• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
IF YOU HAVE A LIBRARY AND A GARDEN WHAT MORE DO YOU NEED? Workin on the library. Got two bookshelves and three large storage bins for $100. Making big progress. I may be able to plant seeds tonight. Now I will have room for the seedlings in the library. Library is a cat free zone ( its ok I haven't taught the cat to read yet anyway.) Seedlings will be safe. Thanks for joining me on my journey!!! This glog will be picture heavy and full of lots of highs and lows. ( my life tends to rollercoaster quite a bit) If you have followed my last two years here at THP you know that we are in a new double wide trailer and I now have space for a decent garden. My seedlings will start off in the library and eventually either enter the 10 foot X...
Hi! Starting a new glog here. Skipped 2016, not growings but keeping here a decent glog was too much. Been pretty sick and so on. Okay? I start by a small list what I´ve already sown.   C.pubescens   Rocoto Java PI 585273 Montufar Rocoto Peru rojo Pisac amarillo Rocoto Peru Puno Orange Rocoto San Pedro Orange Rocoto de la Selvas centr.Arequipa Rocoto Oculto Giant Rocoto Red Arequipa Giant Rocoto Orange Arequipa Big Brown Rocoto   C.praetermissum   Manchas pretas Cumari alongado   C.eximium   CGN19198 CAP500 CAP503 CGN21502    C.annum var.glabriusculum   Tepin Tikal Guatemala   C.baccatum                                                                                                                Aji cristal Lemon drop Omnicolor...
Tomatoes /Semillas/ Ananas Noire Arkansas Marvel Aussie Black SeaMan Burrackers Favorite Carbon Cudo Zemli Dikaja Rosa Giant Belgium Hillbilly Pineapple RAF Arbuznyj     Peppers /semillas + PuckerButt/ 7 Pot Primo Orange Apocalypse Chocolate CGN 21566 Chocolate Bhutlah Scorpion x Lemon Drop Elephant Habanero White Giant HP22B Orange Jalapeno Giant Jigsaw Moldavian H x Purple Bhut PI 281317 Habanero Hot Lemon Aji Charapita Barbados Pepper NuMex Lemon Spice Borg9 Bleeder PDN x Bhut Jolokia Peter Pepper Yellow Mini Rocoto Rocoto de Seda Rocoto Giant Rocoto La Paz Rojo CGN 21500 Not Pink Tiger
2016 Indoor Kitchen Micro Garden
The 2016 outdoor growing season is over here in NJ, so I decided to renovate a kitchen cabinet and make a micro garden to keep some peppers in for the winter.   The space is approximately 1 ft deep, 4 ft long, and 2 ft high.  It is lit by a 2 lamp  108watt t5 ho fixture and has a small fan for air circulation.  I installed a removable window screen in the face of the cabinet to diffuse the light a bit and help prevent any pest issues.   The plants are growing in a wicked soiless mix in #2 nursery containers, I used a wick to help with any potential PWC issues and assist with monitoring the moisture levels.   I am growing a Jamaican Red Chile, Orange Habanero, Carolina Reaper, and Chocolate Habanero along with a random houseplant rescue...
GIP 2016 grow
Well i guess i should finally get around to doing a Glog this year.   where to start...   I guess we will start with my Grow list for this years Peppers    in mostly no order ;   Amish Bush, Aribibi Gusano, Bishops Crown, Bolsa De Dulce, Bradleys Bahamian, Cereja, Chacoense, Chocolate Bhutlah (Italian), Grenada Seasoning, Habanero Galapogense-Isabella Island, Naga Morich (Orange), Pipi de mono, Primo (Yellow), Queen Laurie, Trinidad Perfume, Yellow Hand Grenade, Aji Arnaucho, Aji Dulce # 1, Aji fantasy (white), Aji Fantasy *(yellow) Aji Limo, Aji Mango, Aji Margaretino,  Aji Melocoton, Aji Omnicolor, Aji Auchapan (probably misspelled), Aji Jobito, Black Fatalii, Billy Boy Douglah (yellow), Peach bhut SS, 7 pot Peach, B.O.C...
So It Starts Again Canes1 2017 Grow
Started this years grow with some Ghosts, Scorpions, Reapers (thanks Frank/Moruga for the seeds), Tabasco's, a few 7pots, Antilles Caribbean and a few Peter Peppers for now. I have to get the next batch in soon, more Antilles, Habaneros, Scotch Bonnets, and Pimentos. Everything looks to be coming in good and I started them a lot earlier than last year so I hope to get a lot more fruit. And thanks to everyone who helped me last year on my first grow. You guys are great .
I just joined this awesome board and i love it ... so much info and so many willing members... this is my first glog... so i hope it all goes well.. I have more varieties coming from semillas but while i wait .. im starting some  PS... how can i post pictures.... Can someone pls help me out with that.. thanks or guide me if possible :)    Rocoto  (peru) Aji Amarillo  (peru) Aji Guajillo  (mexico) Ancho Peppers (mexico) Aji Mochero  (peru) Bhut Jolokia  (India) Aji Panca (peru)  :dance:
Marvin's 2nd grow
Here we go second grow of hot pepper!!   Last here i was total noob but following your tips here made the experience straith forward and grow was out of control!!  :dance:   This year i decided to go with more variety but less plants for each, last years i had 60 plants and it was way to much to use thru the winter, so i decided to reduce but it didn't go as planned and i am now with over 100's plants hahahaha.   I used seeds from my best pods, Pepper north and tried some from Duffy this season...   I have moved at my gf appartment so i need to built a new setup , but the plants will go at my parents house like last years ...     This is my diy fixture with 6 t5ho with nanotech reflector, do you think the light will be strong enough...
I am going to try and do a Glog this year.  This is my initial grow list and I am sure it will change once I see what seeds are left from the Chris Phillips auction.   Aji Jobito -- Lindberg Aji Llaneron -- Lindberg Aji Margariteno -- Lindberg Aji Pepon -- Lindberg Aji Rosita Red -- Lindberg Aji Risito Yellow -- Lindberg Bahamian Goat -- Jamison Billy Biker Jalapeño -- Burpee Brown BBG7 --Romy6 Caramel Brainstrain --Romy6 Chocolate Habanero -- Juanitos Cumra Cherry -- Pepperlover Friarello Di Napoli -- TC saved seeds Guajillo -- Unknown Hot Rod Serrano X CBBG7 -- FreeportBum Jimmy Nardello -- TC saved seeds Marconi -- TC saved seeds MOA Scotch Bonnets -- TC saved seeds Mystery Citrus -- GrantMichaels Mystery Wine -- Joyner Numex Big Jim...
Well I finally plucked up the courage to start a growlog. I'm in the UK, a few miles south of Manchester, roughly the same latitude (so light levels) as Edmonton, Alberta. I've been a forum member here for a few years now but lurking, rather in awe of what folks achieve.   Here goes; I have 3 growing areas, work, greenhouse at home, greenhouse at my mother's home.   Work. 6 plants (5 overwintered) in a recirculating SWP system in front of an east facing window. The plants are in 3 litres of compost over 1 litre of clay pebbles in a 4 litre pot. There's a wick into a channel below that has a recirculated nutrient solution. The plants at the moment are under a horticultural fleece. The nutrient solution is warmed to about 5C above ambient...
Starting 2016 I lost all my peppers while on vacation due to my garage temperature falling below freezing. I was finishing up my degree in the spring as well and moving for a job so 2016 was a loss.    I found that during the move I lost several packets of seeds, but I have planted 14 varieties today   Long red and orange thai pepper Lemondrop  Aji Pineapple TFM Scotch Bonnet Yellow Fatali Black Hungarian Padron Brazilian Starfish Chocolate hab. Bishops Crown White bullet hab. Purple Lagann  Biquinho   I am in an apartment, but friends have a garden at their house near by, that these peppers will be moved to when it is time. I hope that this year is good as the first year I grew peppers. Wish I had yellow scorpion, peach bhuts, and MOA...
    At this ridiculously late time of year, I'm trying to start four habanero seeds and two seeds from a chile plant of completely unknown variety!  I'm also starting six cassia seeds, but that's not a chile plant, so I'll focus on the chiles here.     The backstory - I guilt-tripped myself into this.  I harvested the habanero seeds earlier this year from either my oldest or second-oldest habanero, probably my oldest - it produced many more fruit this summer - and I may have just inadvertently killed that plant.  The unknown-variety seeds are from the last fruit of a tiny plant that died about two years ago, probably also at my hands.  I'm going to do my best to make sure some of their children survive, at least.  Also, more selfishly...
ReelFunkedUp's First Grow Log
Hope I don't mess this up too bad. Thought I'd finally share some of my grow with you all. Nothing too serious, but I have a couple dozen plants floating around the yard. I've been keeping a photo record for myself since forever ago and have them uploaded online in case you feel like browsing through. Otherwise, I'll just post new stuff directly to here.   Multiyear/Overwinters: Peach Habanero Scotch Bonnet Bhut Jolokia Red Trinidad Scorpion Red Mysteries   Nov 2016 - Present: SB7J Scotch Bonnet MOA Red Ghost Yellow Fatali Black Fatali Jigsaw Harold St. Bart's  Peach Ghost Scotch Bonnet Foodorama Yellow Jamaican Hot Cholocate Rotoan Pumpkin 7 Pot Orange Trinidad Scorpion Long SR Aji Lemon Drop Since I'm in SFl, I don't have to worry...
First time glogging, first time in a real garden
Welcome to my glog! This is my first time documenting a season and I'm looking forward to seeing my garden develop and learn as much as possible along the way. After my little balcony grow last season I decided to get an allotment. Sadly it had been neglected for over 4 years so there was quite some work to be done.   Before: Halfway there: Still need to take a picture of the finished place.   Thinking about doing 1/3-1/2 peppers and rest "normal" veg + the plum tree that's already there.   Here's my growlist so far: Aji lemon drop Aji ahuacapan Jays peach ghost scorpion Chocolate bhutlah Nagabrains red Cheiro creme Fidalga amarillo Aji pineapple Wartryx VA Gator jigsaw (Thanks moruga welder!) Scorpernero (Thanks d3monic!) D3monic...
bpiela's 2016 Glog
Had a hard time following the weather reports here in NJ this year (actually didn't pay attention) and a frost killed the garden before I could dig up plants and bring them in to OW.  I did grow some peppers in containers so I decided to move the best of them inside.  Thus, I am OW'ing the following:   Trinidad Scorpion Chocolate grown from seeds from Baker's.  This plant did well in the container but really never produced any pods.  If I can keep it alive, it will kick butt next season. Habanero White Bullet grown form seeds from Juanito.  Got plenty of pods from this guy and I am happy to OW it.  Still plenty of pods on it and I plan on harvesting them. Cayenne Red that I purchased from a local store.  This plant was large for a store...
Hello everyone,   Since last year was a blast for in-ground peppers and potted peppers failed miserably. I think I'm headed towards planting all my peppers in ground. My community garden patch was much better the second year since I added so much amendments throughout the year: woodchips, grass clippings, leaf mulch, eggshells, homemade worm compost, compost tea, etc.   I have ordered seeds from Semillas La Palma and UK Chili Seeds:   Aji Limo  Jamaican Hot Chocolate  CGN 22835 Round  Wild Brazil  Chupetinho  CGN 22163  Canario  Giant Rocoto  Mini Rocoto - PI 387838  King of the North X 2 Punjab  Early Jalapeño X 2 Pusa jwala  Pequin  Peter Pepper Red  Brazilian Starfish  Nepalese Bell   And    White Bhut Jolokia Kashmiri Mirch X 2...
Chillichump 2017
My first proper grow log! I start by soaking seeds in some weak tea for about 6-8 hours, then I plant them into a heated propagator directly in compost. Most other years I have used Coir pellets, but giving this method a go this year due to the sheer number of seeds I am starting.   List of peppers I am growing this year:   Planted on 10th January: Carolina Reaper Aji Crystal Anaheim Habanero: The Monster 7Pot Primo Habanero 7Pot Elephants Probiscus Yellow 7Pot Brain Strain Cherry Bomb White Bhut Jolokia Ramiro Piri Piri Zimbabwean Birds Eye Caramel Bhut Jolokia Chocolate Bhut Jolokia Georgia Flame Trinidad Doughlah Jalapeno   Planted on 11 January: some more Zimbabwean Birds Eye Numex Big Jim (seeds from 2012) Katie Naga (seeds from...
This will be my first ever glog and I personally think it is going to be fairly interesting. As it is relatively difficult growing peppers in Denmark, I have attempted to find varieties that should be suitable for the cold, short-summered north. Undoubtedly this season will be filled with failures, I have grown very few of my selected varieties, and will be unleashing the majority of the plants in the dirt. I am still waiting for a couple of seed shipments, by this is my current grow list:   C. Annuum: Amarillo Chiltepin Cappuccino Chiltepin CAP 872 Chiltepin Goats Weed Guatemalan Chiltepin Numex Bailey Pequin Siberian House pepper   C. Baccatum: Lemon Drop Not Parvifolium PI238061 PI260567   C. Chacoense Cobincho   C. Chinense: Bhut...
Well, here I am.   Stumbled across your wonderful site by accident and signed up despite being the opposite side of the Atlantic to most of you. I have to say, I am really impressed. I've seen many recipes I'm tempted by, soem of the home brew forums I might be able to add to (I dabble in traditional Scrumpy Cider recipes, including a rather punchy Ghost Cider as well as developing my own ales) but my main reason for being here is growing exceedingly hot chillies.   I've had very limited success in the past, occasionally by luck getting a great crop from the odd plant but this year I intend to go full on and try and get a good harvest of all the varieties I'm growing over here.   First thing I have done is invested in a heated...
2016 is Ohjay's year of the habanero
Last season was a great learning experience as a first time grower and hopefully I've learned a few things to make this season even better. My main let down last season was the relative small harvests I got from most plants. Granted, growing indoors and it being a bad summer didn't help, but I think there could have been a few things I could've done to help the plants be more productive. So this year I'm going to try a few new things.   First things first though, my grow list(seed source in parenthesis): Habanero Paper Lantern (Comptine) Habanero Hand Grenade Yellow (Comptine) Habanero Roatan Pumpkin (Comptine) Habanero Manzano (Comptine) Habanero Antillais Caribbean (Comptine) Habanero Chocolate (PL) Habanero Gambia Orange Habanero...
Hey all,   Good to be back !! Been on and off for some times and got married with a great wife!   I hope I'll be able to grow at least 75% of the list below. The list is not full I'll try to update it in few ours :) First I want to give a big thank you to HP mamber here that answer my call for seeds. this mamber is "Magged Out".   Thank you for all the seeds you send me and in good shape! I hope I'll be able to repay you.   This time I'm trying to use only rockwool cubes for germination and then move to soil. All the grow will be organic and with humus liquid organic fertilizer that a family mamber is made for us 100% and the dosing ratio is 1L for 20L of water (1:20)!!! I think to start with him mass production worldwide but at the...
Hi everyone. I figured I should make a grow log since I'm adding more varieties of peppers (and other things) this year. My husband and I have had a garden for about 3 years now. I want to start adding new things each year, but apparently I've more than tripled what I'm planning to grow this season since last season. :) Here's a list of peppers I'm planning so far this year: - Chocolate Habanero - Carolina Reaper - Orange Thai - CPR (Carolina primo/reaper from ButchT.com) - Jalapeño - Sweet banana - Habanero - Cayenne Tomatoes: - Mortgage Lifters - Roma - Early Wonder - Early Annie - Druzba - Buckbee's New 50 Day - Hawaiian Pineapple - Andes - Kellogg's Breakfast - Amish Paste Others: - Straight Eight Cucumbers - Lemon cucumber...
windchicken 2015
It was from my own inaction that I missed so many of my awesome THP friends over most of last season…I will not lie, it's much more convenient to post pix—and do just about anything—on that other very popular social media site, but there's no place there to maintain a grow log…Those of you who have not fallen prey to that particular internet time-waster of which I speak and have remained loyal to THP have my greatest love and respect…I pledge today to maintain this glog throughout the complete 2015 grow season!    Last weekend (January 10 & 11) I sowed most of my C. chinense seeds: 4 x 18-cell trays, 72 x 3" wide cells. The sprouting medium is Fafard Super Fine Germination Mix. The light stand is Harris Seed's "8 Tray 2-Tier Combo"...
2016 Grow Start
Been starting some seeds, the first is the Jalapeno, used fresh from the Red ones and only 50% came up, glad I soaked them first to see who would sprout. Planted them in soil and they have come up so , so far so good :) My Aji Lemon after a long struggle with Aphids  is finally looking good, so Im breathing easier now with him :)  
R014ND3R's 2013-2015 Glog
Hi, I am growing chilies since 2009 here in Hungary, this will be my first year as a commercial grower. I am documenting the progress mainly for myself, but I thought it would be fun to share it with you guys. :)   Grow list: Planted in the greenhouse: Capsicum annuum: 001 - Jalapeno (2.500 - 5.000 SHU) 002 - Jalapeno [Early] 003 - Jalapeno [Giant] 004 - Jalapeno [Orange] 005 - Jalapeno [Purple] (3.500 - 6.000 SHU) 006 - Hungarian Black (1.000 - 2.000 SHU) 007 - Hungarian Death (30.000+ SHU) 008 - Krishna Jolokia 009 - Jwala - Indian Finger Hot (20.000 - 50.000 SHU) 010 - Black Scorpion Tongue (50.000 - 100.000 SHU) 011 - Wild Tepin (50.000 - 100.000 SHU) 012 - Berbere Brown 013 - Thai Dragon (50.000 - 100.000 SHU) 014 - Royal Black...
Eric's Indoor Grow 2016-17
Introduction I have been a long time lurker of these forums and have found a vast amount of useful information here. I decided to start posting on this platform to keep a log of my trials and tribulations into the world of growing hot peppers indoors. I have tried a few hydroponics methods had a few successful grows from seeds to pods using the Kratky and DWC methods. Those first few grows were also entirely done using fluorescent lights (T5HO). After a little while, monitoring and adjusting water parameters daily got old pretty quickly and I set myself on a quest to find a less "involved" method that could still produce some decent yields. Along the way, I upgraded my light system to a 600W High-Intensity Discharge setup. Fast...
Coach's 2016 Glog
I just read my first glog post from last year again and was embarrassed. Last year was the first year I grew peppers from seeds and learned a flipping ton from this site & this site alone, really. I had a lot of experience gardening but there were a lot of tricks to growing peppers from seeds that I had to figure out. Once I dialed it all in, it was smooth sailing. I ended up with 280 plants & 180 varieties in 2015... thousands & thousands of pods and very few problems after they started growing true leaves. Beginner's luck. I grew a lot of things I didn't care for and others that were OK but unspectacular, along with finding some really outstanding varieties. I learned A LOT in the past year- not that I don't have plenty more to learn...
Bulldog's GLOG
I am SO impressed with this website! I'm glad I stumbled upon it! Now, I am so happy I stumbled upon this subforum! I've been gardening for about 8-10(?) Years. I always threw in a few Jalepeno peppers. They literally grow like weeds here in south Louisiana! So I never had to do very much. Jowever, last year was my first year really growing. My son is now 16 months old, so it's given me a good "escape" from the house! I'm trying to save my favorite Tabasco pepper from last year. My peppers I overwintered did fine, until about 2 months ago when they got nailed by aphids. Never dealt with those before! I've done everything I can. I lost most, but the Tabasco is coming around. So far I've grown: Jalepeno Bells Tabasco Habaneros (all...
List My plan is to have a smaller number of varieties with 10+ of each plant so i can get a decent harvest.   wholesale aji gold wholesale hab choc wholesale hab mustard wholesale hab peach wholesale hab white bullet wholesale hab paper lantern wholesale manzano CARDI moruga red CARDI west indes red CARDI scorpion red CARDI scotch bonnet (moa) Feltrin bico biquinho Feltrin ouro cumari do para  Feltrin malaguetinha  Feltrin bishop hat Tastynl choc nagabrain f3  Tastynl scotch brain f4 Tastynl bbg red Tastynl bbg yel Tastynl bbg br Tastynl bog9 Semillas aji pineapple Semillas aji starfish Semillas aji omnicolor Semillas santa rosa blanco PI 257142 Semillas trinidad perfume Semillas red bhut II Semillas peach bhut Semillas choc bhut...
The Pacific Northwest GLOG 2016
Today launches The Pacific Northwest GLOG 2016, geared towards growers from this region.    Oregon Washington Alaska Northern California Idaho Montana Wyoming British Columbia   I am from the Rogue Valley, in southern Oregon.  Here's the Rogue River in Winter.           It's only 12/15, but maybe you guys have your lists made up already.  Not me, yet.  All I know for sure this season is, no chinenses, and less of everything else.  Might go heavier on the New Mex varieties.   
HI all, Been a LONG time since I've been active on here (5 or so years) but the bug has bitten again and I'm back. Had a late start to this years grow, but living in tropical North Queensland, I should still fair pretty well.   So far I have planted around 26 or so Varieties. I have 32 large jiffy pellets with 3 seeds per pellet. Ill post pics when I figure out how again... If there is a pinned post somewhere I would love a link... Anyways what I have so far are; 7 Pot Barrackpore Yellow 7 Pot (my second favourite) 7 Pot Caramel TS Moruga Black Naga Scorpion Orange Choc Scorpion Naga Viper MA Wartryx Brain Strain BOC Yellow Moruga 7 Pot Chaguanas Carolina Reaper (lots) Butch T Brain Strain Yellow Yellow Bhut Monster Naga 7 Pot Infinity...
Devv's 2015 - 16, Life is good!
Well here we go again!   I just got finished planting seeds for 70 plants. Scaling back a bit this year; last year was a lot of work! That and I have to do more than garden this season ;)   My apologies as I can't remember shit where I got all the seeds from. Some were harvested from pods some I saved, and some were sent to me. I can say this 99% originated from the most generous THP members!   Without further ado, here's the 2015 list:   Red 7 Pot Lava: Mikey Black Thai        : Mikey Yellow Jonah  : Mikey Jack’s Choc Superhot: Mikey Red Bhutlah   : Mikey Tepin x Lemmon drop Pimenta Lisa : Stefan Brazilian Starfish Bell Poblano Billy Biker Jalapeno Jimmy Nardello Bishops Crown Sweet Hungarian Paprika Bahamian Goat Urfa Biber Jelly Bean...
This year I started very early because most of my plants will be Capsicum Pubescens  First plants are sprouted in August and  September. This is my list Rocoto Red 1            Rocoto Red 2            Rocoto Yellow            Rocoto Orange          Rocoto Amarillo         Rocoto  Peru Cusco  Rocoto Peru Bitdumi  Rocoto Marlene          Rocoto San Isidro                  Rocoto Guatemalan Orange Rocoto Guatemalan Red Rocoto Guatemalan Yellow       Rocoto Costarican Red.       Rocoto Costarican Yellow     Rocoto Peruvian Red.          Rocoto de Seda.                  Rocoto  Santa Natalia.          Rocoto  Macara.                  x 2  Aji Oro.                                 Aji Largo.                              Rocoto...
Grass Snake's 2016 grow
This year I'm growing some more common stuff that I can use in my cooking. The fence is to keep my dog and other critters at bay. The bed was filled with a high-quality mix made with native soils. The brick I had lying around from when I reduced the size of my flower bed in front of my house. Current grow list: Beefsteak tomato Roma tomato Jalapeño pepper Shishito pepper Green bell pepper Texas sweet onions Cilantro I wanna add a Cayenne type pepper, garlic and some Culantro real soon.
OCD 2016
Ok, I wasn't going to do a glog this year. So many projects going on with the house, but part of that is a new garden plot. So, I guess this is the best way to document progress. I'm running a drip irrigation this year to free up my time for other things. Last year I discovered Aerogardening. I started plants late last year I the Aerogarden. They ended up producing and being just as big as my Feb. starts. Sold on hydro! This year I acquired another AG from a thrift shop for $5. I hacked it with a bigger pump and planning on a led hack as well. Next year I'm running a bigger scale hydro setup with my DIY Cob Led build. Anyways I'm on my 3rd batch of AG starts. I'm growing lots of GoatsWeed, Carolina Cayenne, Thai, Chi-Chien, Sadabahar...
First seeds for the 2017 season have been sown end of September already.   It will end up with more than 220 varieties = aprox. 1600 plants and I hope I will have enough water in the next hot summer.   Around 600 seedlings have been transplanted so far and grow in 1 Liter pots. All others will follow as soon as they have sufficient size.   Temps are still ok with 17°C at night and up to 25°C at the afternoon. Lanzarote is a desert island with suptropical climate and I don´t aspect any  cool night until January-February.   Here is my 2017 list
JCW 2016
Heres the list.  Hopefully it will get smaller rather than bigger.   7 Pot Barrackpore 7 Pot Brain Strain Caramel 7 Pot Brain Strain Chocolate Strain 1 7 Pot Brain Strain Chocolate Strain 2 7 Pot Brain Strain Chocolate Strain 3 7 Pot Brain Strain Chocolate Strain 4 7 Pot Brain Strain Chocolate Strain 5 7 Pot Brain Strain Red 7 Pot Brain Strain x Assam Bhut 7 Pot Brain Strain Yellow 7 Pot Brown 7 Pot Bubblegum Bhutlah 7 Pot Bubblegum Caramel 7 Pot Bubblegum Chocolate Elongated 7 Pot Bubblegum Chocolate Round 7 Pot Bubblegum Cluster 7 Pot Bubblegum Elongated x JRGS 7 Pot Bubblegum MAMP 7 Pot Bubblegum Moruga 7 Pot Bubblegum Naga 7 Pot Bubblegum Orange 7 Pot Bubblegum Red 7 Pot Bubblegum White 7 Pot Bubblegum x Aji Jobito 7 Pot Bubblegum x...
Dennish 2016 - Bacca to the Future
No specific theme this year, as although I enjoyed sourcing and growing Fataliis last season I did find this a little limiting for other things I wanted to grow.  So this year I return to my usual eclectic mix of old favourites and new varieties I'm itching to try!   Current list updated 16/01:   I’ve decided to go heavy on c.baccatum this season, I just can’t get enough of the beautiful flavours and mid-range heat.   I’ve also been careful to limit my super hots and generally turned down the SHU wick a bit this year too, as to be honest I only have limited use for the face melters.   I’m growing out my own Lemon Drop x Aji White Fantasy cross… can’t wait to see what Lemon Drop Fantasy will bring and very excited about this, hoping for...
Okay, back in the saddle again.  I checked out of this forum last September, when my wife and I went on an 8-week vacation.  We had a blast, then I came home to two months of yard work to catch up on, and holiday season to contend with   :doh:      I just this week finished grinding up all the dry pods from last season.  Managed to get my seeds in to soak on Jan. 15th, and into the Jiffy Pellets on Jan. 16th. I'm going for fewer varieties this season, but 3 or 4 plants of most varieties that I grow out.  No small pod peppers this year, just too labor intensive for the results, although I have some awesome small pod powders laid away.   Speaking of which, I have so much powder I'm considering packaging and selling some this summer.   I'm...