kindness to others by and large. But it's really a struggle when I try to do something nice for a woman, and she thinks it's some ploy, she gets pissed off, or makes up some elaborate fantasy in her head on how the kind gesture was something else entirely.
I totally get that women that have gotten burned, they got their hearts ripped out, etc. I've had my own heart ripped out, torn into little pieces and stomped on no less than 3 times in my life, but just because someone was hurt by someone doesn't mean they should take it out on the next one that comes along.