• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
Second glog 2017
Seed list: -Carolina reaper -Trinidad scorpion peach -Bhut Jolokia chocolate -Jalapenos --------------------------------- My second glog ever, started a little late this year but what can you do.. Started on April 12 by germinating seeds, and today April, 21 I put 11 Trinidad scorpion peach seeds into peat pellets. Still waiting for more seeds to germinate and will update weekly on progress made. Cheers.  :dance:
Hi all, this is the start of a new season as most of you are at the peak of yours. I grow for my own enjoyment . I enjoy germinating ,growing , eating , drying and saucing peppers. Some peppers and sauces might end up as presents , but I don't sell peppers, sauces or seeds.   I have built my own grow box with T5 CFL lights and aluminium foil for reflexion. Germination was with the modified paper towel method in 100ml pill vials at 30 degrees C. First seeds were in the vials on paper on July 11.   Lists and pics to follow.
Hi all, As a newcomer to chilli growing I have been bitten by the hot chilli bug badly this year. I started some plants back in late 2016 after getting seeds abroad. The whole venture is getting a bit out of hand but I've started two raised beds and just starting on a third bed among many pots too. I'll put pictures up when I can but here is my current list: S = seedling, V = vegetative, F = flowering/fruiting 1. Mucho Nacho jalapeno (F) 2. Aji amarillo (V) 3. Chocolate Douglah (F) 4. Firecracker jalapeno (F) 5. Cayenne Caysan (F) 6. Habanero (F) 7. Manzano (V) 8. Bhut jolokia (V) 9. Chocolate Brain Strain x Reaper (V) 10. Carolina Reaper (V) 11. Tabasco (F) 12. Siling Labuyo (F) 13. Trinidad Scorpion (V) 14. Siam yellow (F)...
Hell's chilli grow
Hey guys, recently i started up a DWC set up for the Carolina reaper, atm i have 2 running in the DWC and 1 in soil, and i also have a ghost pepper growing in the back and seeing how she goes :) Im pretty new to the hydro systems so any help would be great, so far its been going well i think this is the 3rd week running, im using a chilli nutrient and setting the ph levels correctly and thats about it!               Where it started haha..   week 2   week 3   nutrient that im using at the moment
In the ever awesome excitement of having an almost 25ftx10ft area to build raised beds and my own home now. I figured it's time to grow again (like plants and the size of my garden). Due to the move I have been on hiatus and had made a final harvest of peppers from last season. I have had more remaining peppers than I can feasibly enjoy, all preserved in one form or another. So, maybe 20+ peppers plants is too much for 1 young couple? ... ... ... I will be germing 100 288 plants this year with the goal to keep all healthy plants (last years germ was around 97% - so this might be a lot).   I will be expanding my horizons though, here is my grow list.   2017 Plants Hydro Plants   1 Juliet - Sauce Tomato   2 Black Cherry - Cherry Tomato  ...
Queequeg grows stuff, and fixes junk.
plants: if they look crumy, its because they are. need water and ive been lazy, ill go back out there and water them at some point today. also got SMASHED last night by some nasty wind...   victim of mine, not the wind. pvc hose sliped off the table and snapped it. serrano dosent seem to care though. we shall see what happens... lettuce plants. cactus plants. tobacco plants from last winter... i chopped these down to a stump but they grew back. ive not watered these what so ever since last... december ? no clue why they are alive still. fertigation machine. in pieces. my intention here is to shrink the system down substantiall.... such that it fits into the trunk of my car. im going to fold my old design into 2...
Stefan_W's 2013 Pods A-Ripenin'! Glog
I am going to start the new glog for my upcoming growing season on a bit of a personal note. One year ago tomorrow (January 3rd) is the one year anniversary of the day that my daughter was diagnosed with a tumour that is lodged in the middle of her brain. The past year has involved treatments and hospital stays, and there were at least three different points when we were pretty sure she was not going to make it. But she is a fighter, and nothing could keep her down for long. Sofia has personally planted every pepper and tomato seed that I have started in the past three growing seasons. She beat the odds last year to help me, and once again she is defying what medicine has to say to help me out this year. We started a jalapeno plant...
Dash in NM - 2017
Hello everyone. This is my first attempt at growing hot peppers. I have a lot to learn, but that's why I'm here. Sorry in advance for any potato-quality pics!   I started most oft these seeds in mid-February or early March. I'm hoping to plant outside on or near April 15. This first set of pictures was taken in early March. The seedlings are in a closet underneath a couple T5 bulbs. I'll post the seed types and counts later this evening.                             -Dash (in NM)  
Hey all, Thought I'd start a belated GLOG and share some pics. It's been a bit of a challenge as I've moved TWICE since the start of the season. Though, managed to get some plants in the ground. Despite losing many a tag in the process. :onfire:  Amish Bush Hot Beads Hot Beads x ? Jalapeno Super Chilli African Bird's Eye (Piri Piri) Prik Kariang Shima Togarashii Bahamian Goat Chocolate Bhutlah SM Chocolate Bhutlah  Carolina Reaper HP22B 7 Pot Yellow 7 Pot Jonah Yellow 7 Pot Jonah Scotch Bonnet Yellow, Red Trinidad Scorpion Original Strain Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Blend Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Blend Chocolate (JR) Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Brown (PL) Trinidad Scorpion Chocolate Trinidad Scorpion CARDI Yellow Urubu Wild Brazil Rocoto 
Windchicken 2016
For the last couple of years my season has finished up after the subsequent season had already started…I sowed my 2016 seeds last Saturday, but my 2015 Chile Manzano are just now bearing ripe fruit, 3 days later. Is it worth waiting over a year after sowing to get ripe fruit from these plants? HELLZ TO THE YEAH!!! Only the best chile in the world!!!  
Scuba_Steve's 2017 has got to be better than 2016 glog!
So I had a pretty good start last year, that failed once I went in ground.  Did I go out too early, not harden enough, have bad soil at my new house, or a combo of the above?  Who knows, but Hurricane Matthew didn't help I am sure!  Ironically, I still have pods on plants.  A few might make it through the winter!   Regardless I am starting fresh.   My grow started on Jan 01.  35 varieties went in, I do not expect all 35 to come out due to using some 2014 and 2015 seeds.  A bunch are fresh 2016 seeds though.   I am doing things a little different this year.  My grows always have a little experimentation.  So far so good!   I started seeds in ziplock bags with just perlite and a splash from a 17oz bottle of water with a capful of...
nzchili and the kiwi summer
Hi guys, thought I would make my own thread here rather than keep clogging up the great kiwi pepper thread.. Its a bit late as we are half way through our season..but anyway..here's a couple pics of how things are shaping up.   This year I have many unlabeled volunteers so will be interesting to see what I end up with in a couple months time.   some plants.. here we have some bhutlah crosses iv been working on for a few years (starting to look mean, will post pics later)..some wild bird peppers from jiji, a few pubes, a brain strain, and im not really sure what else...a douglah,  a large thick cayenne is in there.. oh and a volunteer tomato and rosemary :)   here an aji verde that survived the winter...went through a bad patch a little...
Hi All,   Thanks for reading - I've started this to use it as my own personal journey into the life of chilli growing. I'll generally be planning to update on a weekly basis with a photo, or some information on how things have gone. Hopefully in a few months I'll be neck deep in chillis....well thats the plan!  :onfire: Dream big I guess. I'm using this part as a record of what I'm doing so people, if they can chose to provide some insights on what I'm doing wrong, and also, so people like me out there in the world who are thinking about growing, might be motivated to try this out.   Picked up seeds from the Chilli Factory just north of sydney. Had to get some other things (hot sauce etc), and finally thought I'd dabble in growing. My...
Hot peppers for 2017 - If I can find some seeds for some of these.   One Fatalii Jigsaw  One Fatalii One Yellow Scorpion One Peach Ghost Pepper One Mustard Habanero One 7 Pot Burgandy Twelve Chocolate Cayenne Six Goliath Jalapeno Three Biggie Chile  Three Budapest Six Big Bomb One MoA One Red MoA One CGN 21500   Going to fit all my hot peppers into two raised beds this year and still have room for a couple cherry tomato plants on the end.  The strawberry bed is getting torn out and I am putting in 4 rows of onions.  Walla Walla and Sweet Spanish.  As much as I like the Cipolini onions, they are a royal pain to process.   The bed against the south edge of my workshop that had potatoes last season will have sweet potatoes this year.  ...
Here's what I have going on:     c. chinense       jays peach ghost scorpion     carolina reaper     scotch bonnet moa     scotch bonnet red?     bahamian goat     yellow habanero     jamaican hot chocolate x2     fatalii     scotch bonnet yellow     chocolate hab x2     7 pot burgundy     bhut jolokia x2     bhut jolokia caramel     c. frutescens       thai pepper (upright)     african birds eye     thai red     orange thai small     piri piri     piri piri (Vietnam)     c. baccatum       brazilian starfish x2     c. annuum       orozco x2     frankenpepper (5 var. 1 tree)     goat's weed     "heart"?     "big long"? x2     poinsettia     c. pubescens       mini rocoto      
Texas full season v1
Just recently set up a mini greenhouse on a balcony.  I had to transplant some reapers and a katie due to whitefly and torrential rains paired with infrequent 117F heat indices.    So I now have this setup. The top has choco brains, morugas and choco bhutlah, they are fresh transplants recovering from shock.  Below is a stick in the mud thai chile taking root, a katie and a germ tray of 2 of each 7 pot bubblegum, yellow 7 pot and bhut neyde  :pray:  fingers crossed.  The bottom (I left off a shelf for the stronger guys to take over) has my reapers, choco habanero, and the solo pots of the brainstrain and moruga.  Plenty more seed to go but the first night is good enough for me.   [/SIZE]
Weasley First season 27 varieties !!
This is My First Season, im trying 27 varieties this is the list, bought most seeds and 10 live plants that arrived in really bad shape but they are returning to life, trying double cup method the plan is having some tests with big containers, 5 gallon buckets just with soil mix, 5 gallon self watering, and 62L self watering, making these tests to se if i can go big next year, live near Arizona with lots of hot weather, any advice or comment is welcome, happy season to you all !!   this is the seed list with number of seeds in peat pellets    Carolina Reaper 16   Habanero Chocolate 4  Habanero CGN 21500 4  7 Pot White 4  7 Pot Brainstrain 4  7 Pot Jonah 4 Trinidad Scorpion Moruga 4  Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Chocolate 4  Bhut Jolokia Red...
George's yokohama burning 2017
A bit late to the game getting my glog post up this year. Started as head brewer at a new brewpub in yokohama this year and its been flat out. Bit more of a high tech grow this time around. Using rock wool, as well as a 147w LED light rig. Loving rock wool and not messing about with soil for seeds that might not even germinate.
Eximius Indoor (Aquaponics & Oddballs) Glog 2017
  Hey all! I'm new to the forum, but not to growing peppers. I figured I'd start a Glog to share what I'm doing with my indoor pepper grow.   This year, I wanted to start with a really wide pool of genetics to seed my next couple projects. However, my space is extremely limited, so I plan to do as I have in the past few seasons and graft multiple varieties of peppers on to the same mother plant in order to maximize the number of varieties that I can grow in my (tiny) apartment. Indoor growing in the NE US is not the easiest, especially in the winter when the air is constantly dry to the point of causing problems.    I currently have 2 rounds of seedlings going for this cycle. The first was planted in December and the first few plants...
Mang's 2017 Peppa Grow
Seeds started on 2/26/17   Pic of heatless hab- I've got all these in just the cheap stuff from hardware store, not too much heat and no lights other than the sun. It's only been a couple weeks so Im still expecting a lot more to come up this week.  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seeds started 3/10/17   Got all these ones in the little peat pods.   Thanks to Malarky for the pubes  :party: , and Streamer for the Aji Jobito! Excited for these, every year I've tried manzanos and they do not germinate. I have these on mats most of the time, so hopefully that will help. This will be my first year growing a "wild" variety as well.    I purchased the...
Kamiru 2017~
Last year was my first with Hot peppers, I had Jalapenos, white peruvian habaneros and chocolate Habaneros. Now Rithcer in basic experience I decided to grow more kind of peppers. For this year I have. Lemon Drop Aji Cito Aribibi Gusano Naga Morich Naga Viper 7 Pod White Jamaican hot Red Jamaican hot Yellow Satan's Kiss Explosive Ember Second Year Chocolate Habanero   I Started from Building bigger and better growbox than last year, and I inserted seeds to it.        
Sizzles 2017 grow
Okay guys ....I have not put anything in dirt yet.....its always a big decision on what to plant when you have limited space.....I do some 5 gallon buckets and some in ground....maybe 30-35 plants is my max. Anyways I have made my decision and here is the layout of my 72 cell tray that I will start with. Depending on what germinates things could change.   I will be going to dirt in the next few days and will update my progress as I go.  
[Baekseju] Aerogarden Sprout
So, the wife got me an Aerogarden sprout for Christmas.   I've never messed with hydroponics before, so please be indulgent, and I will be very interested in your advices!   0. Starting date   January 2nd 2016   1. Water parameters   Tap water being quite uncertain lately in my area (analysis proving to be different one year after another), I've used mineral water. Mon Roucous:   PH 5.85 Calcium (Ca2+)  2,4 Magnésium (Mg2+)  0,5 Sodium (Na+)  3,1 Potassium (K+)  0,4 Sulfates (SO42−)  2 Bicarbonates (HCO3−)  6,3 Nitrates (NO3−)  3 Chlorures (Cl−)  3 Fluorures (F−)  <0.1   Ph is quite low, isn't it? Should I mess with it in order to reach 6.5 or so? I've got some Ph+ at hand.   2. Growing medium   I'm using Root!t cubes, which seem to be...
Second Glog ever, 3rd year growing... was planning to recycle my old glog but didnt find the edit button 0o ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Growing at 69 degree north in Norway, north of the artic circle. We dont have sun for several months during winter but on the other hand, we do have the Midnightsun in the summer! So due to this, i grow my plants for indoor life as "house plants" Several of them are turning 2 years now!   I didnt start any really in 2016. Lost quite a few plants due to an insane aphid infestation in the summer. And then lost even more after a visit to the delivery room. (They where due to a watering as i ended up...
Smaller is perhaps debatable since I plan to only have 5ish plants less than last season  :crazy:   Currently I'm in the process of deciding exactly what to grow and the plan is to get the seeds planted sometime this weekend.   My list of candidates is currently: NOT Carolina Reaper Chocolate Submarine Bhut Jolokia White Datil Habanero Hot Lemon Fatalii White Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Yellow Aji Cirel GRIF 9165 Kitchenpepper Peach Jalapeño Craigs Grande Cantina Dorset Naga Orange Peter Pepper Red PDN X Douglah 2.3 Bhut Jolokia Peach Trinidad Bean Yellow 7Pod White Moldavian Heart x Purple Bhut Bhut Jolokia Purple Peachgum Tiger V2 Stuffing SB (thanks to Trident Chilli) SB7J (thanks to Trident Chilli) ------------------- Trinidad Moruga...
NickT 2017 Cream Fatalii Coco
First glog I've ever done so bear with me. I'm growing quite a few thing this year but due to space constraints and an upcoming move, I decided to only document one of the varieties I am 100% going to hang on to. I use the paper towel and zip lock on top of a heat mat, I typically use bottled water on the paper towels but I have also used diluted chamomile tea and just regular tap water but honestly I can't tell a difference as long as the moisture and heat are there.   First sign of life, thanks cone9 for the seeds!   I then transfer to course coco coir   and then under the high output fluorescent and fan I used General Hydroponics flora series with Cal-Mag and a SUPERThrive flush every Friday. After they have a couple weeks under...
Hello everybody,    I start with glog 2017 right now.   During season 2016 I found many new friends here on THP and trade many new varieties with them. randyp, moruga welder, jcw10tc thank you guys very much !!!   Season 2017 will be my TOP season and my target is approximately 200 pcs of plants.   I have mabye 100 new varieties and I want grow all of them but  grow space is not unlimited and I must do selection - That is the worst thing for me becaue all varieties are great.     My seed list is not complete yet because many new varieties is on the way but there is preliminary seed list.     Naganero F2 - OW Naganero F3 Naganero - moruga pheno Naganero - oskar pheno Naganero - OMO outdoor Naganero - OMO folio Ghost Naganero - JPGS cross...
I bought a house and am finally out of that damn cave of an apartment! YAY! But it's too late in the season to start seedlings, so I will only have my one plant this year, the Hot Paper Lantern I've had for 4 seasons now. This little guy has been sitting on my desk at work for almost 2 years and has produced enough peppers to make a few bottles of my Apple Cider Hot Sauce here and there but this year he gets to have an open backyard with a massive amount of sunlight. I can't wait to put him in a huge pot with new soil and see what he can really do. :P Side Note: My wife has agreed to let me drag him into the kitchen for wintering, so long as Frosty (the cat) doesn't eat him.
Biggy indoor 2017
I got a late start to my indoor dutch bucket grow this year. I got my seeds started in the flats a few days before Christmas. I moved the seedlings into buckets on January 10th. Right now I have ?-? 5-Butch T 52-Chocolate Reaper x Scorpion 7-Yellow Lava 24-Jay's Peach 64-Yellow Reaper 51-Genghis Kahn 27-Boc x Primo 53-Lobbed Boc 64-Yellow Reaper 65-CP115 66-Chris Fat Red 47-Piment Leopard 25-CPR 27-Boc x Primo The #'s are just my way of keeping everything straight. Once my new buckets arive I will be adding two more spots for hots. The sweet setup is a mix of Red, orange, yellow, purple bells and banana peppers. I use hydro-gardens dry ferts for the food. The water is 50/50 well/ro. For lights I'm running 3-dual 600w and a...
Peter's 2016 Grow
I'm still working out my grow list, and will start most of my seeds in a couple weeks. I have started a few early, and have some growing in hydro and potting mix. Here are four over winters from this past year; 7-Pot Rennie Chocolate, Devil's Heart, Bahamian Goat and Peach Bhut.     Most recent pic of my hydro setup. Maxibloom nutes under 400 watt CMH. I'm going to probably switch to Masterblend/Calcium Nitrate/Epsom Salt blend at some point when the Maxi runs out. This is mostly for starting, I'm going to setup 2 buckets with one plant each that I'll try to grow out larger.   There's a mix of BBM, Caramel Moruga, Jamacian Hot Choc., Hot Fingers and Large Orange Thai currently.     Here're two that I took out recently and transplanted...
Season 2017. Dedicate to rghm1u20. Thanks for all this seeds
Hello everybody. I'm Alejandro. I have 28 years old. I am from Argentina. I am a student. I study systems engineering. It's a bit difficult to write in this language but I will try to do. Like all of you, I love spicy peppers. It is very gratifying in the morning watering the hot peppers. This glog is dedicated to rghm1u20, thanks to him who gave me these seeds. I am very grateful for all this.     This are all the seeds who rghm1u20 sends to me.         This is the dawn I see every morning.         This is my balcony. it is very small but i will to try growing peppers.       I hope you learn something from my country either Any food, music or any recipe.   And this is a litle cups whits seeds. Some have not germinated yet but...
I recently started growing peppers but its my first time on growing ghost peppers I am open for tips I started to germinate on 2/13 with the paper towel method. I have grown jalapenos I will post pics as I go. ( can someone tell me how to upload fotos) 
I am making timelapse videos of my grow this year.   This is my first video.   The seedlings go from 1 week old to 2 weeks old. The whole week is timelapsed down to 19 seconds.     For me, it's interesting that the leaves grow in short spurts, then the plants take a break.   The chillies in this video are Thai Dragon          Basket of Fire   Fresno Supreme   Basket of Fire   Ring of Fire           Black Naga Edit for spelling  
idrinkbeerwhileifish First Year GLOG
Hey guys, I've lurked here a while, and just now getting started in the pepper growing world. Bought an Aerogarden for $40, some seeds off of eBay, and Advanced Nutrients Micro-Grow-Bloom PH perfect nutes. Started these guys last night in Rockwool, with 16ml of each nutrient for the 1 gallon tank.  I'm in Virginia, so hoping to put these outside in a Kratky system mid to late April.   My hopes is to put each plant in a gallon jug Kratky. How much water will they consume per week? I don't have direct sun, but where I will put them has plenty of light. Any help on the nutes proportions would be great as well - I'm just going to do a 1-1-1 ratio unless I find other guidance, I'm new and don't want to mess up.   Thanks for looking!  
Jason's first glog 2017 (Aus)
Have been thinking about starting a glog for a while but last years disaster of a season put me off a bit.. fast forward to 2017 and things are looking up! So here goes.. First up I would like to thank jcw10 (Justin) for sorting out the majority of my seeds, as well as Cloudhand (Tom) for his generosity and The Hippy Seed Compony for their usual great service. Now my list, just one of each plant this year to determine what I like. The ones marked OW are kept from last year: 1. 7pot Congo SR gigantic Red - jcw10 2. Joe's Long Cayenne - jcw10 3. MoA Scotch Bonnet - jcw10 4. Aji Margariteno - jcw10 5. Aji Pineapple - jcw10 6. 7pot Burgundy - jcw10...
Hello everyone!!  There is like 30" of snow falling outside and we are only half way though this fabulous blizzard, so I figured I'd get my seeds started.  A little background:  I'm a chef at a internationally inspired bistro in Bangor, ME.  Meaning I do French, Italian, Asian, South American, traditional and modernist.  Pretty much do what I feel like.  This grow is a combo of some research into breeding peppers through crosses and hybridization.  I will look at various characteristics that make them better for cooking, as well as growing up here.  No idea what traits I will breed for yet, this is just to get some practice and some seed stock.  I will focus on which plants grow the best this season.  My experience with growing is...