• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
Hello everybody.   I am from Czech republic. Now we have season in full strength so I made some interesting videos from my Greenhouse.   At first there is video about new Hybrid variete NAGANERO F1 (Dorset Naga X Habanero Red) from my friend Czech grower LuckyLuke. These hybird matured very well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNcUFAiRBXs   Second video is about Jays Peach Ghost Scorpion mutant. This plant mutation is very crazy. This video you MUST SEE !! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIKT5ZL7D0Y   And Last video is about seeds selection for next season. Because I have only one greenhouse and lot of varieties inside I must do any separation of flowers for clean generation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKNW_-Jl60M
Tom's 24 plants in Southern New Mexico
Hi everyone.  This is my first G-log and my 2nd year growing peppers.  I have 24 plants in the ground.  I planted them the last week of April 2016.  I grew about 13 from seeds and the others I purchased as seedlings.     The List: (Capsicum type, Pepper Name, Source)   C. annuum Big Jim , Chile Pepper Institute 6-4, Chile Pepper Institute  ------***Died by wind storm****---- Joe Parker, Chile Pepper Institute Espanola Improved, Chile Pepper Institute Primavera, Chile Pepper Institute NuMex Twighlight, Chile Pepper Institute Rooster Sauce, secret source   C. baccatum Rainforest, Geonerd / OP   C. chinense Primo, peppersbymail.com Red Savina, chileplants.com   Purchased plants   C. chinense Reaper, chileplants.com Datil...
It's been a long time but am back! 2012 wasn't my year it was a trial and error kind of year. Mostly error though.hahaha ...... The whole chemical fertilizer stuff dint do to well with my clay soil or my potted plants. that year just sucked for me I kept running into problems after problems. After the topical disterbece we had destroyed my plant I just gave up . This year the other half wanted to start up a vegetable garden so we did .I desided we go organic and it turned out really good. We got tons of harvest out of it wich was pritty darn rewarding. . I basically dint plant peppers for almost 3 years. Later on in the year I threw in some peppers and to my suprise I guess Oganic is the way for me. The plants sure love them compost...
Bumper to bumper... Crop
So we had a soft frost a few days ago - and I finally had a time to harvest my small area loaded with plants. We are in the middle of a move so I don't have my kitchen scale but I did pick conservatively 3 lbs of peppers off my small balcony. The plan right now is to freeze my boatload of Jonah's and fataliis for a super secret sauce plan I have. And to cook with, dry, and eat the rest over winter. I just hope 3 lbs of peppers can hold me over.
Hello Ladies and Germs it's good to be back.   Just wanted to say a big thank you to the following members who helped make this years grow possible, Sorry if I left anyone off   Fiogga Scorched Moruga welder Romy6 GM Silver surfer Pic1 wayright ignite prodigal son winland jcw10tc TC1010 chiltepin Kingdenniz Bluesman smileyguy697 stc3248 mojo peppers mpicante Jamison GIP semillias SL        
this is the grow log for the bonchi challenge. i am trying to limit the rules down to a few. IF YOU ARE NOT FROM THE US YOU CAN STILL BE A PART OF IT YOU JUST WILL NOT BE ELIGIBLE FOR THE PRIZE THANK YOU. RULES. 1. everyone entered must have a seperate variety of plant. meaning if two people want to both enter a bhut jolokia. an agreement must be reached to where one person must choose a different type. if an agreement cant be reached the person who was first to reserve that plant gets to have that variety. 2. you must reserve your plant(s) on this thread asap. 3. limit of two different varieties can be reserved. 4. you must have 3 photos uploaded before or on the day of the end of the contest. one photo showing height of plant...
TXCG 2016
After a couple years without a garden I'm really looking forward to having stuff growing again. We're getting the community garden started back up at work & since we had a few members give up their plots I now have doubled my space and have two 4'x8' plots to work with. The new plot is in pretty sad shape compared to my original one so I have a lot of work to do in the next couple weeks to get things ready for planting out at the end of March.     Don't really have any pictures yet since I didn't start seeds this year but ordered 24 plants from Cross Country Nurseries. I had really good luck with the plants I bought from them back in 2013 so I'm hoping this year turns out at as well. I've never had plants get anywhere near as big in...
Hey guys.   I'm brand new to the field of pepper growing. My brother and I live together and we're both big pepper guys and love hot, spicy food. The idea just sort of came to me one day to grow our own peppers, and it all just sort of stuck.    In all honestly I've been looking for a hobby after my recent divorce and this one just sort of stuck with me. I've grown some basil in the past but wasn't very knowledgeable about growing plants (hurr durr, just water it and it grows). I did my research this time, looked up advice from indoor growers, and started my search for all the right stuff I'd need.   I love tending to my plants, but I gotta be honest guys, they don't look too hot (pun not intended). I'll give you the rundown on when I...
NeedsWork 2016 - Year Two
Happy New Year!  It's that time!  :dance: This year I am focusing on cayenne and white habs as they are our favorites from last year'.  Ground white hab pepper is like a step up from white pepper.  Very versatile.     Most of my pepper seeds are hitting the dirt ~2 months earlier than last year.  March 9th 2015 vs January 1st 2016.  Link to last year's glog.   I moved my grow box out to our  'sun' room.  It's more of a basement, without insulation, 1/2 above ground.  It isn't the most ideal place for growing but it will keep the dirt out of the house.  Temps are my biggest concern as the grow box foam insulation is only 1/4 inch.  Might have to double up...   My grow box is now 5' L x 3' T 18" W.  Step-by-step build instructions are in...
Hi there. I´m writing to share some news of the growing. Not a really detailed report, just some recent development. So, I was growing thai chilis, a likely-to-be-cayenne, a probably-to-be-jalapeño, another plant that was very similar to the I´m-sure-it´s-thai, and a still unidentified one. This is the post were we discussed the varieties, but of course the plants don´t look like that anymore: http://thehotpepper.com/topic/60849-i-cant-id-these-plants-can-you/#entry1331227   Well, the main news is that some of them are flowering, despite it´s still winter here. True, it´s been a not so cold winter: we had spring temperatures for the last 4 or 5 weeks. But I certainly wasn´t expecting flowers, let alone pepper development. On the other...
dddd's 2016 glog
Well, figured I'd start one.  I've been reading on here for a couple years and finally joined.    The Ghosts are going on their 4th year now.  Over winter them every year.  But due to space issues this will be the last year for them.  I will tell you....they have been a pain in the butt and a lot of research to get them to produce.  They still haven't gotten anything this year.  I think I'm having an issue with pollinators this year so far.  So.....spending time outside with a paintbrush and doing it myself.      These are the Carolina reapers I bought May 8th.  You can see in the picture above they have grown a bit.  These will be my new babies that I will over winter this year.   
DeNNiZ's Aint going out like that GLOG '16
Why i'm doing this again.. im not sure...as priorities get more complicated... and time is valuable to us all.. we start to eliminate  other priorities.     For those that dont know.. ive been dealing with one of my most troublesome pest.. and its called ERIOPHYID MITES... (go google it.. lol).  for 3 years it was a ghost.. and soon became known to me as PEPPER AIDS as it just kept killing all my plants (2 yrs ago i went from 200 plants to 12)  call it mother natures way of limiting me to the amount of plants.. after taking SOIL and PEST management classes, the were able to find out it wasn't soil borne but rather on the plant... but now knowing what it is.. i am almost sure it is something that i can just get rid of and last year...
Ok folks, I'm making my own soil and heres what I got #1. 4.4cu ft of Peat Moss #2. 2cu ft top soil #3. 1cu ft mushroom compost #4. .75 cu ft steer manure composted #5. 1 cu ft chicken manure #6. 1 large bag of perlite #7. 2 small bags of vermiculite #8. 1 small bag of dolimite lime #9. Fetilome HydroStretch Soil amendment for less watering. This is my first time creating my own soil and I need thoughts on the mix I will be creating. Also I need to know how much of each to add in to make a large batch? Thanks for your input and your time! Happy 4th weekend everybody! ☺☝
96strat 2016
Just thought I would put a grow log together. Plants in the ground: 7 reaper 4 Duffy 3 Judy's 5 jays peach 4 wartryx 2 black bhutlah scorpion 2 BOC mine 1 reaper x jays rgs 6 BBM 2 BCMSR 4 Devils brain 2 Devils horn 1 nagareaper mine 2 yellow primo 2 gator jigsaw 2 douglah x bhutlah 4 chilipen x reaper coach spencer 5 leopard pepper 3 jalapeño red 4 cayenne 1 moruga scorpion(Duffy) x bbg7 mine (anyone need seed let me know free) they are last your but I have a ounce) 3 bleeding Borg 9 1 ch Borg 9
Round Rock Texas Grow
It's that time of the year again......these are the habaneros I am growing this year. Everything went into the ground in April besides the two survivors from last years grow...more on them below ;). All purchased from chili plants.com. HABANERO CHOCOLATE HABANERO JAMAICAN RED PRIMO YELLOW TRINIDAD SCORPION CHOCOLATE REGINAS RED HOTS **** 7 POT BUBBLE GUM **** SUN GOLD HYBRID (cherry tomatoes) Okra Raspberry cauliflower Broccoli Strawberries So the good news is that the Regina Red Hots and 7pot bubblegum plants came back from last year. Regina is more like a bush while the 7pot plant is like a TREE! You can see how tall and wide it is in the picture with me. I am 6' tall for size reference. It has 60 + pods on it. Between my...
Jedisushi06 2014 Grow, Return of the JEDI
I started fairly early this year of 2013 for 2014.  I had a good garden season this summer and grew lots of super hots and non super hots.  I produced over 200 pounds of tomatoes for canning, and lots of cucumbers for pickles.  I used my last big tomato and pepper harvest to can salsa.  I plan on growing more plants this year and trying to grow some types i did not get around to this summer.  I also plan on growing peas, tomatoes, rhubarb, mixed greens, pumpkins, and non super hot peppers and thai chiles for drying.  Here's an updated list of what i'm growing so far.  I have plans for lots more peppers so stay tuned.  I want to thank all the great people on here that taken their time to send me seeds to grow, i want to give a shout out...
I live in Denmark and grow under these conditions: growing season is roughly from late May/early June to late Sept./early Oct. Average temps.: June: 59 F July: 61 F Aug: 61 F Sept: 54 F Av. Days with precipitation: June: 22 july: 23 Aug: 20 Sept: 22 http://www.weatherbase.com/weather/weather-summary.php3?s=160&cityname=Vejle%2C+South+Denmark%2C+Denmark&units=us   I start mid February, no artificial lighting, begin to bring out plants in my cold greenhouse from around April and plant out permanently from early June. It is too cold to grow chinense varieties outside, but annuums and some baccatums do alright outside in a sunny, sheltered position. I am trying to develop varieties that are able to cope with our cold summers, main focus is...
Newbie at growing and DWC!
Hi All,   First let me say I'm SUPER new to growing peppers and have never done any hydroponics before. Any tips, tricks, critique are greatly appreciated. I'm basically winging it and hoping for the best! I'm doing this 100% indoors as I live in an apartment. I love peppers, and love cooking. I am a big fan of making salsa and always wanted to make my own hot sauce! This is what inspired me!   My background is in IT and Electronics so this grow will be supplemented by many electronic projects.   My current setup is as follows.   Two-3 Gallon buckets. 2x4x5 Grow tent special off EBAY. 1x126 LPHx2 Air pump. 1 AgroBrite FL24 2ft 4 Bulb. Arduino powering a LCD display with temp/humidity. Ph meter I had already had!   Already after setting...
Blisters 2016 LED Coco grow
Back for yet another year! I've had two modestly successful grows with coco so far. I'm hoping to build on the knowledge gained and have an improved season (weather permitting) this year. At this point I've limited myself to a few basic peppers. I've got - Red Bhut - paper towel/baggie started Dec. 24th - Yellow Bhut - paper towel/baggie started Dec. 24th - Reaper - paper towel/baggie started Dec. 24th - though this one dried out while I was away and I'm not sure if the seeds are still viable - MoA Bonnet - yet to be started The paper towel and baggie method seems to be the most successful way for me to get seeds going so far. I've had very little success with rockwool. I still have some nutrients left over from previous years grow...
Blisters 2015 Coco Grow! Difficult start...
Now that the new year is upon us and I've received my order for seeds, I figured I'd at least start my glog for 2015. I'm on the fence for how many varieties to grow at this point because I have very limited space. I'm definitely growing Jolokia's and J-MoA's like last year. These two peppers are a favourite for both me and my wife. We dry the jolokia's, grind them into a powder and use it to make hotwings. They are fantastic! The J-MoA's are used for making Jerk sauce for chicken and pork. Credit for providing me seed for these two peppers goes to the extreme generosity of JJJ for the Jolokia's, and Jamison for the MoA's. They both provided me with seeds last year (2014) when I needed them most and when my season looked to be at it's...
Glog from South Florida
Hello from Florida! I am starting a Glog to document my progress on growing peppers. I bought seeds from Pepper Joe's, Peppers by Mail and rareseeds.com.      I was sprouting these inside on heating mats and humidomes, but decided to take them outside as the temperature and humidity seemed better.    I planted the seeds from Pepper Joe's first. I had poor germination, maybe 10%. I did not like the germination setup, so cannot say much about seed quality. I used miracle gro seeling mix which was horrible. I sprouted them indoors on heat mats.  Here are the Pepper Joe's seedlings..       I used Jiffy soil mix for the seeds by Peppers by Mail and rareseeds.com. I used peat pots instead of plastic pots and sprouted them outside under grow...
Good day,    It's mine first time posting here on the forum. This is also my first time growing Manzanos. GOAL To gain insight from other Manzano pepper growers and learn how to better cultivate this species.   WHAT THIS IS This is my first time growing Manzano peppers. This is a manzano project grown on our family's commercial pepper ranch (we call farms ranches, here in SoCal).   This log is a place for me to put down photos and technical data and for YOU to share your photos and data so we can grow better peppers!   THIS IS A CASUAL GROW LOG. I don't have the time to make it super formal and scientific.   Let's start some good dialogue on our experiences. I will try to answer any questions as best I can, but I may be a little slow in...
sonka's growlog
Since I'm quite new here, i would like to show some photos from this year's grow... I grew on a balcony and in a bit shady garden, with lots of reflected sunlight from the surrounding buildings, and still had nice pods.   how it all started...   growing on the balcony with nice view   padrón   thai hot orange   fried padróns   bahamian goat (started the season bit late, and this was the only pod on the baha plant)   sweet wrinkled old man, also loved it fried! moruga scorpion yellow with some yummy hungarian sausage   padrón harvest   scotch bonnet. this one was really prolific, don't know exactly which scotch bonnet variety it is, maybe someone can id it... had a strong "tutti frutti' flavor.   end-of-season harvest
So, this year, for some reason I have this strange urge to grow more. This urge isn't limited to 1 or 2 new plants even though I live and grow in a small apartment, this is the type of urge that will make my soon to be wife question my sanity (not that she hasn't already). The following peppers will have some form of real estate in my apartment (the anuums will be outside to be fair, but that is 'cuz they like to be annuals anyways).   Unstable Hybrid (year 2 woo) ✓ 3 Gallon Soil Peach Bhut ✓ 7 Gallon Soil Tomato Pepper ✓ 3 Gallon Soil Farmers Jalapeño ✓ Hydroponic, 2x 1 Gallon soil Tekne Dolması ✓ 3 Gallon Soil, 1 Gallon soil Costa Rican Yellow ✓ 7 Gallon Soil Chocolate Brain Strain ✓ Hydroponic 7 Pot Jonah ✓ Hydroponic, 3x 3 Gallon...
Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more....
Disclaimer:  Incoherent rambling and cursing to follow.     So, once more I subject myself to the sadomasochistic pain of growing peppers in Canada.  Not just growing peppers in Canada, but 'me' growing peppers in Canada.  The universe has repeatedly informed me that this will not happen, but have I ever been one to take a hint?  NO, NOT I!   I see this frozen wasteland in the middle of the plains and I say to myself, "Self, what does this whore-mother of a country need?  Why, it needs some desert plants!  MORE DESERT PLANTS!  Not even tropical, just something right from the middle of some f**king desert.  That is what I WILL FORCE TO GROW HERE THROUGH SHEER FORCE OF WILL!"   For those who have not followed along with my adventures from...
Slade's 2016 Texas Grow
Well, it's the new year, and it's time to get things going for 2016.   First up, last year's grow can be found here -> http://thehotpepper.com/topic/44060-slade122s-2014-greenhouse-glog/   I'm going to grow around the same number of plants as I did last year. Somewhere between 130-150.   I decided to do my starts differently this year. I'm going to start them entirely in the greenhouse, rather than starting them in my seed stand. I'm using 2 48"x20" heat mats. I'm planting in 3x8 cell layout "Landscape Trays" with dimensions  2.32"W x 2.2"L x 3.06"H. Last grow I used a ton of 2" individual cups. It was a really big pain, not doing that again. The only thing I'm risking is greater potential for disease and pest infestations, but I've...
Today marks the start of my 2016 – 2017 grow.   This year will be all about my crosses both old and new as I have some very special peppers to look forward too.   The majority of my plants will be F1 - F4 variety’s along with a few must haves. Along with my crazy hot crosses I intend to focus some resources this year on focusing on some cooler everyday varieties too.   I have overwintered several plants that where great performers last season so I should have some good yields.
I got started a bit later this year(by design). Now I'm regretting the decision to do so. Many of my plants are still tiny. My largest are only about two inches tall. Quite a few of my seeds germinated but the cotties struggled to uncurl or the terminal half turned brown.  Although many survived their growth has been slow.  It wasn't damping off but I wonder if to much water was to blame.   But, I am under way now.   While a few of these were started just to give to friends, I'll probably not be able to resist growing them all myself as well.   I'm pretty excited about this year's list. I am leaning a bit more to the sweet and sweet/heat peppers in deference to my taste for canned sweet-hots.   Corbaci Sweet Zololisty Sugar Rush Cream...
Brocoli's 2016 Chiliskies
Greetings,   I've never done a Glog before, and I am new around here, but lets go!   This year is my 3rd year buying seeds and starting them on my own. I have been buying plants at big box stores for years before that. Its also my first year with a heat mat and germ dome. Makes it alot easier for sure. Last year I started around March 1st in a terrible seed blend and it put me far behind, but they all eventually caught up. I also moved during that time as well. So this year we are gonna boogie-oogie-oogie! (ihope)   So far my house has peppers and herbs on all the window sills, and I am starting more. I have a front bay window that gets good amount of light, its currently holding the germ dome and heat mat, maybe a dozen peppers in 3.5"...
First time grower, outdoor, and trying to overwinter!
First time grower, only thing I have ever grown is a watermelon plant in my teens, all I did was dig up about a 6" circle of soil in the yard, pop a seed in, water often, and I had incredible results!  Many rediculous sized melons! I started late, and on a tight budget, and I don't have a yard, was living on a 1st floor apt, now on a 3rd floor, only receiving about 4.5ish hours of direct sunlight a day after moving to a 3rd floor :( My grow is tiny this year, I started with 2 already growing melon plants, and an already growing Jalapeno plant, I have since then added a pair of baby red bell pepper plants.  The baby bell plants were already around 18" tall or so, and one already had fruits started.  Next year I plan to start much...
PaulG 2015
Okay, time to get the 2015 grow season underway!   Round One seeding 01/01/15, 3 seeds per plug x 2.  Dates are hook dates (as of 2/5/15).   In Jiffy Plugs: Roatan Pumpkin……………………………...Honduran Market seed, 3rd generation………………1/8 x 1, 1/9 x 2, 1/11 x 1, 1/12 x 2….…100% Congo Trinidad Yellow……………………...Sanarda, 3rd generation…………….……………………1/8 x 1, 1/9 x 3, 1/12 x 1……………..…84% Fatali x Red Savina………………………….Spankycolts, 4th generation………..…….…..1/10 x 1, 1/11 x 2, 1/13 x 1, 1/14 x 1,1/20 x 1….100% Yellow Scorpion……………………………..Spankycolts, 4th generation……………………………..1/10 x 5, 1/11 x 1……………….……..…100% Scotch Bonnet TFM………………………...Trippa, 3rd generation…………………...……………1/9 x 1, 1/10 x 1, 1/11 x 2, 1/13 x 2…….…100% Scotch Bonnet...
Nightcrawlers 2016
Well I've started germing my seeds for this year, definitely ramping it up from last year's boring orange hab, Serrano, red jalapeno, baby bells. It's still quite a ways off from going into the ground up here in Maine, but I've got them going on a heat mat, and when they pop I'll put them under some led grow lights that I use for all my early veg. __________________________________________ Hold over plants from last year: 5x orange hab (still producing pods) 2x Serrano 3x jalapeno Pic of the habs, the rest are kinda boring right now, shells of their former selves. __________________________ Started germ on Feb-08 From baker creek heirlooms Bhut jolokia x5 Trinidad Scorpion x5 ___________________________ started germ on...
Spankys 2016 stripped down, strain poor, hot damn, return to the dirt GLOG!
Greetings everyone ! Just got my season underway here in Portland Oregon after sitting out while just tinkering a bit the past few seasons. This year is different in that I'm not growing out as many plants or strains as in the past. It was tough to resist that little voice that wispers what about this pepper or that strain or how about that cool cross so and so sent you but I seeded 72 rooters and managed to fight off that temptation .. well almost . I was gonna only grow 2 strains and 1 cross but while digging out my cross seeds I ran across some Jays Peach Bhuts which I had to include because the only other time I tried them the seeds sent me were crossed. These come from John Ford and he's never let me down in the past, but that was...
hotjohn's rookie indoor grow!
Really new grower here, but diving right in.   Got myself a 2 foot / 4 tube T5 balast with Agrobrite 6400k's in it (they came with).   Got a tiny 8" clip on fan, a cheap humidity/temp monitor, and and some grow light ratchets to hold the thing up.   Waiting on a 2x4x5 grow tent... so until that gets here, I figured I'd start a couple seeds.  Put 2 carolina reaper seeds into some peat pellets, in a plastic domed starter... on a small heat mat.     Got the light on a timer.     I read that peppers and peat don't necessarily get along, but I wanted to experiment and see for myself.   If I can get these sprouted, I'll transfer them into a couple 2 gallon dirt pots.   Ultimately I'd like to get a recirculating hydroponic kit, but still...
Waiting patiently, for the wild thing seed train to arrive. Then maybe I can decide on a final grow list for this coming season. I had intended on cutting back from the 170+ varieties I grew last year but realized a new fear that I may be growing in the range of 300 this year, (if sanity continues to elude me). Whats new this year is the plunge into WILDS.  I am planning to grow close to 2 dozen wild varieties and over winter them. Also in the works are plans to set up a banker plant system to maintain a constant supply of Aphidius colemani and aphidius ervi. This is the equivalent to nuclear/biological warfare on aphids   This will be year 2 for the landrace xalapas and serranos. I am hoping that everything will continue to grow true...