contest July?

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I stopped counting after the first year, LB. That number looks about right though.

You'll get a crown one of these days. Just keep bringing it!
Geeme, this sounds like the perfect opportunity to buy yourself a new camera! :)

I'm going to try my very best to enter this throwdown before the baby shows up and starts throwdownblocking me.
Photography, I like it but let say we even the playing field and take all the expensive equipment out so that all pics must be taken with a Camera Phone or cheap Point and Shoot one. Part of POL is a Pic of the camera/phone used.
I like it RM. put away all of YOUR expensive equipment, lol
I only have one camera, so to take a picture of it, I would need a mirror, so you will only get the front view of it.
Maybe I could get SL to come over and we can have a photo shoot of our cameras?
Or maybe we could get the Hab family over here for a 3 way photo shoot, that would be fun.
Just ribbing you bruddah, lol
I'll put my almost-point-and-shoot camera up against an SLR any day, as long as I can make minor adjustments - things built into digital SLR's that aren't built into P&S - using my other tool...... At the end of the day, whether you have an SLR or P&S, if you don't take a great shot to start with (think framing, focus, content), nothing is going to help.

Not great shot: Picture of the entire grill with a little steak somewhere on it. Can't really see the steak itself well, surely can't get a sense of the sizzle. It's a pic of the grill that just happens to have a steak on it.
Great shot: Picture of the steak sitting on the grill - just enough of the grate showing to put it in context, or to display that touch of flame licking the steak. The steak pretty much fills the frame, so the pic is about the steak itself, not the grill.

.... or maybe do presentation vs. pictures?
this camera phone idea is intriguing... i feel like many people wouldn't be able to enter the TD based on their camera and the feeling somebody who has more money is going to blow them away because of clarity and several thousand dollars of computers and editing software they can't afford. Maybe a separate artisitc photo contest should be a running thing in another section of the site... I have a $10 target gift card I would be willing to offer as a prize. we vote for the winner as a group and if there's a tie I make the final decision. who knows, maybe that would get the people excited and we won't stray too far from the TD themes.
You're getting too "desert island" mode. People have 10mp camera phones too you know. So the idea does not work.

And I want to see brilliant pictures.
Yeah. Cellphone cameras are pretty good these days. Better than a lot of point and shoots from just a few years ago.
not trying to argue with you THP, i get that, I just think the variability of SLR's and medium format cameras with interchangeable lenses, depth of field, and photographic techniques can still put a camera phone to shame any day of the week, I spent a few hours in the darkroom developing those pictures I took, re-doing them until they were technically perfect. i dare anyone to take a similar picture with a camera phone!
It's not a level playing field challenge, and the real artist of a photograph is behind the camera. Even with a $10K lens. The best equipment does not make the photo, give photographers some credit.
think i'm going to slowly back away..... I see what you're saying but I don't know if i totally agree with it. I feel like making it more of a level playing field would give photographers credit. If i put a $5k camera in somebody's hands and they took two photos, one with that and one with a camera phone, and we looked at both... people would pick the $5k camera picture. I've done this with my family before and they ended up going out and buying the same camera.

Don't get me wrong, framing and an artistic eye are absolutely what make the picture.
This is the only camera I have, no cell phone, no Polaroid, just a step up from a P&S.
Not great, but not SoFlo fantastic either. I ain't no Ansel Adams, but I'll do my damnedest to compete.
You have noooo idea how "artsy fartsy" I can get after a few hhwhiskeys.

Framing and artistic eye are only a couple of several factors that go into photography. Being able to control depth of field is VERY important IMO. [Edit: So is shutter speed and ISO manipulation if you're looking to capture motion as a blur or freeze motion in perfect focus.] Just because someone has an "expensive" camera does not mean they know how to use it. Most people I know only use those things in automatic mode anyway and get a bunch of what I call "happy accidents."

I think now is the time to bust out your best equipment. Maybe learn to use it in manual mode if you have that function. This is where the true photographer shines.

If we go with cellphone cameras, you're pushing me into a huge disadvantage since I'd be shooting a 1 megapixel six year old Motorola Razor. Pictures out of that are so horrible I would be embarassed to take credit for them and would probably skip this TD altogether.

If it's about photography then you have to use the best tools and knowledge available to you.
Ima break out my tripod camera.

The one where it has a little black curtain you put over your head.

And has a separate stand with some 'splodin' sheeeyit on top of it.
Our challenges aren't that much different from a photography contest to begin with...

I AM DOWN FOR THIS. Do you think the photography will be our only criteria other than a hot pepper element? Trying to get my brainstorm on...
"Look at the Birdie"................"Say Cheese"..............................Chicken Parmigiana......anyone?
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