• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
So this is the new season... can't wait to put the seeds in the dirt. I just finished preparing the grow "corner" for my future seedlings, and everything works fine.     The lights are prepared and I plan not to go over 200 plants this year.. but we'll see how that goes.   Like last year ... I'm planning to grow mostly chinense's and annums... but there will be some baccatums (Aji Lemondrop, Aji Amarillo,...) and pubescens (Rocoto,...) that  hogleg sent me....   I'm still working on the final grow list. But I'm really looking forward to start the action in a week or so.
Once again it's that time of year ... sowing miss labelling and no shows. Thank you to all that have helped me find new and obscure bonnets and hybrids. This forum generosity has been staggering and the Christmas Cards across the pond full of seed have worked well in both directions ... clone tent cleaned T5's dusted off Firstly the usual suspects Elysium Oxide - Mustard Elysium Oxide - Rust ScotchBrain F4 - Meatfreak NeBru7 Trinidad SB x 7pot SB Foodarama Red SB Foodarama Yellow MoA Yellow SB Jamaican Yellow SB P. Dreadie SB Peach SB Atomic SB7J SB FreePort Orange SB Allen Boatman New for 2016 SB Saraga Orange Short Pheno - jcw10tc/Fiogga SB Saraga Orange Long Pheno - Fiogga SB Jamaica Orange Long - mpicante SB Jamaica Orange...
It is time to plant 2016 peppers!!   Snow is melting slowly but surely.       This year I'm calming down a little bit   Here is my list:    Yellow 7 pot : 2  (favorite pepper) Fatalli : 2 Joes long cayenne : 2 Aji cito : 2 (really prolific and made a shit ton of powder last year)  Limon : 1 (This one was outside the greenhouse and got hit hard last year so I'm trying again this year)  Fresno : 3  (I'm planting a lot of plans because last year I got 4 fresno on 2 plants...) Jalapeno : 2  Starfish : 2 Yellow scotch bonnet : 2 thai burupa : 2  (new this year) Bishop crown : 1 (from pepper north)(new this year) pimenta biquinho : 1 (new this year) Ghost x Jalapeno : 1 (from pepper north) (new this year) Trinidad perfume : 1 (new this...
Belated glog 2016 – finally time for an update on my peppers!   I started sowing seeds in early March, and I've had less time for the peppers until recently than in other years. Despite that, germination was very successful at first. Then I started overthinking things and that, combined with a new seed starting mix, almost stopped new sprouts appearing. So, I don't have all the varieties that I wanted, but it's probably more than enough anyway. I'm not sure how far some of the plants will get in terms of producing a good harvest.  However, I don't need many pods to be able to compare and save seeds from the F2 and F3 hybrids. I'm also using more modestly sized containers, at least for the hybrids. As for overwinters, I had a few at work...
Hiya y'all. Contrary to rumors not dead. Dealt with illness. Working on pepper crosses, grafting tomatoes and playing music. Missed y'all.   1st full grow since "heath event."   Bhut Orange Copenhagen (BOC):     Peach PI 441598 (Jason/GA Growhead)     Borg 9 Bleeding:     Funky x Well-Hung Reaper (Scott-Devv) F4:     Choc Brain:     BBM:     BG7 x Tabasco (Annie57) F4:     BG7 x Reaper (Jason-GA Growhead):     Red Moruga x Douglah F4:     Moruga x Reaper F4:     Thanks for looking and if get bump can post more pics! Peace! Annie
So here we go again on another glorious year to plan, plant, and pillage.  I'm going to start with my grow list which will get updated as I acquire more seeds.  If you're interested in trading or just want something I have and want to send a SASBE feel free to PM me.  I'll also put a list of seeds I'm looking for at the bottom.  Thanks for stopping by and good luck to everyone on their grow this season.   Annums: Early Jalapeno Biker Billy Jalapeno (Buckeye) Purple Jalapeno Poblano Aleppo  (Judy) Golden Cayanne  (Chocscotchbonnet) Goats Weed  (Buckeye) Cumra Cherry  (Judy) Sweet Cherry Mini Bells Orange Thai (Romy) Dragon Thai Wild Grove Pequin (FLBorn)   Baccattums: Aji Panca  (Judy) Aji Mango  (Judy) Aji Pineapple Aji Brazilian...
Time to get started.   Ordered some seeds. Buying starter materials this week. I will not get seeds started until February, but thought I would get a jump on planning this year...     The list so far:       2016 Grow List (NEW) Big Black Mama Chocolate Naga Brain Ghengis Khans Brain Peach Bhut Jolokia Red Bhut Jolokia Black Bhutlah SLP Venezuelan Tiger All failed to germinate, and RFC is not selling live plants this year. Bummer! Buckeye Butchlah Gourmet Fatalii Jigsaw   Chocolate Primo/Reaper <added 12/31   Apocalypse Scorpion <added 12/31   Bhut Orange Copenhagen <added 12/31   Bhutlah Bubblegum 7 Pot <added 12/31   Kraken Scorpion <added 1/10   NuMex Las Cruces Cayenne < added 1/17   For the 2016 competition NuMex Big...
Yes, I said I was going to scale back to maybe even nothing.  But, this is just not going to happen.  I love peppers, love growing them, watching other people grow them, developing new crosses, eating them, talking about them, and yes, I even enjoy some drama from time to time ;)     Here's my tentative grow list for 2016:   C. annuum Chiltepin x C. galapagoense Brown Chiltepin Yellow Chiltepin Chiltepin Tarahumara [[Chiltepin x Chintexle] x C. galapagoense] x Negro de Valle [[Chiltepin x Chintexle] x C. galapagoense] x Chiltepin Chimayo (two different seed sources)   C. frutescens Donne Sali CGN 17020   C. chinense Smooth Brown Bhut Bumpy Brown Bhut Red Bhut Naga Suomi Naga Suomi x [Choco Bhut x Douglah] F2 Pink Tiger Pimenta da Neyde...
Like the title says, better late than never.  It's been such a busy beginning to the year with work, I've not been able to do much of anything on this website, but I'm going to make a go of it just because this community has been such a good thing in my pepper growing experience.  I want to stay connected.   I began sowing seed at the end of December and had four more stages to it - two in January and two more in February.     Here is the grow list: A1 Bob's Pickling              Pepperlover            Annuum A2 Hot Cherry Pepper      Buckeye Pepper     Annuum A3 Jalapeno Biker Billy     Buckeye Pepper     Annuum A4 Monkey Face Yellow   Buckeye Pepper     Annuum B1 Aji Cito                         Pepperlover           Baccatum B2 Aji...
Well, I finally decided to start a Glog.  I have quite a few plants that ore OW from last year, and some new ones that I started this January.  Here is the list, lots of pics to follow, I'm still in the process of planting out.  Most everything is going into root pouches, and pots, but I do have 9 total rocoto plants in the ground as well.   Aji Amarillo Aji Arnaucho Aji Dulce Aji Limo Aji Pineapple Aji Pacay Aji Omnicolor Aji Lemon Drop Aji Fantasy Yellow Peruvian Red Rocoto Giant Peruvian Red Rocoto (Miraflores Market) Rocoto Cusco Mini Rocoto Brown Rocoto Orange Rocoto Rocoto Peron Rocoto Montufar Red Manzano Yellow Manzano Aji Oro (Rocoto) Aji Largo (Rocoto) Rocoto Arequipeno Guatemalan Red Rocoto Guatemalan Orange Rocoto Ecuadorian...
Hi All, I'm back again after quite a while and more than a few changes. Health issues got in the way of being active here after Christmas, but I've resolved those and am ready to plug in here again, albeit with less time than I had before. Anyway... on to the chiles!   My friends with a CISA farm have started 6 MoA Scotch Bonnets, what I hope are 2 King Nagas and a couple of Jalapenos. I have three 1020 trays worth of 3inch pots planted with 4 varieties of Gochu peppers. I sowed them a week ago and they're just now starting to sprout. I also have 12 pots of Texas Wild Pequins and 6 pots of Guwahati Bhuts planted that haven't started to sprout.   In addition to the solar food dryer, I picked up a stainless steel 10-quart pressure cooker...
Just threw together some numbers and it looks like my entire pepper grow this season will be 72 plants.  One tray.  I think I can get them all in the raised beds.  Not sure if I will do them all in the raised beds, but I think I can.     I have a lot of peppers still in the freezer.  I have enough sauce.  I have a lot of powder.  I just need some fresh peppers to grow through summer.     I will be hitting tomatoes harder this year though.  I have a lot of tomatoes I want to can.     I will try to get my preliminary list up tomorrow.
Hi everyone :dance:   I figured i could start my own grow thread to get help during the process and sharing pictures with you !   btw i speak french as 1st language  so my grammar may not be on point !   1 month ago i wasn't into pepper at all and i was at a buddy's house and he show me is little pepper plant and i came back at home to see that there was a huge pepper scene ahahah!   So i went to the local store to grab some seeds for sweet and hot pepper,  then i found the online seller, logged on a fb pepper page and now iam here hahaha.   So i germinated somes under the t5ho that i use for my aquarium        Then i made a diy fixture and ordered 2 more t5ho    I have now ordered 3 more t5ho to add later in this fixture that can...
This year, I've greatly reduced the number of varieties I'm growing. Hopefully, the plants I do grow will have enough space, and more of my attention [emoji3] The grow list this year consists of; Diamond White Lombardo Paprika Greygo Cherio Roxa Aji Pickled Frog Paprika Kurtovzska Kapia Jalapeño Early Chocolate Beauty Frigitello Aji Habanero I'm also writing some blog articles about my growing year. The first one is at http://justsimon.co.uk/chilli-plants-how-to-start-the-chilli-growing-season/. It's just the basic info about how I like to grow from seed.
  Hello my friends,I am still in the cold  and slow time of year.I have my first(3) seedlings of the year.The first plant was the "Mystery Wine".A Chis Joyner masterpiece that eluded my garden last year due to my failure to do a good job drying seeds.I got this from a pod the reigning Growdown Champ (terry) sent me.Not many changes this year,And I still need the right hip replaced,I am holding out as long as I can,(7 years till I retire)I will update what's going in the garden when I see them in a pot,I put out a list before that never rang true so we will delay my "Wish List"    Thanks for stopping by all you old and soon to be friends.My updates will pick up when my weather does, Good luck to all of you this year. Randy       To go...
This weekend going to -2c, right now 1c so good time to start. First plant is the Tinker Bell, a very sweet mini pepper, no heat, was going to leav him out but thought better of it, this is the second crop he produced so does really good. I transplanted him in a small pot and waiting for the peppers to ripen before I trim the branches.     The second is a Red Habanero that didn't produce anything this year. Repotted him, used 2/3 vermiculite to 1 part CM compost.     The rest will follow as they ripen :)
Ok I have taken a long time to get back to growing after a few life upheavals over the past 6 months ,which have culminated in an overseas relocation, change of job and massive change in climate and garden scope. So I am back to my country of birth and where my roots still grow strongly in the land of the long white cloud... New Zealand. Everything about it has been positive and I hope my garden adventures can be equally so. The sad part was I had to give up a good portion of my seed collection which numbered about 150-170 unique types and had to restock once I arrived back here. So I now only have 78 unique varieties and I have lost one or 2 of my prized varieties... One of which was a big blocky pod which ripened like a toucans beak...
Hello friends! To keep me from adding more peppers to my grow list for the season I am now starting my 2016 glog. I'm still a week or two out from starting, but the prep is starting. The quick breakdown of last year is: I started really late (first time grower), I wanted to do only super hots for the lols at first. Combined with a terribly cold and not particularly sunny summer, I got extremely few supers, if any on some plants, and I had to many plants of the same variety. I had a few annuums that did OK. The theme this year is variety. I'm trying to grow peppers that are aesthetically nice looking, as well as trying to spread out the heat levels and trying some from each of the 5 popular sub species. The progress so far is...
Hi THP, I discovered you one week ago while googling for info about some peppers. I decided to grow some super-hots this year and at the same time to start a glog here, which will be my first post. The hottest pepper I've tried so far is the Mighty Jalapeno :D ...and off course the Reaper will be one of the plants I will grow, I guess this happens to many new to super-hots, right? :) So I have these seeds: Carolina Reaper Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Trinidad Scorpion Butch T Bhut Jolokia Red Habanero unkonwn and ofc Jalapeno ... + other non pepper related stuff This will be a raised bed grow, I know it's a pretty late start for super-hots but still hope that they will give me some ripe pods, we usually have a nice weather here May to...
Mostly Organic Grow in pots and ground   Will from Wales. Currently living in the hills of Panama, 650 meters above sea level, daytime temps of 24-30 Celcius, night time temps of 14-20. Wet season from approx Mid May to November. Very heavy downpours, still plenty of sun to be found. Dry season December to April, hot and windy no rain. Foothills of an old volcanic range, the second largest inactive volcano crater in the world is just over the other side of the mountain. Water is from an underground spring on the side of the mountain and runs all year. Seeds purchased mainly from Pepper Joe (No need to say anything, what's done is done, lets see how they come out, so far so good) Chocoalte Trinidad Scopian Cappuccino Butch T Trinidad...
Guess I will document my growing.  Feast or Famine I could learn from it either way.  Got a late start to my plants for my first year growing.    Medium = Fox Farms Happy Frog Water = Natural Spring Water (grocery store, 2gal for a 2 dollars) Light = 4' T8 single 6500k bulb.   So it begins...March 29th   Only 3 germinated.  Took them out of moisture domes at different stages to see how it goes..Apr 1st   True leaves starting on them, made some foil wrapped cardboard for reflection...Apr 8th   True leaves getting bigger, no height increased in plants, just purple stems and purplish leaves...Apr 12
Hi everybody! My glog starts with some experiments with cloning I made between sep and nov. It was the first time ever but I'm satisfied. You can see the full experience and what I discovered in the proper section. Hope it helps everyone. Starting         Surprises       Rockin' in the free world         Final Result after a month!  
Hello everybody.   I am from Czech republic. Now we have season in full strength so I made some interesting videos from my Greenhouse.   At first there is video about new Hybrid variete NAGANERO F1 (Dorset Naga X Habanero Red) from my friend Czech grower LuckyLuke. These hybird matured very well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNcUFAiRBXs   Second video is about Jays Peach Ghost Scorpion mutant. This plant mutation is very crazy. This video you MUST SEE !! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIKT5ZL7D0Y   And Last video is about seeds selection for next season. Because I have only one greenhouse and lot of varieties inside I must do any separation of flowers for clean generation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKNW_-Jl60M
Hi everyone.  This is my first G-log and my 2nd year growing peppers.  I have 24 plants in the ground.  I planted them the last week of April 2016.  I grew about 13 from seeds and the others I purchased as seedlings.     The List: (Capsicum type, Pepper Name, Source)   C. annuum Big Jim , Chile Pepper Institute 6-4, Chile Pepper Institute  ------***Died by wind storm****---- Joe Parker, Chile Pepper Institute Espanola Improved, Chile Pepper Institute Primavera, Chile Pepper Institute NuMex Twighlight, Chile Pepper Institute Rooster Sauce, secret source   C. baccatum Rainforest, Geonerd / OP   C. chinense Primo, peppersbymail.com Red Savina, chileplants.com   Purchased plants   C. chinense Reaper, chileplants.com Datil...
It's been a long time but am back! 2012 wasn't my year it was a trial and error kind of year. Mostly error though.hahaha ...... The whole chemical fertilizer stuff dint do to well with my clay soil or my potted plants. that year just sucked for me I kept running into problems after problems. After the topical disterbece we had destroyed my plant I just gave up . This year the other half wanted to start up a vegetable garden so we did .I desided we go organic and it turned out really good. We got tons of harvest out of it wich was pritty darn rewarding. . I basically dint plant peppers for almost 3 years. Later on in the year I threw in some peppers and to my suprise I guess Oganic is the way for me. The plants sure love them compost...
So we had a soft frost a few days ago - and I finally had a time to harvest my small area loaded with plants. We are in the middle of a move so I don't have my kitchen scale but I did pick conservatively 3 lbs of peppers off my small balcony. The plan right now is to freeze my boatload of Jonah's and fataliis for a super secret sauce plan I have. And to cook with, dry, and eat the rest over winter. I just hope 3 lbs of peppers can hold me over.
Hello Ladies and Germs it's good to be back.   Just wanted to say a big thank you to the following members who helped make this years grow possible, Sorry if I left anyone off   Fiogga Scorched Moruga welder Romy6 GM Silver surfer Pic1 wayright ignite prodigal son winland jcw10tc TC1010 chiltepin Kingdenniz Bluesman smileyguy697 stc3248 mojo peppers mpicante Jamison GIP semillias SL        
this is the grow log for the bonchi challenge. i am trying to limit the rules down to a few. IF YOU ARE NOT FROM THE US YOU CAN STILL BE A PART OF IT YOU JUST WILL NOT BE ELIGIBLE FOR THE PRIZE THANK YOU. RULES. 1. everyone entered must have a seperate variety of plant. meaning if two people want to both enter a bhut jolokia. an agreement must be reached to where one person must choose a different type. if an agreement cant be reached the person who was first to reserve that plant gets to have that variety. 2. you must reserve your plant(s) on this thread asap. 3. limit of two different varieties can be reserved. 4. you must have 3 photos uploaded before or on the day of the end of the contest. one photo showing height of plant...
After a couple years without a garden I'm really looking forward to having stuff growing again. We're getting the community garden started back up at work & since we had a few members give up their plots I now have doubled my space and have two 4'x8' plots to work with. The new plot is in pretty sad shape compared to my original one so I have a lot of work to do in the next couple weeks to get things ready for planting out at the end of March.     Don't really have any pictures yet since I didn't start seeds this year but ordered 24 plants from Cross Country Nurseries. I had really good luck with the plants I bought from them back in 2013 so I'm hoping this year turns out at as well. I've never had plants get anywhere near as big in...
Hey guys.   I'm brand new to the field of pepper growing. My brother and I live together and we're both big pepper guys and love hot, spicy food. The idea just sort of came to me one day to grow our own peppers, and it all just sort of stuck.    In all honestly I've been looking for a hobby after my recent divorce and this one just sort of stuck with me. I've grown some basil in the past but wasn't very knowledgeable about growing plants (hurr durr, just water it and it grows). I did my research this time, looked up advice from indoor growers, and started my search for all the right stuff I'd need.   I love tending to my plants, but I gotta be honest guys, they don't look too hot (pun not intended). I'll give you the rundown on when I...
Happy New Year!  It's that time!  :dance: This year I am focusing on cayenne and white habs as they are our favorites from last year'.  Ground white hab pepper is like a step up from white pepper.  Very versatile.     Most of my pepper seeds are hitting the dirt ~2 months earlier than last year.  March 9th 2015 vs January 1st 2016.  Link to last year's glog.   I moved my grow box out to our  'sun' room.  It's more of a basement, without insulation, 1/2 above ground.  It isn't the most ideal place for growing but it will keep the dirt out of the house.  Temps are my biggest concern as the grow box foam insulation is only 1/4 inch.  Might have to double up...   My grow box is now 5' L x 3' T 18" W.  Step-by-step build instructions are in...
Hi there. I´m writing to share some news of the growing. Not a really detailed report, just some recent development. So, I was growing thai chilis, a likely-to-be-cayenne, a probably-to-be-jalapeño, another plant that was very similar to the I´m-sure-it´s-thai, and a still unidentified one. This is the post were we discussed the varieties, but of course the plants don´t look like that anymore: http://thehotpepper.com/topic/60849-i-cant-id-these-plants-can-you/#entry1331227   Well, the main news is that some of them are flowering, despite it´s still winter here. True, it´s been a not so cold winter: we had spring temperatures for the last 4 or 5 weeks. But I certainly wasn´t expecting flowers, let alone pepper development. On the other...
Well, figured I'd start one.  I've been reading on here for a couple years and finally joined.    The Ghosts are going on their 4th year now.  Over winter them every year.  But due to space issues this will be the last year for them.  I will tell you....they have been a pain in the butt and a lot of research to get them to produce.  They still haven't gotten anything this year.  I think I'm having an issue with pollinators this year so far.  So.....spending time outside with a paintbrush and doing it myself.      These are the Carolina reapers I bought May 8th.  You can see in the picture above they have grown a bit.  These will be my new babies that I will over winter this year.   
Why i'm doing this again.. im not sure...as priorities get more complicated... and time is valuable to us all.. we start to eliminate  other priorities.     For those that dont know.. ive been dealing with one of my most troublesome pest.. and its called ERIOPHYID MITES... (go google it.. lol).  for 3 years it was a ghost.. and soon became known to me as PEPPER AIDS as it just kept killing all my plants (2 yrs ago i went from 200 plants to 12)  call it mother natures way of limiting me to the amount of plants.. after taking SOIL and PEST management classes, the were able to find out it wasn't soil borne but rather on the plant... but now knowing what it is.. i am almost sure it is something that i can just get rid of and last year...
Ok folks, I'm making my own soil and heres what I got #1. 4.4cu ft of Peat Moss #2. 2cu ft top soil #3. 1cu ft mushroom compost #4. .75 cu ft steer manure composted #5. 1 cu ft chicken manure #6. 1 large bag of perlite #7. 2 small bags of vermiculite #8. 1 small bag of dolimite lime #9. Fetilome HydroStretch Soil amendment for less watering. This is my first time creating my own soil and I need thoughts on the mix I will be creating. Also I need to know how much of each to add in to make a large batch? Thanks for your input and your time! Happy 4th weekend everybody! ☺☝
Just thought I would put a grow log together. Plants in the ground: 7 reaper 4 Duffy 3 Judy's 5 jays peach 4 wartryx 2 black bhutlah scorpion 2 BOC mine 1 reaper x jays rgs 6 BBM 2 BCMSR 4 Devils brain 2 Devils horn 1 nagareaper mine 2 yellow primo 2 gator jigsaw 2 douglah x bhutlah 4 chilipen x reaper coach spencer 5 leopard pepper 3 jalapeño red 4 cayenne 1 moruga scorpion(Duffy) x bbg7 mine (anyone need seed let me know free) they are last your but I have a ounce) 3 bleeding Borg 9 1 ch Borg 9