• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
It's been awhile since I've done a glog (2014-2015) But I'm back and hoping 2018 will be as good of a season as 2015!   Currently on my grow list   C3PO Chocolate Primo Reaper Jay's Peace Ghost Scorpion To Be Continued. (Debating on other super hots or to add some Mild/sweet peppers into the mix)   Currently I have a few seeds sitting in damp paper towels on a heat mat set @ 88 F, these plants will be grown indoors to see if it's feasible to grow to fruit indoors for my current setup. Currently as of 12/05/17 1 C3PO seed has popped, going to get this guy into some seed starting mix until it starts to show it's first true set of leaves and then I'll get it into some Ocean Forest mixed with some perlite.   *Pics to follow shortly*
Dragon49's 1017 Grow Log
The year is almost over, but here is my 2017 Grow Log:   I want to thank the people who started and are maintaining the cooking and fishing threads, as without them, I wouldn’t be doing anything at all here.    I haven’t grown anything indoors or on my balcony since 2015, and this year’s main outdoor season was awful.  I had intended on growing a number of Superchile plants as they thrive in my garden which doesn’t get a lot of sunlight, but by the time I went to order them, Cross Country Nurseries was sold out.  I bought a number of Tabasco starter’s, but none of them took.  The only thing that produced pods was something that my local nursery sold with a label that read, "Pimentas de table Hot Fajita."   They had good heat and decent...
Masher 2017 *GLOG*
Hello all...while I couldn't grow every variety of pepper seeds I received I did come up with a nice list for this years 2017 grow.   I was going to start in soil, but I had great results last season with Grodan cubes and I already had them left over.   I started with 2-3 seeds per hole, but midway went with poking extra holes in the cubes to isolate each seed.....I will cut the cubes apart later when transplanting.   There are 2 cubes of the Aji Lemon drop for the 2017 GT, everything else will be grown or gifted depending on success.   The numbers after each variety of pepper is number of seeds sown, I make a final grow decision from what comes up   Aji Lemon drop x5 Rocoto Red x3 Giant choc Hab x4 Sadabahar x4 Cherio Cre'me Hab x4...
DK Pepper's Glog - 3rd year growing
Hi THP!  I've finally decided to make an account, and make my own grow log, instead of just reading yours!  This will be my third year growing peppers, and I will try to keep my grow small and around 6 plants - (a promise I've made the past, but never held)   I'm planning to put the plants in the ground around May.   My grow list is as follows:   - Aji Lemon Drop - 7 Pot Brainstrain - Trinidad Scorpion Peach - Numex Suave - Pimenta de Neyde   And then I'm hoping to participate in the Growdown Throwdown this year.   I've already started my seedlings, as I have a lot more room this year than previously, and I'm planing on topping to plants at some point. (Probably started too early anyways, but that's a problem for the future me)   I'll...
Slade122's 2018 GLOG
Hey everyone! After a very busy and depressing 2017 grow, I've decided to come back with fury in 2018. I'm hoping to match my production in 2016, as I'm finally starting to run low from my 2016 grow. Anyways, I'm after flavorful pods, and pods for powder this year. Therefore, my focus will remain on ajis and superhot c. Chinese. I'm scrapping pretty much everything to do with 2017, but still have a few overwinters from 2016 that I've saved due to their popularity. The aji Limon, and chitlepin. I only saved one Limon, two chitlepins, and a single moshi currently as well as 3 juveniles which are either jalapeños or maules red hots. I'm going to use flood tables as much as possible and will be expanding my efforts in the...
Stetto's First Winter Grow ('16-'17)
Well, here we gro, October 14 and the setup has begun.     My heat mat is unregulated, no thermostat, but measures (without sunlight) @ 87.5F. As can be seen, the 20+ inch deep mat is folded up at the window sill, which should help in deflecting any winter chill getting through the glass. This window will one day be a garden window extending around 9 inches out from the house, to facilitate all manner of horticultural misdeeds...But that's another story...   The lil' ziplock box in the photo is the start of my winter experiment, some Trinidad Moruga Scorpion seed obtained through the good graces of Jeff Contonio. My other seed is in transit from Australia:   Aji Amarillo   Jalapeno Tormenta   Bert the Chilli   I've been trying to grow...
Buncha MALARKY 2017
Welcome to my first Glog everyone. This is my second grow. Thanks to the generosity of the THP community I am in possession of more varieties of seeds than I'll ever be able to grow. I have limited yard space and I try to keep things cheap to make this hobby less annoying to my wife. So I'm located outside of Madison, WI. Zone 5a/4b My goal is grow a wider variety of heat this year. First 4 varieties Soaking: -Aji LemonDrop (contest) -Aji Amarillo -Peruvian Red Rocotto -Aji Oro It's just the beginning. I need to grab some more of these cups for soaking. Thanks for looking in. At a MINIMUM, I'll update once a week.
Pex's 2017 GrowLog
Hey guys and gals! Welcome to the '17 Glog!    I recently moved to my new house that has an awesome feature for growing and overwintering...   A SOUTHERN FACING FLORIDA SUN ROOM!        All I have planted at the moment are my SB7J seeds still going from Patrick's Original cross. (Scotch Bonnet x Jonah 7), Judy's White 7 Pot, and Bleeding Borg 9.    The BORG 9 and White 7 are up already with one or two SB7J already. I use my 400 watt Metal Halide at night with an 18/6 light schedule (18 hours on and 6 hours off.) I use Coco Coir to sprout my seeds. The Christmas tree in the background is from a clone and that is two weeks of growth and measures 9 inches tall from one inch when I originally got it.  
Bhuter's 2017 Glog
Hello everybody! This is my first glog and I know I'm really late with it. I've been growing superhots for a few years, but have never kept a record. So here it goes! 2017 Growlist Red BBG7 (Ocho Cinco 2014) BOC (Mine) Black Naga (Mine) Chocolate Lava (mpicante) 7 Pot Caramel (PL 2014) Bishop's Crown JPGS (Seacowboy 2014) JRGS (Joefish 2014) Chocolate Moruga Brain (Butch T) Brown Moruga (PL) Brazilian Moruga (Butch T) BTR (Butch T) CPR (Butch T) Red Primo (Troy Primeaux 2014) Yellow Primo (WM 2015) CGN 21500 (WM 2015) Peach Bhut (WM 2015) Aji Fantasy Yellow (WM 2015) PDN (WM 2015) Pimenta Leopard (96Strat) Aji Jobito (Hogleg) Goat's Weed (Hogleg) SB7J (Pex Peppers 2014) Red Brainstrain (WM) Brown Rocoto (TGCM) Aji Limo Rojo (TGCM)...
Now that it is almost time to plant out, I figured I'd start up my GLOG for the year. I've cut out almost all superhots this year, and am growing solely peppers I regularly cook with. Here is a link to my glog last year: http://thehotpepper.com/topic/60119-thegreenchilemonsters-2016-grow/ I did a good job documenting my grow last season, but I plan to give more regular updates this year. I'm growing more veggies this year too, so I needed to free up some space in my garden. Here is the list for the year. All of these are either OW plants or well established seedlings. Aji Limo Aji Mochero Aji Amarillo Aji Pacay Aji Arnaucho Aji Dulce Aji Largo (Pubescens) Aji Oro (Pubescens) Rocoto Rojo Arequipeño Rocoto Oculto Red Peruvian...
New Year's Eve.   Time to get the 2017 Glog started.   I am cutting back this year, probably 50 or less plants.   The list so far:       MOA SCOTCHBONNET FOR COMPETITION (JUANITOS & RFC) VENEZUELAN TIGER (RFC) BROWN LARGE SCORPION CROSS (MY OWN - F3) DEVILS BRAIN (96STRAT) BLACK BHUTLAH SCORPION (96STRAT) UNREAPER (96STRAT) MA WARTRYX (96STRAT) CHOCOLATE REAPER SCORPION (96STRAT) BBG7/NAGA (96 STRAT)   BELLS - To be determined, but at least four varieties. JALAPENO - BIG GUY, Maybe one other. ECUADORAN HOT LEMON CAYENNE - (Live plants from Burpee)
Dobondo's 100% LED indoor glog
So since buying fresh chili peppers in my area is really expensive (around $10 for 100g), i decided to start growing my own earlier this year  :party:   The challenge here is that i live in a single room approx 3x5 meters and my only window only gets sun around 2-3 hours a day during summertime.   Naturally this means i've had to invest in some grow lights, but this also propose some challenges. Basically it would need to be low-heat and low power draw so i invested in LED grow lights. I ended up getting 3x 36W (~16W actual draw) and 3x18W (~10W actual draw) lamps from a local chili seed/gardening shop. The total power draw appears to be around 72W.   The 36W lamps have 12 Cree XPE 3W LED's (7 Red + 5 White 6500K)  The 18W lamps have 9...
I might as well go ahead and start my growlog for 2018, since I have already started thinking about updating the lighting in my growrage.   I intend it to be a diary I write in almost daily, definitely days I am working the process.   I hope and pray everyone has a very successful 2018 in whatever endeavor you choose.   AJ
Hello everyone. Dylan from Oklahoma here wanting to share some good news. I usually only post on my other pepper community. I'm usually more of a lurker here. But I figured why not Invite you guys Inside as well. Give you a look around. Share tips and ideas on indoor grows. Here's the link to my youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNUpt6v_ybaybubs5O6dXlQ
Forth season bonnet and their hybrids grow .... a couple of varieties to come ... thanks to Smoke (C2C chilli forum) who posted them on Monday ... most listed have been in the propergator's since the 7th January. Thanks to all that have helped me to continue with my bonnet thread without your help I would not have been able to have listed so many varieties this season. Especially pleased to get back seed from Justin - White Hot Peppers which I sent him last season to get refreshed ...... will update the late arrivals and no shows Scotch Bonnet Steve's Yellow SB ( chili-pepper.ch) Schneider Farm SB (self) MoA Yellow (Stickman) - Dennish's 2017 Challenge US/UK MoA Red (Mike USMC) P. Dreadie's Select (self) Foodarama Yellow (Mike USMC)...
Gryphon's Perpetual Pepper Glog
First off hello! I've never shared anything here before so hoping this is the right place to be posting. Wasn't planning to make a glog just post one thing but figure I can come back in here from time to time with this and post things. I will have to get some pictures of the other plants up here      Took some photos today of the SBS Purple Pepper Plant.   Tiny bit of leaf damage is from giving it too much seabird guano and fucked up the pH. A little sulfer and some TLC and she's pushing out happy healthy new growth. Trying to decide what size pot to move it to in spring. In 10gal fabric pot rn.
PaulG 2017
Seeds in the distilled water soak tonight, into Jiffy Pellets tomorrow... Happy New Year! Seeds started 01/01/2017: JA Red Habanero (CPI and self-selected) - 3 Fatali, yellow (Pepper Joe) - 3 PDN x Bonda Ma Jacques (F5 Trippa's cross) - 3 Aji Amarillo (F5 self selected) - 3 Rocotos/Manzanos/Cabe Gendot (self selected) - 7 Orange Bhut Copenhagen (Refining Fire) - 2 Aji Limo (Peruvian 2015) - 2 Scorpion, yellow (F5 self selected) - 3 Aji Lemon Drop (Tradewinds Fruit) - 2 Scotch Bonnet MoA (Trident Chilies, John) - 3 Numbers refer to target number of plants for season 2017 grow. Annuums go into Germination chambers in March.
Meatfreak's 2017 Glog
So I've started the new season to, early January I did a poor attempt at some Wild varieties but I lost my patience and after a month I tossed them out hehe. Only the Tovarii germinated and is growing, very slowly. Although I didn't wanna have to much plants, the list went over 100 but I brought it back to 88  :rolleyes:  Besides all my projects I also wanted to grow some regular varieties and old seedstock like the Hab Yucatan and CGN varieties. Exactly those are the ones that haven)t germinated yet after 12 days, so there's still time. All others have close to 100% germ rate. I was aiming at 5 plants of each F-2 phenotype project. The "new" F-2 grow out, 10 seeds. Still not much to see all possible variations but I got a small amount...
Flavours of the Caribbean (Mainly)
Thought it was about time I put on blog on here as requested by a good friend Gary (wind chicken). I got to know Gary having done a seed trade over 2 years ago via fb, and have always admired his growing. As title says most of my grow will be bonnets as I love Caribbean cuisine especially Jerk chicken, curry goat etc. I started some rocotos quite early as I know they take forever to ripen.. First time I've ever grown rocoto and pleased with progress so far. The rocoto,s are red rocoto, tropical orange f3, and De seda. Will make a proper grow list when I receive the p.dreadie select seeds kindly sent by Gary and one I'm pleased to have as a memory to Erin. Another one already up and waiting to be potted on is...
MikeUSMC 2017 Grow
A little late in the season to start a glog probably, but I figure if I want to trade seeds with some of you guys at the end of the year, at least you'll know I'm not full of shit when I say I have stuff to trade ;) Anyway, I had a pretty rough start this year. Started my seeds mid-February, then proceeded to fry half of them when they dried out from being in the living room with my pellet stove (Doh!). After that, my two overwintered plants (a Manzano and a Rocoto) turned into aphid magnets. Those promptly got chucked outside in March (I think?) to freeze and die a cold, miserable death. Of course, the aphids found their way to (what was left of) my seedling tray, but I got those under control. Ok, enough whining. I'll try to get you...
NeedsWork 2017 - Year Three
Happy New Year!   :cheers:  Cheers to another year growing with y'all.     My first round of seeds started soaking on 12/31.  They hit the dirt 24 hours later on 1/1.  They are hanging out with my 3rd season bhut and aloe.   Purple Suomi Infinity Monster Chocolate Moruga Hix Strain SBJ7 Nebru Australia Madballz Rusty 7 Pot Padron De Arbol Pasilla Bajio Bhut Jalokia (From 3rd season plant) Caribbean Red Hab Long Red Cayenne Yellow Cayenne Hot Cayenne Cayenne Joe 7 Pot Brain Strain  Reaper Bahamian Goat Fatali Dragon Cayenne Aji Blano Crystal (From last year's growdown) Hangijao #5       Link to 2015 season: http://thehotpepper.com/topic/53268-first-glog-2015/ Link to 2016...
This is a little late but I hope to update once a week.  I started seeds a month ago and have several that have sprouted.  Pics are grow details are on the way.  Going mostly for chocolate, peach and mustard varieties this year.  Here's my list so far:   Chocolate Moruga x2 (OW) 7 Pod Brown (OW) Chocolate Brain Strain (OW) CPR (Butch T) CPR (Moruga Welder) Chocolate Lava (Duffy) Chocolate Bhutlah SM Chocolate Primo (Moruga Welder) Chocolate BBG7 (Moruga Welder) Chocolate Scorpion (Duffy) 7 Pot Douglah (White Hot Peppers) 7 Pot Gigantic SR Chocolate (Wicked Mike) Big Black Mama CP115 Chocolate Ghost x Jalapeno   Peach Ghost (Wicked Mike) Peach Naga BBG7 (Duffy) JPGS (White Hot Peppers) MRM x 7 pot Brown Peachy x2 (Duffy) MOA Scotch...
Walchit's Glog 2017
Hey guys, I figured I would go ahead and make a glog. Here is my first ripe super hot. Its off of a ghost pepper plant I bought at my local nursery. It looked more red on the plant, I may bhave picked it a tad early. Well thanks for checking out my glog, I will update if anyone is interested. I also have a reaper plant that has quite a few pods, and I have been pulling Caribbean red habs, cayennes, and Thais about every other day.
The 2017 randyp "All the Worlds a Stage"grow.""Rush""
My friends, I am back from my self-imposed social network ban.This year I am very happy to say I will be focusing the majority of my 50-54 plants to seeds received in a seed swap with my friend Dave,"lobo."Virgin plants, to what we have been growing Stateside demand that I do all I can to see what the black gold dirt of Iowa will do for his seed stock..I see Monsters on the horizon. :dance: Today you get my list and a couple seed starter pics,Its great to be back.Good Luck to all of you in your lives as well as your gardens.   I got a flag to show my respect to Dave for his gift.It  will hang over and gaurd the babies before they hit the yard If Seed soak I am trying to start this year's seeds into 4 inch cups.The new on off...
U)<now's 2016/2017 Indoor/Outdoor Glog
Hey guys,        I figured I'd start a late season Glog for my indoor (possibly outdoor for a couple months) grow since I didn't start anything this past spring. I posted some stuff in the Growing sub a couple weeks ago when I ordered all my seeds for my 2017 grow, but I wanted to start a few now to overwinter for a winter project as well as a head start for 2017. Currently I have a setup for 5 4ft T8 twin tube fixtures (10 bulbs) with 6500K bulbs right now as I don't normally overwinter plants so I haven't needed anything stronger yet... I only keep 4 fixtures on it for seedlings. I may upgrade to a Quantum Badboy 8 bulb T5HO, or a DIY COB LED setup, not decided yet, I need to do more research on the LED. I have followed a few DIY...
Joe's 2017 Grow
And so it begins again.   This is my second year of growing peppers, but my first year starting from seed.  I am germinating my seeds in rock wool cubes, and onto a heat mat they go.   My list so far is   Aji Lemon Drop x3  Bhut Orange Copenhagen x3 Moruga Scorpion x2 Yaki Blue Fawn x2 Fatalli Yellow x2 Chocolate Habanero x2 7Pot Primo, Yellow x2   Aji Jobito x2 Aji Delight x2 Trinidad Sweets x2 NuMex Suave Orange x2     I also have a couple plants that i overwintered.   Nov 25th, dug up my "Reaper", pruned it back to bare stems, and put in a WaterFarm type bucket.   This is what it looks like today.   As well I saved a Ghost, Dug up and replanted Dec 1.   The Ghost today.   I also have a package coming from CAPCOM, which will have...
So I know it early to drop seeds for 2018. But I need to since I'm in Tucson AZ and our winters are very short. I figure I can get a head start on the brutal summer by planting in ground by Febuary and hopefully one crop by May then just wing it. Here my list. Apocalypse Scorpion Jay Peach Scorpion Red Savina Trinidad Scorpion Red and Yellow Scotch Bonnet Aji Pineapple Aji limo rojo Aji Dulce So what do you guys think any suggestion. Oh and of course I'm "overwintering" some reapers and golden jolokias Semper Fi,
Getting the Grow list together for this year. I've grown all the experimentals, this year is about crosses and peppers I know I like.    Here's what I got so far. I may add or subtract from this list by time I plant seeds.    Crosses   HRS X Maui purple f2 Pequin X goatsweed   My Crosses   Aji Inti f3 (maybe f4) - Lemon drop x inca berry Aji Amarillo X caribbean red habanero f2 El Scorponero f2 Tail pheno. - Carbonero x butch t yellow scorpion Aji Omni color x Moa bonnet yellow f1 Aji Painapple f2 - aji pineapple x butch t yellow scorpion D3 Goat f2 - Bahamian goat x butch t yellow scorpion Devils Prick f2 - Paper lantern habanero x butch t yellow scorpion   Others   Aji Fantasy Sugar rush peach Fidalga roxa (on the fence about this...
Well it's 2017. Finally! Last year was a success, as far as the ground plants were concerned. Virgin, clay ground. My Chinese got smacked by hail twice! No room for error with those. Out of 12 plants I got ONE BBG. First and only. That variety is cursed. Tried for the past 3 years and some sort of calimity happens. This year I decided to try 21+ different varieties of the BBG. I have 9 Reaper crosses. 21 and counting other varieties. I built a hoophouse and some COB led's. Planning on getting them outside in March sometime. That might be a delusion, beings I'm in Colorado. We shall see. There is only a few varieties that I've grown before. The rest are all new. I'm planning on isolating most of them. Just started some Lemon Drops...
HM01 2017 Seedless Glog
     I said I wasn't going to start a glog this year since my season will be cut short (moving this summer), but not growing things just seems weird to me. So here we go.      I have about ten OW chile plants that I will be keeping in containers (let's see if they survive the move...). They aren't much to look at now, but I'll post pics once they go outside.      Since I'm not starting seeds for peppers and tomatoes, my grow lights were feeling neglected. I decided to take advantage of this opportunity to start some hybrid poplar clones from and for my family's land up in 'Sconnie.      When my family first moved there in the late '80s I remember taking a walk with my mom and digging up a poplar sucker to transplant. It turned out that...
Rymerpt's 2017 place to post stuff
I wanted to just kerp adding onto my 2016 glog,but thought it was best to follow the rules. This year I'm trying something a bit different. I'm overwintering everything. That's right, no new seeds this year. I now have a tiny greenhouse. In this greenhouse are what I hope will be viable plants for 2017. I have two bells that will be heading into their third season, a couple aji pineapples going for a third sesson, a tepin X lemondrop going for a third season. A reaper, a brown moruga, a peach but, and a couple others. I also have, under the awening and looking good, my two ghosts (in huge pots). I have found that I do much better with growing in big buckets. This year the in-ground plot will be for tomatoes and other vegies. This...
Peter S - 2017 grow
Here's my grow so far for this year. I started these early January. The large peppers in the basement are over winters. I'm trying to get my grow down, to around half (or a little more) than last year. I'm hoping this will be more manageable and less wasted peppers :) My grow methods this year will be Kratky (fill and forget and static nutrient level systems), self watering containers (diy earthboxes), and grow bags with potting mix on drip system fed with Master Blend. Also will continue to run some indoor hydro using DWC and sprayaponic methods. All my peppers will be fed with mix of MasterBlend, Magnesium Sulfate and Calcium Nitrate.   Here're my overwinters, hard to distinguish from this angle, but the back left is Jamaican Hot...