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contest Super Bowl Throwdown!

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I moved this post so it was in the right area!!!

Ok well here is my entry:

Pippy's Sweet and spicy balls of fun

I googled the super bowl food and didn't really come up with anything all that unique so I started to thing about it....I wanted something that was quick and easy to make with only a few and basic on hand ingredients (incase you ran out and wanted more), something that tasted really good, something that was drop and drunk proof..........So I came up with these babies.....


Ingredients are:

350 grams Sweet corn keenels
300 grams unsalted peanuts
200 grams flour
1 brown onion
1 fresh nutmeg (ground)
1 stick of fresh cinnomin (ground)
8 dried cloves (ground)
2 dried allspice berrys (ground)
2 tsps of grated fresh ginger
1 tblsp of fatalii powder

The mixture basically turns into a dough and you roll into balls and deep fry untill they are golden brown. These are so yummy and once you have one you can't stop!!!!

They have a slightly indian almost asian feel to them but just a hint which is the flavour I was going for...and the fatalii powder went really great with the flavours

I finished them off by dipping them in soy sauce which complimented them perfectly....

I set out to make a simple but full of flavour snack that would handle ruff treatment and I think I did well.....
The Boss said- "Something Different, something we haven't seen before-"

And here is my entry into the "something different, something we haven't seen before Superbowl Throwdown"~~~~



This dish is based on a recipe and cooking method developed by Jesse Chaves, chef/owner of Tres Virgines Restaurant in La Paz, BCS, MX. Here is some text from Jesse's original recipe.

"Ok for a little backround on this recipe, i love Shrimp, i hate Shrimp Ceviche. Fish and its delicate texture, seems to marinate perfectly with lime juice, but Shrimp having a more complex texture than Fish, doesn´t seem to "release" its full flavors in a lime marinade. Having tried many recipes and failed at finding one that resolve this problem, i gave up trying to find a recipe a long time ago and started on working on a new complete way of achieving this. So lets see:

1.-I want a Shrimp that marinates good with Lime BUT that also releases its full (Shrimp) flavor.
2.-Raw Shrimp and Lime are simply not too great of partners.
3.-Cooked Shrimp cannot be marinated in lime as the Texture becomes too tight to absorb the lime properly.

Three years later and i found the solution, its been selling like crazy at the Restaurant so i am going to share it."

Based on Jesse's recipe, I developed the BURM- (Big Ugly Rock Method)

Here's the ingredients(I'll list them at the end)-


1- soak shrimp for 20 minuted is salted ice water. Butterfly and lay out on saran wrap. With another piece of plastic wrap over top of the shrimp, carefully and gently pound the shrimp body until it becomes a carpaccio, not too thick, not too think. Place the shrimp inside a Ziploc plastic freezer bag.

Arrange the bag in a large flat pot and weigh down with a Big Ugly Rock. Pour simmering water over bag and rock until shrimp are submerged. Let it sit for 2-3 minutes, just until shrimp are opaque.

When shrimp are opaque, submerge bag in icewater to chill, toss chilled shrimp in lime juice first, then mix with the rest of the ingredients.

This photo shows the shrimp in the pot, ice water to immediately chill the shrimp when removed from hot water, lime juice in flat bowl on the left and the rest of the ceviche goodies in the bowl back left.


Bite size pieces~~~

And the taste? light citrus with a good punch of heat but it doesn't overpower the flavor of the sweet and tender shrimp. Fresh, is the best word, fresh, light, a little crisp from the crackers and chips. The cooking method developed by Jesse is perfect in that it doesn't really cook the shrimp, but they aren't raw either. And the shrimp aren't waterlogged either. Sweet and tender.

12 large Shrimp, devained, cleaned
2 limes-juice
3 Tablespoon diced Onion.
1 Tablespoon diced Cilantro.
2 Table spoon Olive oil.
1 Table spoon Ponzu sauce or a Light soy sauce.
1 large Pepperoncini pepper
1 habanero pepper
pinch bhut jolokia powder
3 cloves garlic
1/4 avocado
1 Large Ziploc bag.
6 to 8 Cherry Tomatoes halved.
Sea salt.

and I know this doesn't count, but since I had a few extra shrimp and the pot of hot water, I made a shrimp cocktail using the BURM of cooking.

It is so nice to have tender shrimp that aren't waterlogged!

salsalady, wow, great story, great method, great dish!
Thanks PF and THP-

Tough competition around here! Every dish gets points for SOMETHING!

Not sure how far this not-deepfried dish will go, but it is delightful!
i have to say, I've been observing the throwdowns for quite a while, and I'm blown away by this one. By far my favorite. Excellent job everyone.
moyboy said:
I moved this post so it was in the right area!!!

Ok well here is my entry:

Pippy's Sweet and spicy balls of fun

I googled the super bowl food and didn't really come up with anything all that unique so I started to thing about it....I wanted something that was quick and easy to make with only a few and basic on hand ingredients (incase you ran out and wanted more), something that tasted really good, something that was drop and drunk proof..........So I came up with these babies.....


Ingredients are:

350 grams Sweet corn keenels
300 grams unsalted peanuts
200 grams flour
1 brown onion
1 fresh nutmeg (ground)
1 stick of fresh cinnomin (ground)
8 dried cloves (ground)
2 dried allspice berrys (ground)
2 tsps of grated fresh ginger
1 tblsp of fatalii powder

The mixture basically turns into a dough and you roll into balls and deep fry untill they are golden brown. These are so yummy and once you have one you can't stop!!!!

They have a slightly indian almost asian feel to them but just a hint which is the flavour I was going for...and the fatalii powder went really great with the flavours

I finished them off by dipping them in soy sauce which complimented them perfectly....

I set out to make a simple but full of flavour snack that would handle ruff treatment and I think I did well.....

booooooo double post. Nooooova reset the meter!!!
Everyone is rockin' it Superbowl style tonight! Where's TB, and the SoFlo Posse? Paul? Keep 'em coming!
it's half time and The Who!


btw, who's playing? I saw that one team is blue/white and the other team is black/gold. I'm cheering for the black/gold! (which team is that????????)
And the young kids are saying "Who Dat?" playin' at half time LOL. Why are they covering CSI songs?!
Where is Pips entry? Me can't findy.

The rest of them look killer, i thought AJ was going to pull a rabbit out of his hat so to speak and he didn't dissapoint! I will however have to "dish a point" out to him anyway! :rofl:
CSI songs!!! Yea that's what they think.

Hubby and SalsaNut0.5 are in there rocking out to the halftime show. I'm not sure if it's good or bad, but SalsaNut0.5 is familiar with The Who and the songs. LOL!

Hubby just came in and said that was the best halftime show he's seen. ROCK ON!

I'm relaxing in the chair with a glass from the BotaBox.
so it's halftime..............what's the score?
10-6 Colts...but really who cares...these threads are entertainment enough within themselves...but if it weren't for the superbowl maybe we wouldn't be having a "Superbowl Throwdown"....:doh:
Bummer- the black/gold team is behind!

I get my halftime entertainment HERE! :)
having a stomach filled fried goods for a while now, That Ceviche is currently the most appetizing!!! maybe it will help nurse the arteries back to health, isn't that what the do in Peru, drink the juice as an elixer....I'm gonna hold off on my top choice but the Ceviche, Mels Ball and JayT's Crab dip are my favorites rights now....and hey aren't they supposed to crash The Who with like Lil' wayne just sneaking up behind Pete Townsend and doing something and leaving again, where was this years surprise, utterly mismatched crowd pleaser?
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