• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
Growing in the white stuff
Hello all. I figured I start a grow log. It will be mostly for notational purposes. I will need much advice for growing on the Canadian prairie. Today marks the arrival of my final seed order. I have my lights all set up but still need a bit of soil mix.   The goal here is to produce peppers that are started indoors but will hit maturity outside.    Last year I started using pots and achieved moderate success. This year I will expand the collection of pots and start in on constructing hoop housing in April with the hopes of getting the plants outside earlier to take advantage of the long days near the solstice. Last year I was able to get the white jolokia to mature but not anything more pigment.    I'd like to get into making powders...
Don't Panic! 2020 - The Year of the Covid
I'd been keeping a text-only Glog for myself on my computer.  I figured I might as well add some pictures, and share it with everyone here on THP. Here's my current grow list for the year: Annuums Jamaican Yellow Mushroom (3) About 5 or 10 years ago, a friend bought some peppers at a farmer's market in Connecticut.  He brought them back down here, and offered them to his neighbor, who is an avid gardener.  He gave me some seedlings about 5 years ago, and I've been growing them from saved seed since. Junk Yard Mutt F3 (3) One of my Jamaican Yellow Mushrooms crossed with something (I think a Banana Pepper), and I've been playing around with growing out the cross. Sri Lankan Chili Red (3) From PepperGuru for the 2019 GrowDown...
CaneDog 2020
2020 is underway, so it's time to start the new season's glog!  Odd times though, as I'm still harvesting stragglers from last season while the earliest of my 2020 starts are already up.  Grow areas are a bit disorganized as a result  :rolleyes:   This season's grow should be a little more balanced than last season, though I'll still have a ridiculous number of rocotos - many OW's plus a bunch of new varieties - and quite a few carry-over OW wilds, too.   A big "thanks" to all who shared seeds with me for this season.  I'm appreciative and excited to have lots of cool varieties in the mix, many of which I got to watch you grow last season and can now try myself.  I think I'm current with everyone, but if by any chance you were expecting...
This is my first time growing peppers from seed. Previous years I’ve only bought a few nursery grown. Sometime last year I found a passion for growing peppers, and here I am now. Spent end of last summer/early fall planning out indoor grow needs with supplies, buying seeds, getting everything I would need. I started another section of property for spring time planning all my hot/sweet peppers. I’m in zone 6a, CT. These were started on 12/29/2019 after a 1 hour peroxide soak, followed by 10 hours room temp water soak.    I'm doing several stages of growing, so I'll just name based on date, batch 1, batch 2, etc in linked posts to help identify.   All of these are seeds purchased from Pepper Joe, Sandia Seeds, and seeds I’ve collected...
NIHIL's  Grow Log 2020
I'm starting this Grow-Log space now and will shortly be adding content to it. I will initially be adding content to this first post as a work-in-progress. - D1, ornamental annuum, fig.1 Fig.2 Purple, Dwarf, Up fruit... Suspected to be a form of Black Prince from NMCPI. Obtained from a gardening and floral section of a grocery store. Figure 1, D1↑ Figure 2, D1↑
Wiri's  2020 Vision of Wild(s)
 Well it's about time to step up at home plate & present my Wild line-up card.Many players added will  shore up my batting line-up courtesy of CD, hopefully  hit  a few dingers,go yard ,clear the bases and  in the end have a # of  web gems to show off.So let the games begin.                                         Many are proven big leaguers so that should put me ahead of the count,right!And I promise to play clean,without cheating absolutely no (base) stealing...no, not gonna do it ;) ,speaking of;the Astros cheating scandal grows with each passing week. :rofl: enjoying the humiliation thou'. Another shoe is about to drop on a nearby team...can't wait for Spring Training to begin.       These were  started on 1/28/20 using my ...
Hi THP members    So this will be my new season glog, last season i kinda never completed my glog as i got too busy with work and peppers and didnt find enough time to post updates so i will do my best to keep adding my progress here.   My 2020/21 season pepper list is as follows      pot Chaguanas yellow 1. 7 pot red 2. 7 pot yellow 3. 7 pot douglah 4. 7 pot evergreen 5. 7 pot barrackpore  6. 7 pot Barrackpore chocolate 7. 7 pot bubblegum Jobito chocolate 8. 7 pot primo chocolate 9. 7 pot primo red 10. 7 JPN Dark 11. Aji Cristal 12. Aji criolla sella 13. Aji fantasy 14. Aji cream fantasy 15. Aji White fantasy 16. Aji cito 17. Andy's unreaper 18. Apocalypse scorpion chocolate 19. Baby belle pimento 20. Barra do ribeiro 21. Bbg...
Better Late than Pepper
Terrible puns aside, I'm getting a very late start to the growing year.  This is my first attempt at growing peppers, but I'm hoping that I can get some experience and some hot sauce by the end of the year.  Fortunately I live in a mild climate and I think that means I can grow into winter.   My plan was to get started in March, but due to what's happened this year, I haven't had the opportunity until recently. On top of that, two separate orders of seeds I ordered never arrived so I'm not getting to plant all that I wanted, but I've got a few seeds in the works. I've been raring to go and annoying my wife :P , but I decided to get started with what I have on hand and try to salvage what's left of the year.  Here are the seeds I've...
2020 Grow Log- I am a novice still, but learning a ton and thought it would be fun to document my success and FAILURES. It might prevent others from falling into the same traps I have.    Goals for 2020: Grow tons of varieties of peppers so I can try them all and really hone in on what types I really love and what types I wont bother with in future years. This is truly the year of exploration into this wonderful hobby. I also plan to harvest seeds so that I can save money next year! Shout out to all members who also generously sent me seeds or did trades with me this winter!!   Challenge of 2020: I am moving in the spring/summer! This list is daunting to say the least considering my circumstances, but I must try anyway! I do not expect...
Storing Chile Seeds / Desiccants
Hey folks,   I'm attempting to store my own chile and tomato seeds this year and had some questions about how to go about it.   I've got each variety is its own little sealed seed packet and have all of the packets now in a sealed storage container.   I've read in a couple places that they should go into either a refrigerator or a freezer.   I'm curious if one is better than the other and why.   I'm also curious whether I should be putting any packets of desiccant in with the seeds to keep them dry.   Do any of you do this?   If so, do you put them in each and every packet, or do you simply put them into the container into which the seeds are stored?    Let me know, would you?  Thanks.       SCARBO        
Tybo's 2020 Grow Log
Well after looking through lots of glog's, I decided to try doing one myself.  Hopefully I can keep it updated regularly and improve with photo quality along the way. That being said------I"M LATE!  Yep, this first post is 10 days late.  Meaning I started some seeds 10 days ago.  I guess my excuse is that we've been trying to get ready for the holidays here.   Anyway, I was lucky enough to get on the 2019 seed train and when B train showed up here, I was able to get some seeds that I probably wouldn't have thought of getting on my own.   It's a little early to start my main grow but I wanted to get something going so I chose to start some wild seeds that I got off the train.  Some of these came from Canedog.  (The Cap. 524 and 1445 and...
Powelly 2020
Terrible at logging every year, lets see if I have better consistency this time!   I have a new son, born in January this year. So I only had time to grow one pepper bought from my local bunnings - a habenero. It's been in the pot about 2 weeks now.    This pot is now in it's 4th consecutive year with absolutely no fertiliser - just 100% pure organic. I also last watered this pot in February 2018 despite living in Adelaide, South Australia where we had 358 millimetres of rain last year in 2019.    I have some red and red clover growing in the pot as well at the moment, these will most likely die off when it gets warm but for now they are doing a great job fixing nitrogen  
Dangler's 2020 Plan ..... Looking forward to getting started.   Group A (Target start:  End of January) 7 Pot Brainstrain Amnesia Bhut Jolokia Red (Dangler's Red Bhut) Bhut Jolokia Solid Gold Bonda Ma Jacques Death Spiral Scorpion Leviathan Gnarly Caramel Scorpion Red CARDI Scotch Bonnet Beth Boyd Scotch Bonnet Freeport Orange Scotch Bonnet Stuffing Star Scream White Hot Lime Whynot   Group B (Target start:  Group A + 2 Weeks) ..... We're thinking this group has some real potential.     Aji Ahuachapan Aji Cachucha Aji Fantasy Aji Margariteno Aji Panca Lima Antep Aci Dolma Antohi Romanian Bacskai Feher Biquinho Iracema CAP 455 Chervena Chuska Chilhuacle Negro Corbaci Cowhorn Cubanelle Long Tall Sally Dolmalik Biber Ferenc Tender Giant...
Bhuter 1920 :shrug:
Hello! I might as well try this. List is still in progress. Yes, I'm way behind, but who's in a hurry, anyway? Lol Here's what has germinated and is now in the dirt. More to come. Waiting on germination. Cinder F5 Black Naga x Peri-Peri F3 (Brown) Volante MustardGum NagaBrain Purple BBG x 2 JPGS x Primo x 2 GSM (Grocery Store Mystery...Brown) Brown Moruga Black Panther Berry Amarillo Later added as germinated: Rocoto Oculta CLEF Caramel Moruga Chocolate Scotch Bonnet Purple Reaper I'll leave this recipe for Depression Bread here...just in case...
SF 2020/2021 Season
After a big failure last year (I killed my plants with excess neem oil), I have started a new grow. I'm growing in pure Coco coir (a few plants have some perlite mixed in because I ran out of coco). A lot of tips and tricks came from blisters grow logs. I've finally found a setup that works for me. Here are some of the strains I'm growing. Trinidad X strain variant Devil's brains Brain stinger Peach ghost Jami Coyote Zan white Chocolate fatalii Yellow fatalii SB7J Moruglah Bahamian goat Purple ufo Chocolate bhutlah SM Carolina reaper 7pot brain strain yellow 7pot nebru Yellow nagabrains Yellow scotch brains Chocolate Naga brains X reaper Trinidad moruga scorpion yellow Tasmanian habanero Pink Tiger x Peach Bhut Big black mama...
Lespaulde's 2020
Good day to all my fellow pepperheads out there. Given that 2020 is well underway, I figured it's time to get my new glog going. I'm hoping this year's will be full of delicious peppers, learning moments, new things to try out and last but not least, a lot of fun growing these tasty little devils together with the awesome community that makes THP the mecca it is.   I'm almost exclusively growing new varieties this year, which is not due to the fact that I didn't like last year's peppers, but rather taking the opportunity to create the illusion of making a dent in trying the many cultivars that have found their way onto my bucket list. I've sourced seeds from various places including Semillas and South Lincs Chili boys, and am forever...
Getting to the point where I will start seedlings for 2020.  Still finalizing seed lists.  I need to buy some new lights this year.    I have brought inside the following plants that I grew in containers with plans to overwinter:   Amarillear 7 Pot Bubblegum White Aji Charapita Bhut Jolokia Red Bhut Jolokia White W Strain Bonda Mahala F4 CAP 691 Mini Red Rocoto x2 Riesen Rocoto Rocoto Yellow   The Aji Charapita was not happy and quickly perished.  The other plants are doing well, but I seem to have gotten a bit of an aphid infestation.  My plan is to take the plants out of the containers, recycle the old soil into my garden beds, wash the plants off and douse in Insecticidal soap, trim root ball if needed, trim plants if needed and...
The last summer of my 30's: Spice and herbs on the balcony
39 is a multiple of 13, and that makes it cool.   That very important point out of the way, I've actually started planting for the season, so I figured I might as well start migrating to a new thread. How is it that I've gone through three glogs here already? I feel far internet-older than I should.   Rather than leading with the full plan, which I've already beaten to death in the winter thread, here are the first victims.     Yep! Not peppers. I'm going to try some companion plants. After some wicked aphid and stink bug infestations made my life less pleasant last year, I figure not only could this help keep them out, it wouldn't be bad to have some herbs. They're at least as stupidly expensive to buy in grocery stores here as they...
TyNW 2020 grow
Hi all, This is my first glog here, I just joined the forums, so please allow me to catch you all up- I started seeds in a greenhouse in late January-early feb. i plant ~5 seeds per 4in pot, load up trays with pots on heat mats under lights in greenhouse. Usually Ill lay a sheet of clear plastic over the soil surface to keep in humidity until I see sprouts. I had lots of varieties, but most seeds were old, and I think I was using old recycled soil too... so I had pretty bad germ rates. What did sprout has done excellent. We have: 3x Aji criolla sella 5x Aji dulce #6 18x Aji Inca red drop 2x guajillo 5x Aji pilange 8x chilhuacle negro 2x mboga So 43 plants Plus a few more, either overwintered from last year, or late starts. But lets...
Walchit 2020
Tagged most of what I'm growing. Plus 1 type of sweet pepper we call the Goat D, a crossed version of primavera jalapeno,shishito,and Purple Thunder. Need to put everything up to 1 gallon pots. Only using 1 light so far. I have 3 each of the 15 types(some duplicates from different sources)and some backups. pic upload
So I got a late start this past summer and didn't get my Ghost planted until late May. The place I was living didn't have a yard, so it was potted and didn't get much light on the patio. It didn't start flowering until I moved in august and it started getting more sun, and then we had our first snow a couple days ago, So I decided I'm over wintering it. I've never done this before so I was hoping for some advice. I built a green-house outside it can spend some time in, I've got a couple of big windows it can sit by, and my roommate has a grow light that I'll be able to start using a few months from now.   ps, I'm getting error 406 when I try to attach a photo.
Wicked Mike Rides Again
Hello, my fellow chileheads! Hope youre all doing well (or at least, the best you can under the circumstances). Finances/real life forced me to abandon Wicked Mikes several years ago. Did a stint as grower of herbs and vegetables for the company that supplies the Home Depot stores under the Vigoro tag before finally landing at a boutique plant nursery specializing in oddities. I finally really came into my own on the plant thing, branching out into all kinds of ornamentals and even aquatic plants. Ill be posting more on the peppers going forward, but for the moment, heres a glimpse of what Ive been up to:
So this is it folks, I've recovered my password and bought 10 seedlings today from Jukka "Fatalii" Kilpinen. Didn't start any of my own seeds due to laziness, though I still might start some to sell. Pubescens -------------- 3 x Rocoto Marlene 2 x Big Brown 1 x Mini Rocoto 1 x Costa Rica Annuum --------------- 1 x Jalapeno Early Baccatum ------------------ 1 x Lemon Drop Chinense ------------------- 1 x Fatalii Photos coming tomorrow when I clean the junk out of my sauna and establish the grow room again.
About 3 weeks late getting started this year, but I doubt it will make much difference.   Getting away from doing mostly super-hots and going with more 'edible' varieties.   2020 GROW BELLS CALIFORNIA WONDER GREAT STUFF HONEY CRISP BIG DIPPER RED MERCURY ORANGE (SUPERMARKET BELL PEPPER)   JALAPENOS JALAPENO EARLY BIKER BILLY JALAPENO M BIG GUY   CAYENNE JOES LONG ECUADORAN HOT LEMON   HOTS   SCOTCH BONNET SCOTCH BRAIN SCOTCH BRAIN FL CROSS GNARLY CHOCOLATE BHUT SUPER BHUT (JW) STAR SCREAM LITTLE BASTARD PEACH GHOST JAMI CPR (FROM LAST YEARS PODS) RED PRIMO (FROM LAST YEARS PODS)   I plan on doing lacto-ferment on a lot of Jalapenos, and also a few quarts of Scotch Brains/Scotch Bonnets.   Anyway, pics will follow.   Good luck and happy...
2 CARDI Scorpion 2 Nasty brown Reapers 4+ Aji Oro 2+ Numex Lemon Spice...Oops Orange Spice 4ish more jalapenos 4 Aji Panca 4 Bonnets 4+ Antep Aci Dolma... got both RFC and Fords seeds now 2 Joes Long Cayenne....loved these for cayennes 4+ Chilhuacle negro [chee-WAH-lee]...Its a brown spicy bell from Mexico 4 Aji Amarillo. 2 Death Spiral...from Baker Creek aka Rare Seeds.   Possibles from CCN seedlings 2 Chilhaulce Rojo.....red variety 1 Golden Greek 1 7 Pot Madballz   2 Thunder Mountain Longhorn....The guy at one of my favorite Asian restaurants loved them and you cant get them anywhere unless you grow them .   Still feel like im forgetting one more?
Hello everyone, Hope that everyone is doing good! I wanted to start this grow log a month ago but been busy. I forgot to save my early on photos from seed start but oh well here is what I did save up to now. I will be doing things different this year. Last season I went organic route for growing and enjoyed the process however it was a lot of learning. Also last season I went with drip irrigation and built out my own set up which was interesting to learn the durations and how often was the best to water. At the end of the season I had it down. I also used 7gallon fabric pots. Soo this season I will be skipping the drip irrigation, the fabric pots( well maybe only use 4or5) I will be continuing to grow organically and up my game...
MrSpiffy 2020 Glog
Well...  I'm late to the party, and have almost no plan.  But, here goes my grow log for 2020.   I just planted seeds today.  (I know...  as I said, I'm late to the party.)  Varieties include:Red habanero (one of my all-time favorites) Dragon's Tongue cayenne Aji Pineapple Aji Mango Aji Rainforest I was recently the lucky beneficiary of a huge variety of seeds on another forum.  A user offered free seeds, we conversed, I said I like sweet and fruity hot peppers, I sent a few bucks for postage, and I got 36 varietals at my doorstep!  I picked out a few from my new cache.  The only ones I've grown previously are the red habaneros.   I grow in pots on my porch.  The last few seasons have been just miserable.  I had aphids one year, and...
Kratky Indoor Pepper Crosses
Hello everyone thanks for stumbling on my GLOG. My first one ended in a "failure" in that I had to terminate all the plants during moving. Well the good news is I'm moving again in a few weeks, it's been such lovely times.   For now I am in an apt and have about 7 pepper plants huddling for warmth around a powerful but too small grow light. I have enough lighting for them, I am just space limited right now. It is temporary, I am buying a house with a very nice garden in the back so they will be in their forever homes shortly. I plan on keeping them in containers and over-wintering them for some ridiculous harvests next year!   Thought this would be a good place to start the GLOG as the next move should be the last, and it will be very...
Pepper Fish 2020
  So I've been wanting to start a grow log of this year but as usual I'm running late.  I got laid off last week (thanks Corona Virus) so I figured now that I have all this new found time on my hands I would finally get started, better late than never they say.  First a little about what I'm trying to do.     My lady and I recently bought a property in zone 7b in the Piedmont of North Carolina.  I had been working full time and putting any extra money into starting a farm.  Obviously my recent unemployment has thrown a wrench in the gears and without the off farm income to invest into the property things will move at a slower pace, but my ultimate goal has not changed.  I am still working on most of my plots, having to break ground on...
Gator don't play no sh!t! New glog old seeds
Here we go, it has been over 5 years since I’ve done an honest grow, and unfortunately most my genetics seem to have gone south. My seed binder sat in a hot box in garage for too long after our move, and my collection has been gutted! On to the the positive! I was able to get some plants to pop and currently have young plants of the following. Carbonero Farmers Market Jalapeno NuMex Orange Spice Jalapeno Tiger Jalapeno Bahamian Goat Kardoula Coyote Zan White Red, yellow, and chocolate Devil’s tongue Tepiquin Naranja Picante Random hot garden cross (think Naga and Bonnet) Aji Arnaucho Ahi meloconton Aji Largo Aji Limo Moruga Reaper Mini Red Rocoto Turbo Pube MOA Scotch Bonnet Jaune Texas Long Horn Mustard Fatalii Home Sweet Home...
Hi guys, how are you? It's a while i don't visit glogs... Last year i haven't even opened one. Long story short: grew Bleeding Jigsaw and Jalapenos from Semillas. Also bought a red rocoto, just in case. Well, it has been my worst year, as soon i planted out stuff there's been at least 2 weeks of cold and rain. Then some other rain... Jalapeno was ok. I even learnt to cook them slower than usual to get better and most consistent results... Bleeding Jigsaw, i dunno, didn't impressed me that much: 1) i've kept two plants, no one bleeded. 2) i've given away some plants, many, if not all, bleeded. It's mid low end super, so enough for me, not very productive (1 plant barely produced any pod, the other some and started to produce nearly...
So, I thought I'd start a glog, primarily to keep track of what I am doing and when, to remember next year what went wrong and what went well, and to force some order into the chaos that is my growth. Glog is starting a bit late perhaps, considering the growing has been going on since late July 19, not sure if those are true Ow's, or just a reeeeaaally early start of 2020 season...? This is my first ever pepper grow, I am quite hooked already, and planted some more seeds yesterday, although I have already run out of space. Usual story, it's my impression from other Glogs! Quick resumé of the History: July 19, first seeds planted. 3 Yaki blue 2 Urfa 2 Criolla da cocina 2 Jalapeño 2 Trinidad Perfume 2 Pablano 100% Germination rate...
Hey everyone!   I'm new to the forum, but I have been reading several of your Glogs and other posts.  Lot's of very helpful information here for a first time grower.   I have loved hot sauce and spicy food for as long as I can remember.  I've grown tired of the grocery store sauces and care rarely find fresh peppers hotter than Habanero.  So, I started researching how to grow superhots.  This is my first attempt and I'm having a blast.  Here are a couple pictures of my progress thus far.   Growing: Carolina Reapers, Trinidad Moruga Scorpion and Bhut Jolokia Setup: 3x3 tent, Mars Hydro Reflector 1000w grow light Nutrients: Fox Farms until it runs out or I move them outside and then will swtich to Dyna-Grow   I plan to make some weapons...
Few peppers
Hello, Since "les saintes glaces" are over (period between 11-13th of May, after it's expected it won't be freezing anymore), I'm already put few of my peppers in bigger pots ready to be put outside as soon as the temperature will be high enough over night. So here we have: Fatalii, Cayenne, peter pepper, habanada and sweet red pepper, others pots are tomatoes, chocolate bell pepper and gherkins.  