Recent content by mvinson

  1. mvinson

    Albo'gators complete and shipping NOW

    looking forward to receiving mine! this will be the 500th bottle in my collection - I have been holdng off buying anything else till it gets here - wanted #500 to be a bit special!
  2. mvinson

    Yellow 7 Turkey Slap

    I really like the Turkey Slap - Neil did a great job on this one
  3. mvinson

    event Zest Fest or Fiery Foods Show?

    I have already made reservations for Zestfest so am definately going to be there (plus it's the closest show to me) - but I loved the FFS this past year and if there is any possible way to make it I will be there also - so I honestly can't vote one way or the other
  4. mvinson

    event Zest Fest or Fiery Foods Show?

    Scott ran this on his site a little while back - Zestfest or FFS
  5. mvinson

    Afterburner taste test

    I really like all Neil's sauces - the Afterburner was very good - the Scorpion was great (I personally like the Turkey Slap just a little better tho) but my favorite from Neil has to be the Nagasav - The Nagasav isn't as hot as the Scorpion or the Turkey Slap but there is just something about it
  6. mvinson

    Who can co-package my sauces?

    well I just went to a conversion table - according to it one US liquid gallon is 128 US liquid oz so 200 gallons is 25,600 divided by 5 thats about 5,120 five ounce bottles of sauce?
  7. mvinson

    event Now Casting!! Calling all Carnivores!!!

    the part about "include a headshot" kinda puts me out of the running - not saying I am ugly or anything, but I posted my real pic on facebook and shut down the entire internet for a couple hours - I got an email telling to never do that again
  8. mvinson

    The NEW Defcon products have arrived!

    and just checked your site and saw them up so just placed my order - can't wait to try these out!
  9. mvinson

    The NEW Defcon products have arrived!

    it's cool - understand how it is - the place where I work has invented 28 hour days as a matter of fact - they just want us to do them within 8 hours tho - I will be ordering as soon as you get the new stuff up - just don't get rid of all the sludge before I get the chance at some!
  10. mvinson

    The NEW Defcon products have arrived!

    still waiting to send you some money for these - and a sludge too!
  11. mvinson

    The NEW Defcon products have arrived!

    well I will be ordering both as soon as you put it up on your site and if you do make a limited run on the Def-Konichi I will be in for a couple of those as well
  12. mvinson

    Canada eh

    welcome to the board
  13. mvinson

    Texas Heat

    welcome to the board
  14. mvinson

    Hello from Pennsylvania

    welcome to the board
  15. mvinson

    Pura Vida from Costa Rica

    welcome to the board