• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
Today marks the start of my 2016 – 2017 grow.   This year will be all about my crosses both old and new as I have some very special peppers to look forward too.   The majority of my plants will be F1 - F4 variety’s along with a few must haves. Along with my crazy hot crosses I intend to focus some resources this year on focusing on some cooler everyday varieties too.   I have overwintered several plants that where great performers last season so I should have some good yields.
I got started a bit later this year(by design). Now I'm regretting the decision to do so. Many of my plants are still tiny. My largest are only about two inches tall. Quite a few of my seeds germinated but the cotties struggled to uncurl or the terminal half turned brown.  Although many survived their growth has been slow.  It wasn't damping off but I wonder if to much water was to blame.   But, I am under way now.   While a few of these were started just to give to friends, I'll probably not be able to resist growing them all myself as well.   I'm pretty excited about this year's list. I am leaning a bit more to the sweet and sweet/heat peppers in deference to my taste for canned sweet-hots.   Corbaci Sweet Zololisty Sugar Rush Cream...
Brocoli's 2016 Chiliskies
Greetings,   I've never done a Glog before, and I am new around here, but lets go!   This year is my 3rd year buying seeds and starting them on my own. I have been buying plants at big box stores for years before that. Its also my first year with a heat mat and germ dome. Makes it alot easier for sure. Last year I started around March 1st in a terrible seed blend and it put me far behind, but they all eventually caught up. I also moved during that time as well. So this year we are gonna boogie-oogie-oogie! (ihope)   So far my house has peppers and herbs on all the window sills, and I am starting more. I have a front bay window that gets good amount of light, its currently holding the germ dome and heat mat, maybe a dozen peppers in 3.5"...
First time grower, outdoor, and trying to overwinter!
First time grower, only thing I have ever grown is a watermelon plant in my teens, all I did was dig up about a 6" circle of soil in the yard, pop a seed in, water often, and I had incredible results!  Many rediculous sized melons! I started late, and on a tight budget, and I don't have a yard, was living on a 1st floor apt, now on a 3rd floor, only receiving about 4.5ish hours of direct sunlight a day after moving to a 3rd floor :( My grow is tiny this year, I started with 2 already growing melon plants, and an already growing Jalapeno plant, I have since then added a pair of baby red bell pepper plants.  The baby bell plants were already around 18" tall or so, and one already had fruits started.  Next year I plan to start much...
PaulG 2015
Okay, time to get the 2015 grow season underway!   Round One seeding 01/01/15, 3 seeds per plug x 2.  Dates are hook dates (as of 2/5/15).   In Jiffy Plugs: Roatan Pumpkin……………………………...Honduran Market seed, 3rd generation………………1/8 x 1, 1/9 x 2, 1/11 x 1, 1/12 x 2….…100% Congo Trinidad Yellow……………………...Sanarda, 3rd generation…………….……………………1/8 x 1, 1/9 x 3, 1/12 x 1……………..…84% Fatali x Red Savina………………………….Spankycolts, 4th generation………..…….…..1/10 x 1, 1/11 x 2, 1/13 x 1, 1/14 x 1,1/20 x 1….100% Yellow Scorpion……………………………..Spankycolts, 4th generation……………………………..1/10 x 5, 1/11 x 1……………….……..…100% Scotch Bonnet TFM………………………...Trippa, 3rd generation…………………...……………1/9 x 1, 1/10 x 1, 1/11 x 2, 1/13 x 2…….…100% Scotch Bonnet...
Nightcrawlers 2016
Well I've started germing my seeds for this year, definitely ramping it up from last year's boring orange hab, Serrano, red jalapeno, baby bells. It's still quite a ways off from going into the ground up here in Maine, but I've got them going on a heat mat, and when they pop I'll put them under some led grow lights that I use for all my early veg. __________________________________________ Hold over plants from last year: 5x orange hab (still producing pods) 2x Serrano 3x jalapeno Pic of the habs, the rest are kinda boring right now, shells of their former selves. __________________________ Started germ on Feb-08 From baker creek heirlooms Bhut jolokia x5 Trinidad Scorpion x5 ___________________________ started germ on...
Spankys 2016 stripped down, strain poor, hot damn, return to the dirt GLOG!
Greetings everyone ! Just got my season underway here in Portland Oregon after sitting out while just tinkering a bit the past few seasons. This year is different in that I'm not growing out as many plants or strains as in the past. It was tough to resist that little voice that wispers what about this pepper or that strain or how about that cool cross so and so sent you but I seeded 72 rooters and managed to fight off that temptation .. well almost . I was gonna only grow 2 strains and 1 cross but while digging out my cross seeds I ran across some Jays Peach Bhuts which I had to include because the only other time I tried them the seeds sent me were crossed. These come from John Ford and he's never let me down in the past, but that was...
hotjohn's rookie indoor grow!
Really new grower here, but diving right in.   Got myself a 2 foot / 4 tube T5 balast with Agrobrite 6400k's in it (they came with).   Got a tiny 8" clip on fan, a cheap humidity/temp monitor, and and some grow light ratchets to hold the thing up.   Waiting on a 2x4x5 grow tent... so until that gets here, I figured I'd start a couple seeds.  Put 2 carolina reaper seeds into some peat pellets, in a plastic domed starter... on a small heat mat.     Got the light on a timer.     I read that peppers and peat don't necessarily get along, but I wanted to experiment and see for myself.   If I can get these sprouted, I'll transfer them into a couple 2 gallon dirt pots.   Ultimately I'd like to get a recirculating hydroponic kit, but still...
Waiting patiently, for the wild thing seed train to arrive. Then maybe I can decide on a final grow list for this coming season. I had intended on cutting back from the 170+ varieties I grew last year but realized a new fear that I may be growing in the range of 300 this year, (if sanity continues to elude me). Whats new this year is the plunge into WILDS.  I am planning to grow close to 2 dozen wild varieties and over winter them. Also in the works are plans to set up a banker plant system to maintain a constant supply of Aphidius colemani and aphidius ervi. This is the equivalent to nuclear/biological warfare on aphids   This will be year 2 for the landrace xalapas and serranos. I am hoping that everything will continue to grow true...
SeaDud's GLOG
First grow log, getting this started a bit later than my actual peppers. Grow List Aji Pineapple Aji Bishop's Hat Large Orange Thai MOA Scotch Bonnet Chocolate Habanero Peach Bhut Jolokia SS   Started Seeds - 2/22 Started in clear plastic egg carton under cheap 2-lamp two foot T8 fixture from Amazon. (Rotisserie chicken container had some lettuce/spinach I was playing around with) Fixture was finicky and wouldn't light properly without fiddling with the tubes.  Sent it back after 2-3 weeks.       Transplanted to solo cups - 3/5-3/10 Bought two 2-lamp two foot T5s from Home Depot and wired them to plugs and timer, 18 on 6 off. Much happier :) Also rigged up cardboard walls and foil in hopes to keep the box a little brighter/warmer.   ...
Finally, I will be putting together a grow based mainly on my preferences to taste and heat and not a blind ambitions of a newbie grower. Sometime today I will be sowing the upcoming seasons hot pepper seeds. I will be creating my grow list on the fly. I dont know if I can keep it under 100 varieties but that's the goal. 350+ last year was a 1st and a last of that magnitude for me, or at least til I get my plantation. A couple of varieties still elude me as they have not yet appeared on the seed train, Chocolate Reaper and chocolate Lava. I will be growing lots of chocolates this year and have my eyes open for these 2. List to follow.   But first, The festivities. Merry Christmas!   GALAPAGOENSE BHUT CHOCOLATE SMOOTH MORUGA CARMAL...
Shane's 2016 sort-of small grow log...
Starting this more to keep in touch with some of the amazing folks on here...but also because Jamie was awesome enough to send me some very cool seeds from different sources that deserve to be documented. As some of you know I just returned from deployment and have a crazy schedule these days. I "should" be home most of the rest of the year, so I am going to give the garden a shot this year.    Late start on the seeds but here is what Jamie sent...minus the dried pods which were some of mine from last year.   Last year I grew a bunch of wilds...and due to our mild winter and rainy fall, they still look like this.         Even last year's growdown plant (Large Orange Thai) is still (somewhat) kicking!!!   Grow list: P. Onore...
     Where the hell is this year going?! It's the 25th already? Good gravy. I should probably get some seeds going. Here's what's going in the dirt today:   1.) Bonda ma Jaques 2.) Fatalii orange 3.) Habanero Antillais Caribbean 4.) Habanero giant chocolate 5.) Mako akoksrade 6.) Peach Congo 7.) PI 281317 8.) Scotch bonnet elysium oxide 9.) Scotch bonnet Foodarama red 10.) Scotch bonnet MOA 11.) Scotch bonnet P. Dreadie 12.) Scotch bonnet TFM 13.) Scotch bonnet x Brain 14.) 7pot burgundy 15.) 7pot Primo orange 16.) Bhut orange Copenhagen 17.) Burmese Naga          I decided to go easy on the OWs this year, so I only kept four from previous seasons. I have a wild Brazil (5 gal), a Bahamian goat (7.5 gal) and a fatalii x Red Savina...
HotandHeavy's Modest Grow Log 2016
Hi all,   It's my third year growing peppers. I grow on my east/south facing back deck here in Toronto, Canada. As such, I don't have a lot of room to grow, although I do grow a few other veggies so I suppose I could grow more peppers than I do now...   Varieties I'm growing this year.   1) Brazilian Starfish  (thanks to Wolf1888 for the seeds!!) 2) Carolina Reaper (seeds from last year's grow) 3) Trinidad Scorpion (seeds from last year's grow) 4) Red Naglah (thanks to Valleyman for the seeds!!) 5) Mystery Ecuadoran Pepper (sent by my mom from the Andean region [Cotacachi] of Ecuador)   I sought to germinate my seeds in wet paper towel placed within ziploc bags. I started in mid-April but I'll start earlier next year.  My starfish and...
My first Glog
Hey everyone I am new to this forum but have learned so much good info and I feel like I am ready to dive in and start a log! I just received my seeds from mpicante and got em soaking for 24 hours before I sow in soil pods. Heres what I got! Thanks again mpicante! My small list of what I am starting off with: planted on 10/10/15 -Reaper -Chocolate scotch bonnet -Yellow brain strain 7 pot -Chocolate brain strain 7 pot (pepper lover) -Red brain strain 7 pot -Orange bell These were planted in the beginning of October -Orange habanero -Ghost pepper (pepper joe) -Trinidad scourpion (pepper joe) Most recently added: -CHEIRO ROXA -Giant red stuffed
Boba Dink 16
Well, here goes..... Hello all, I want to start out by saying, I really wanted to publish a grow log this year. I had started some of my pepper plants in late January, and a few more varieties in February. To make a long story short, due to work overload, this season didn't go as planned. So now that things have settled down, I thought I would share my (super hot rookie season) progress. Better late than never, right? All of my plants were doing great indoors, and were hardened off and moved outside in May. Most of them were still in solo cups, using the dual cup technique. I was finding it hard to find time to get my garden ready to put my plants in the ground, but managed to keep most of the plants alive. In June (YES, June) I was...
First time growing (indoor in apartment)
So I'm starting this a bit early, but I'll be getting in some seeds in a day or two. Background info, student in college, living in apartment with no balcony. Will have the plants right next to my bed on a windowsill to provide some natural light, will also supplement with the following lights: https://www.amazon.com/Zilla-Reptile-Habitat-Lighting-Fluorescent/dp/B000QFROMQ (for the time being) and then move onto the https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00AKKUD3Y/ref=ask_ql_qh_dp_hza once it reaches a few inches. This all will be rested on books so I can adjust the height as they grow. Heat mat will also be provided at 79 degrees to ensure that it doesn't get too cold. The reason for 79 as well is because the I expect the lights themselves...
Hey chili brothers and sisters,   This is my 3rd year growing peppers and I might actually take it a little more serious this year. I started 132 seeds 1/8/16. I planted 4 of most varieties and have at least 1 or 2 of each potted up. Here is the list most of the seeds this year came from JCW, and I had some left over from a few other members last year. Thanks again guys!   7 Pot Primo Yellow 7 Pot Infiniti 7 Pot Yellow 7 Pot Chocolate 7 Pot Burgundy 7 Pot Brainstrain 7 Pot Brainstrain Yellow Jonah's Yellow Brain Fatali Gourmet Jigsaw Goat's Weed X Scotch Bonnet MOA Red X Yellow Bahamian Goat Bhutlah Red X Naga Peach Naga Morich Devil's Horn Habanero Hand Grenade Red X Jim Weaver's Mustard Lightning Hab Hot Choclate Hab White Devils'...
I know this is very rudimentary right now but This is the first time ive kept a GLOG for anyone but myself. I will come back later and Tidy up the plant log as well as when things were planted.   Planted most tomatoes on 5/21/16 along with a few zucchini, squash, bell peppers, ghost pepper, Thai hot pepper, Cubanell peppers, and a few others.   Added dr earth liquid fert on june 1st (2-2-2)   Foliar spray with epsom salt june 7th   Started 3 new potted plants june 9th (chocolate habanero, cherry bomb, apache) Added to the 3 pots dr earth fert (2-5-4) same day   added garden blast june 12th    June 16th had a big windy storm and had to re steak some of my potted plants that got blown over (no issues with my inground plants)   june 17th...
Hotpepperguy Grow 2016 7 Varieties
Although i would of loved to of got my hands on some Moruga Scorpions of some Fetalii Jigsaws i had to grow what i had available at the time since i didn't have any time to wait for my order of seeds to get here. I have grown 6 different varieties of hot peppers with the hottest being my Caribbean Reds. I also have your standard Orange Habaneros growing along with these varieties/strains of Lemon Drops, Red Habaneros, Cayanne Peppers (Long Slim), and my Sandwhich worthy Serrano peppers. Here are the most recent pics of my garden, all 100% organically grown, in pots. My mini guide to help people grow better: I've been growing hot peppers for over 6 years now and i gotta say that my first two years was rough since i was inexperienced. Now...
Well, 2016 is here now so it's time to put up my initial grow list(just the new seed). 2016 PEPPER SEED LIST(New Seeds) Aji Brazilian Starfish (Buckeye) Albanian Red Hot (PepperLover) Antep Aci Dolma (Puckerbutt) Big Bomb (Reimer Seeds) Bob's Pickling (PepperLover) Brazilian Starfish Yellow (Puckerbutt) Bulgarian Carrot (Territorial) Bulgarian Carrot (Seeds & Such) Carolina Reaper (Buckeye)freebie Chilluacle Negro (PepperLover)freebie Colossal Hybrid Sweet Pepper (Gurneys) Cracked Jalapeno (PepperLover) Cracked Jalapeno (PepperNorth) Cumra Cherry (PepperNorth) Emerald Fire Jalapeno (Seeds & Such) freebie Fireball Hybrid (Territorial) Goat's Horn (PepperLover) Grande Jalapeno (Reimer Seeds) Guam Boonies (Reimer Seeds) Haitain Goat...
Zing 2016/2017
So this will be my 1st grow season.........Was suggested i start a glog, figured it was worth a shot. Who knows how long it will last however:D   Im an aussie so our season starts in a month or so (sept/oct - jan, ive begun indoors from seeds ive purchased / been given. Theres quite alot, i thought i would just grow the lot to replenish my seeds and downsize to ones i like the following season.   Current setup is an electric blanket on 24/7 ~28 deg, Cheap t5 fluoros hopefully moving outside in 2-4 weeks if weather permits.   Growing media is a full mix... trying everything from coir / rockwool / jiffy pellets.   Hopefully the names are okay... hard to read some peoples scribble :D   VARIETY...
Helvete's 2016 Organic Alaskan Grow
Hey everyone   I haven't been online much in the last 6 months.  I moved from Virginia to Alaska last year and have been working on getting myself settled here.       If you don't know me...you might be thinking it's a little crazy trying to grow tropical plants in a subarctic climate...but I've been growing gardens and farming in the south most of my life so it's not a mystery to me how to make it happen.  In fact, many many world record fruits and vegetables have been grown in Alaska.  (hint: it's the summer sun)   ...unfortunately peppers don't seem to respond well to the outdoor light stress when they're trying to bloom.    Fortunately, I know how to grow inside all the time.   A few years ago I really got into growing indoors using...
Aaron's keeping it simple grow
Hello everybody! I am a pepper beginner and this is mainly for my own personal use. I want to see how my plants have transformed over the season in an organized manner and a grow log seems like just the right idea! I am using Juanitos for my seeds this year because I have followed his glogs for as long as I can remember. Since I am starting very late I might as well grab some plants. April 21, 2016 Plants and seeds have arrived! Shortly after arrival I got the plants into their new homes. Baccto and Top Notch potting soils are what I have to use since the nursery doesnt have my promix yet. I got all three for 3 bucks at a local nursery because the sides were ripped wide open, I compared the weight to the unopened bags and it...
PlantPerson 2016 Grow Log
I am happy to finally be part of this group, I am growing 17 pepper plants this season and this will be the most plants I have ever grown at one time. All the seedlings are started in my homemade grow box and will later be put outside. I have a youtube channel I post weekly updates on in case you want to watch some of my videos here is a link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMo2R_BqaO6ujY5FhQKyYNQ/videos?shelf_id=0&view=0&sort=dd    Grow List:   White Fatalii Yellow Fatalli Cgn 21500 7JPN Black Scorpion Tongue Tabasco Trinidad Scorpion X Congo Brown Peach Bhut Primo Aji Pineapple Aji Lemon Tepin X Lemon Drop Trinidad Scorpion Cardi Chocolate Habanero MOA Scotch Bonnet
Hottoddy 2015 - 2016
This is my first full year growing in the Boise area. Last season turned out mediocre at best. Hopefully, I learned my lessons about the weather and soil differences and make the correct adjustments.   Here's the first 4 trays to germinate (72 plants). These are under a 4 bulb T5s. I've got another tray under the desk, and another 72+ in the germination station starting to sprout.     Closer shot of some of the early performers. While the T5s run much hotter, the plants seem to be growing out (sideways) better.     I'm also working part-time with a small, organic farm this year (5 acres). They supply produce to Boise restaurants, and even a local sauce maker. I will be in charge of the peppers. They are already growing about 5...
hey all! i'll keep it short and sweet - jumping in to the deep end head-first this year. will be my first grow season doing anything more than just putting some plants from the hardware store into the ground and letting them do their own thing.   following the advice given to me directly here, and also otherwise found all over this wonderful forum, i started building a grow-box-in-a-shelving-unit sortof thing last night. got the idea from this thread:   http://thehotpepper.com/topic/53268-first-glog-2015/     i have 10 little reapers going in small pots. also have two more that i had already transplanted into much bigger containers. bunch more seeds on the way   from Hippy Seed in AUS:   black cobra aji camba black thai tq Caysan Chilli...
Festering s grow log
I know it's a little late to start this year but it wasn't until the Royal Cornwall show in June that I got my first plant. A Royal black from the Wiltshire Chilli Farm stall. Well yesterday I found myself looking around Trelawny garden centre looking forward inspiration for a 4th of anniversary present for the wife, forth being fruit and flowers.when I found a shelf full of very sickly looking chilli plants , all marked down to around 50p. Well to cut a long story short I didn't find a present but I did pick up 15 plants.  I got: 3 Ubatuba Cambuci 2 Trinidad Perfume 1 Peach Bhut Jolokia 1 Hot Thai Dragon 1 Big Jim 1 Habanero Magnum 2 Habanero Burkina Yellow 1 Demon Red 2 Habanero Paper Lanten 1 Scotch Bonnet Big Sun Well after a...
DC Balcony Glog 2016
It's that time again! Just read through last year's glog and it was so helpful to have that record. This year I'm changing things up a bit. Cutting way back. I usually put 3 plants in each of my 20 x 20 pots. Some do great, some get crowded out and overshadowed. I only bought 6 from CCN this year and have 2 I over wintered. Each gets its own pot and extra attention. Hoping for huge plants and excellent output. Never had luck with jalepenos and hope this will solve. If not, next year I will go crazy again. The problem was deciding. Here's the list: Yellow Fatali - a must Chupetinho - grew 2 years ago from CCN, then from those seeds last year but they didn't grow true. Good, but not the jewels they can be. Ancho Hybrid 211...
Noah Yates' Pepper Patch 2016
 Frost has ended this season and its time to begin preparation for 2016.  I extremely excited about next season.  I have learned several important lessons from this last season in particular.... and although I "knew" the lessons before I experienced the consequences....  I made the mistakes anyway.     -dont go too big---you end up spreading your resources too thin... time, water, nutrients (including soil and amendments), space (for some people), etc.  This last season I had over 750 pepper plants alone.  I also was trying to grow 18 hills of watermelons, 15 hills of pumpkins, 9 hills of cucumbers, 8 rows of muskmelons, a 4mound x 16mound grid of corn beans and squash, and over 100 tomatoes.  I never even got around to planting the...
Yes, im still alive glog 2016
Been a while yall. Still alive, just super busy with life (had a daughter 10/14/14, we bought a house 6/2015) been growing a few varieties each year. We have a pretty big back yard so putting in raised beds. Made 2 ro do an test run, if it goes good we will expand and grow all kind of veggies. Test plants this year are. 7 pot carboruga, aji amarillo, 7 pot burgundy, choc borg 9, bleeding born 9, elephant ear, btr scorpion, bbm, choc brain strain, ma wartyx, serano, acorn squash, yellow squash, spaghetti squash, maters, baby sweet water mellon. Lloking to get a compost tumbler, and a worm farm going soon to replenish the soil.. I will try to keep this updated as much as i can. Surfing, 20month old daughter, house, not much...