... you check THP before you check your emails
... your missus asks "what were you doing on the computer?" you reply "nothing really", she then asks "were you on that chile forum again?"
... you busily scan yahoo for news articles so you can post them as forum topics on THP
... your single greatest delight in life is to have Passow comment on one of your posts
... you log on and are overjoyed that there are several 'newby' posts that you can post welcome messages to, thus increasing your post count
... you find out about some new 'devilishly hot pepper/hotsauce/pepper t-shirt/fertiliser/germ technique' etc and can't wait to share it with the pepperheads at THP because no-one else understands you like we do
... you spend more time on THP than you do surfing porn - in fact you get more pleasure out of pepper porn than the regular type