Recent content by armac

  1. armac

    The 7-pot Rennie

    glad to see they are being grown
  2. armac

    Baker's Peppers. Enough already

    Same old stuff...
  3. armac

    Hola from Piedras Negras Mexico

    Eagle Pass
  4. armac

    Carolina Reaper and Joe

    Waiting for the whiner to come on and tell us about his thousands of Facebook friends and the fact that everybody is 'piling on', then insinuate the board admins are going to ban you all for roughing him up, and that 'will clean up the board'. as you can tell I have a little experience with...
  5. armac

    Carolina Reaper color?

    Do not feel bad, one my friends grew seeds from Puckertbutt and he got yellow pods too. Part of growing a "stabilized" pepper, that is far from stable.
  6. armac

    Pepper People are the Best

    Got some okra seeds that Butch T has been growing, supposed to GOOD>   Thanks Butch
  7. armac

    How can I get forum members to buy my peppers?

        best answer yet
  8. armac

    seed-plant-vendors Best Business Practices... BakersPeppers... $ 5,000 Facts... No Drama... Admins... No Trolls in this

    Rhody, interest free loans are not economically practical, but very nice of you. If you figure in inflation you are not even being made whole.
  9. armac

    Yellow Reaper Seeds

     Chris....... Tex Got them from Ed, he talked with Ed about them and sent Ed an box of yellow pods. They may have been one of the weird variety, but they were reapers.
  10. armac

    Yellow Reaper Seeds

    Tex16 had the first yellow reapers, he may have some seeds.
  11. armac

    seed-plant-vendors Best Business Practices... BakersPeppers... $ 5,000 Facts... No Drama... Admins... No Trolls in this

    When did the term 'pile on' come back into fashion?   Also the unrepentant borrower here, please read my signature, been there for a year or so.
  12. armac

    Pepper People are the Best

    thanks Kevin.......
  13. armac

    seed-plant-vendors Baker Peppers did me wrong!! Should have listened to THP and went with JUDY!!

    I had these guys pegged a long time ago, review any of my numerous interactions with both of these fine gentleman. Just took you guys longer to catch on.
  14. armac


    Judy is the best vendor we have, bar none. Always been great with customer service and the coolest peppers.