• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
Malarky 2020
Hey everyone Im back! Happy NewYear! I wont be doing any Jan 1 starts this year. Ill probably post a grow list in a couple weeks and my seeds wont hit the dirt until Mid or Late Feb. Until then, heres my 3rd annual NYE Aji de Gallina! ¡Prospero Año Nuevo! PS I hope the pics work
Pinhighs "bit of everything" 19/20
After not posting a glog in about 4 years I decided with the lack of southern hemisphere activity it was time! My grow is very different now to what it was 4 years ago. I am now bound by lack of space, so my grow is small, but varied. So my grow list for this year is as follows: -pimenta de padron -el oro de ecuador -bishops crown -Brazilian pumpkin -starfish -numex twilight -sugar rush peach (long) -pink tiger x peach bhut -podzilla choc x -leviathan gnarly scorpion -bhut jolokia giant choc -bhut jolokia Assam raja peach -Thai birds eye Second (late) round -Sherwood's carboruga yellow -reaper x SRTSL -Scotch bonnet WHP -scotch bonnet MOA -umorok -Trinidad scorpion moruga yellow -scotch bonnet WHP 2 -super bhut jolokia JW -bhut...
My 2020 grow log
Hi Everyone, For 2020 I'm growing mostly superhots, with some more mild stuff mixed in.   So far I'm doing:   Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Satan Strain 7-Pot Brain Strain X Carolina Reaper 7-Pot Atlantic Yellow APS Ghost Pepper Orange Chocolate Long Pepper Seeds Brazilian Reaper Apocalypse Scorpion Habenero Jalaneno Banana Poblano Paraguayan something, not sure :)   I'm pretty low tech so far, just some LED grow lights (50Watt and what claims to be 1000W but only draws 110W), in a spare bedroom thats kept a bit warmer than the rest of the house. I grow in the fiber pods for easier transplanting   On Feb 13th I started the Habenero, Banana, Poblana, Apocalypse Scorpion, and Paraguayan seeds. The Paraguayan ones I don't know the name of, but...
Let's give this another shot. In previous seasons I've always slacked on updating my glog, I'll try to do better this year. I think I've said that before, but that's okay.   So last season I swore to scale down a little. Again. Guess what? I scaled up. Again. Whoops  :rolleyes:   My grow list thus far:   Chinense 7pot BBG Chocolate Bhut Bode Roxa Fidalgo Roxa Chocolate Habanero Evergreen Fatalii Habanero Yucatan White Pimenta Caixo Madame Jeanette Pimenta da Neyde Baccatum Aji Amarillo Aji Panca Duke Aji Lemon Drop Trepadeira do Werner Cream Cheese (found a seed in stuffed peppers from the supermarket and a friend challenged me to grow it, not sure which variety.) Annuum Costeño Amarillo Early Jalapeño Ethiopian Brown Fish...
Sawyer 2019
I'm not quite done with the 2018 glog yet, but thought I'd get started on the new year's effort.  I'll update the grow list in my profile soon and probably post it here, too.   Mainly, this morning, I wanted a place to stick links to some PDFs I (finally) found (again).  These are technical documents from CARDI that some may find interesting (3.52 MB and 1.82 MB, respectively):   http://www.cardi.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Hot-Pepper-Production-Manual-for-Trinidad-and-Tobago-2011-reprint.pdf   http://www.cardi.org/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2013/02/Cbbean-hot-pepper-production-post-harvest-manual.pdf   They both contain a lot of good detailed information, but that's not primarily why I post the links.  I'm not trying to start an...
Pickler's Grow Log
Greetings Everybody,   I've been growing more interested in hot peppers and gardening over the last two years and have decided to get a little more serious about growing this year.  I wanted to get a jump start on the season, but didn't quite know how to start.  (Especially with lighting.)  I asked for some guidance from the forum and received a lot of good input.  Fast forwarding a few days, I ordered a 4 bulb T5 fixture and purchased a rack setup from Home Depot.  I also have a little Jiffy seedling starter setup and a cheapo heat mat from Amazon.    We had 3 garden plots this past year at our community garden, each about 9x14ft.  One bed was for tomatoes, another for peppers/tomatillos, and another for herbs.  We'll probably do that...
Karoo , full circle glog
" Full circle glog" , because after 4 years growing peppers with the help of THP I believe I've covered most of the important bases there is to cover . I started with the Annuums , moved to Chinense and superhots , grew and loved the Baccatums and then finally the Pubes .   This year I will stick to my favourites , chosen after careful consideration.   Overwintered  Aji Amarillo Aji  Charapita Aji Cito Dedo de Moca Peppadew ( Malawi piquant) Roccoto red Roccoto Guatamala Rocoto Puorto Rico Rocoto Costa Rica Jalapeno Choc Hab   Just the basics, but my chosen few. :P   Overwintering might sound like an active process , but this winter I've tried passive overwintering. I put my plants in my garden shed . No lights , no heat , water once a...
Next to My Chair - A Winter One
I prefer to post from the titular chair when I can. So, here I am, having found the gall to start another glog. There are still another couple few months to go before I get to eat my rookie cap, but my experience has been rich - mostly, I think, from taking my first grow way too seriously. And I've suffered for it. And I've grown for the suffering. This plant will not be suffered over, lol.   I'll be growing one plant over the winter next to my chair here in my little library. Pictured below, then, is a tiny death race. The first to slough his seed case and spread his cotys green and true will live on in glorious victory. The losers will be ceremoniously thanked and unceremoniously discarded. One plant.     Any and all comments or...
2019 was a poor year.  I had too many plants and they didn't get potted on when they should nor did they have the space and air and light they needed.  Even the plants in my neighbour's greenhouse didn't produce until very late into the autumn and most pods got frosted before they ripened.  Generally disappointing.   I am overwintering indoors: Bahamian Goat - three years old, entering its fourth year; wondering if it's past its best now? SB MoA - ditto White Bhut Caramel Moruga - currently has about 10 pods ripening Peach Fatalii - currently flowering and has set about 10 pods Chocolate Nagabrain Trippaul Threat White - currently flowering but doesn't seem to be setting pods BOC Havana Gold Guyana Rush (Heefy's cross) - not...
Last year I did reasonably well and was happy with the results. This year I have much bigger plans. From humble beginnings... seeds started so far. jalapeno(black, jalora, farmers, biker billy, purple) long thin cayenne poblano Halaby MOA Scotch Bonnet Big Sun Habanero TFM Scotch Bonnet Turkish Cayenne Aji Golden Fatalli Tekne Dolmasi Chapeau Du Frade Santa Fe Grande Pimiento Cristal Carolina reaper bhut jolokia habanada Melrose MOSQUETERO HYBRID BIGGIE CHILE HYBRID GOLDEN CAYENNE ROULETTE HYBRID     SWEET SUNSET HYBRID PAQUIME HYBRID         ill have to figure out how to rotate this. from my phone with no wifi was a poor choice to try this.
First time gardener here, 9b in Southern California, have around 550-600 square feet of space to use.  Starting a garden this year, because its the first time I've had room for more than one or two plants in the last 6 years and I have hated vegetables outside of a small range since I was a kid.  I'm hoping I can help kick my issue with vegetables this year by growing them.  This all started with a drunken night celebrating and ordering some mystery "Super hot, Pepper Seed mix" off of Ebay.  No clue if the seeds will actually be true to their labels, Reaper, Red and Peach Ghost, Trinidad Scorpion and Orange Habanero.  Since I made this mistake, and didn't realize it until the item had shipped, I figured I would give it a go anyways.  My...
SO..... here we go again. After the past 3 years being almost duds, 2020 will be the year to turn it around. I apologize for the absence and I am going to make a great effort to be here more like back in 2016/17. To recap, I had a fantastic year a few years back when I used my ex-inlaws place, had 32 plants produce a great amount of pods. Very few ripened on the plant because they got in so late. The past w years I got skunked pretty much because of personal issues. Went through a hell of a time with my kids mom, lost 75 to 80% of my seed stock due to starting grows and having to scrap them for various reasons. (Some of you know, some do nkt) but if you are curious, or just wanna shoot the breeze, message me anytime. Now I can focus on...
Spicegeist 2020
Hello friends, acquaintances, and strangers! I didn't grow much this past season, just a couple of plants to tide me over. This year I'm doing a small grow to continue a few things I'd like to keep going. Much of the seed I'm attempting to germinate is a bit old, so I'm starting some now to see how it goes. I put them in the grow medium on Nov 18 and my first two hooks came up today on Nov 25 - not bad!    
Well, last year, i had a pretty successful grow, but an utter failure of a GLOG. I wasn't nearly as diligent with updates as i ought've been, and i never got good with the pictures while posting from my phone, which is downright pathetic. I have to confess, i was posting more on FB, i guess because it's so convenient to upload pictures whilst you're taking them. But, overall, the FB Pepper Ppl aren't as rad as THP Pepper Ppl, not by a mile. I guess there's lots of overlap, and lots of cool pepper ppl on FB that ain't here on THP, but there's just a zillion douches on FB and I'm sad to admit it, but the truth is.... FB turns me into a Douche, too. One exception is a tiny and mostly inactive cabal of Scotch Bonnet Afficionados, populated...
Growing peppers in the north! Hydro all day everyday.
Hi all pepper enthusiasts.    I live in Scandinavian, or more precisely in Denmark, where unfortunately the weather can be pretty brutal. Ironic we currently have the hottest sommer I can remember. However, I can't rely on the weather all year round, especially because I don't have a garden.    So I decided to upgrade my old windowsill garden, to a better hydro setup. This way I can grow year round :).  My setup consist of:  Grow tent: Homebox Vista medium. Light: Quantum board 260W LED.  Drip irrigation system with drain to waste.  Air intake: Black Orchide Ø 150mm Air circulation: Secret Garden Monkey Fan 30W Water pump: Micro-Jet MC 450 Oxy Pump Medium: Rockwool  The brain of the system is my Sonoff 4channel Pro with this I control...
SuburbanFowl 2019 Glog - First grow from seed
After waiting for a very long time some of my seeds have been germinated so here is my glog.   I am running a small grow tent with 4 T5 double bulbs at 55w each. I removed one of the bulbs because the fixture runs hot. There is a small fan blowing on the plants 24/7 and the lighting is also 24/7 at this point.   These are planted in double cups in coco coir and perlite. The bottom 70% layer of medium is a mix of coco and perlite at a 70:30 ratio and the top 30% is just coco. The bottom cups have a small layer of hydroton (clay pebbles) at the bottom to make sure the plants aren't sitting in any runoff.     They are being fed from the top until 20% of the nutrients drains out into the bottom cup and then the runoff is emptied out. They...
Round Two with DWC
Whats up yall!     Time to get some peppers going again!  I gave DWC a shot two years ago and it went fantastic.....until I got some kind of root bugs and thrips that I could not kill off (I tried three different root dips, sns, and even a friggin bug bomb, spent over $120 on treatments before I caved in)   My 1st go round is here: http://thehotpepper.com/topic/65938-first-shot-at-dwc/   I moved and started completely fresh with a new tent. Just finished building the DWC tub and it has been fully water tested. Found a sweet airpump for $30 on amazon and its a beast, each of the big stones fills half of the tub with bubbles. Tub is 27 gallons and when full holds about 20 of nutrient solution so it should hold temps stable and not have to...
tsurrie's 2019 glog
So I started again. A little later than usual (used to do it around january 25th) but still early enough I think.     Thought I tried if some of the older stock is still viable. I'll see how they'll do. And some of them are from the last season, just to be sure.   Annums:   Kurtovska Kapija   Alpina (yellow bell pepper)   Sulu Adana (rghm1u20)   Goatsweed (Hogleg)   Farmers Market Jalapeno   Jalapeno Hercules   Pubescens:   Rocoto   Chinense:   Yellow Douglah (Hogleg)   Aji Umba   Chupetinho   Dorset Naga   Caribbean Red Habanero (rghm1u20)   Caribbean Red Habanero (from my old stock)   Jamaiquinho (rghm1u20)   Habanero White   MOA Scotch Bonnet   Habanero Golden   Habanero Maya Red (Nulle)   Habanero Cappucino (Nulle)   Crosses:  ...
Adams London grow
Hi everyone Thought Id start a glog as I wanna keep a log of my grow all in one place. Hoping to update regular updates throughout the year. Today I made a grow tent out of an old wooden shelving unit I had kicking about. I also decided to take the punt on a led grow light as a windowsill through the winter in England isnt the best. Any tips and feedback welcome Happy Growing
2019 Grow in Slovenia, europe
Greetings all!   This is my first thread and im planning to write about this year hot peppers grow in Slovenia, Europe. At the moment, we are in the middle of winter, temperatures reaching -15 degrees Celsius and i already started on seedlings for next year. Im planning to grow several different strains, specifics mentioned in the bottom. I will plant the strongest seedling of every strain in the pot, placing outside my house, where they will be getting almost full day of sun. the rest of them will be grown in my garden or smaller raised beds. So far, i have 5 strong seedlings of Tiger skin - purple pheno and 4 seedlings of carolina reaper, seeds for both were bought on ebay, so idont have any guarantee that plants are what are they...
Siv's 2019 first time glog
I have never grown anything intentionally before but I wanted to try. Last year I bought some seeds from a local supplier here and tried to germinate them and failed. Not a single sprout. I kinda gave up. But around May I saw a sorry looking ghost pepper plant (at least that's what it was labeled as) sitting at Lowes so I bought it and put it in a small pot. Despite my neglect (and being away for a month during summer), the thing grew and put out a good set of pods. So this year, I'm highly motivated to give some serious pepper growing a go.   Determined to succeed this time, I educated myself and learned about the need for heat mats etc. I also watched a ton of Peter Stanley and Kangstar's videos which were hugely helpful.   I started...
My 2020 Grow by a Lazy Gardener in Central Florida
Here is my grow long for 2020, its been about a handful of years since my last garden. I figure it would try to get back at since i bought a home this past Sept, and now I have unrestricted access to what i can and can not do :lol:. It will just be a small garden with a handful of plants, plus my plumeria's.   While I am at it, I going to try and make a cross or two, depending on how successfully I am,   My Grow list will be as follows:   Fatalii Pepper (Orange) for the 2020 grow-down throw-down (sowed 01-12-19) Fatalii Pepper (Yellow) (sowed 01-01-2020) Pimenta De Neyde Pepper (sowed 12-24-19) Aji Lemon Drop Pepper (sowed 01-01-2020 Carolina Reaper x Pink Tiger F4 (sowed 07-24-19) - Faddas Pepper   First ups is the Carolina Reaper x...
Red Ghost Pepper winter outdoor soil grow.
This was the day I topped the plant.  This is a plant I bought at a local big box store about a week prior.   The soil is Kellogg Potting Soil with added Perlite to allow for better aeration.  There are no extra nutrients added yet as it is still a fresh transplant.  I have a small indoor grow light box for wintering cuttings, but I am enjoying watching the growth under sunshine.     Less than two weeks later with only fall sun and airy soil.  It looks like there might be a happy plant! :)  
Visions of Chiles, Dancing in Our Heads
We're relatively new chile fanatics with our first decent home garden crop just this past summer.   I think it's safe to say we too have officially been bitten by the chile bug.  I think we grew around 50 plants to maturity this past summer.   For 2020, our plans are to up the number to 132 and grow 1 plant each of 96 + 6 plants/each of 6 for a total of 132.  The last of the seeds are ordered and the final stragglers should arrive by New Year's Eve.    We're now trying to decide how best to establish the chile plants going into the garden for 2020.   Not quite sure how soon to start them indoors here in Maine.  Last year we started everything around 4/1 but want to build in a buffer of a couple weeks this year to allow us to pinch the...
While I'm (successfully) growing plenty of herbs at the moment, the important stuff is obviously the peppers... and, since I'm pretty sure I baked the first set of seeds I attempted to germinate due to underestimating the power of my seedling heat mat after moving it into the grow tent, we're calling that a swing and a miss and moving on with Batch #2.   Tomorrow night they'll get the coffee-filter-in-a-baggie treatment and a hopefully-more-comfortable place in a lovely fluffy towel on the mat.
StettoGro '19: In For a Dime
76....In English that would be ALMOST TWICE AS DAMNED MANY AS LAST YEAR.   Ah well, Last year I dwelled on downsizing, this year I must have assumed it would be automatic.   I argued with myself over whether to glog at all this year, other than to carry over noobishness from the last two seasons I don't have that much to offer...But everyone loves to see a Zone 3 die-hard gardener scratch and claw his way through a short season!!   Anyhow, this is how my week started---I was particularly proud of my innovative use of the pill caddy.... :idea:     That was the first "load", almost all black seeds. The next day the yellow seeds went in while the black ones found their nests. The sad thing is the seeds I didn't put in; the Paprika and the...
Chorizo's 2019 Glog
This begins with overwintering of Scotch Bonnets, Habaneros (red, orange), and Red Bhuts, plus an occasional Tabasco and Red Chili.  New additions are more Scotch Bonnets seeded over the winter, plus some Reapers purchased from HD recently, and some Red Bells.  Some small Thai germinating too, although my parent plants did not survive.  Also trying to germinate some Piri-Piri.  Was a warmer, wet winter here.this year.  Still drying out.    
Joco's first indoor attempt '19/20 season
Hi everyone! Last year I gave growing hot peppers a try for the first time and managed after quite a few setbacks decently well, by late summer I had a pretty nice Carolina Reaper that gave me plenty of fruit which later on became great Christmas presents, it will probably last most of them (and me) a few years I think... :)   But for this year I wanted to grow more with a larger variety and not only superhots. I also became a dad this summer so had to "quarantine" the area to make sure she never ends up crawling over to one and taking a bite later on.. So what I ended up with is a grow tent (100x100x180 cm) in my home office, not the prettiest thing and we're probably the 1% that is actually growing something else then illegal stuff...
Well its gunna be the first year devoting more space to Ghost level heat and above. In the past i just grew a couple as novelties but there are a couple that sounded interesting to try.     Hotter than habs Jays Peach Ghost Scorpion from RFC seeds 2-3 plants Brown Bhuts from Trents seeds. Supposed to be rather nasty from his older open pollinated Pepperlover seed stock. 4 plants Naglah Brown from MWCH seeds. 1-2 plants C.Reaper CCN strain seedlings. 2 plants Dragons Breath CCN seedlings supposed to be Pepperlover strain? 2 plants 11-13 plants planned   Hab heat level TFM bonnets from Trents seeds 2-3 plants P Dreadies from TGCM and maybe some from my select pods too. 3-4 plants 5-7 plants planned   Pubes Mini Red rocoto from TGCM seeds...
catchthebear 2019
Hello everyone.    It's my first time posting a grow log here, so if I do something wrong please yell at me.     I finally had time to put together a list of all the peppers I have started this year.  I also relabeled every plant with giant labels using a grease pencil.   I'm tired of running into mystery plants halfway through the season!   It's a busy time of year at work for me, but things are finally starting to slow down a hair.     Still haven't pushed my babies out of the nest yet.  Had some hail a couple days ago that scared me off putting them out.  Maybe next week. :)   I plan to put about half of them in the ground and the other half in pots.  Would like to be able to easily isolate certain varieties when they start...
It's  always  exciting to acquire hard-to-find seeds of  wilds and take them to the next few levels  in the hope of achieving the ultimate goal of pods ....Mingled with the wilds will be some others that should make for an interesting season..Will be  adding some more to the list.     Cap  499 Wild Chacoense Cardenasii Chacoense Most Prolific Cheltepin Cappuccino Eximium CGN 24332 Flexuosum Flexuosum Purple Flower Galapagoense Lanceolateum Madre de Rios PI 439528 Praetermissum Rocopica Rocopica X Cardenasii F2 Tovarii Ulupica Giant Yellow Ulupica XL Yellow F4 Wild unknown      
Well, it's finally time to start. Again. :)   Finished taking inventory of seeds today, and started the 2019 grow list. Since the 24x96' isolation high tunnel is done, I'll be growing a crazy long list this year, as we'll be growing for 2020 seed inventory. With the soil mix equipment, it should be a lot less work on my back this winter! (Even more so if I get the indoor grow areas plumbed and set up on drip irrigation, still not sure I got the budget for that yet tho)   Some of the seeds I'll be pulling from are damn near 10 years old now, so I expect many of these to eventually get crossed off with 0 germination. Everything I have ever saved or traded is getting planted, though. There's 203 on the list right now, many duplicates...
The list:   2019 GROW LIST Brown Large Scorpion cross - Mine Big Black Mama cross – Mine Gnarly Chocolate Bhut Jolokia - Mine ScotchBrain – FreeportBum Red Primo (from saved seed 2017) – Primos Peppers Chocolate Primo/Reaper (CPR) – White Hot Peppers Chocolate Primo/Reaper (CPR) – ButchT Primo Chocolate – White Hot Peppers Jay’s Peach Ghost Scorpion (JPGS) - RFC Jamaican Hot Chocolate Habanero – Trade Winds Reaper/Naga Morich - Peppernorth Ecuadoran Hot Lemon Cayenne - Burpee   Trying to cut back on number of plants, if I do two each, that will be 24 plants. Last year, I had 34 in the raised bed, 8 in The Box, and 6 more in growbags, 48 total.   I may start some plants for friends, if they want.   Target start date is February 9.    
No grow log for the 2018 season other than the Pimenta de Neyde x Bonda Ma Jacques thread dedicated to Trippa's cross. That one is an ongoing community project going into second year and a test of the F7 generation. I imagine I will mention it once-in-a-while in this thread, but the details of its progress will be in the dedicated thread.   I am deciding on a grow list for the 2019 season after growing only Trippa's cross this season (2018). I definitely have some old favorites that will comprise the great majority of the grow. I have limited space, so I'm counting on nature to help me make the final decision. I'll probably start lots of seeds since I'm gun-shy from the poor germination rates the past couple of seasons.   Here's the...
Starting this GLOG to track and update my progress. This will be my 2nd year of growing hot peppers. Last year I had good success with my ghost peppers and thai peppers. Anticipating some hiccups this year because I am starting from seed this year where as I brought live plants last year.   Hopefully this year also will be a good one with all your guidance and help.   Approved grow list: 7POT CINDER F3 AJI LIMON BHUT JOLOKIA (GHOST) SOLID GOLD BISHOP CROWN CAROLINA REAPER CAYENNE LONG JOES GOLDEN CAL WONDER GUNTUR SANNAM HUNGARIAN WAX JAYS PEACH GHOST SCORPION JIMMY NARDELLO LEVIATHAN GNARLY SCORPION MAKO AKOKOSTRADE MINI RED BELL PINK TIGER X PEACH BHUT ROCOTO MONTUFAR SRILANKA CHILLI SWAMP THING TEKNE DOLMASI THAI DRAGON     Waiting...
Next to My Chair
Been thinking about it.. pretty sure I'm growing peppers because I'm bored.  Like, deeply, existentially bored.  Plus, a little harmless pain never hurt anybody, right?  Hell, it's probably even good for you.  We'll see if those are good enough reasons, I guess.  I bought me some "Scotch Bonnet Orange" seeds from Amazon before I found you fine folk, lurked around here for a while, then planted them anyway along with other, infinitely less suspect seeds I ordered from far flung places around the globe(!) as recommended by the very venerable Vendor Vault.  I've got them growing here by my chair.  I sit here and read. (The wall to my right as I took this picture is lined with bookshelves I'm slowing filling as I try to forget the world...