• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
Growing Peppers 100% Indoors Under LED's
I have 5 3500K autocobs from http://cobshop.net in a 3'x5'x7' reflective indoor tent. Two on each side and 1 in the middle of the tent. Positioned like a 5 side of a dice. The lights need to stay about 15''-22'' away from the top of the plants. This was quite hard to figure out at first since the lights didn't come with directions.   I'm hoping to breed a pepper to another pepper to make a smallish hot banana hybrid. That will be fun.   Here are the peppers started indoors just recently for indoor production over the winter. The plan is to grow these peppers in 10'' pots until they produce or get too big. Then I'll bonchi a few to find out how bonsai chilies produce.   On to the pics   Ray's Sweet Habanero     Orange Pepperoncini  ...
Another year and it probably won't be much of a glog again.  Would be nice if I could link my fb pics into here.   Not too sure on what all I will be growing.  Always promise myself I am trimming it back, but I still run with a lot of varieties.     Hoping to find some good 7 pot burgandy and yellow scorpions for the upcoming season.  Somewhere along the way my yellows didn't pan out and all the seeds I have gotten for me haven't grown out to my liking.
Started the year exactly on New Year's Day with 5 each of the following seeds: Cappuccino scotch bonnet Espelette Faria Hot amish finger MOA scotch bonnet Red habanero Red rocoto Sugar rush peach Good germination rate with at least 4 of each  :), except the rocotos for which unfortunately none germinated :( . Picked the best two of each, planted in rock wool cubes and put under LED lights.   Didn't get around to taking any pics of the seedlings, but ...
Next to My Chair Again
Baby plants again!  Down on the floor again next to my chair in my little library.  Here's how it looks right now.  I've got seeds in the germinator moving to cups every day now, will end up with another dozen or so seedlings under the light.        I'm scaling back from the 20+ plants I had last year to seven or eight plants, some in Kratky containers of various sizes, others in fabric pots with dirt.  The list:    10G D - Sugar Rush Peach - WDC 10G D - P. Dreadie - CD 5G D - JPGS - WHP 5G D - 1208 Red - UE 5G K - 1208 Red - UE 5G K - 7 Pot Jonah - WHP 32G K - Haskorea - PtMD989 1G K - Rocoto Arequipa Giant Red - CD Bonchi start - 7 Pot Yellow - BB   Kratky will be Botanicare CNS17 Grow and bottled spring water at first, tap water...
Well here it is - after a two year hiatus, I decided to get myself a new grow light (HLG 100), grow peppers again and join this community. I decided to it simple this year and grow fewer varieties from seeds I already have. These were packaged in 2014 or earlier so it will serve as a viability test as well. After talking with my wife, we decided on the following 4 varieties 1 Super Hot: Trinidad Moruga Scorpion. Seeds from the Chile Pepper Institute packaged in 2013. 1 Ornamental: Numex Twilight. Seeds from the Chile Pepper Institute packaged in 2012. 2 Varieties for Cooking: Jalafuego. Seeds from tomatogrowers.com. Packaged before 2014 Chiltepin. Seeds I collected after a trip to Texas in 2014. I have the following goals...
D3monic's Crossing Project/Community Grow
Click for Currently Crossed List- Will keep it updated as new crosses are added.     Butch T Yellow and Bahamian Goat won the poll! Aji Omni Color (4 votes [8.16%]  Bahamian Goat (14 votes [28.57%]  Butch T Yellow (9 votes [18.37%] Aji Crystal (3 votes [6.12%]  Caribbean Red Habanero (3 votes [6.12%] Paper Lantern Habanero (7 votes [14.29%]  Bolsa De Dulce (3 votes [6.12%] White Bhut (6 votes [12.24%]    Alrighty folks! It's almost plant out time and that means that my basement and lights are going to be freed up for some crossing projects through the summer.    I have 4 DWC buckets available for growing peppers indoors all summer. (not to mention racks for seedling growout) 2 spots are already taken by White Fatalii and...
Starting Peppers Indoors
I'm starting a few peppers early indoors under 3500k LED. Two were started about one month ago and the rest at various times throughout the last two weeks.   Here is my pepper list 1 of each   Banana Anaheim Big Jim Hot Pepper (supposed to be biggest chilly pepper in the world with the heat of a jalapeno) Pepperoncini Habanada And lastly seeds I saved from a small red pepper that looked like a small 3'' banana pepper   First I'm having a bit of trouble. The first two I planted (Anaheim and Habanada) in coco coir hydrated from an 11lb bail mixed with lobster compost. These sprouted and didn't grow a set of true leaves after two weeks. Now they are just starting to push out a set of leaves. The problem may have been a combination of...
All right yall. Decided to keep a log of my tobasco/habaneros. Been at it since April 26th and pretty sure Ive done every possible thing wrong so far.... So as I watch my wifes tomato plants and her one Serrano plant grow and flower (which I know is too early in season) Im starting to have doubts. So heres where Im at so far... Ive battled pests, heat, dogs, black plastic containers, over watering and lastly over nutrients. Now with all that being said. Im trying to let them do their things and lay off but will probably go get a couple more plants to have a clean slate. Not giving up on these yet!!! But I believe my zone will allow me to start at this time and still make the end push. Ill post pics of where I started and keep updating...
Rocoto relleno: de la semilla a la mesa
I recently received a most generous gift of seeds from our friend CaneDog.  Thanks CaneDog!  Included were some Rocoto Arequipa Giant Red seeds which I now have in my little germinator.  I mean to grow some nice large pods and cook up some Rocoto relleno; this glog will document the process, the ups and downs, and will end with my ultimate success or failure in the attempt.  This photo is my inspiration at the start.  It looks absolutely delicious and I hope to produce something similar in the end.  I will be looking for and mulling over ideas for recipes for the stuffed peppers themselves, accompaniments, and general information on Peruvian cooking and cuisine along the way.       The plan is to provide the plant a swing in...
Kaity's 2020 Growing Effort :)
I have moved the Ghost Pepper outdoors permanently as it is really enjoying the sunshine.  The Jalapeno is still doing well enough after a roughish wintering.  Not sure what the Piquin hybrid will do...but I feel it will make it.     So what else to germ...I set up my germination mat and will have several moisture bags in it.   5x Pablano (VERY mellow heat) 5x Jalapeno 5x Piquin 3x Carolina Reaper   Not sure what all will sprout.  The Jalapeno and Pablano peppers are a staple in a lot of my cooking.  The Piquin and Ghost will make great chili powders, so looking forward to them growing out.  The Carolina Reaper is just something I am going to grow to say I did it really.  There were little flakes in the seed bag and I put a few pieces...
Desert Grow 2020
The last few growing years have been filled with disappointment, outright disaster, and greatly reduced interest.  But then 2020 came along and 'gifted'  :rolleyes: me with plenty of time to devote to the hobby! The Pepper Zone sucked me in big time.   Results to date are fantastic, at least by my standards, with few incidents and only one or two fatalities.  As of today I've got about two dozen plants growing in bags, buckets, pots, etc.  Most are baccatum, with a few Thai and 'Hatch' varieties thrown in for variety. The NuMex and a handful of baccatum strains are producing pods. With cooler monsoonal climate arriving, I look forward to a large-scale bloom over the next few weeks.    Table of peppers.   A few more..   Behold, the...
GPR 2020: Seeing clearly
Good evening and thanks for taking a look at my glog  :welcome: Seeds started 4th & 5th   This year from start to finish I’ll be updating unlike years past and hopefully my take this year will result in a ton of sauce (cousins brew) pickled hot peppers (mine) and gonna do a mesquite smoked powder mix. So sit back, relax and come on this journey to grow some sick, some mild and some new varieties with me.  Here’s the list (so far):   Bishops Crown Dedo de moca (thanks GIP) Violet Sparkle (thanks GIP) Dulce Sol (thanks GIP) Purple Tobago Seasoning (thanks GIP) Pdn x Bmj white (thanks Paul) Stuffing scotch bonnet (hoping for 1 sprout) Aji lemon Aji peach fantasy  Aji Cachucha Aji Dulce Aji Dulce Orange  Aji charpita Sugar Rush Red Sugar...
Devv: Someday, I'll get this right, South Tejas Growing
Well I'm way behind this season. Hopefully I can do better....no guarantees!   I'm still trying to figure out this "new normal", my brother said it took him a full year.   Any way:   Last year, could be the year before as they all seem to meld together now :rolleyes:  I cleared the Crepe Myrtle trees that were invading the garden root-wise. That spot WAS the original garden 31 years ago.     Now that area looks like this:     I added 600 square feet to the garden, the soil is pretty darned saweet! Back then I added 16 yards of Black Gumbo to help with the drainage. Then LB wanted a pool, which is now gone. Garden reclaimed! The goal is to have a crop rotation so we can keep diseases at bay, as I mainly used the 1,600 sf fenced area...
Hey Everyone,   Sorry for disappearing for a few months, I got crazy busy with life and took some time away from updating my Glog.  Garden #1 went pretty strong up until December and got hit hard by a storm when I was out-of-town for work.  I am making some much needed upgrades this year to get started early, including seed heating mats, a new Sansi grow light and a small "greenhouse" outside.  I will update this a little later with a picture of my current seedlings that are growing pretty strong.  Grow #2 looks to be off to a much more organized and healthy start than Grow #1.    My pepper grow this year consists of seeds from White Hot Peppers, Lawrence Family Farms, The Hippy Seed Company and a few plants from Baker Creek Seeds. ...
Vezena Piperka
Hello and welcome to my Vezena Piperka glog. I have started 6 seeds which have just sprouted, they will be starting life under lights and when our days get a bit longer I will move them into a room that gets 80% of the days sunlight, then when it warms up outside Ieill move them into the greenhouse. They will be growing in a organic soil mix. I dont know so much about these chilies but they certainly look cool and the reviews I have seen say they are very tasty. I see there are 2 versions, one that produces large pods and ther other produces small. I believe I have the large ones. From the little bits of information I can find about Vezena Piperka they seem not to produce alot of pods, but what they lack in yield they make up for...
My First Grow Log - PNW Space Peppers
It's 2020 and the growing season is coming. I've currently got one obsession: Space Chilies. Chinese Hangjiao #1-10, growing them, eating them, maybe selling them. This will be not only my first outdoor pepper grow, but my first soil-less media pepper grow as well.   Read more about Chinese Space Peppers https://chilli-seedz.com/space-chilli-peppers/   Here's the plan:   Supplies: 10 x 2.5 Gallon nursery pots with saucers 2 x 5 Kg (11 lb) block Hydro Crunch Coco Coir 11 cu ft Vigoro Perlite Masterblend Tomato 4-18-38 Calcium Nitrate 15.5-0-0 Epsom salt Grow Space: Clackamas County, Oregon. USDA zone 8b. I'll be starting the seeds indoors, I'm thinking I can get them outside early, because they will be in containers and I have space to...
Winter Grow in a spare bedroom
Cheers ALL! I started this a few weeks ago. I have 4 over winter plants. Reaper, Chocolate Moruga, Cappuccino Scotch Bonnet and the fourth lol I forgot. Either not chocolate primo or PurpleghostScorpion. Seed layout has 6 or 7 herb varieties... I currently have a few germination activity. Reaper, Lemon Drop, cilantro and chocolate Moruga... Thanks for looking. Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
I mean, where TF should really even start...   This time last year I all ready had seedlings and the start of a new jungle.   This year I haven't planted a single seed yet(I learned my lesson last year about planting too early).   But this weekend all the chinense will hit the dirt.   The plan is to up the online sells, and focus on the local sweet peppers. Shooting for around 800-1,000 plants.   I will put more focus on cherry tomatoes this year, and get everything in the ground a lot earlier than last year.   I've acquired some new varieties but I'm graving some of the old favorites. I've been missing my Shishtios and Jimmy Nardellos for months.   I also have to decided what my 2020 sauce will be. Last years was a mix of tabasco...
The Chilli Seed Junkie - Beginner Hydro + more 2020 GLOG
Hey everyone, still trying to work my around the site so apologies if I've somehow messed this up or uploaded the photos wrong. I've been growing for about 6 years, chilli growing is my special interest (I'm autistic) it's the one thing that gives me therapy and keeps me on schedule in life more than anything else, I love having the ability to learn new things at every turn & try solve challenges that arise. Admittedly sometimes I get too carried away and hit a roadblock, this year has been somewhat like that as its a huge step up from my usual growing. Last year I got into a conversation with general hydro Europe about a product of there's as it was recommended to me by other UK growers in the community. In short I was having...
juanitos 2020 glog
After doing this for a few years and loving it my goal has always been to go bigger. I keep limping along by improving my setup, automation, lighting, hydroponics, reading reference text, developing business plans, researching new products, but i just never have the resources or time to really go big. It's quite annoying and depressing to have ideas and never get to really do what you want. I'm kinda scaling back until i find a solution. go big or go home.   Although common knowledge is once you make a hobby a business it stops being fun. Everything in moderation. having a stable career and enjoying time with family is more important than business. farming industry is dying, why make a new farm. idk lol   To go bigger i need: land...
Noah Yates' Garden of Eden 2020
Hello my pepper friends :-)   I have been long over-due on posting a growlog for this season.  This year I attempted to germinate alot of older seeds from my collection and, being afraid of poor germination rates, I decided to wait until I had established plants to begin exhibiting them.  Indeed, I waited too long or I over-handled the seeds while counting and cataloging them repeatedly through the years.  Despite old seeds and a bad batch of promix causing a lackluster beginning to my pepper season, I have remaining a decent assortment of peppers, as well as a whole heard of tomatoes--all of which cannot wait to be transplanted.  We are experiencing a blackberry winter, as our weather has been unseasonably cool this spring including a...
Well I have pretty much planted all of my various chili pepper plants some in full sun and several in the shade I have about two more that I need to plant into the 7 gal cloth planter bags.  I wish I knew if they would be  fine in the shadier part of the yard where I have other pots with chili pepper plants because I feel that these habanero type peppers might do better with some shade as it will get very hot and humid here in Houston, TX   I also tried some seeds in seed starter kits but so far after even a week or two I have not seen any seedlings.  So I don't know if I am going to get any pepper plants from seeds.
Bob's 2019/2020 season GLOG - Thunder Downunder
I had a great season last summer. Plants all over the place. I think I had about 28 varieties and 60 or so plants.   All of them were great producers after I got the fruit fly under control. I didn't get any fruit fly the previous year so they took me by surprise and devastated my plants early in the season. I was ready to give up at one point.   Some of them are even still giving me fresh pods now in the middle of our winter. Amazing considering we are regularly getting temps down to 0°c overnight.   Anyway,   This year I am cutting it back a few notches, and will be better prepared for the ff.   I am going to rip out all the plants from last season and grow all new varieties this time (except the ones that are in the ground, if they...
Jaelowen's first real season!
Hello everyone! I planted a handful of peppers last year, but due to moving I got a very late start and was only able to plant a few plants from my local nursery very late in the season. This year I started nearly all of my plants from seed (for the first time!). I got almost all of my seeds from Refining Fire Chiles and was super stoked with the quality and variety. I may have gotten in a bit over my head this year, with around 20 varieties, but go big or go home, right? I started roughly half of my peppers in jiffy pods and the other half in coconut coir in two trays with domes and had better results than expected! I had a very high germination rate in both media, although it did seem that the coir did a bit better of a job. The...
A Fishy Winter Grow: Stuff in a Tent
Be it ever so humble...     Currently, there are three pepper plants on the bottom (the four all the way on the right are garlic experiments). The one that's nice and rootbound in a tiny container on the right is a manganji, which I pretty much just want to see the pheno from. In the bags on the left, there's shishito (which I found out my wife loves, so that goes on the list), and Greek pepperoncini, a.k.a. Friggitello.   I'm really hoping to grow giant white habanero, both over the winter and outside next year, but so far I've had no luck at all getting them to germinate. Which really sucks, because I was hoping to cross those with CGN 21500 and possibly larger sweet varieties. 21500 was also supposed to be the fourth tent pepper. I...
Lava's Log
Hey all. This is my first Glog in my third year of casual growing. Last year I had good success with Fresnos, Apaches and a couple of others. This years starters: Fresnos (seeds from last year's pods) Fresnos (last year's seeds) Rocoto aji largo (from semillas) Rocoto Guatemalan orange (semillas) Jay's peach ghost (semillas) Bhut jolokia (source unknown) I grow in soil indoors in England and it's fair to say my approach is pretty relaxed! The seeds go into soil in groups and sit on too of the vivarium for steady heat. Once I get some shoots the sprogs spend evenings on the Viv and days in the window. First few up! The bhut seeds haven't popped after a couple of weeks, same with the original Fresnos. I'll persevere with some fresh...
My Overwinter Room
I'm in Sweden, the outdoor grow season is fairly short and unpredictable. I mostly plant in pots so I can move them to the greenhouse, outdoors or into the house all depending on the weather. I was going to choose my best potted plants from this year and over winter them but when it came to it I decided they are all my best plants. So I now have a room in the house with 30 plants over wintering. They only receive natural sunlight and a little bit of light from the house lights. It rarely gets above 0C outside over winter and the days are very short, but everything is doing well. Apart from a piri piri that's about to enter its 3rd year everything was started from seed at the beginning of this year. The amount each plant was (or in some...
Hi all, after a year away dealing with health issues and multiple re-organizations at work I'm back with another slimmed down New England superhot glog. In addition to everything else on my plate last year I had a mild outbreak of Pepper Maggots in my vegetable garden. Due to that I'll be practicing crop rotation and planting onions and garlic there to encourage the little bastiges to move along so I can plant Gochus, Southwest varieties and sweets there again next year. I'm continuing with my soil mineralization strategy in all of my garden plots to replace what was stripped away so thoroughly in the past. We're located on top of a Bluff above the Green River in the Connecticut River watershed. This whole area was underwater when...
sinensis grow log 2020
hi friends, here's year number 3! i'd like to thank everyone who takes the time to document their grows. you've helped me a lot.   previous glogs: 2018: http://thehotpepper.com/topic/68560-sinensis-grow-log-2018-2019-early-start/ 2019: http://thehotpepper.com/topic/70835-sinensis-grow-log-2019-with-tomato-grafting/   i was busy last fall, and i didn't overwinter anything. i only sort of regret letting one of them go. it was two year old reaper with a girthy, gnarly looking nebari. it could have been made into a neat bonchi. anyway, time to start over.   i finally got my shit together and got some seeds going today. last year, i think i was about a month early. this year, i'm probably a month late. maybe i'll get it right next year...  ...
Roaster Dave's 2020 Glog
So this is my first attempt at logging a whole season of growing so we'll see how it goes.   I got started a bit late but got my seeds delivered yesterday and got to work right away.     I had read numerous posts on another forum about people germinating seeds in their Instant Pots using the yogurt setting. Well I gave it a try and was surprised that after 28 hours I have several seeds germinating. I plan on leaving it for another 10 hours.     Here's a list of what I'm starting with, focusing on Scotch Bonnets:   Scotch Bonnet Trinidad Red Pepper Scotch Bonnet Brown Pepper APS Scotch Bonnet Red Pepper Scotch Bonnet Peach Pepper Carolina Reaper Yellow x Scotch Bonnet Yellow Pepper 7-Pot Jonah Yellow x Scotch Bonnet Pepper APS Ghost...
Growing Chiles in HEL - 2019
Today I took 27 pellets off the heat mats and transplanted them into their first small pots. Then I moved them into my temporary grow room (sauna) under the lights where they will spend the next 60 days or so until it's warm enough to move outside for the summer.   I've still got another 75 pellets on the heat mats and will move them to the lamps as they pop.   On the tray in the photo, there are two separate LED lamp rigs.   The lamp specs:    Strip Length: 61 cm Watts: 15 watts per strip (45 watts per rig) Kelvin: 6400K Lumens: 1500 per strip PPFD (at 100mm distance): 399 µmol/s/m2 per strip  
Want to give thanks to MidWestChilieHeads for supplying me with the Aji Pineapple and Madame Jeanette x Goronong. They also threw in some Rattlesnake and Ms. Junie, which I'll be blending in with salsa and stews later on this year. Grow List Carolina reaper Red Bhut Jolokia Aji Pineapple Madame Jeanette x Goronong Rattlesnake Ms. Junie The reapers and bhuts went into paper towel germination on 3/5. Received the other seeds a day later, and planted them directly into solo cups with soil. Will report back next week, hopefully, once the tap roots on the super hots has shown.   :onfire:  
Guess I will attempt to make a list for you guys this time around lol White hot peppers . Leviathan gnarly scorpion . Skunk chocolate . White hot lime . Scotch bonnet whpII . Ghost giant chocolate . Bbg7 pumpkin . Orange ribbon . Primo x lemon drop . Scotch bonnet cappuccino . Bhut Jolokia solid gold . Bad Brains . Big Mustard Mama . Ghost White W strain . Freeport Orange SB . Swamp Thing . Ghost peach WM . Ghost x YBS . Sugar Rush Peach Cone 9 . Brazilian starfish . Cream fatalii . Corbaci sweet . Sugar rush orange . Tepin x lemon drop . 7pot white 2013 seedtrain G.I.P . Death spiral . Major pain x yaki blue . Tabasco x bbg7 . Tiger BB . Deda de moca Lucky Luke . Naganero x devils tongue yellow . Mojo...
I plan to give the airport garden another go this year.  Last year was the first with the rain-water collection system and experimentation on various water distribution methods and containers.  See my 2019 Glog for photos.   I have a couple raised beds I will continue to use, and the container method that worked best last year was the Alaska Grow Bucket that I started mid-summer.  I believe I will expand my collection of buckets and beef up my water distribution system and see how we fair this year.   March 1st has arrived, so I'm starting up my pepper plant listing.  I will have new seeds as well as a couple overwintered plants to enjoy.  I intend to start my seeds indoors this week.  I'll share the list when I get it finalized.  ...
Sadowski25 GLOG - HYDRO SuperHots 2020
Hello everyone, I was'nt here for a long time. But this year I'm back with peppers :D Again trying Aeroponics, but by this whole time I learned a lot more about this topic. So this year willl be better. Started my seeds on petri dishes with paper + water with Rhizotonic. 1. CP358 Apocalypse 2. Raja Mirch 3. Nagalah 4. Scotch Bonnet Brown 5. Aji White Fantazy 6. Biker Billy Jalapeno   1/4 of peps showed they leaves above rockwool, and superhots started to do this week after mild ones. For now Peps will grow in small Grodan Cubes to develop propper root mass and more true leaves before transplanting to bigger cubes, where next stage will be a greenhouse with Dry Fog Aeroponics setup. This year I will try to grow on AN nutrrients and...
Finally got around to soaking seeds this morning :party: Still not sure what the final quantity of each of these is going to be, but most of these will be multiples; x2, x3, and some possibly x4. I'm aiming to keep it under 40 plants, total. This will be my biggest Grow to date, and my 6th year growing :) Starting from seed, and will eventually be grown in 5 gallon buckets, in 5:1:1 mix, either using CNS 17 or Dyna Gro liquid ferts. I'm still undecided on which ferts to use; I've had great success with both, but CNS is soooooo much cheaper! ;) -7 Pot Douglah x4 -Chocolate Bhutlah DM -Bahamian Goat x 3 -D3 "Giant" Goat F4 (D3monic) -"OBEAH" (bumpy, lobed pheno from Genetikx) x2 -Reaper (big tail, from TGCM) x2 -Farmer's Market...