• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
Greyhound Gourmet's 2018 peppers/maters
I kinda hijacked the Most Anticipated Pepper thread so thought I'd just post some pics of my garden here (hope this is the right spot!).  I grow everything from seed and started the peppers on 2/28 and the tomatoes on 3/14.  This year I used salt peter on 6 of my hottest pepper and it really helped with germination, and not sure but my hottest are doing better than any other year.   I ended up with 56 tomato plants and 81 peppers -- I planted 21 tomatoes (the Good & Early croaked early) and 71 of the 81 pepper plants.   Peppers: (mild): piquillo, shishito (medium): Picante Calabrese, Fresno (red, yellow and orange), Danny's (they are some kind of midly spicy Italian pepper I got from Danny, the Italian gentleman that lives on the park I...
Grass Snake's Garden 2018
Here are some photos of what's growing so far. Trying a little bit of everything this year. The goal is to grow as much food as I can at home instead of buying from the store. This will most likely be just a picture glog because I'm horrible at documenting progress. Salad and romaine lettuce Okra Idaho Potatoes Mustard greens Tobacco Florida Sumatra and Connecticut broadleaf. Cherry tomato Broccoli Cabbage Yellow onions Flowering early jalapeno Nectarine tree Santa Rosa plum Just a tulip to add color Pansy another nice flower Herb garden Trimmed up the pecan tree before it started getting leaves. The best cooking wood in my opinion This is the backyard only. I've got a bunch of stuff growing in the front and...
dimensionz 2018/19 GLOG
GLOG attempt, not sure how long i'll last but here we go.    This would be my 2nd year of growing chillies, pretty much plan to grow 2 of each variety, sowed twice the amount of seeds required so only need a 50% germination rate. This time I decided to try out a product called eazy plugs instead of jiffy pellets.     Grow List   Jalapeno Jalapeno Mammoth 7 Pod Barrackpore Bahamian Goat Bhut Jolokia Carolina Reaper Choc Bih Jolokia Fatali SB7J Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Yellow Jay’s Peach Ghost Scorpion Scotch Bonnet 7 Pod Bubblegum Aji Cito Aji Lemon Aji Amarillo Sugar Rush Peach  
Phator's GLOG 2018
Hello all,   I am starting my grow log for 2018. Here is what i have so far.   Growing:   1. Habanero 2. Jalapeno 3. Guam Boonie 4. Philippine Sili Chili   Germinating: 1. Smoking Ed - Carolina Reaper 2. Tokuyama Pepper   I have been piecing together all the stuff to grow indoors. so fare I have a grow tent, General Hydroponics Nutrients, CoCo Coir, and CFL Lights. My next purchase is going to be an LED light but haven't been able to decide on a good one that will work well in my tent. after switching to the COCO i had a few plants i belive got too much water as you will see in the pics. To alleviate this i will let the COCO dryout so the plants can perk back up. any advise is welcome especially for the LED Light. More to Come! :)  
My pepper journey
Hello everyone, I'd like to just post up my journey as a beginner.   I started a garden this previous year, all outdoors, and had more tomatoes and cucumbers than I could even use. My bell peppers did awful, I think I got two or three tiny mutated looking peppers. Jalepenos did good as well as my little red mexican chilis (pretty sure thats the exact name that was on the seed labels.) Perhaps my proudest was my ghost pepper plant, which produced probably 60 pods.   Unfortunately, I thought I could harvest them early as the first frost was fast approaching, and hopefully they would ripen well like green tomatoes in the windowsill. Eventually they just turned mushy and nasty. Only a few actually turned red and the rest were lost. I chalk...
Hello all.  Last year was the year I intended to "go big" and start my hot sauce company, but as chance would have it, the soil at my largest garden spot was terrible, all clay.  I had planted about 150 plants there but none of them grew over 6 inches tall.  I had another spot where I planted about 35 MOAs, just one variety because I wanted to get a bunch of non-crossed seeds.  So as it turned out those bonnets were the only plants I had.  But I estimate they produced about 4 lbs per plant, which was way more than I expected.  I still started the hot sauce company, but I wound up with only about 320 bottles of sauce.  I just sold out of it last weekend, people seemed to really like it.   This year I have a new garden spot with much...
Coup's 2018 Texas Pepper Grow
Hey everyone!   Been a while since I posted, but I thought I'd let you guys know I am still cranking peppers as I do every year! I didn't really run my glog last year, so I thought I would show you guys what I am up to.   We're moving to a new house in the summer, so I have a stripped-down setup because I intend to plant at the Shiloh Field garden rather than in my backyard. We've got 30 pepper plants, some big and some small. However, I planted everything in October - November to really get big plants.My lights run from 8am - 10pm every day.         In addition to peppers I am growing a mixup of onions, tomatoes, zucchini, lettuce, garlic, and shallots.   My pepper varieties this year include: Orange Bell Pepper Red Bell Pepper...
Noobie's 1st Grow-What NOT to Do
Hi Everyone!   I am new to the gardening and pepper growing scene and wanted to document my first grow, mainly for your entertainment value but also so I can look back in a few years and say WHAT THE  :censored:  was I doing...   I'm a long-time spicy food/pepper lover but never had an itch for gardening. The only thing I've ever been able to successfully grow are purple and green sprouts from potatoes left in the cabinet too long. But one day I happened to be walking through a store and found a packet of Big Thai Hybrid Hot Pepper seeds and before I knew it I found THP and started doing a buttload of research. I was a little upset when I found out that May 6th is a *little* late to start sowing seeds (especially in zone 6 :rofl: ), but...
This year my glog will (necessarily) be all-YouTube-all-the-time, and that's all I'm saying about that...This post, featuring my Capsicum chinense plants, should follow a video of my Capsicum annuum plants, which have already been outdoors for several weeks, but that video will have to come later, because I have yet to make it:  
Wolf's Learn to Grow Log.
Growing peppers out at my workshop this year, using leftover stuff from past years at the house. Hoping to get a few in dutch buckets, but will settle for getting any to grow at all. I've never done hydro so I am starting with what I know, and what I know, is how to kill a BUNCH of plants. Good part is, if they survive me, NOTHIN' will keep them down.   But if you're gonna kill a bunch of plants, you have to *start* with a bunch of plants. And that's where we are now.     I'll start with these old 3" square nursery pots I found up there too. Filled them with Miracle-Gro seed starter mix, that has been in a sealed bag for at least a year, but left on the front porch. Put some seeds in a paper towel, got them to sprout out, and into the...
Time to start over
After the cats damaged my plants they decided to finish them off the rest of the way. In about a week or so I should have the panda film and heating gear to make a more secured grow tent and not have to leave the door open for the space heater, so I've got some more seeds terminating by coffee filter method on top of the cable box in my bedroom. I was really hoping to see how well this little grow light was gonna perform a bit sooner but now I'll have room for four pepper plants after eliminating the corn project after two of the stalks got damaged so I'll revisit that expirement after I get more lighting. The only thing left under the grow light is a tree cutting that is rooting in a large ziploc bag so no heed for extra heating so I...
I caught the garden bug again.    It's been a couple years since I did much of any gardening - I moved to Asheville for a year and a half and had two 'gardens' that ended up being rather disappointing and producing very little of anything. What they did produce was quite disappointing - weirdly stunted tomatoes, oddly shaped peppers... I'm sure I was doing many things wrong, but nothing I tried helped! It also didn't help that the bear and her cubs tromped through and broke a bunch of my plants.   Anyway, I bought a townhouse with a nice deck late last year, and I've spent the winter eyeing the deck thinking about how I can utilize the space for gardening. When I walked by the stacks of $2.50 5-gallon buckets yesterday, I was struck...
Selvetarm's Glog
Hi all! Before I start, need to say – English is not my native language (Location: Russia, obviously). But I trying increase my skill, and you can correct me if you will.   In last year I start to grow chilies indoor and want to replace part of them into greenhouse. But summer say me: “NO!” Average daily temp in June and July +5..+70C (41..450F), fog, heavy clouds. Even I stayed at home, not to mention the peppers. All my big plans for the harvest of peppers and the collection of forest mushrooms and berries were destroyed. I hope this year the weather will be better. My grow list in 2018: - 7pot SR Strain - Aji Amarillo - Aji de Jardin - Aji Melocoton - Apache - Basket of Fire - Bhut Jolokia Red - Bird Chili - Black Pearl - Bolivian...
Local's 2017/18 Glog - Perth, WA
So I thought I should start another one of these considering the weather is starting to get better now.   After cutting the plants right back though winter they are kicking into gear now.   Also having the LED's this year is making the seedings grow a hell of alot faster than last years :) should have them in the ground by late October at this stage. Here is what it all looked like last week, I'll get some new photos tonight.
Windowsill Grow 24/02/2018
Hi everyone, This is my first year attempting to grow chillis properly. I live in North Wales so I am going to be doing an indoor grow on a south facing windowsill, the room temperature is usually between 20-25 degrees celcius. I have chosen the following compact varieties for space reasons as they will remain in pots : Apache F1 - Prairie Fire - Pretty Purple I bought these seeds from South Devon Chilli farm as the ones I bought last year from the garden centre weren't very good. I still have 2 of those plants (was a bag of mixed seed so they could be any of the following Habanero caribbean red, orange, caribbean antillais or scotch bonnet burkina yellow) I've started 6 of each seed in an unheated propagator with a cover, in multi...
Eight Years Later - Brooklyn Grow Log
So here we go. A long time ago, I posted a grow log here. I was rocking a fire escape garden in the middle of Bushwick and it worked. I started in May and actually got a good crop all the way through to late October. Not as good as the one I got the following year when I started seeds in February (still have some of those 2012 dried peppers). Now, eight years later, and four apartments later, my wife and I own a house. We have a deck and the front yard.   I'm not touching the soil in the front yard, or in the backyard because the last time I tested the soil a block and half away, it tested through the roof in lead content.   So everything was put out between April 20th and May 2nd. Basically everything was planted in a rush. Seeds were...
Fcaruana Glog 2018
Hey everyone!   I have been reading and getting inspired by the glogs here for about a year and a half now and I love it, so I promised myself I would do a glog this year too. This is my 4th season growing peppers, and with the new raised beds that I built last year I have lots of room for extra peppers (8 beds that are 4 feet x 10 feet). Not all of them will go to peppers, but if I get my way I will be able to use quite a few of them. Anyways, better late than never, so here we go!   Quick story: I got into peppers 3 years ago when I picked up a single habanero plant on a whim - I was at a nursery/farm getting a gift for mother's day and saw a hab seedling for for $3 and said, "hey, habaneros are hot I think.. let me throw this in the...
STB's Bonchi grow
I've had a few runs at this in the past few years, but now finally I think I've got it sorted. Got some new leaves coming through on two initial plants, so while clearing the rest of my chillies for winter I've picked out the thickest ones and have added them in.   There are: 2 Reapers (the thinnest ones) 2 Defcon7s (7 pod brown variant I think) 3 Devil's Brains (Judy)   I'm not going to trim the fine roots off any of them just yet, will give them a few weeks to get settled in, and will tidy them up once they show signs of life.   Will also sort out some proper bonsai pots, but first I need to see how many make it.   For now these plants just get small amount of extra warmth from a server that runs 24/7 (you can see the back of it in...
Karoo 2017/2018 glog
New season, new things. My biggest challenges growing peppers in our climate are heat , drought and birds eating peppers and plants. Biggest advantages are heat and a longer season and good soil and homemade compost. So I have devised a plan , an all in one raised beds , drip irrigation, shade net and birdproof pepper patch. Extensive planning have led to this. Sent from my HUAWEI VNS-L31 using Tapatalk
WalkGood 2013, 2014 and Beyond
This is my first Glog so excuse what ever mess I may create, lol. Took way to many pictures today (31), so Ill post the first 9 and add more in subsiquent posts but didn't think it a good idea to start out doube or triple posting just for additional pics. I will also be updating the thread over time to show growth, pods and such ... but the first few pics of are of the young ones. While Ive been growing my favorite peppers for around 17 years (guess, lol), I always limited myself to 3 varieties or less. Jamaican peppers/Hab, Jalapeño and Cayenne. When things got too tuff Id milk them till they died off and stop growing for a while and start fresh. Most years I only grew the Jamaicans which are my favorite for cooking, home made sauce...
New Setup... Hots
I've been interested in growing Super Hots in their native environment. From what I have read, Ghost ( Naga Jolokia or Bhut Jolokia, ) grow in roughly 80degF heat, and very high humidity...average of 80 percent. Most other Super Hots have similar native environments. My research isn't exactly scientific. After all, until two weeks ago, I thought that the Ghost peppers originated in India.   So then here are pictures of my new grow tent. It's very small.  (2ft6in)x2 and almost (5ft11in) tall. To increase the headroom in my system, and to remove the root system from the grow tent itself (decrease the heat in the roots as well), I cut out the bottom of the tent so that the plant will grow UP into the tent.   This system is currently using...
UK Grow Log
Hey guys this is my grow log, I am growing 5 plants and will post updates here and also be asking for help, just planted them into bigger pots and will be putting them on the windowsill once in final pots, not sure if my light is close enough to the plants though, I am growing the following;   Jamaican Red Jamaican Yellow 7 Pot Jonah X2 Orange Habs   Let me know how my setup looks, help always appreciated... I accidentally put them in mature plant soil but they seem to be doing fine..   My current lighting schedule is 18 on 6 off.    
Winegums' Indoor/Outdoor Grow 2018
Hello! I just joined the forum and this will be my first thread/glog. I'm quite active on PLC and like to post lots of pictures so I'm hoping that will work out for this thread. I'll start out with my prized Caribbean Red Habanero Bonchi that I saved from frost this Winter. It doesn't produce much fruit but that's hardly the point of the plant, It's more decorative than anything.    I've been growing since 2017 and successfully transitioned to indoor growing this winter. I built my own three level grow cabinet and LED lights to create a good environment for the plants.   Here's a full list of what is growing: Habaneros - Purple, Golden, Orange, Burning Bush, Caribbean Red, Brown x 2, Red x 2 7 pot - Yellow x 2, Brain Strain Red x 2...
My first "real" indoor grow, unknowns and purple cayenne
Hello.   I live in a rather small apartment in the city and have previously had plants by a window in summer. They've all started flowering and the flowers have always dropped and no fruits have ever developed.   This glog will be about the couple of unknown plants I initiated in soil, by the window sometime during the middle of this summer. Seeing they'd have no chance to develop properly before fall and 6 hrs of dim daylight per day I started researching how to go about growing them under artificial lighting in a space efficient manner indoors. Also wanted to pick a couple of seeds that were attractive myself, so the glog will also be about those later starters. Finally I was intrigued by this hydro method...
2018 - What did I get myself into?
Hi All,   After a couple of years of growing peppers in containers on my porch with both low yields and not enough variety, I decided to dive a little deeper into peppery madness!     When I started thinking about this, I was pondering 9 plants in 1 3'x3' grow tent.  Then I started reading....maybe 4 plants in 1 3'x3' tent, they need room to grow.  Then I saw some examples of the monster plants some of you grow...maybe only one plant would fit in that tent...go bigger....so here we are   Initial Varieties:   Serrano Tampequino Trinidad Scorpion Red Seven Pot Ring of Fire Leutschauer Paprika Brazilian Starfish Bhut Jolokia Chocolate Habanero Chinese 5 Color     Sucker for Free Shipping:   Chocoloate Bhut Jolokia Mustard Trinidad Scorpion...
Floricole 2018
this year list   Ají -Colorado -Golden -Omnicolor   Bhut Jolokia -Chocolat -Peach -White -Yellow   Bhutlah -Chocolat   Big Jim   Carolina Reaper -Chocolat -Peach -Red -Yellow   Fatalii -White   Gorria   Habanéro -Chocolat -Ebony Giant -Mustard   I Scream Scorpion   Malawi Piquante (Peppadew)   Piquillo de Ladosa   Rocoto -Big Apple -Orange Giant   Scotch Bonnet -Chocolat -Yellow MOA   Trinidad Scorpion -'Butch T' -Chocolat -Lemon Lime -Red -Sweet 'CP 134' -Yellow   Xcat'ic  
My first Indoor grow
Hey guys, My first outdoor chili grow of jalapeno's and Scotch bonnets in pots is coming to an end. The days are cooling down here in Melbourne Australia so I've decided to try and grow indoors. Growing weed in soil approximately 15 years ago and when I was just closing the grow down, I was seeing pictures of 'bubble buckets' now known as DWC. I always wanted to try it, so fast forward 15 years and now's the time; but young pot head has gotten old and not a pot head any more so he wants to grow chilies :-D Here are the seeds I ordered and the reasoning behind them : • Yellow Trinidad Scorpion -  Flavour, juicy, yield with big heat • Buena Mulata - Again for flavour but not bonkers heat, they look interesting and the story behind...
KAOS Glog - 2017
Welcome to the KAOS Glog 2017   I wasn’t going to do one this year, but thought what the hell. Some of my intrepid journey may be of interest to someone or at the very least a bit of entertainment for the Northern Hemisphere Chilliheads.   Since I’m playing a bit of catchup (started in April really) here is a quick summary of proceeding through to today. NZ Season 2016 was dismal to say the least with a very short cold summer and it didn’t help starting late either.   Apologies for the image heavy first post   Some of 2016’s last pods     I decided 2017 was going to be a different and this would be a challenge against the winter elements.   Bring on the indoor grow brigade – 900mm x 400mm grow cabinet with grow LED       Now...
Well, it's been a while. I hope everyone is doing well. I am getting a little bit of a late start BUT I am determined to have a GREAT growing season. With many thanks to a few members from last year, I have a nice array of seeds that will be hitting the dirt tonight or tomorrow. So, this is the boring part of the year. I hope everyone enjoys my 2nd log on this sweet forum. Luv ya all, good luck with your grow this year. And if I can be of any service, please let me know. Recap from last year: Variable year with some hiccups. I had a move in the middle of the season and it put a heck of a hinder on my grow, but it ended pretty well with about 7 or 8 lbs of various peppers. Had to pull most of them prematurely as they did not ripen on...
TBG's First Chilli Blitz! (2017-18)
G'day G'day! Welcome to my very first glog, I hope you like it: ;)   This is my first time growing peppers seriously. Last season was my first; I grew 3 Jalapenos, 3 Habaneros,  a Naga Viper, Thai Hot, Cap Mushroom Red and an Ebony Fire, all bought from the store at various maturities. And then I found TheHotPepper around March this year, and if my grow last year sparked my interest, THP nuked it! I've been super keen for this season, and now its started!   I started a few seeds of Aji Amarillo for the SHGDTD on the 22nd June, and currently have 2 seedlings, awaiting the third and final to pop.   This year, I'm thinking that I'm attempting to kinda try to limit my grow to roughly three dozen plants (even I'm not convinced), but we'll...
Zapotec Jalapeno Safi SB-Red WHP SB-Yellow Chocolate SB Marabella SB Fatalii  X SB-Yellow Petenero Jimmy Nardello All but zapotec, petenero & Jimmy Nardello are form white hot peppers thanks Justin Zapotec & Petenero are form Jim duffy Jimmy Nardello is form baker creek I plan to do my Beneficial Insects/pollinator  garden again & expand on it. I am going to sow red soba buckwheat & crimson clover  in between my raised beds I am also going to sow orange milkweed by the swamp milkweed for the monarchs & some other flower / herb varieties to bring in bees. I also plant dill for the black swallowtail's Tomatoes True Black Brandywine different than Black Brandywine I will sow Eva purple ball in march as well as Cisineros Tomatillo  
"Not White" Yellow Bhut Community Grow
Okay, I've intended to start this thread for awhile now.  The impetus for this is a couple of plants I grew last year.  They were White Bhut Jolokias, seed for which I got from PepperLover.  While the majority of plants grown from those seeds were true to type, two produced yellow pods instead of white.  Judy tells me the White BJ was created by crossing a Yellow BJ with a White Habanero, so it's not surprising a plant might revert to yellow.   In any case, this is what those "not white" pods looked like: You can read what I had to say about them in my 2013 glog here.  Long story short, it is a superior pod in size, shape, texture, heat level, flavor and fragrance.  The pods have a very distinct banana fragrance to them, enough that...
Indoor Hydroponic Chocolate Bhutlah - Chocolate Reaper
Hello everyone this is my first time doing a hydroponic grow I have done a few outdoor superhots but wanted to try out some indoor dwc for fresh pods all year!   I will be updating this once a week until harvest! I ordered my seeds from puckerbutt I got SM Chocolate Bhutlah and Chocolate Reaper.   I started the seeds in rock wool 2 weeks ago and the seedlings are coming along nicely!   I am using a 150w HPS and a 5gal DWC bucket.   Nutrients: Full line House and Garden   Seeds:   Bucket:   Room/Seedlings:   Will update again in 1 week!  
Sadowski Glog - 6 sstrains of peppers
Hello Guys! So I''m new in growing peppers, aaand I doint HP Aeroponics growroom in my basement for vegs and fruits. I have a plan to grow 6 peppers ( 2 plants per 1 strain) , Cucumbers, tomatoes, greens and strawberries. I will use only Full-spectrum Leds. And for now GHE Flora Series, but I thing to buy dry nutrients in 3kg pack from YARA. Peppers: Aji White fantasy Aji Lemon Drop Jalapeno Conchos Trinidad Kongo JAFSH CP358 Apocalypse Cucumbers: Telegraph Improved Tomatoes: Noir de Crimee , Indigo Rose ( still not sprout after a 1,5 week) Here are some pics :D   Here, painted for matt white room in my basement, later I will make root boxes etc. :P And Here my RO unit merged with kitchen filters ( RO 75GPH) Some Peppers...
Knotmyselfs 2018 Grow
                                                       2018 Grow Log   Varieties Grown This Year -Orange Habanero  -  Planted1/15 -Red bhut jolokia   -  Planted 1/15 -Chocolate bhut jolokia  -  Planted 1/15 -Ajvarski pepper (Baker Creek)  - Planted 3/24 -Scotch Bonnet (Baker Creek) -  Planted 3/24 -Carolina Reaper (Baker Creek)  - Planted 1/17 -Giant Jalapeno (Baker Creek)  - Planted 3/24                   This year I decided to go with Baker creek as last year I had pretty terrible results with Pepper Joes. Not sure how much was my fault or the seeds but I feel like I’ve always had better germination rates in the past. I used a combination of Jiffy Pellets and a few in the paper napkin and baggie method. By far I get better results...