• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
Bhuter's 2018 Glog
Hello everybody! I'm late again to the adventures of pepper growing. Seeds didn't hit the towel until March 6, so I have some still below, some hooks, and some little plants. Not too much to look at right now but how about a growlist. 2018 Growlist Red BBG7 (Ocho Cinco 2014) BOC (Mine) Black Naga x Peri-Peri F2 (Mine) Bishop's Crown Brown Moruga (PL) Peach Bhut (WM) SB7J (Pex Peppers 2014) Pumpkin Bubblegum (Ford's) Peach Scotch Bonnet (WHP) OrangeGum TigerMAMP (GIP) California Reaper (Tyler Farms) Ramirez Stinger (mpicante) BBG Peach Ghost Jami (Mojo) Monster Apocalisse (Mojo) Purple Ghost Scorpion (Mojo) Chocolate Primo (Butch T) PDN x 7 Pot Caramel F1 (Mine) PDN x Bonda ma Jacques F6 White & Purple (PaulG) Purple Flower Baccatum...
Start-up of a new farm this year and continuation of my existing raised beds.  I'll start germination of seeds in mid-Feb and continue that for about 6 weeks (peppers, tomatoes, eggplant) until it is time to plant peas, spinach, lettuce and cabbage in the ground.  Notable progress will be posted here from time to time.
2018 - The Farm
Well, I've been gone a few years from the board, and away from growing peppers, but looks like life is pushing me back that way again.    I recently (last month) closed on a 25 acre farm in Central Illinois with some primo soil, and I'm going to give a commercial grow a test run.        From up on the roof, when I was doing some roof repairs on the outbuildings. Not much as far as the eye can see, but cornfields...       Has a 4 stall garage and a horse stable on the property         Probably do my grow room upstairs here after I insulate it     Built some doors for the horse barn and patched the roof last month         Anyway just dropped a cold grand on seeds from pepperlover and buckeye, going to hit a greenhouse supplier up...
Random rambling glog of 2018.92 and onwards
I have a job that requires meticulous record keeping. Consequently, when it comes to leisure pursuits my note taking can be a little lackluster. This glog is my attempt to find a happy medium between keeping a laboratory notebook, and not remembering when I planted things and how long they took to grow. A quick picture of the gang right after I brought plants in from the garden to over winter. The grow tent is an inexpensive one off of amazon with dimensions of 4’x4’ (1.2mx1.2m). The two on the left are hydroponic plants that have been grown inside the apartment for the past 3 years. The remaining have all been dug up out of the ground. I stripped all of the leaves off the plants to combat aphids that came inside with the plants...
Growing pepper, autumn, indoor
Hi, These are my 15 day old pepper, they struggle with fungus gnat and fungus problem but it seems they recovered. I use double cup method and I will try to keep them in smallest pot possible, because the weather just started to become cool and we are in the beginning of cold season. I hope I can get some pepper from them.
2018, my first attempt at autopots
Dear fellow pepperheads, After being inspired by reading the glogs here and elsewhere, I figured it was time to write my own, and post about progress, issues and thoughts related to my grows. This is only my second year of growing peppers, and went from 2 plants last year (Jalapeño and Peter Chili) to now wanting to grow a few more for better variety and a larger stock to get through the winter, give to friends/family etc, you know the drill. :) So my modest grow list is now: Aji Benito (local nursery) Numex Orange Spice (local nursery) Jamaican Bell (local nursery) Bhut Orange Copenhagen (local hardware store) Corno di Toro (local nursery) Sweetbite Yummy (local hardware store) Last year I grew in a grow bag, and while the jalapeño...
Hello, I am back after haitus from the internet as everything was really very busy!   I have made the move to 100% organic gardening in this time and do not dig, till or otherwise disturb the soil   Here is my pepper plant, a jalapeno. It is 6 weeks from seedling and absolutely covered with flowers. I've never seen so many flowers on a pepper plant before let alone one that is so small. I stopped counting when I reached 100   The pot is now in it's 3rd season. It was 50/50 mix of sheeps manure and mushroom compost and has always had something growing in it. I mulch with pine bark and there are worms in the container   We've had a few days in a row of 100F temperatures here and only one flower dropped!   https://imgur.com/a/KZdmHMa
Starting the Ghost pepper & friends glog
So Ive started my hot pepper journey on my aero garden classic and the 3 larger ones are Carolina Reaper and 2 butch Ts. Grow list are: Carolina Reaper Butch T Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Bhut jolokia Komodo Infinity chili Dragons breath (not sure if originator in U.K. sent the real deal so well see) 7pot primo 7pot douglah Naga viper Did some research to get seeds from reputable (loosely used lol) vendors across the u.s and u.k. Only growing and testing will tell if seeds are legitimate copies. Looking forward to getting some progress now that I have hydro system, once they hit 10 its outside they go. Almost lost the 3 big ones to aphids & white fly basturds, neem oil and natural dish soap stopped that thankfully. In coming weeks...
2017 Indoor Winter Hydroponics Pepper Edition
Hello! I'm going to use this to document my Peppers. Right now, I'm going to start with the Banana Peppers... more will come with the hot peppers as they are just seedlings. Plants are fed in Soil and Soiless settings. They are fed Masterblend 4-18-38 with Calcium Nitrate and Mag Sulfate as needed for Soil and Soiless hangs above a pool of nutrients. Hydrogaurd for Soiless settings once per week. Extreme gardening brand mykoz to help root growth innocolent when seeds sprout. Foliage feeding with Foilage Pro 9-3-6 every three days for a good rain soak. I had a group of B Peps growing with a mystery plant that also grew from the same set of seeds.... not a reputable Amazon seller. Many have died and only two plants live to...
Cold winter, Hot peppers - FryPhax's quest to have fresh hot sauce on Christmas.
Hey all. I'll improve upon this first post as time goes on.    Welcome to my garden. Currently focusing on an indoor soil based container garden. I'm located in the UP of Michigan where winters get down to -20 but I want peppers all year so I I'm seeing if I can't produce peppers year round.    Currently using a Space blanket lined corner with an old table under a 600w Amazon special grow light.    Plants I currently have:   4 Red Habaneros - Previously outdoor from Nursery 2 Carolina Reapers - Amazon plants 1 Cajun Belle - Previously outdoor from Nursery 2 Unknown outdoor rescues 1 Super Chili - Previously outdoor from Nursery 1 - Serrano - Previously outdoor from Nursery   Current Seedlings -   6 Maruga Trinidad Scorpions   6 - White...
Stickman's 2018 Soil Mineralization Glog
Hi all! Now that the new year is here, it's time to swing into gear and get ready for the next season of growing chiles! I'll be starting my seeds in a few weeks, and after rotating the crops in my raised beds to get rid of the Pepper Maggots that showed up in 2016, I'll be able to plant a lot more this year. In the meantime, I thought I'd share what I do to prepare my garden soil for the start of the season. I've grown chiles in pots and in-ground, and for me at least, I seem to do better with the plants grown in the soil.   To start with, my garden soil is sandy, so I have to add lots of compost in the top six inches of soil to hold moisture and prevent nutrients from leaching away. Soil microbes break it down in just a few years...
DF 2018 Grow log
Started setting up some seeds yesterday. Used rock wool and decided to experiment and use my fish tank to start them. The two reaper seeds I just placed on the Java Fern. More seeds later today.   By the way, the "Thor" seeds, their from the seed train and I dont recall any other info on them, looking on the web they are described as such. If their is another type then please update me, thanks!
2018 already, time sure does fly by  :shocked:   Been a member on this forum a few years now (2013?). This has to be a record for me. I usually change hobbies by now. Maybe it's because we get a few months down time to relax and take a break from caring for plants.    Here's the growlogs of the past   D3 2017 Keeping it mild   D3monic's Crossing Project/Community Grow   D3's 2016 Growlog   D3monic's 2015 Glog. Lots of pods   D3monic's 2014 Glog n Gardening bonanza   I'm getting things ready for this years grow. Looking at adding a new grow light for seedlings. I had some nice LED ones but they are starting to go out and my t5 fixture stopped working. Probably the ballast but who knows.    I'm looking at ordering this...
Walchit's Glog 2018
Well started germination yesterday, got a little carried away. I'm too lazy to type out my list for you guys so here are some pics. Sprouting these from Justin/whitehotpeppers And these from the auction of labeled pods from Garth/texashotpeppers Then there are these from trades and seed trains I may have officially lost my mind! Thanks for stopping by.
Not much of a South Tejas GLOG
I'm not a glog guy, but I'm bored today.  I moved from beautiful Traverse City Michigan to sun burnt Corpus Christi Tejas in August 2017, never got anything to get growing. I bought a few bhuts from a store to overwinter them, but my wife convinced me to throw them away.  In February 2018 I tried to get some 5yr old saved seeds to germinate, but had zero ever come up.  So I bought a few from a local nursery and ordered a few online.  I put them into a mix of buckets, smart pots, and laundry baskets I bought at a garage sale for .25 cents a piece.  I rigged up a shade to cover my peppers and my wife's failure of a sunflower garden. I have bhuts in red and yellow, red Moruga, reapers, naglah brown, and chocolate bhutlahs.    In the...
Stetto-grow 2018: Takin' another run at it.
It's going to be a sweeter, milder year for me this time around. I've got myself Rocoto happy, and thanks to my new friends enablers here at THP I have a plethora (you go El Guapo!!) there will be no shortage. I plan a repeat of some winners from last year, if you recognize your penmanship/packaging style, well, you just pat yourselves on the back.   My seed-to-medium day will be on or about this Thursday, March one, 6 weeks early for zone 3 but 3 months later than the Aji Amarillo and a few other choice seeds I planted last year.     This is the bulk of the peppers, but not likely all. I overwintered a couple of PaulG's Aji Amarillos and a nummy Aji Mango from Geonerd, and they're already living la vita loco in a south facing window...
Good day. You may have seen me popping in and out of the forum/discussions, but I prefer to read other people’s posts to learn. Peppers from seeds are a new thing for me. Any who, I picked up seeds from Troy Primeaux a month or so ago and decided to go about doing a winter crop. I planted roughly 30 of his seeds. It will be an indoor grow (inside house and also inside garage depending on ambient air temps). This is going to be a learning experience for me as I have hydroponic experience from other vegetables but not peppers. So far I have roughly 25 baby peppers sprouted in a germination tray (on heating mat) with a dual type foxfarm mix (plus extra non-nutrient add ins). Troy’s seeds have taken roughly 7 days to sprout (nothing...
Charlesquik's Tech Log 2018
Here we go another year with you guys :)   :dance:  This year I will be advancing to the new level. I learned a lot last year about automation and I will fix all the encountered problems.    Last year I only had a Meizhi 450 watt led. I tested a lot of thing with that light and I can definitely say LED are the future. Now I got with my dad :   1x  Meizhi 450 watt LED 2x Generic 1000 watt LED from amazon 1x Apollo 10 750 watt LED 1x Apollo 8 600 watt LED Apollo lights are worth the price. They are powerful and well built. (Even got a remote on the 10)   1000 watt LED from amazon don't even hold a candle to the Apollo. Back on pepper.... I decided to plant 50 seeds and I'll choose later on which one I keep because I only have room...
Shiso, Thai+Italian Basil, Pepper+Mojito Mint, Lavendar, and Rosemary
So it's a little busy. But it's everything I have growing that isn't peppers. For now. :D     The current interior of the grow tent. In the lower right you can just see the towel that lovingly ensconces my germinating seeds (which are freaking sprouting! More on that in another thread, probably next week!).   In the upper right, the Mojito Mint Twins: The peppermint (middle left in the seed tray, probably not visible) is taking for freaking ever, so we picked up a plant that was already doing well at a shop. My wife wanted mojitos anyway, so this works. Anyway, the first thing I did was, of course, take cuttings! I didn't realize how quickly they'd take; two days and they're rooting conspicuously. We're gonna have a lot of mint.   The...
juantio grows 2018
This year i'm going for a few new varieties to improve my seed stock and so i can update pepperdatabase.org with pictures / reviews.   I did not like using plugs last year so i'm going back to loose medium in containers.    I might try to sell at farmers market or partner with a local nursery. Also online @ juanitospeppers.com   Germination bulk starting in some bowls / 3.5 in pots transplant @ ~ 24 days   Indoor medium: coco + perlite nutrient: dyna gro foliage pro containers: 606 insert or 3.5 in deep pots light: led strip 3014, meanwell lrs-350-12 irrigation: flood table   Outdoor medium: coco nutrient: tbd, maybe jacks hydro 2 part containers: tbd, bags or slabs, maybe a few of both irrigation: drip system + injectors   list CARDI...
Welcome to 2018 There is probably not going to be a whole lot of action around here until March 1st when I'll start soaking seeds. I was overwhelmed in 2017, starting in January was not a good idea. This year I plan to pot up the plants in stride and avoid being root bound. Starting in March and outside in buckets in the middle to end of May. I'll probably try to sell excess plants locally on CL/FB as well, instead of trying to keep every seed I sprout alive myself.   2018 Grow List so far... SB7J 7pot Cinder PDN x Bonda Peach Bhut-WM strain CGN21500-WM strain LemonDrop PapaDreadie SS-Good Pheno from TGCM :pray: Aji Limo Rojo Aji Limo Amarillo Aji Panca Giant Red Rocoto Peruvian Red Rocoto-OW Yellow Brainstrain-Growdown   I'm really...
Started my list:   Apocalypse Chocolate - RFC Bhutlah BBG7 Chocolate- RFC Chocolate Reaper- RFC Death Spiral- RFC MRM 7 Brown Peachy- RFC Naglah Beast Chocolate- RFC Skunk Red- RFC Venezuelan Tiger- RFC Wrecking Ball 7 Brown- RFC 7-Pot Cinder – BHUTER Brown Large Scorpion cross – MINE Chocolate Reaper/Scorpion – (2017 saved seed) Red (NOT C)PR – OVERWINTERED PLANT Mystery Purple – OVERWINTERED CLONE   Might add a few more.  
Yes, I am so interested in putting 2017 behind that I am looking forward to 2018 this much. I will be throwing a knuckle ball going into 2018. I am procuring seed from reliable sources only and will be implementing various isolation methods as to continue a sound seed stock for future seasons. I am also going to visit several chili head bros beginning this fall and spend some quality time talking the shop we all enjoy. I will also be looking into some new nitrification processes as the one I have been using the past two years has let me down big time. I will also be cutting back for the first time on my grow quantities. If I end up with 50 plants, that will be a lot! And all plants will be grown in 15 gal pots minimum.   Starting to...
Mallorcan mistery pepper
A while back I managed to get my hands on some dried pods of a couple of traditional Mallorcan chili varieties, the Tap De Cortí sweet chili and the Cirereta hot chili.     I extracted the seeds and did a test germination. One of the varieties did germinate, but silly me, I did not tag the seeds in my propagator so I do not know which of the varieties is actually growing  :rolleyes: ... Initially I did not intend to keep any of the seedlings of the test germination but now I'm curious to know which one is actually growing, so I picked the best looking one and put it in a pot. And here it is, just another capsicum seedling! :)     I really hope this is the hot variety. I already have grown the sweet one from seeds I got from a forum...
NECM 2018 Topped & Not Topped Glog
` To top, or not to top, that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler snipped and suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous growth, Or to take arms against a sea of questions And by leaving them. To dieto sleep, No more; and by a sleep to say we end The quandary and not the thousand unnatural shock That topping is heir to: 'tis a debate to settle So I didn't have much of a plan for this season as I use mostly powder and my '15 harvest is still keeping my grinders full. After reading The Great "Evidence for Topping (or not)" Thread I was perusing the Bonnie pepper plants @ Home Depot and found two trays of Red Ghost Pepper and said to myself, "Self, it's a sign from The Pepper Gods!"... So let's get started... Of those two trays the...
I put some seeds in dirt today, had been debating if I was going to grow at all this year. Cutting way back just for this season and will be back to ludacris speed next season hopefully. Lot's of stuff going on and not a lot of time this year for peppers.  Anyway best of luck to everyone this season and I will be updating this when I have time. Keep it green my friends.    2018 grow list:   ShitGum #1 F2   ShitGum #2 F2   ShitGum #3 F2   ScotchBubble F2   TFM x Yellow BBG F2   Jalafuego x Yellow BBG F2   ShitGum x Redgum Tiger F1   TFM   Scotch Brain F6   Hot Rod Serrano x Maui Purple F2   (Pink Tiger x Chocolate BBG) X PeachGum V2 F2   Jalafuego x RedGum Tiger F1   Yellow Biquinho   Cardenasii      
Helixx's GLOG AU.
Hi peoples,   I think I should document my recent pepper growing efforts in hope that you guys have advice/tips to help me along the way.   I should also add I live on the west coast of Australia in a very warm climate.  Mild winters (12c-25c) and crazy summers (20c-40c) I'll also add all measurements are in metric as that is the most sane system to use. Sorry U.S. brothers....   A little history, previously I've grown peter peppers with great success, mostly for the lols.  They have an adequate heat to add to sandwiches/wraps. But they don't add any unique flavour.  I've also grown reapers with less success but add them to a wrap or meal and they became the stand out ingredient.   I tried germinating many super hots in jiffy pellets...
Serevei first grow 2017
Hi team, First time growing chillies or anything really for me.   QLD Australia.   2 x reasonably neglected Jalapenos planted ~2 months ago (1 month of that without care) Post initial pruning:       Planted a "chilli scorcher mix" seedling set from bunnings: African birds eye, Trinidad scorpion 7 pod yellow, Cap mushroom red, Habanero chocolate. (only 3 pots so one of them has two in it) No idea what each one is though unfortunately   Thinking I should cut the fruit off the jalapenos and prune it right back seeing as its technically winter here, to give it a chance to become a sturdy bush. And should i    Any tips greatly appreciated.
Getting my 1st grow in order and about to begin! Everything is ordered
Okay   I'm new to gardening but I have put in a ton of hours towards research and I'm extremely excited to get started. This will be a huge project for me as I am a quadriplegic but I have help and I am no stranger to uphill battles.   Today, my 32 x 32 x 63 grow tent arrived which has me totally stoked and I was able to complete my order and receive shipping information for my lights, nutrients, pH tester, pH up down, cal mag, rockwool, battery-operated liquid transfer pump, four 3.5 gallon buckets with 6 inch net basket with 12 inch lid, indoor outdoor digital hydrometer with probe, timers, seed starting kit and tray and then made a trip to Walmart and picked up a 12 pack of quart size bigmouth Mason jars which my 14-year-old daughter...
I'm focusing this year on peppers I eat every day, and peppers I use for my sauces. Usually I grow a good 20+ varieties, but this year I am sticking to only 6. I am growing 8+ plants of many of these varieties, so it will still be a pretty packed garden. One omission that might be noticed is aji amarillo. I absolutely love aji amarillo, but I still have 4 full gallon bags of aji amarillo pods from last year in my freezer. That will last me through 2019. My list is as follows: Peruvian Red Rocoto-These are great for stuffing, fresh sauces, fermented sauces, kebabs, etc. A classic Peruvian pepper, that is very productive in my area. So many of my South American friends ask me if I have any for sale or trade in the Summer, that I...
YAMracer754 work in progress GLOG
Ok.... so I have been meaning to start this for quite some time but finally got things to a point where I feel I can have my grasp on most things pepper and have brought my peppers up, buying things as I go as funds dictate and the chiliboys+girls keep growing up. Not ideal approach, I know, but gotta start somewhere! If I were $$loaded it would be a little easier but $ doesn't replace research and knowledge! I'm growing indoors until I can take them outside and will grow some in large containers, a few airpots, and the rest in raised beds. Probably flower a few inside to use my new Folux light (courtesy of PexPeppers!) Am thinking of switching to a more coco based medium as the peat seems to not allow so much airflow as I would like...
Should have more time for gardening this year as I am not working for the company, but self employed finally.     Wanted to hit 100 varieties this season but came up short with just 76.  Not sure if they will all germ anyways.  Got many more varieties from the trains I rode and from ones I grew in the past, but they didn't really speak to me when I took the extra time to dig into them.   Pepper Plant List   HOT   Manzano   Sugar Rush Cream Inca Red Drop Aji Meloncoton Aji Golden Aji Habanero Aji Mango Aji Jobito - Very Mild Aji Pineapple Aji Norteno Aji Fantasy Aji Finlandia Aji Cachucha Bishop's Hat Sandia Lemon Drop   Temon Tepin Cascabella Cumari Thai Fresno Fish Pepper   Paper Lantern Yellow Habanero White Bullet Habanero Mustard...
Pimentón de la Vera
The chilies used in the production of Pimentón de la Vera are not easy to get your hands on, enough reason to give it a try :)   Pimentón de la Vera is usually found in powdered form in 3 grades of spiciness: sweet (dulce), bittersweet (agridulce) and hot (picante). The varieties used are Bola, Jaranda, Jariza and Jeromin. The sweet version is made of a mix of the Bola and Jaranda variety, the bittersweet version consists of a mix of Jaranda and Jariza and the hot version is made of the Jeromin variety. All varieties are smoked for 8 to 10 days before they are turned into powder. Here's some more info from one of the producers: http://www.lachinata.com/index.php/lachinata?___store=en   I recently found a source of whole dried /...
Here's the grow list for 2018   I may add a couple yet as I have a few plants left among those I grew to give to others that are not on my grow list.   Not so sure where I'll put all of these!   Aji Oro Mini Red Rocoto Yellow Rocoto not mine Yellow Rocoto - Zackor Ecudorian Sweet Rocoto Rocoto Canario  Red Manzano Peruvian Red Rocoto   Cream Fatalii Sugar Rush Orange Aji Rosita Red Aji Jobito Aji Margariteno P Dreadie Scotch Bonnet 7 Pot Pink White Fatalii - GIP White Bhut Jolokia - GIP Pimenta de Neyda x Bhut Jolokia - GIP Aji Omnicolor Tepin x Lemon Drop F5 Lemon Drop (D Green) White Lightning Bolt Aji Chirel Brazilian Starfish  Ethiopian Brown Aji Amarillo CGN 21500 Aji Marlene Rain Forrest Aji Arnoucho Fresno Miraflores...
Well, I'm about 2 weeks behind when I usually start, but I've been too damn busy lately. Once again, 'scaling back' my grow to about a dozen plants just ain't gonna happen, no matter how many times I tell myself that ;) My 5th Season is underway, and Here's my list for 2018: These will be in 5 Gallon Buckets (backyard). I also plan on isolating A LOT of these plants this year. - 7 Pot Douglah x 2 - Chocolate Scotch Bonnet x 2 - OBEAH (Genetikx) - 7 Pot Cinder (F2?) (Bhuter) - CGN 21500 (Bhuter) - TFM Scotch Bonnet - MoA Scotch Bonnet (MWCH) - Bahamian Goat (MWCH) - D3 Goat, Giant pheno (F4) (D3monic) - D3 Goat, #4 (F3) (D3monic) - D3 Goat, Peach Mild #2.5 (F3) (D3monic) - Scotchbrains (G.I.P.) - P. Dreadie "Select" Scotch Bonnet...
Planted on 1/14/18   Red Primo Mustard Bhut Bhutlah Scorpion Chocolate Assam Bhut Jolokia Red Bad Brains Yellow Black Naga Douglah SR Wrecking Ball X 7 Pot Brown Vader jigsaw Bhutlah Orange Peach bhut Bengal Naga Pale Bhut Chocolate Primo Olive Bhut Space Ghost ( Vader Jigsaw x Mustard Bhut ) Red Ghost Shabu Shabu Gnarly BBM Chocolate Borg 9 X Jigsaw Red Umorok Chocolate Bhut Orange Bhut Vader's Cahhck   ( Vader Jigsaw x Mustard Bhut )  King Naga Giant Bhut Jolokia Naga E-Strain Naga Morich Bangladesh Bhut Red Yellow Naga White Bhut PL Naga Raja Morich Chocolate Clamshell Orange Bhut Jolokia Yellow Bhut Jolokia Peach Bhut PL Chocolate Reaper Scorpion Weaver White Bhut Peach Bhut Caramel Bhut JW Red Bhut Jolokia PL Wrecking Ball x BBG7...