• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
Krimbles's 2019 Grow Log
Hi everyone! I've grown peppers for a couple years now, and posted some pictures of my plants on here last season. This year I decided to go in better equipped than my previous years, so I setup a 36x60x72 grow tent and started all my seeds in rockwool cubes. I got some seeds from Atlantic Pepper Seeds, and some from Puckerbutt Pepper Company.    So far I've got a White Fatalii and Yellow Scotch Bonnet in the 18 gallon DWC tote. Other varieties I currently have growing in rockwool and in coco, are Aji Pineapple, Pink Habanero, Chocolate Habanero, Carolina Reaper, purple Bhut Jolokia X Pimenta De Neyde cross, Bolivian Rainbow, Purple Jalapeno, Farmers Market Jalapeno, and Purple Serrano. There's also a couple Tasmasmian Chocolate...
 2019 – 2020 Grow List Super-Hots Big Black Mama                                           Big Red Mama Big Yellow Mama   Bhut Jolokia Red Bhut Jolokia Yellow Bhut Jolokia Peach Bhut Orange Copenhagen Arse Clown Jolokia Jays Ghost Red Brazilian Ghost Chocalate Naga Brain Dorset Naga Naga Jolokia Yellow Jays Peach Ghost Scorpion Pink Tiger x Peach Bhut Chocolate Bhut x Yellow Seven Pot Yellow Seven Pot x Naga Jolokia   Flamin Devil Red Flamin Devil Pink Reaper x Clavo Red Major Pain X Yaki Blue RR Big Peach   Chocolate Bhutlah Madballz x Big Black Mama Congo Seven Pot Gigantic Red Congo Seven Pot Gigantic Mustard Seven Pot Gravedigger Seven Pot Jonah Seven Pot Green Seven Pot Yellow Seven Pot Burgundy Seven Pot Pink Seven Pot Red Seven...
Rob's First Grow 2019
This is my first grow of any plant ever. I have never had a reason to grow any and usually not enough space to as well. Now I have space and can't find super hot peppers in my area.   -The Plan >Soak in tea >Germinate stored in tuperware with damp paper towels in the over with the light on    >I am doing this so that they stay warm. This is how I normally proof bread >Plant germinated seeds in double dixie cups    >Might trying crossing here >Plant in ~3gal pots(3gals still in question might go 2 or 3.5gal) > Keep roughly 10 plants inside, give ~5-10 plants to freinds, and put the rest outside >Keep as many alive as I can >Make food spicy    So far I soaked the seeds in black tea for 24hrs and just put them in the oven to germinate. Now...
Growing Peppers Indoors 400w Metal Halide
Hello everyone,   About a month or so back I started some pepper seeds growing indoor under light. The 400w Metal Halide recently got upgraded to a new more efficient bulb that should last 1.5 to 2 years without much diminishing intensity. This is usually a common problem with MH bulbs. So far I have 1 pepperoncini (oldest most bushy plant) Jalapeno hybrid (not sure which it is Edit It's called Ring Leader Hybrid) Banana pepper (Heirloom) and lastly a Jimmy Nardello (dinky/sickly/yellow looking plant) Not sure whats up with the JN plant possibly over watering. It's been growing for 3-4 weeks and is so small idk. Also just ordered Golden Marconi seeds can't wait to get them germing.   Soil - Promix bx, Seafood compost (mixed in the...
KAOS - 2019 Glog
Didn’t really keep up to date with last glog but aiming to add something every two weeks more for a record of progress. I seemingly find myself looking back at my previous glogs and using them as reference so here’s the next one. Starting two weeks earlier than last year and with some new gear and lighting. Grow list as follows White Ghost 7 Pot Congo Gigantic SR Mustard Gator Jigsaw White Hot Lime Mustard Moruga Brains Hababon Peach Cross Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion Kracken Scorpion Peach Mako Akokosrade Scotch Brains Scotch Bonnet WHP II Bhut Jolokia (Ghost) Solid Gold Primo x Butch T Orange Aji Charapita Orange Turdcicle BBG7 x Tabasco BOC x Brain Strain Leviathan Gnarly Scorpion BBG7 x Apocalypse Scorpion (No Calyx) Reaper x BOC...
Hi, I'm new to The Hot pepper community and thought I'd give it a go with a grow log. I live in Durban, South Africa and have always loved peppers. This is my 2nd year growing peppers with not too much luck last year. Please feel free to give advice and criticism where its needed.   My 2019 grow list so far   Chinense   Bhut jolokia red Black panther orange Genghis Khan's brain Scarlet lantern Peru Chocolate bhutlah 7Pot barrackpore Carolina Reaper Maldivian heart x purple bhut Chocolate Habanero Golden habanero Peruvian white habanero Chocolate Fatalii Bahamian Goat   Pubescens   Mini Rocoto yellow   Baccatum   Aji lemon Aji Amarillo Aji Fantasy Aji Norteno   Annuum   Goats weed Thai dragon black scorpion tongue Thunder mountain...
wogx 2019
Hey! Few months ago I posted a little sneak peek in a different topic, now it's the time to start the 2019 season thread. I spent a lot of time last year crossing different varieties with each other, in result I harvested seeds from 92 crosses. At 06.01 I sowed these crosses + 30 other varieties. That number seems to be huge at first glance, but I am convinced that many of them will not sprout, because not all crosses are viable. In 2018 ~60% of my crosses didn't sprout. Some of these crosses were repeated but parents were replaced with each other (variety Y pollinated with Z pollen is another cross than variety Z pollinated with Y pollen). Two plants of each variety will be planted in the ground. The main goal for this season will be...
Sorry about the title; it just came to mind.  Warning:  This glog will most likely be EXTREMELY BORING - read at your own risk.  2019 will be my third "proper" year growing chillies.  I'm still at the newbie stage of wanting to try every variety of several species and haven't yet managed to narrow it down to particular favourites.  Consequently most of my planned grow is made up of things that are new to me.     Decided to go for more baccatums next year as they seem to do well in my climate; they take months to ripen but then I get a glut.  Gluts are very welcome in my house.  Will grow a few annuals as ornamentals outside the front door and also some I hope are reliable enough to get a crop from even if we have a bad summer.  I love...
Quebo's first ever attempt at growing plants [2019]
Hi,   For the first time ever I'm growing some plants! I chose to grow jalapenos, so I bought some seeds and some potting soil and I got to it (without really reading into it first).   The first mistake I made was to plant about 10 seeds in one small pot, and then waiting too long to move them to a bigger pot. I removed some of the weaker looking plants, so I now have 4 mid sized plants in one big container and then 3 smaller plants in small pots (at least for now). I planted in mid march and they've been growing slowly, weather has been quite bad and summers here are short (amsterdam area).   One of the smallest plants had a flower growing, it opened up a couple of days ago but fell off today :( I don't know if thats a good or a bad...
Bhuter 2019
Well, hello everybody! Thank you for stopping by! I'm sorry I'm late to the show. It takes me a long while to get started on anything. I've decided to cut down on varieties and just grow what I know I like, and have more plants of those. I'll be adding a few more as they hook. As of right now, here's what's growin': 2019 Growlist Purple Flower BBG Orange Antep Aci Dolma (Devv) Aji Oro (TGCM) Fluorescent Yellow Superhot ?? WHP Black Congo (PL) Cluster BBG (Buckeye) Red BBG7 (Ocho Cinco 2014) Bishop's Crown Brown Moruga (PL) Peach Bhut (Genetikx) SB7J (Pex Peppers 2014) Black Naga x Peri-Peri F3 (Mine) Pumpkin Bubblegum (Ford's) 7 Pot Cinder Caramel F4 (My seeds and Mojo's seeds. Also have F2 clone overwinter) Not very far...
Purple Maui seedling pictures you have to share
I've got another seedling with a weird look to it. Just wanting to compare with pictures others might have of the Purple Maui pepper seedling. Here's what popped in mine a few days ago, planted 12/18.. The rest of the pots planted with these have produced nothing.  At first I just attributed the weird look to genetic damage from potentially old seed(it definitely has some damage on one of the cotyledon) There is just something about the red stem, pale veins on that leaf shape that screams Amaranthaceae, the more I look it. 
2019 Bringin' it back GLOG YAMracer754
So it's that time again. Stupid landlord and other haters wondering what am I doing now!? Well.. They don't know me. "Figured after last year you'd be done with all that pepper growing crap since you wasted so much time, energy, and money. That was just silly.." Listen Mr. Creepy Landlord. I got news for you - I'm gonna go harder, faster, and better than last year and you can threaten me with not being able to use the water source - make me build a "rainwater collection system" (and that's not a lot of work[and mosquitoes] for $10 extra p/month on the well?). But I will push on... So here we go. Late start. Zone 6b. Middle Tennessee. Rockwool first timer. Learned a hell of a lot last year. Had (in my opinion) an extremely successful...
It's too damn HOT for a new pepper Glog!
Because I live in a HOT climate!  Temps in the upper 90's and 100's for most of the year, and a few sudden drops to the 40's for a few days scattered in.  And wind is a constant! It's tough to grow sensitive plants here, but I've never backed down from a challenge!  I should have sown 2 months ago, but life was busy.  I had 4 red rocotos started, but one day they were all dead for some reason  :mope:   Anyway, here's to a new growing season!!   Last year was great, tons of peppers were turned into powders and mashes to last me until next winter.  This year I'm trying new peppers that I haven't grown before.     Red Rocoto Aribibi Guisano 2 house strains from my buddy, "Feltmann Smooth" and "Feltmann Wrinkled" Bubblegum Pumpkin   The...
sinensis grow log 2019 (with tomato grafting!)
hey all, giving this whole gardening thing another shot. this is year number 2 for me, and i've got big plans, but we'll see how it goes, lol   i hope everyone has a great season!!!!   Overwinters:   my basic findings for overwintering is that zero light doesn't work well. they need light! but only a little is fine. leaving them by a window seems more than sufficient to keep them alive. just trim off most of their branches (maybe down to 1 foot or so) and bring them inside if they aren't full of pests.   Carolina Reaper   this was outdoors in a 15gal root pouch / smart pot (breathable fabric): it was my biggest pepper plant. a branch broke off while i was carrying it inside, but it's doing just fine.       here's another reaper, but...
Blisters 2017 LED Coco grow
After some contemplation on doing a glog this year I've decided to run at least one more. I've scaled back the variety of peppers again and have limited myself to three: - P. Dreadie Select bonnet - courtesy of Malarky - Bhut Orange Copenhagen (BOC) - courtesy of Malarky - Red Jolokia that I grew last year. This one had a very strong scorpion shape and great heat. It had pools of oil in it as well. Since I still have two 1 gallon ziploc bags of dried Red Jolokia peppers I figured I couple experiment a little. I'm sticking with Coco coir again since I've been having such good luck with it over the last few years. I've still got a 5kg block and a bit of General Hydroponics CocoTek. It's affordable and provides a great root zone...
Super Late Superhots
Ok, here's the deal with this Glog, I have been growing peppers for years, but not very successfully.  I often have not had as much space as I would like for peppers and this year is no different.  Also, as the title says, I am starting super late (04/18/2019), I would normally germinate in December and have moved them outdoors by now.   So with too little space, not enough free time, and no irrigation set up, let me introduce my   2019 Grow List (Seed Source - Year Harvested)   Carolina Reaper (Sonoran Spice - 2019) Fatalii (Seed Saver's Exchange - 2017) Scotch Bonnet - Foodarama Red (White Hot Peppers - 2017) Scotch Bonnet - TFM (White Hot Peppers - 2017) Jay's Peach Scorpion (White Hot Peppers - 2017) 7 Pot - White (White Hot Peppers...
I started my first attempt at indoor growing starting around July or August this year, starting with seeds from Sandia Seed - Tombstone Ghost Chili's, Trinidad Moruga Scorpions, and Carolina Reapers. I started all on a rack using a heated seed starter pad set to 75°F, under two sets of Ecolux T5 bulbs in generic shop light housings in some organic seed starter soil mix. I'm using a cheap 8x4x8 tent space, with approximately half of it devoted to these peppers, and the other half devoted to super sweet 100 cherry tomato plants. The lights are generic "800W" LED lights, one per side of the tent. I have two stationary fans, one located near a fresh air intake, one located at the top of the tent. I have CO2 feeding for 1200ppm automated...
Here is what germinated this year, I miss several varieties because an order did not find his way home, but the seller made a second shipment too late for this season   7 Pod Lava Chocolate C.chinense Aji Charapita (red) C.chinense Aji Charapita yellow (Wild Brazil, Aji Charapa) C.chinense Aji Chombo C.chinense Bahamian Goat Pepper C.chinense Bih Jolokia C.chinense Bola C.annuum  Thanks to MarcV (Hummm 1 sprout and died, starting new one with 3 differnt soaking mix)  Carolina Reaper x Clavo Red(Not stable yet) C.chinense Dorset Naga C.chinense Habanada C.chinense Habanero Chocolate long C.chinense Habanero Gambia (Orange) C.chinense Habanero Gambia Red C.chinense Habanero Hawaiian C.chinense Jariza C.annuumThanks to MarcV Jeromin...
"When I first grew here, this was all Canada.  Everyone said I was daft to grow Peppers in Canada, but I grew in all the same, just to show them.  They got eaten by aphids.  So I grew a second year.  And those ones got eaten by aphids.  So I grew a third.  Those dried out, fell over, and then got eaten by aphids.  But the fourth grow...." Am I on my fourth grow?  Fifth?  Eleventy-seventh?  Who can even tell anymore.  The important thing is that this damnable bastard country shall succumb to my whims and provide me with peppers if it's the last damned thing I do.   (Fast forward to shot of my gravestone: "He died pepperless") Each year I grow, and each year I get a tiny handful of peppers before winter closes in.  I bring them in, and...
African Bird's Eye Piri Piri 2018+
Looking back, I wish I had brought all of my superhots in.. I was only going to bring in one and see how I could manage. Still wouldn't trade this plant for any of the others. I picked this up at the local Fleet Farm early in the summer and left it sit for a couple weeks, neglected in my trailer, before transplanting it to this pot. What you see here is probably about half of it's total crop. While they sunburn readily, they seem to thrive on neglect. All of my peppers were mercilessly grown in full sun on my driveway, mostly in 5 gal buckets.   I've managed to clone it, and now intend to work on fruiting indoors.  Oct 18, 2018.. Right after bringing it in, post frost. Nov. 14, 2018.. Bouncing back nicely in the south window.
Uknow's 2019 - Less is More!
Hey all! I'm back for another season! I'm about a month behind last year's schedule, but still plenty of time since I don't plant out til the first week of June. I think last year I started almost 500 or 600 seeds of around 50 varieties??? This year, I finally cut back, lol. Only did two trays, 144 cells total of 14 different varieties. I'm only planning on keeping 56 plants max, that's what my tent fits in 1 gal (6") nursery pots. However, I'll be keeping 4 to 6 of each variety, instead of only 2of each like last year, so that's where the less is more part comes in! The rest will be given away to friends and family. Here's the pics... (Not pictured is Chocolate Habs, added in after this pic) For anyone new...
I'm growing some yellow SB's that I picked up in a market in grand cayman. I fell in love with the flavor and heat of them while we were vacationing. The hot sauce made from them is tops in my book, i've yet to find a tastier hot sauce than what we brought back from there.    I got a hundred or more seeds from them and have started germinating the first batch on new years day. So far 14 days later, 15/18 have popped up and look healthy.   My focus this season is going to be on the yellow scotch bonnets but I'll also be growing....   - texas chiltepíns - trinidad perfume - numex 6-4 - ringo - piquillo - kaleidoscope - shishito   I'm trying to upload photos but can't seem to figure it out. I don't see where to upload the gallery???  ...
Stankar season 8
Hello to everyone in the new season  :hi: Finally I made myself a time to create my first glog on THP so to contribute to this awesome community. I'm growing chilli for 8th season now and I've learnt so much till now, but I'm still making a newbie mistakes unfortunately.   After my last season failure I'm heading halfway back to the basics, and halfway to the new experiments and challenges.   From my overwintered plants not many live plants left, and from my long lasting plants (5 years) only Dorset Naga cross plant is alive but seems to be dying as well. Since I've had the seeds for this season already prepared, I let them germinate somewhere in October/November 2018, and that I would be adding more so to have more than a minimum I...
Year of the Ghost 2019
So after trials & tribulations of last years grow this year will be a year of pirates because of all the Bhuty Aerogarden seed starter and seedling kratky area cleaned and ready. Seeds hit the 3% peroxide soak before tomorrows introduction to seed start So here is my list and will get updated as I go: Chilli red Sri Lanka grow down PDN x BMJ community grow Aji Fantasy Aji Charpita Bishops crown P. Dreadie Jamaican Hot Chocolate Chiltepin Purple Bhut Jolokia White Bhut Jolokia Caramel Bhut Jolokia Solid Gold Bhut Jolokia Peach WM Bhut Jolokia Yaki blue (only if I can find proper pheno) Yellow Bhut Jolokia Chocolate Bhut Jolokia Orange Bhut Jolokia Red Bhut Jolokia Jays Peach Ghost Scorpion X Bhut Orange Copenhagen Bhut...
SpeakPolish’s 2019 Sorta Glog
Yeah. I started a glog. So my plan this season is two make two sets of plants. I will transplant these sets of plants on March 13. Then I will make a new sets of plants, probably mostly Supes. Anyway here are my plants. Aji Pineapple, White Lightning Bolt, PDNxBMJ White, Chocolate Brainstrain(not doing so good) and Bishops Crown. On March 13 I will plant some Yellow 7 pot from Jedisushi06 and Bold Badger Sauces. I will also plant some Tepin x Lemon drop.
Hello everyone, Well no time like to present to show my grow list and set up and all the fun between. So let’s go back a bit and throw together what photos I still have to catch up on my grow. The list: - Reaper - Reaper lemon drop - Reaper madballs. - California reaper - Nigel reaper - Scotch bonnet - Moruga Trinidad Scorpion - Texas crimson bonnet - Hornet - Linzo - Starracha pumpkin - LSB - Starrkist - Scarlet rose - Brown naglah - 7pot peach - Brazilian Ghost - jcgs - Chocolate bhut SM - Scotch bell - Big red mama - Mustard habanero - Bloody riot - MA wartryx - XXX - SBS demon chocolate - Big chocolate Batman - Red sivina Habanero - Srtsl x bbg7 bleeder - Trinidad hornet - Trinidad...
First year gardening hot peppers
Just wanted to share some pictures of my pepper plants. Ive gotten a lot of good information from this site. Looking forward to a lot of peppers and a lot of fermented hot sauces! I think the plants look nice and healthy! I have way more plants than this of different varieties but these are the ones I am excited about mostly right now. Thanks for checking this out. Peach Reaper Carolina Reaper 7 Pot Douglah Cayenne Red Caribbean Habanero New Mexico State University Conquistador
Ryan's Grow Log - 2019
Starting a little late in the season.   Currently germinating -   Carolina Reaper Cayenne Purple Cream Snow White Habanero Purple Cayenne Red Tiger Moruga Chocolate Baby Red Numex Twilight Apache   3 Purple Cream's have already germinated :dance:   Will be growing a few inside with 2x 35w (175w Equivalent) CFL 6500k lights, so will see how they do.      
So I am no doubt getting a late start but I figured I should start a glog for my first attempt at growing hot peppers. I should be able to start them around 2/16/19 when my light shows up. I have some wire shelving and Mylar coming too to set up a grow box. I am debating on a heat pad as well since my light is a full spectrum led I doubt I can get much heat to the soil for germination. I'll update this with pics once I get the seeds going. PS: My habenro tree seeds are whole dried peppers, I assume I just crack the pepper open and get seeds out of it that way? Might start a topic for this if I don't hear back on this thread. Thanks for reading and keep your fingers crossed for me! Lol
Indoor Grow - Round Two
After an unexpected event, my Thai plants got neglected and and died, so I'm starting over again with a single plant, an ani rainforest. Still growing under the 4 45 watt unifun panels, with climate at 50% and 77f. Only growing one plant so I can save room for growing some herbs without having to use the grow cabinet that doesn't have climate control. The plant is about three weeks old and growing like crazy. Currently only feeding ph'd water with botanicare silicon blast, and when the fertilizer in the potting mix wears down I'll be feeding with botanicare bloom again. Shouldn't have any cat problems this time, they can't get into the basement anymore.....
rghm kind of glog
At first I have to say I never kept a proper log... kinda failed every time. So, don't expect too much from this one :) Not a very professional one, as some I saw here.     Now a list, random order:   Some wilds, thanks to wiriwiri: Guatemalan CAP501 Eximium Cumari Pollux Lanceolatum Cumari do Para   Trinidad sweet BBG red Carolina Reaper Jobito x BBG Elysium Oxise Scotch Bonnet BBG7 Naga Orange Aji Jobito Mustard Moruga Brain Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion Chocolate Bhutlah SM Naga Viper Chocolate Redgum Tiger MAMP x Choco Naga Brains Bhut Jolokia strain II BOC x Brain strain MRM x 7 Pot Brown Lava Chocolate Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Yellow Purple Reaper Swiss Chocolate 7 Pot Evergreen 7 Pot Burgundy 7 Pot Orange Yellow Aji Quitucho...
BrandonB's 2019 glog!!
Wanted to wait until some signs of life were showing before starting the glog, and here we are. Will be an outdoor container grow in humid north Florida. Will probably end with at least 10 cultivars. Hopefully the heat and pests will be kind to me this season!! Without further ado some 7 pot choccy and sepia serpent that are just starting their lives! Will be putting about 5 more varieties into towels tonight!!   Also i apologize for the terrible quality, im a shaky fella and my phone is rather poor. :D  (How long do you guys usually let radicles go before putting into medium?)
Can't think of a clever topic title, so, it is what it is.   I started late this year.  Planted on two different dates, 3/24/2019 and 3/29/2019, didn't get them on to the heating mats till 3/31/2019.    Here is the list, we will see how many come up. The first 36 were planted first, the last 36 were planted, well, last.   The bolded ones have at least one sprouted.   The Bold Badger ones are from his big bag o' mixed seed.  I took out 6 placentas that either looked different from each other, or were a different color.  Then planted 6 seeds from each.  Thus, the numbers 1 - 6.   Sawyer is starting me some seeds (ones I bought from ButchT), and I plan to buy a few plants from him as well.   1. Saraga Scotch Bonnet - Trident 2. Cobra -...
Violentglitter's Time to Grow!
... grow those growing skills, that is.   2018 was a bit of a fumble. I ran out of time, I STILL have plants in solo cups that are just now (in JANUARY) podding up.   If I've learned something from 2018, and going into my third year of growing (or second of actually attempting more than just 'hey, cheap seeds lets see what I get") it would be to get the shit into bigger pots faster, and get them out in the sun ASAP. I had big plans to try to plant out in ground, but couldn't get the time to spend in the field clearing the roots and such and amend the soil. I also had a moment of thinking that if I planted in ground, Murphy's law would take over and hurricanes would come. This year I'm thinking of maybe going the Walmart-reusable-bag...
Last year didn't go so well. Major problems getting started, lots of plant die-off out of what I sprouted, and poor performance of my plants contributed to a lack of recordkeeping and thus poor results in the mutation plots. However, I did get enough of a crop to keep seeds from most everything, and I have better plans for this year. But it all hinges on getting seeds to sprout, and keeping good records.   It's almost time to start sprouting seeds, but this year I'll be using the Jiffy peat pellets as I was given a LOT (1500+) of them for free. I also have the trays and the like to use with them so convenience wins out. I am tired of dealing with big hot bulky lights so my cousin and I built some LED grow lamps from surplus LED modules...