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Zander's 2010 Season

Thanks everyone. I never got around to posting these pics.

I had a nice early harvest from my Thai #1. It's got a second batch ready to go and then I'll move it to a bigger container. I used it to make up some "Prig Nam Pla". That's Thai for chilies and fish sauce. I threw some mini sevens in there for extra heat.



And here's a shot of my community garden space. Those are 7 gallon grow bags with individual mini sprinklers. You can see some nice green gardens in the back, but no one is growing very hot chilies. I've had a few issues with this spot. First I was forced to plant early, then my mix was to strong, and now I'm fighting ants. The plants are adjusting and I'm fighting back the ants so expect some great shots later on.
I'm finally starting to harvest some nice peppers and tomatoes. Here are two shots from the weekend. It's the same harvest just from a different angle. There are 3 different kinds of tomatoes and many different peppers. My Bhuts and Scorpions have finally started setting pods and everything is going great. A big surprise was the Venezuelan Sweet Habanero's super flavor. I'll be growing that one next season for sure.


Thanks for visiting friends. Chris, I did send you those seeds. I'll send you a PM to see what's up. Yeah, I'm pretty happy with this year, much better than last year. Still, I have a lot to change for next season. Start a bit later, fewer varieties, improved soil mix etc...
Well the weather here has been very strange. I don't think we've had more than 3 days in the 90s. Usually we have "June gloom" where the mornings are overcast and cool, but a cool July is not normal. It can get pretty chilly in the evenings. Regular June gloom can cause problems w/ slow peppers and mildew on tomatoes but I took precautions this season and I'm doing just fine. Still some peppers like my Bhuts and Scorpions are just not willing to set many pods until it is warmer. Should be harvesting plenty in September/October.

I cam home yesterday and it looked like my hydroponic table had a nice growth spurt. That's mostly Bhuts and Scorpions. I have 3 Bhuts this year, a regular, yellow and chocolate. They are beautiful and healthy but I haven't even seen a single pod on the chocolate yet. It's my best plant too. I'm sure it will deliver a great harvest for my patience.

Table shot:

Under canopy:

Yellow Bhut closeup:
Time to share some updated photos. My gardens are growing and producing. Had some mildew on my tomatoes and continuing issues w/ mites, ants and flea beetles (only on my eggplants). I picked up some spinosad spray for the eggplants. Hornworms and aphids haven't been bad this year and no BLS! I finally have pod set on my scorpions and my Yellow and Red Bhut, it's just the Chocolate Bhut that won't set yet. I hear the hot weather is on the way so hopefully that will produce soon. My favorites so far have been the Jalabanero, Thai #1, Orange Manzano, Fatalli and Yellow Scorpion. Aji Crystal's been great, but I think I will switch back to the Lemon Drop for my C. Baccatum fix. Oh yeah, It looks like my Datil is "Datil Red Cross", anyone know about this cross?

Here's a tiny harvest I took down last Friday morning to share with friends:

Next is a interesting pepper that I've been calling Padaung. It's also known as Kraraeng in Thailand. I need something to show the scale, because these are tiny, skinny peppers about 1cm each. It's strange because they are just so skinny. The plant is loaded with tiny peppers and flowers, and I'm a big fan of the dried flavor. This is my first year with them and they're a great compliment to the C. Chineses that I have all over the place.
I made some Chili Garlic Sauce with some of my smaller C. Chineses. Pretty much filled a small mason jar w/ pods, 5 cloves garlic, ounce or two vinegar, teaspoon sugar, pinch of salt and blended it up. It was surprisingly delicious with some corned beef.


Ok, time for some big updates. I've got even more photos and stuff to talk about, so let me know if something sounds interesting. Today I have:

Harvest pics
Pod pics
Plant pics
Yellow bhut

First up, a harvest from my Mom's garden. Some Cherokee Purples, Yellow Rocoto, Mariachi, and Unknown:

How about some poppers? Manzanos and Jalapenos


Hopefully I'll have clones of my best plants:
I finally had my Yellow Bhut ripen. There was some question about this because the seeds came from eBay. They were awesome plants and I'm happy to say it ripened yellow. Doesn't have the heat or flavor of the Bhut yet, but I'll wait until November to decide if I grow it again.



I also had a ripe Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Blend. This was 5x as hot as the Yellow Bhut, perhaps as hot as a Naga Morich. It took 24 hours to be used up. With some vinegar and sugar it made a bad ass sauce. The plant is not very productive and seems to invite pests, but I'm in love with the berries. The bottom of the pod has a crazy shape too.



There's plenty more to post, but I'll stop here with some pictures from my Fatalli harvest. The plant is in a 2 gallon container w/ about a square foot of space, but it gave me tons of ripe pods. I've grown Fatallis every year, but this has been the best.

Pre harvest plant. Check out the density:

Post harvest and pruning:

The haul:
Things are looking good your way. I agree the Yellow Bhut lacks the heat of others. Decent flavor. For me, it's average productivity. I think I like Fatalii better.

Thanks Hotpepperman and Chris,
Things are going well and I'm running out of space. I have my first pod set on my Chocolate Bhut, but the big news is that I've installed a raised bed at my community garden plot. I went big and put in a 15x4x1 bed out of 2x6 douglas fir. It fits right over the existing border and wasn't too difficult or expensive. I dug it down about a foot in the middle. It looks like the gypsum and cardboard I put down months ago really helped break up the clay. I laid down a layer of straw and I'm picking up a load of aged horse manure on Tuesday. On top of the manure I'm planning to put down more straw, then cardboard, maybe some EWC and the top will be where I dump out my containers from this season. In October I will plant a cover crop, and then the bed will be ready for planting in April/May.

Back at home I'm getting some nice ripe Bhuts. It seems my peppers in coco have such vivid colors, these are the deepest red and my Fataliis and Yellow Scorpions have also had very deep coloring. I'm very happy about their health. Here's some of the Bhuts: