Variety you are most excited about for 2016

The only thing pepper wise is two maybe three very rare wilds C. lanceolatum and C. tovarii I really want to get some C. flexuosum last time I checked the two vendors that had them were out so maybe a no grow this year.
I'm growing the Reaper from two sources and the Brown Moruga and maybe a Primo.
I will be growing several wilds other than the above, some C. praetermissum  and C. eximiums and a C. galapagoense all nice wilds , nearly traded them out as I over did it and now just have a small amount of seeds of those left now.
I'm just looking forward to growing peppers period.  Last year I made my own mix and it was a disaster.  All of them failed to thrive.  The few that I put in
a purchased mix did well.  Not doing that again.
Buzzman19 said:
The Red Congo is one awesome pepper, best habanero type sauce pepper there is!
I love it too but i was buisy and didnt made a sauce with it  :tear:
I only made powder out of it. Next time i will look for some hot-sauce recipes.
Yea I didn't last very long sticking with what works. Just ordered a new white hot pepper (Murupi Amarela) and one that's been hard for me to find (Pimenta de Neyde) on Tradewinds seeds. I'm just a sucker for whats new or rare.
Being new to growing superhots (pretty much new to growing anything outside of cayennes/thai), all that I am growing will be fun.
Carolina Reaper and Trinidan Scorpion Yellow Cardi stand out.
robbyjoe01 said:
Yea I didn't last very long sticking with what works. Just ordered a new white hot pepper (Murupi Amarela)
Check out Nigel's review of the Murupi Amarela here.  I obtained seeds after I saw that and have been growing them the past two years.  They are a main ingredient of my Old Bones (white pod) hot sauce.  
They are great!  Versatile enough to dice into stir frys or to top nachos with a nice clean long lasting front of the mouth burn.  One of my favorites for sure.  :)