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off-topic You know what really grinds my gears?!?

Perfect timing.

People who can't keep their hands off other peoples' property really grind my gears. Some degenerate turd stole my best iron rake earlier this week. Then, yesterday, I go outside and find that the landscape crew hired by the adjacent apartment building are just finishing up. And what were they working on? The 40" areca palms I have as a privacy buffer. They butchered them. In some cases, they cut stuff that's three feet inside my fence, which is itself two feet inside my property line. A lot of it isn't cut cleanly, but ripped. Now I'm left with several days' work removing the stumps (yeah, they cut them off at the height of the fence), my privacy is GONE, and my property is no longer secure; anyone that wants to just hop the fence and come on in can do so.

And it's not the first time this has happened, although it's the worst.

This time, Wicked Mike is going to war. I called the cops and filed a police report. I took lots of pictures. I'm going to sue the pants off both the landscaper and the condo board. The parking spaces they have on the property line are against the law, as it used to be a fire lane. Guess who's going to report them?

But yeah. People taking liberties with my stuff, that really grinds my gears.
salsalady said:
     I'd like to expand on this if I may. Don't get me wrong, I love biking. I have about a half dozen of them. But one thing that really pisses me off are the inconsiderate dickheads who choose to ride their bikes down the busiest goddamn street they can find. You know, the four lane, 35mph road with ZERO shoulder space. The one that's busy all day with all kinds of vehicles including semis - who have a hard enough time fitting their own vehicles between the lines with out some toolbox swerving around while smoking a cigarette and talking on his cellphone on the way home from the bar.
     What. The. Fuck. Asshole, how about you take a TINY detour, ONE FUCKING BLOCK OVER, to the nice, peaceful, biker-friendly residential side street that runs parallel to the busier street? 
     But, noOOOooo. These shitweasels HAVE to ride on the busy road, holding up all traffic in the right lane. So everyone has to merge out of that lane and bottleneck themselves into one lane AND wait for this cheesedick to creep past (hey it's hard to bike while enjoying a smoke wile texting while drunk) if they want to make a turn currently inhabited by this brain donor abortion survivor.
dash 2 said:
     I'd like to expand on this if I may. Don't get me wrong, I love biking. I have about a half dozen of them. But one thing that really pisses me off are the inconsiderate dickheads who choose to ride their bikes down the busiest goddamn street they can find. You know, the four lane, 35mph road with ZERO shoulder space. The one that's busy all day with all kinds of vehicles including semis - who have a hard enough time fitting their own vehicles between the lines with out some toolbox swerving around while smoking a cigarette and talking on his cellphone on the way home from the bar.
     What. The. f**k. Asshole, how about you take a TINY detour, ONE f**kING BLOCK OVER, to the nice, peaceful, biker-friendly residential side street that runs parallel to the busier street? 
     But, noOOOooo. These shitweasels HAVE to ride on the busy road, holding up all traffic in the right lane. So everyone has to merge out of that lane and bottleneck themselves into one lane AND wait for this cheesedick to creep past (hey it's hard to bike while enjoying a smoke wile texting while drunk) if they want to make a turn currently inhabited by this brain donor abortion survivor.
Come on Dash, quit beating around the bush and tell us how you really feel! ;) :lol:
I'm with Dash. Those guys really are shitweasels. The part of Miami where I live is flooded on the weekends with flocks of cyclist, but these are the head-to-toe spandex, I-could-be-the-next-Lance-Armstrong kinda wingnuts. And they never ride single file, even when they see you.

So here's what I do: if I come up to a light, I intentionally get way over to the right so they can't get around me. Hey, turnabout is fair play.
Anti-hunters.. because why would you kill an innocent creature?! Especially if you can get GOOD meat(alternatives) in the supermarket?

... because a boxed calf that never saw daylight, transported over half the country is much more humane than a buck that never knew what hit him.

And vegetarians that don't understand meat, but do eat (a lot) of soy products and "superfoods", without actually checking how it is produced. Nothing against vegetarians, don't get me wrong, but much of that crap they serve you is just good marketing, in a plain Brown (recycled) wrapper. Especially GMO soy which the big brands use, quinoa, chia and goji berries are complete crap, often full of pesticides.
SadisticPeppers said:
Here's a couple other things that grind my gears:
1. People who assume that because I'm a computer guy, I'll drop whatever it is I'm ding right that moment to fix their personal computer problem, or that they assume I have no life at all, and I just sit on my ass in front of the computer all day. It's gotten to the point where I've hesitated to even tell people I just met that I do IT work because then it'll be a 45-minute session of them asking me 50 zillion questions about various things, or how to fix this or that, only for them to forget 99.9% of what I told them. And I'm almost afraid to go out and do something, either myself or with friends, because then I'll get a phone call, text, or email from someone asking me for computer support. And ignoring them is hard, since my family members are some of the worst offenders, and as past events have proven, ignoring their requests for help is perilous at best, considering the number of not-so-nice followup's I've gotten from them.
There was even one instance where my father, without my permission or knowledge, effectively pimped me out to his coworkers for computer support at any time. I can't tell you how many calls I got during dinner, in the middle of the night while I was sleeping, etc., from his coworkers until they got the hint, and changing my number wouldn't help since my folks... "requested" (read: give it to us or else) to have my phone number to call me at any time, or else I would suffer some unpleasant consequences or be disowned from the family. I've even kept a list (not comprehensive, but just what I could remember from years' past) of times I was interrupted for personal computer support by friends and family:

  • literally as the first bite of my meal is going into my mouth
  • sleeping
  • in the shower
  • at work (helping with personal IT support for anything other than work PC's is an immediate firing offense at my job)
  • driving home from work
  • going out to eat
  • at the movie theater
  • on the toilet going to the bathroom
  • on vacation at Disney World
  • on vacation in Europe
  • on a general day off from work
  • about to set foot on an airplane or as a foot is in my car for a road trip
  • while going out on a date
  • hanging out with friends
  • driving on the highway or stuck in traffic
  • right as my housekey makes contact with the lock on my front door
Seriously, I can't make any of that up. On more than one occasion, I've very seriously considered changing my numbers and email address, if for no other reason, than to keep people from contacting me at all hours for tech support, but like I said, if I were to do that, I'd virtually be disowned by family and friends alike, if not for this reason, then for reason #.
My wife has the same problem. She works in IT so constantly has people wanting her to fix their broken computers. She'll do it once, tell them what to do, what not to do etc, then a week later bam. Come fix it again. What did you do? Uhh, pretty much what you told me not to do, cos I figured you could fix it again.
All this talk about bike riders. I live in Kona, the home of the international ironman triathlon race. Every year beginning around mid september, swarms of holier-than-thou douche bags come to town with their $5,000 bikes and invade not just the town but damn near the entire island. Many roads are barely wide enough for 2 passing cars but it doesn't stop the shit-tards from riding 3 or 4 wide. And the camera crews and countless reporters who drive alongside the bikes going 30mph in a 55 zone. Lines can back up almost a mile before there's room for a couple cars to pass. They say we should be happy that they bring so much money into the economy but from what I see, all that money they spend goes away with the vendors who flew in for the race. 
#gears_ground :mad:
Grass Snake said:
When cops ask "Do you know why I pulled you over today?" Does it really matter? Its not like if I answer correct you'll you let slide.
I had a highway patrol ask me that when he pulled me over - I was going 90 in a 55 - he asked "do you know why I pulled you over?"

I answered "yeah - probably because I'm going 90 in a '68 GTO at 11:00 at night?"

He smiled, said "most honest answer I've ever gotten. Slow down and have a good night"

Lucky Dog Hot Sauce said:
I had a highway patrol ask me that when he pulled me over - I was going 90 in a 55 - he asked "do you know why I pulled you over?"
I answered "yeah - probably because I'm going 90 in a '68 GTO at 11:00 at night?"
He smiled, said "most honest answer I've ever gotten. Slow down and have a good night"
Your car saved you not your honesty because if you were in a 98 grand am they would of took your ass to jail.
I'll tell you something that "sort-of" grinds my gears.
When it's hunting season, all these coasties (people from Seattle) come over shopping at the local grocery store, dressed in their $500 Cabella's camo boots, $500 LLBean camo pants, $500 North Face camo shirt, $500 REI camo coat, $150 Eddie Bauer camo hat and they top it all off with a $15 orange vest from Walmart. They look so goddamm funny. What the hell is the point of all that camo???  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
And out in the parking lot they have camo 4 wheelers, camo guns, a bigass 5th wheel trailer (that I know they wish to god was camo).