• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
Arthropods 2018
Hey all,   This is my first grow from seed! I've grown peppers from transplants before, and grown plenty of other vegetables, but never started anything indoors. I'm hoping to get plants started off right and big enough for the outdoors by mid May. From what I've read, I probably started too late for the Chinense but I'm an optimist, and I'm sure I have plenty of time for the Anuums.    Here's my grow list:   Chinense:   Bonda Ma Jacques MoA Scotch Bonnet Swiss Chocolate (from White Hot Peppers, extra excited to grow this as I couldn't find any info on it until this year) Goronong  Scotch Brains 7 Pod Primo Large Bubblegum Red Devil's Tongue Yellow Fatalii   Anuum:   Karaman Piment de Espellette  Shishito Numex Espanola Improved Sulu...
Community Lindberg Seed Grow
Figured we have enough people growing or interested in growing these seed, it should have it's own place.   I have had mixed results with seeds from the original batch. After many failed starting attempts with those, I currently have three healthy Jobito plants.   I ordered new seeds in Feb, and as of last night I have three new Jobito sprouts, 2 Pinga de Perro and 1 Rosita Rojo.   The Varieties I have currently have seeds started for are:   Aji Jobito Aji Pepon Aji Llaneron Aji Rosita Rojo Aji Rosita Amarillo Aji Margariteno Aji Pinga de Perro Aji Chirel   I am hopeful for the ones not yet sprouted as the seeds look good, just being a little slow to germ.   I will add a few Pics when I get to where I have them.
Bali Tropical Glog 2018
Hello THP, I was a silent reader before, and got a lot of knowledge here. Last year was disastrous season for me. Pest, disease, bad germination. So, i decided to make my own glog for 2018, and take as many advice as possible. This year, im growing around 15 varieties of c. Chinense. Here is my list - carolina reaper - bhutlah scorpion - red bhut jolokia - red naga brain - red apocalypse - choco apocalypse - big mustard mama - MA wartryx - podzilla chocolate - borg-9 bleeding calyx - brazilian morouga - white coyote zan - katokkon (habanero type plant) - ts butch t - choco reaper Sown on 8 december, and got excellent germination rate around 95%. That is already a success for me. Im now still waiting YBS seeds from...
D3monic's crosses - F3 and F4 testing
Admin: we have a separate thread for this, but it's 56 pages long already. I have over 30+ crosses to review in the next few weeks (45 plants, most have pods) so i figured I'll spam the hell out of the main thread with this, instead I'm hoping it'll be ok for me to log everything in this post and I'll link to it from the main thread. Please let me know if I should move this somewhere.   Summary will be updated as I go, full size pics will be posted as replies:   El Scorpenero F3 Plant 1 Appearance: Cayenne-like, but more bumpy. Most pods are approx 50mm / 2" long. Slightly twisted. Colour: Peach Heat: Roughly 700K-1M (my best guess, it's substantially hotter than a scotch bonnet but feels slightly milder than a Dorset naga). Heat lasts...
Hello, all. I decided to start a small indoor garden 2'x3'. So I could grow a few hot peppers. I also have a second small area for germinating seeds. Once all my little ones that I have are 6 inchs or more. I will go to a 12/12 light cycle to double the number of plants I can grow if need be. I can also put some outside when it warms up. I plan on having six plants (or 12 with 12/12) each in  a 5 gallon bucket. 3 pairs of 2 will fit this area just perfectly. I will try to keep them contained. I use coir and add perlite. I use Pure blend pro grow and bloom and ph to 6.0. My first six will be 2 Yellow Moruga, 1 Carolina Reaper, 1 Chocolate Reaper, 1 Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion and 1 Trinidad Chocolate Scorpion. I have never used led before...
PeriPeri's Grow 2018: South Africa
Greetings from South Africa!   It has been a few years since my last glog on THP. Sadly, life got in the way (as it does) and I had to step away from THP. But it does feel good to be back doing another glog!   A shout out to all my pals on THP who have kept the home fires burning! You guys are the glue that keeps this site going :)   This glog will be retrospective somewhat as our grow season here started in August and is now in full swing already. For those of you who maybe don't know me, a little background info.   My previous glogs:   PeriPeri's Grow Log 2012: South Africa PeriPeri's Grow 13/14/15/2016: South Africa   I live in Johannesburg, South Africa and the farm we grow our chillies on is about 1 hours drive away...
First Glog!  2018
Here goes!  My first grow log.  Zone 7a/b.     Varieties & Seed Supplier Mad Hatter                                 Jung Yellow Biquinho                         Solana Peach Biquinho                         White Hot           Red Biquinho                                  " Tam Jalapeno                            Baker Creek Amish Finger Heirloom              Amish Farmer NuMex Sauve Orange               Johnny’s Baron F1 Ancho Poblano               "             NuMex JEP Anaheim                     " Inca Red Drop                            Chiliplants.com Sprinter F1 Red Bell                   Johnny's Antohi Romanian                            " Gourmet F1 Orange Bell                "             Gypsy Hybrid           ...
So, this is really my first year focusing just on growing peppers. And I figured I'd push it a little over the limit...you know, just so I can see where my limit really is. This is also my first time starting seeds indoors, so I'm figuring out all the problems that go along with that. I bought a couple cheap LEDs from Amazon. They seem to be working out alright, not ideal, but not bad. I'll be planting most of these in the ground(hopefully), in a couple of different garden beds. And whatever doesn't fit will be going in pots, and I'm trying out a few of those fabric pots for the first time. I might build a little raised bed if I get time in the next couple of weeks. Anyway...this is the first round that was started on 1/15/17...
Valleyrider's blog 2018
This is my first time doing a blog and first time growing so many peppers. The only thing I've grown hotter than a habanero was a ghost pepper last year that I got one measly pod off of. This year I have changed up my garden and methods of growing.    I have an 8' x 4' raised bed made from 2x12's as well as fabric bags in 7,10, and 15 gallon sizes. Aside from peppers I have many varieties of tomatoes of very color, purple tomatillo, black nebula carrots, and purple artichoke growing.    I started with a Carolina Reaper, Aji Charapita, Sugar Rush peach, Buena Mulata, Midnight dream, and Habanada peppers. I got a little too anxious to get them planted out and after 2 weeks in the 70's at the start of February I planted out everything...
Marianne 2015-2016 Grow
I grow in a subtropical zone where anuums are native weeds so, it is a pretty fun place to garden. Chiles and other nightshade plants are perennials here and I've never lost one to the winter. If they die, it is from birds, heat (looking at you, tomatoes) or soil fungus. Phytopythora and the wilts thrive in the soil and blow in during dust storms so there's no real way to get around it. I'm slowly transitioning to raised beds to get out of the alkeline conditions. Summer gets up to +120f in the shade so I try to replicate the growing conditions of the native chiles and grow in the shade. From trial & error, the more shade the better. I have not yet found the threshold of too much shade, so I'm still experimenting there. Main...
Ohjay is doin' the Coco in 2018
Hey all!   I know I've failed miserably with maintaining my glogs the past two years but third times the charm, right? I promise to do much better this year with keeping the glog updated during the season. If I don't, please yell at me or threaten me with aphids (or something)  :lol:   After reading Blisters amazing coco glogs I wanted to try myself and I've finally had time to do some basic research into this ahead of the upcoming season. (Thanks Blister for the info in your glogs!) So about a month ago I felt I had enough info to do some shopping:   There is of course coco blocks to make 22 litres of coco (but I will need more because I forgot about the sifting). Coco plugs for trying to germinate in coco. Nutrients, CalMag and PH...
First log, Will follow with weekly updates
This is my first ever Grow Log. This is also my first year dealing with growing a fairly large amount of plants in my opinion. currently I have approximately 28 Bhut Jolokai, 19 Carolina Reaper, 19 Trinidad Moruga Scorpion and 6 Habanero. Recently (Last night) I Pruned 3 of each pepper to begin my "research" and develop my own experience and opinion on how, when and how much to prune. I did only 3 of each plant so I have many control pieces. I am hoping my reading and video searches on this subject are leading me in the correct path. I would like to get my plants to about 12-15 inches  and with a nice hardy structure before putting them in the ground. I am starting this Glog also to make me aware of the growth seeing as I see these...
Hello all, at this point I am still new to the forum but would like to contribute to this grow log. I might look at doing the other grow log for all of the other things I grow or maybe I will just keep it to the tomatoes. While I think that over here's what the haps with the first peppers of the year.   Set #1 Jan 12, 2018 Put 10 each of the following in a sand-bed to germinate. This is the first time using this method for sprouting pepper seeds. Chocolate Habanero  Orange Scotch Bonnet Lemon Drop   These were started on this date based on the projected harvest date, I use this method of determining start date with my tomatoes and some other things I grow. Since I sell to restaurants I have to plan based on the projected harvest dates...
Sboustani's 2018 Grow Log
Enjoyed growing alot last season, learned alot from my mistakes as we all do. Ordered some new seeds, and using some seeds I saved from last years grow.       I have one from last year it was a plant I order online, it was suppose to be a white ghost, but pods shaped and end color were not. It also was way hotter than my regular red ghosts, I saved seeds from the phenotype I liked, can't wait to see what variations it throws out this year.        Anyways here is my grow list       1/7 Started   White Ghost *hybrid of some sort*   Red Ghost    Chocolate Ghost    Hayden's Ghost    Chocolate Habanero    Scotch Bonnet    Red Savina    Red Scorpion    White 7pod    Carolina Reaper    Yellow Scorpion    Orange 7pod    Pumpkin Habanero   ...
I am starting this GLOG now to kinda give myself a kick in the azz and make sure I document my grow this season. This will be my second real grow; I learned a whole lot last year, but I'm realizing that I still have much to learn and I still feel a bit of of my element. The plan, this year, is to continue growing in beds at the Community Garden, and build up some beds in my yard as well. Last year, I grew on some bags at home, and two beds at the Community Garden. This year, in hoping to take over three needs at the Garden, and really expand on my garden infrastructure in my tiny yard. My wife has sort of caught the gardening bug, too, so I'll regrettably have to share space with her and her tomatoes and zucchinis and what not. Other...
Hi everybody,   I've started my first "real" hot pepper grow, so I figured I would document it here. It will be a way for me to keep track of what happens along the way, but please feel free to chip in at any time with advice or ideas.   After reading your input in my "Too many strains, how to choose?" thread, I've decided to grow 16 plants in 1 or 2 liter pots in my 3x3 grow tent.   Here's my seedlist. I've already chosen 8 varieties.   Four are in the seedling stage in solo cups: Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion Trinidad Douglah Bahamian Goat Naga Viper Four are currently germinating in Root Riot cubes: Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Red Bhut Jolokia Habanero Brown Georgia Black   Now I still have to pick eight varieties out of these forty...
JustOsmo 2018
Purchased a house this past October and will be having a small grow this year while I build a garden area this summer for next year. This year I'm only growing four strains and I am growing am from seed exclusively. Grew madballz, Jays peach ghost, Brazilian stars fish, and sb7j. All grown from seeds harvest myself from pods.
Rairdog's Smoking, Drinking, Brewing, Cooking and Growing
I have not started my grow yet so I will start off with the smoking, drinking and brewing.   Today it was a ham shank....89cents per lb.  with a brown sugar/mustard rub... and cumin, garlic, thyme, paprika and home grown pepper blend(HGPB)   OVERTOP... a turkey breast with a oil rub and cumin, fenugreek, black pepper, paprika, garlic, sage, season salt and HGPB       WHILE brewing a Vienna Lager and drinking a Red Ale     9 lb Vienna 1 lb L. Munich 1 lb W. Wheat .5 lb C-60   Used up the last of my Hallertau 1.8 oz (2.5%) for bittering and Cascade 1.7 oz (8.6%) @ 20 min and flame out.   Turkey cage and leftovers for broth with homemade egg noodles.  Ham leftovers for ham salad and navy beans.     A weeks worth of meat meat meals for 18...
Finally some success with a Red Bhut, in spite of other failures
(Pic 1) This was my Red Bhut Jolokia about a month ago.  Just starting to retain blooms and convert to pods.   Had to learn about the over-watering the hard way.  explains why many peppers didn't do well before, as we have heat, heavy, persistent rains, and then me.  Habanero of the same age is still less than a foot tall, but still alive.   (Pic 2)  where we are now, 8 to 10 pods, 1-12 to 2 inches long, with several more smaller ones coming on, and tons of flower buds at the top and extremities of the plant.  1st pods have a slight purple tinge on the green, I am thinking either due to sun or nutrients, but I have not been feeding them heavily, just a mild Miracle Grow solution once a month.  Watering from the bottom up through a...
Dan's Coco Log
I decided to give coco coir a shot back in January based on all the success that Blister has had and posted on this forum.     This is what I am planning for coco this year: 1x Carolina Reaper (seeds from pepperlover.com) 1x Fatali (seeds from pepperlover.com) 1x Brain Strain (seeds from pepperlover.com) 1x CARDI Scotch Bonnet (seeds from Juanitos) 1x Scotch Bonnet Brown (seeds from pepperlover.com)   Current Nutrient Mix: General Hydroponics Flora 1:1:1 tsp Micro, Grow, Bloom 1 tsp Botanicare Cal-Mag Plus RO water, ~600ppm total concentration   Lessons learned so far: - Don't let it dry out like soil, feed when it starts to feel light.  Currently 4 day intervals. - Check runoff concentration for nutrient/salt buildup.  Recently burned...
Meadow Creek Farm 2018
Started 800 plants January 11th. 100 Carolina Reapers, 100 WARTYX, 100 Morugas Scorpions, 100 Yellow Brainstrain, 100 Naga Vipers, 100 Bhut Jolokia , and 200 mystery super hots because I lost my spread sheet on those and who doesn't like a mystery. My plot is ready just waiting for spring. Last year I planted 135 and harvested over 500 pounds. 73 gallons of Mash fermenting and freezer packed. I use LED strip lighting, heat pads, fans.
The FatKnuckle Chorizo 2018 Glog begins
Since this will pertain primarily to 2018's growing season and not (so much) to over-winterings and other rants from last year, I will say I started seeds indoors in 2017 to try to get a ump on things.  Some worked, some didn't.  Nonetheless, here we go, and please excuse my lack of scientific nomenclature regarding phylogeny, etc. (what?).   Started from seeds:   Pimento (large, red, for sauce mixing and stuffing, from HD commercial seed pack).  These are the biggest plants, with flowers now. Red Chili (seeds from produce).  Medium heat like a red Jalepeno, but I don't think they are the same pepper, based on morphology. Red Habanero (Seeds from produce).  Slower growing, sensative to watering. Yellow Jamaican Scotch Bonnets (seeds...
Sebek3939 - season 2
Welcome everyone in my topic, in this growlog i'll show you my progress in cultivation hot peppers and tomatoes.   Ther's a list of my plantation: Tomatoes: Rose Quartz Multiflor Garden Pearl Czerwony Koralik Indigo Blueberry Hot peppers: Big Bang Chocolate The Violett Cables Joe Long Cayenne Jays Ghost Peach Jalapeno Conchos Habanero White Giant Cyklon   Its my first time with growbox, i've made it from pine wood, cardboard and aluminum foil, that set cost me nothing.   I soaked seeds in 12 january.
Happy New Year THP! Thanks for stopping by for another year!  I hope everyone has a great season.  I'll try to be more social and do less lurking.  :cheers: The following were started last night just after midnight in Jiffy Peat Pellets:    JPGS (OP 2017) Biker Billy Jalapeno (Peppers By Mail) Reaper (Peppers By Mail) Nebru (OP 2017) Yellow Bhut  Paper Lantern Hab (Juanitos) West Indies Red CARDI (Juanitos) Aji Dulce (Pepper-Guru) Aji Panamanian (Pepper-Guru) Chile Aji (Pepper-Guru) Bahamian Goat (Tail Pheno, OP 2017) 7 Pot Primo (Peppers By Mail)  BTR (Peppers By Mail) Madballz Rusty 7 Pot (OP 2017) Fatalii White (Peppers By Mail) Fatalii Yellow (Peppers By Mail) Dragon Cayenne (OP 2017) "Hot" Cayenne (OP 2017) Long Red Cayenne (OP...
Hi all! I've decided to open my glog that year too... I wasn't sure to open it since it will be an humble one, not many peppers, just the ones needed... All seed from Semillas.   I've started 10 Rocoto Cap 363 on 1st january, because i managed to lose one, after a 2 days soak. Today i have my first sprout! Other seeds i have to start (about 11 per type): 7pod primo orange, Avenir, Serrano and Zuzqua (whatever that is). I guess i start first and second on next weekend and the others in the first february weekend.   That's pretty much all for now, photos when there's something interesting to see. I guess that year i'll post some pics of mountains and still some of pizza.   Now i go to hang my light, earlier than expected, i thought CAP...
Hot Stuff's 2018 Glog
So I'm scaling back a lot this year. Got my seeds soaking overnight. Should have gotten these guys going weeks ago. Once soaked, I'll remove them and put a damp piece of napkin on the bottom, put the seeds back on and the lid and let them germinate in these jello shot cups.   Anyway my list for this year is: Bahamian Goat Yellow Brainstrain Island Hellfire Chocolate Brainstrain Yellow Primo Szentesi Kossarvu Criolla de Concina Sivri Moruga Ethiopian Fire Goat Weed Criolla Sella Fish J. J. Jalapeno Tursijara Domaca Dzuljunska Sipka Szedgedi Edes Fuszer Kalocsai Long Semi Hot Myra Fizani Sladki ukramsky Aufrechte Cayenne Szentesi Piazos
Swamptrout's 2017/2018 vegepod glog
Living in QLD we get hot humid summers and mild winters. After seeing a friend's vegepod i bought myself one to try and grow my peppers all year round without the need to overwinter. I planted my first batch of seeds 4 months ago (mid winter) and these grew quickly and were transferred to pots to grow out. A new batch was planted 5 or 6 weeks ago and are 4-5 inches. Some are smaller. Most are grown and shared with family and friends. I have white ghost, 7 pot choc, choc habs, white peruvian habs, fatali, primotali, apocalypse red, yellow reaper, carolina reaper, moruga scorpion, rocoto manzano red, thai red, capsicum & cayenne.
Devv-2017-Having a good time in the dirt
Another season has come and gone. Time to start a new one!   Although I did already a few weeks ago :shh: . After last years dismal (late) start I jumped in a bit early to insure I could have viable plants come dirt day. I can always cut them back, if I need to. I have to compile a list yet, but I'm growing the full spectrum. Sweets, to supers, based upon what we will actually use. Most of my list is to make LB happy; I'm really glad to see her infuse peppers in more and more dishes. Can't beat that when the wife takes interest ;)     Not the best pic; but the shelf is being sketchy, and I don't need all the babies bouncing off the floor.   Good luck to all this season :party:
Greetings all!    Long time lurker here...   I have learned so very much from all the incredible growers here and I wanted to start by sending out a general thank you to the awesome community here!   Starting off with a tentative list of varieties for the season. This definitely has potential to grow substantially if I can secure more growing space...   7 Pot Brainstrain Red 7 Pot Brainstrain Yellow 7 Pot Jonah 7 Pot Jonah Yellow x 7 Pot Bubblegum Orange 7 Pot Bubblegum Orange x Naga 7 Pot Yellow Morovar's Yellow x SR Strain Scotch Brains Black Naga Chocolate Nagabrain Brown Bhutlah Dorset Naga Moruga Scorpion Satan Strain Reaper Long Pheno Devil's Tongue MOA Scotch Bonnet WHP Scotch Bonnet TFM Scotch Bonnet Jamaican Long Scotch Bonnet...
One of these biggest improvements to my grow this season is the conclusion of my grow room i started in December 2015 :lol: as i say to her indoors , no point hurrying and making mistakes  :crazy:  :lol:  :lol: .All sealed in now with Poly carbonate roof and sides so loads of light and i hope a natural humid habitat. This will be known as Sims santuary and home to my specials and isolated plants.  Just got to make up a removabledoor so it can be closed up overnight and opened during the day for air movement .   The theme of my grow is trying to find some good tasting chocolate peppers , iv included Swiss Choc & Chocolate Bhutlah SM as these are the best 2 tasting chocolate peppers iv eaten so far. I had to include BBG,s as iv been lucky...
Happy New Year Folks.  The official, unofficial list is below.  Hope everyone has a great upcoming season, Keep It green.    Scotch Brain A+ F4 Scotch Brain Long A+ F5 TFM Yellow A+ 7 pod Mustard A+  UBSC Brown A+ RedGum Tiger PeachGum Tiger BBG7 Peach BBG7 White "small" F2 BBG7 White "large" F2 BBG7 Creamy Mustard F2 BBG7 Caramel "Burgandy" BBG7 Cluster BBG7 True Orange  BBG7 Tobago Treasure  BBG7 Naga Peach BBG7 Naga Orange  BBG7 X Reaper BBG7 X HP50 BBG7 Yellow - Big and Bumpy BBG7 Yellow - Smooth   Ulupica XL "yellow" Pineapple Rocoto Rocoto Lima MKT # 1 Aji Ahuachapau Hatch Shishito Islander   The following are some of my crosses I've decided to grow this upcoming season.   TFM Yellow X Yellow BBG7  TFM Yellow X OrangeGum Tiger ...
After a lazy January I finally got under way today.  I'll deal with some pics once there is something to see other than nothing to see.   The final (well...maybe, maybe not) list, in no particular disorder:   Ms Junie 1 Aji Llaneron 1 Peach Bhut Jolokia 1 - seed from peppers that grew from last years Not White Bhut Jolokia seed Not White Bhut Jolokia 1- last year this seed yielded a damn good Peach Bhut Shishito 3 Aji Angelo 1 Jalapeno Yellow 2 or 3  Aji Jobito 2 or 3 Cream Fatalii 2 or 3 Aji White Lightning Bolt 1 Tepin x Lemon Drop F5  1 or 2 7 Pot White 1 Brazilian Starfish 1 Santorini Episkopi Gonia 1 Sugar Rush Orange 1 Dong Xuan Market 2 or 3 Aji Rosita Yellow 1 or 2 Legacy Big Jim 2 or 3 Kampanaki 1 or 2 Bhut...
A wile back I posted this forum about my plan and if it would work http://thehotpepper.com/topic/66583-cross-breeding/ In this glog, I am going to post once or twice a week, about how the cross works out and the problems I am probably going to face. sadly my reaper and scorpion have died due to a hard frost and mushy stems. I planted the seeds I need a week ago and will post a picture when I see sprouts. the cross is going to be between a (scorpion x reaper) x (bhutlah x scottch bonnet). hopefully I get some cool looking, hot pods that taste great. I want the heat to pass the reaper (90% sure it will) with a great taste. If there is a pod that you a bunch of you guys like the look of then I will stabilize that cross and try to send some...
Redd's 1st grow update #3
12/25/17 Merry Christmas!!!!! I now have 15 plants 10 of which have been transplanted in to 1 gallon pots , 1 into a 2 gallon pot and 1 into a 3 gallon pot. Last 3 still in solo cup. This bunch lives in a 3x3 tent that just got a 1000w led ( Thanks Santa). In the cabinet I now have a 45w panel led(REPLACING* homemade cfl lamp) for my seedlings. I have 4 small plants from my start that are still in with my new sprouts. Among the new sprouts I have: Carolina reaper x2 of 3 Scotch brain x3 Premium mix x2 of 9 Pictures of plant growth off cfl lamp prior to 12/25. New 1000w led added 12/25 *Picture #6 grow cabinet. Sent from my LG-H918 using Tapatalk
Well, its a little smaller than last year.  I need to cut some out of this, will need to find some strength to do it.  There is about 10 that I don't have listed yet some late arrivals.   Most of the Chinense are now started minus a few.    Here's the list - it will definitly change some but this is the start.   7 Pot Brain Strain Caramel 7 Pot Brain Strain Chocolate 7 Pot Brain Strain Yellow 7 Pot Bubblegum Chocolate 7 Pot Bubblegum Chocolate Elongated 7 Pot Bubblegum Cluster 7 Pot Bubblegum Red Long 7 Pot Bubblegum MAMP x JRGS 7 Pot Bubblegum Moruga 7 Pot Bubblegum Naga Orange 7 Pot Bubblegum Naga Peach 7 Pot Bubblegum Naga Yellow 7 Pot Bubblegum Orange Large 7 Pot Bubblegum Peach Ghost Jami 7 Pot Bubblegum Red 7 Pot Bubblegum Red...
This is currently a placeholder for what i will attempt to piece together as a Glog for this year    I took hardly any pics of my seedlings, :(  and when the weather was finally warm enough at night for my plants to go outside;  They got shredded by hail, nearly drown in rains for days straight, tore up by winds. :mope:   Long story shortened, my season has had a rough start and most of my plants don't look so good  :neutral:   So, although my plants are not nearly as nice as many others who have Glogs i have been following. I will attempt to keep a log of this years grow anyway :)       Pics to follow soon...                   :cheers: